291 research outputs found

    Epigenetics as an Evolutionary Tool for Centromere Flexibility

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    Centromeres are the complex structures responsible for the proper segregation of chromosomes during cell division. Structural or functional alterations of the centromere cause aneuploidies and other chromosomal aberrations that can induce cell death with consequences on health and survival of the organism as a whole. Because of their essential function in the cell, centromeres have evolved high flexibility and mechanisms of tolerance to preserve their function following stress, whether it is originating from within or outside the cell. Here, we review the main epigenetic mechanisms of centromeres’ adaptability to preserve their functional stability, with particular reference to neocentromeres and holocentromeres. The centromere position can shift in response to altered chromosome structures, but how and why neocentromeres appear in a given chromosome region are still open questions. Models of neocentromere formation developed during the last few years will be hereby discussed. Moreover, we will discuss the evolutionary significance of diffuse centromeres (holocentromeres) in organisms such as nematodes. Despite the differences in DNA sequences, protein composition and centromere size, all of these diverse centromere structures promote efficient chromosome segregation, balancing genome stability and adaptability, and ensuring faithful genome inheritance at each cellular generation

    Pottery vessels and technology of “colouring materials” in the central-western Mediterranean (Sardinia, Italy) during the Middle Neolithic: An interdisciplinary approach combining use-wear and chemical-physical analysis

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    Despite the wide occurrence of colour deposits adhering to the surfaces of several artefacts (specifically, pottery and lithic tools) in Early and Middle Neolithic sites of the Western Mediterranean regions, the chaîne opératoire of colouring materials has not been frequently addressed by systematic techno-functional studies. Particularly, the relationship between pottery function and coloured contents is generally overlooked. In this paper, the use of colouring materials by Middle Neolithic (4500–4000 cal BC) societies in Sardinia (Italy) is investigated, focusing on the archaeological findings from the open-air settlement of Su Mulinu Mannu-Terralba (OR). The aims are to identify the kind of materials, to provide a first assessment of the production methods and to evaluate the role assigned to pottery vessels in processing, handling, and using colouring materials. For these purposes, we apply an interdisciplinary approach, combining analysis of lithic artefacts, use-wear analysis of pottery, archaeometric identification of the chemical and mineralogical composition of geomaterials and colour deposits on artefacts by PXRD, ATR-FTIR and SEM-EDS analyses, and biomolecular analysis of organic residues from pottery by GC-FID and GC–MS. This study reveals the use of haematite-rich ochre as the exclusive red colour-producing geomaterial, processed in situ with basalt macro-tools. Use-wear associated with ochre deposits on pottery vessels points to the selection of some bowls and jars, respectively for processing and storing ochre as the single content or, possibly, as an ingredient of composite products. However, based on our data, the addition of organic materials to ochre is not definitely demonstrated. Beside the preparation of pigments, the occurrence of ochre as content in pottery vessels could be related to a broader range of purposes, encompassing both the technical and the symbolic realm. Overall, these results provide insights both on the technology of “colouring materials” and the use of pottery in the practices of Middle Neolithic groups

    Heterochromatin protein 1 (HP1) is associated with induced gene expression in Drosophila euchromatin

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    Heterochromatin protein 1 (HP1) is a conserved nonhistone chromosomal protein, which is involved in heterochromatin formation and gene silencing in many organisms. In addition, it has been shown that HP1 is also involved in telomere capping in Drosophila. Here, we show a novel striking feature of this protein demonstrating its involvement in the activation of several euchromatic genes in Drosophila. By immunostaining experiments using an HP1 antibody, we found that HP1 is associated with developmental and heat shock–induced puffs on polytene chromosomes. Because the puffs are the cytological phenotype of intense gene activity, we did a detailed analysis of the heat shock–induced expression of the HSP70 encoding gene in larvae with different doses of HP1 and found that HP1 is positively involved in Hsp70 gene activity. These data significantly broaden the current views of the roles of HP1 in vivo by demonstrating that this protein has multifunctional roles

    Expression of human Cfdp1 gene in Drosophila reveals new insights into the function of the evolutionarily conserved BCNT protein family

