3,260 research outputs found

    Consistency of vanishing smooth fictitious play

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    We discuss consistency of Vanishing Smooth Fictitious Play, a strategy in the context of game theory, which can be regarded as a smooth fictitious play procedure, where the smoothing parameter is time-dependent and asymptotically vanishes. This answers a question initially raised by Drew Fudenberg and Satoru Takahashi.Comment: 17 page

    Hugues Faure, 1928–2003: The unique adventure of his life

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    Hugues Faure was not only one of the greatest pioneers of the study of the Quaternary and a man of outstanding personality, with the highest integrity, an uncommon strength of character, with a lot of kindness and generosity, but also a man who made his dreams, conceived in the inhospitable solitudes of the Sahara, come true. He was very young when he chose his way: barely 10 years old and his passion for geology already filled his life. It was in Africa, a continent he discovered at his earliest years as a field-geologist, and deeply loved, that he nursed and matured many of his most stimulating ideas on Quaternary environmental change. It was in the desert that he built up his exceptional personality and found his truth, which finally allowed him to accomplish his destiny. Hugues Faure was born in Paris, on the 11th March 1928, the son of a jeweller. The comfortable circumstances of the family were darkened by his father's death when Hugues was only 3 years old. As a consequence of this sad event, Hugues used to spend in England most of his school holidays far from his family. Then during World War 2, he lived the exodus on the roads of France, cycling under the bombs, with his dog in his basket. He was 12 years old, and it was the end of his youth. His passion for earth sciences had began before the age of ten, when he started collecting flint and fossils from the chalk of the Paris Basin, and decided to stop playing piano, so as to devote himself to Geology. Hugues graduated in Mathematics from Lycée Jacques-Decour in 1948, and in Sciences from the Faculté des Sciences de Paris Sorbonne in 1949. On the same year he enrolled as a geologist of the “France of Overseas”, then as a hydrogeologist at the French Geological Survey (BRGM) (1949–1963), so as to work in Africa

    Granitoid emplacement during a thrusting event: structural analysis, microstructuel and quartz-c-axis patterns. An example from hercynian plutons in the French Massif Central.

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    n the French Massif Central, the Rouergue–Albigeois area consists of three tectonic units stacked during the Hercynian orogeny. The structural analysis of the units and particularly the quartz left angle bracketcright-pointing angle bracket axis, textural and structural observations in the syntectonic Pinet-type plutons allow us to determine the deformation history. A first thrusting event, D1, is responsible for a southwestward emplacement of the high-grade Lévézou nappe, above the Lower Gneiss Unit itself overlying the para-autochthonous micaschists. In Late Devonian–Early Carboniferous, this stack of nappes experienced a second event, D2, characterized by a top-to-the-NW emplacement under medium pressure/medium temperature conditions of the para-autochtonous unit upon the Lower Gneiss Unit. During D2, the Pinet-type plutons were deformed by a shearing consistent with the kinematics recorded in the country rocks. In contrast to previous works, which considered the Pinet-type plutons emplacement to be coeval with the D2 event, we argue that the emplacement of the plutons occurred during the top-to-the-SW D1 nappe stacking. This work emphasizes the importance of the quartz left angle bracketcright-pointing angle bracket axis and microstructure analysis for the identification of the early structural history in polyphase deformed terranes

    The Saint-Georges-sur-Loire olistostrome, a key zone to understand the Gondwana-Armorica boundary in the Variscan belt (Southern Brittany, France).

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    In the southern part of the French Armorican massif, the Ligerian domain is located along the boundary between Gondwana and Armorica. Lithological, geochemical and structural data on the Saint-Georges-sur-Loire Unit, which is the northern part of the Ligerian domain, allow us to distinguish two sub-units. A southern sub-unit, formed by various blocks (chert, limestone, sandstone, rhyolite, mafic rocks) of Silurian to Middle Devonian age included as olistoliths in a Middle-Late Devonian terrigeneous matrix, overthrusts a sandstone-pelite northern sub-unit. Both units experienced two deformation events. The first one is a top-to-the-NW thrusting and the second one is a left-lateral wrenching. The Saint-Georges-sur-Loire Unit is an accretionary prism formed during the Late Devonian closure of the Layon rift, coeval with the main phase of the Variscan orogeny. The Layon rift, which according to the mafic olistoliths was partly floored by oceanic crust, appears as a buffer structural zone that accounts for the lack in Central Brittany of any tectonic or sedimentary echo of the closure of the Medio-European Ocean. The tectonic evolution of the Saint-Georges-sur-Loire Unit supports a polyorogenic model for this part of the Variscan Belt

    Definition of a New Level One Test Case Measurements of Equilibrium Radiation from an Inductively Coupled Plasma in the Near-UV to Near-IR Spectral Region for a Titan-Type N2-CH4 Mixture. Preliminary Results

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    A test case, using a similar methodology and experimental set-up than previous test case TC5-Level 1 is presented in this paper. An inductively coupled plasma torch, working at atmospheric pressure, is used to create N2-CH4 Titan-like plasma (98%N2 - 2%CH4). The operating frequency and power are 64 MHz and 3 kW respectively. This kind of apparatus allows obtaining plasma in chemical and quasi-thermal equilibrium The spectral measurements cover the [300-800] nm range and are performed inside the induction coil. Each interesting spectrum is calibrated and compared to the line-by-line spectral code SPARTAN used for the simulation of the radiative emission of entry-type plasma. Finally, a discussion is proposed about the nucleation phenomenon which is occurred in the ICP torch with the N2-CH4 plasma. Preliminary studies show the synthesis of nanostructured carbon on the quartz tube.Comment: Radiation of High Temperature Gases in Atmospheric Entry, Heraklion : Greece (2008

    Topologically coupled energy bands in molecules

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    We propose a concrete application of the Atiyah-Singer index formula in molecular physics, giving the exact number of levels in energy bands, in terms of vector bundles topology. The formation of topologically coupled bands is demonstrated. This phenomenon is expected to be present in many quantum systems.Comment: 16 pages, 3 figure

    Diversité des modèles d'évolution géodynamique au paléoproterozoïque . Comparaison entre le craton ouest africain et le craton de chine du nord.

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    International audienceL'évolution géodynamique au Paléoprotérozoïque reste un sujet débattu, les raisons principales étant le manque de datations, les différences d'interprétations structurale, et l'imprécision de la reconstruction paléogéographique du super continent paléoprotérozoïque vers 1.8 Ga. Schématiquement, deux modèles s'opposent
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