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    The Bucentaur (BCNT) protein family is widely distributed in eukaryotes and is characterized by a highly conserved C-terminal domain. This family was identified two decades ago in ruminants, but its role(s) remained largely unknown. Investigating cellular functions and mechanism of action of BCNT proteins is challenging, because they have been implicated in human craniofacial development. Recently, we found that YETI, the D. melanogaster BCNT, is a chromatin factor that participates to H2A.V deposition. Here we report the effects of in vivo expression of CFDP1, the human BCNT protein, in Drosophila melanogaster. We show that CFDP1, similarly to YETI, binds to chromatin and its expression results in a wide range of abnormalities highly reminiscent of those observed in Yeti null mutants. This indicates that CFDP1 expressed in flies behaves in a dominant negative fashion disrupting the YETI function. Moreover, GST pull-down provides evidence indicating that 1) both YETI and CFDP1 undergo homodimerization and 2) YETI and CFDP1 physically interact each other by forming inactive heterodimers that would trigger the observed dominant-negative effect. Overall, our findings highlight unanticipated evidences suggesting that homodimerization mediated by the BCNT domain is integral to the chromatin functions of BCNT proteins

    Comparative Genomic Analyses Provide New Insights into the Evolutionary Dynamics of Heterochromatin in Drosophila

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    The term heterochromatin has been long considered synonymous with gene silencing, but it is now clear that the presence of transcribed genes embedded in pericentromeric heterochromatin is a conserved feature in the evolution of eukaryotic genomes. Several studies have addressed the epigenetic changes that enable the expression of genes in pericentric heterochromatin, yet little is known about the evolutionary processes through which this has occurred. By combining genome annotation analysis and high-resolution cytology, we have identified and mapped 53 orthologs of D. melanogaster heterochromatic genes in the genomes of two evolutionarily distant species, D. pseudoobscura and D. virilis. Our results show that the orthologs of the D. melanogaster heterochromatic genes are clustered at three main genomic regions in D. virilis and D. pseudoobscura. In D. virilis, the clusters lie in the middle of euchromatin, while those in D. pseudoobscura are located in the proximal portion of the chromosome arms. Some orthologs map to the corresponding Muller C element in D. pseudoobscura and D. virilis, while others localize on the Muller B element, suggesting that chromosomal rearrangements that have been instrumental in the fusion of two separate elements involved the progenitors of genes currently located in D. melanogaster heterochromatin. These results demonstrate an evolutionary repositioning of gene clusters from ancestral locations in euchromatin to the pericentromeric heterochromatin of descendent D. melanogaster chromosomes. Remarkably, in both D. virilis and D. pseudoobscura the gene clusters show a conserved association with the HP1a protein, one of the most highly evolutionarily conserved epigenetic marks. In light of these results, we suggest a new scenario whereby ancestral HP1-like proteins (and possibly other epigenetic marks) may have contributed to the evolutionary repositioning of gene clusters into heterochromatin

    the heterochromatin protein 1 positively regulates euchromatic gene expression by rna binding

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    HP1 is a well known conserved protein involved in heterochromatin formation and gene silencing in different species including humans1-4. A general model has been proposed for heterochromatin formation and epigenetic gene silencing in different species that implies an essential role for HP1. According to the model, histone methyltransferase enzymes (HMTases) methylate the histone H3 at lysine 9 (H3-MeK9), creating selective binding sites for itself and the chromodomain of HP15. This complex is thought to form a higher order chromatin state that represses gene activity. It has also been found that HP1 plays a role in telomere capping6. Surprisingly, recent data have suggested an association of HP1 in gene activity7-10 but the nature of this interaction is still completely obscure. Here we show, that HP1 is required for positive regulation of more than one hundred euchromatic genes by its association with the corresponding RNA transcripts and by its interaction with the well known proteins DDP111, HRB87F12 and PEP13, which belong to different classes of heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoproteins (hnRNPs) involved in RNA processing . We also found that all these hnRNP proteins also bind heterochromatin and are dominant suppressors of position effect variegation. Our data together, show novel and unexpected functions for HP1 and hnRNPs proteins. All these proteins are in fact involved in both RNA transcript processing and in heterochromatin formation. This suggests that, in general, similar epigenetic mechanisms have a significant role in the metabolism of both RNA and heterochromatin

    The “Special” crystal-Stellate System in Drosophila melanogaster Reveals Mechanisms Underlying piRNA Pathway-Mediated Canalization

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    The Stellate-made crystals formation in spermatocytes is the phenotypic manifestation of a disrupted crystal-Stellate interaction in testes of Drosophila melanogaster. Stellate silencing is achieved by the piRNA pathway, but many features still remain unknown. Here we outline the important role of the crystal-Stellate modifiers. These have shed light on the piRNA pathways that defend genome integrity against transposons and other repetitive elements in the gonads. In particular, we illustrate the finding that HSP90 participates in the molecular pathways of piRNA production. This observation has relevance for the mechanisms underlying the evolutionary canalization process

    Tolerogenic IL-10-engineered dendritic cell-based therapy to restore antigen-specific tolerance in T cell mediated diseases

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    Tolerogenic dendritic cells play a critical role in promoting antigen-specific tolerance via dampening of T cell responses, induction of pathogenic T cell exhaustion and antigen-specific regulatory T cells. Here we efficiently generate tolerogenic dendritic cells by genetic engineering of monocytes with lentiviral vectors co-encoding for immunodominant antigen-derived peptides and IL-10. These transduced dendritic cells (designated DCIL-10/Ag) secrete IL-10 and efficiently downregulate antigen-specific CD4+ and CD8+ T cell responses from healthy subjects and celiac disease patients in vitro. In addition, DCIL-10/Ag induce antigen-specific CD49b+LAG-3+ T cells, which display the T regulatory type 1 (Tr1) cell gene signature. Administration of DCIL-10/Ag resulted in the induction of antigen-specific Tr1 cells in chimeric transplanted mice and the prevention of type 1 diabetes in pre-clinical disease models. Subsequent transfer of these antigen-specific T cells completely prevented type 1 diabetes development. Collectively these data indicate that DCIL-10/Ag represent a platform to induce stable antigen-specific tolerance to control T-cell mediated diseases

    Understanding the Early Evolutionary Stages of a Tandem Drosophilamelanogaster-Specific Gene Family: A Structural and Functional Population Study

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    Gene families underlie genetic innovation and phenotypic diversification. However, our understanding of the early genomic and functional evolution of tandemly arranged gene families remains incomplete as paralog sequence similarity hinders their accurate characterization. The Drosophila melanogaster-specific gene family Sdic is tandemly repeated and impacts sperm competition. We scrutinized Sdic in 20 geographically diverse populations using reference-quality genome assemblies, read-depth methodologies, and qPCR, finding that ∼90% of the individuals harbor 3-7 copies as well as evidence of population differentiation. In strains with reliable gene annotations, copy number variation (CNV) and differential transposable element insertions distinguish one structurally distinct version of the Sdic region per strain. All 31 annotated copies featured protein-coding potential and, based on the protein variant encoded, were categorized into 13 paratypes differing in their 3′ ends, with 3-5 paratypes coexisting in any strain examined. Despite widespread gene conversion, the only copy present in all strains has functionally diverged at both coding and regulatory levels under positive selection. Contrary to artificial tandem duplications of the Sdic region that resulted in increased male expression, CNV in cosmopolitan strains did not correlate with expression levels, likely as a result of differential genome modifier composition. Duplicating the region did not enhance sperm competitiveness, suggesting a fitness cost at high expression levels or a plateau effect. Beyond facilitating a minimally optimal expression level, Sdic CNV acts as a catalyst of protein and regulatory diversity, showcasing a possible evolutionary path recently formed tandem multigene families can follow toward long-term consolidation in eukaryotic genomes

    Heterochromatin Protein 1 (HP1a) Positively Regulates Euchromatic Gene Expression through RNA Transcript Association and Interaction with hnRNPs in Drosophila

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    Heterochromatin Protein 1 (HP1a) is a well-known conserved protein involved in heterochromatin formation and gene silencing in different species including humans. A general model has been proposed for heterochromatin formation and epigenetic gene silencing in different species that implies an essential role for HP1a. According to the model, histone methyltransferase enzymes (HMTases) methylate the histone H3 at lysine 9 (H3K9me), creating selective binding sites for itself and the chromodomain of HP1a. This complex is thought to form a higher order chromatin state that represses gene activity. It has also been found that HP1a plays a role in telomere capping. Surprisingly, recent studies have shown that HP1a is present at many euchromatic sites along polytene chromosomes of Drosophila melanogaster, including the developmental and heat-shock-induced puffs, and that this protein can be removed from these sites by in vivo RNase treatment, thus suggesting an association of HP1a with the transcripts of many active genes. To test this suggestion, we performed an extensive screening by RIP-chip assay (RNA–immunoprecipitation on microarrays), and we found that HP1a is associated with transcripts of more than one hundred euchromatic genes. An expression analysis in HP1a mutants shows that HP1a is required for positive regulation of these genes. Cytogenetic and molecular assays show that HP1a also interacts with the well known proteins DDP1, HRB87F, and PEP, which belong to different classes of heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoproteins (hnRNPs) involved in RNA processing. Surprisingly, we found that all these hnRNP proteins also bind heterochromatin and are dominant suppressors of position effect variegation. Together, our data show novel and unexpected functions for HP1a and hnRNPs proteins. All these proteins are in fact involved both in RNA transcript processing and in heterochromatin formation. This suggests that, in general, similar epigenetic mechanisms have a significant role on both RNA and heterochromatin metabolisms