155 research outputs found

    Perturbative Charged Rotating 5D Einstein-Maxwell Black Holes

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    We present perturbative charged rotating 5D Einstein-Maxwell black holes with spherical horizon topology. The electric charge Q is the perturbative parameter, the perturbations being performed up to 4th order. The expressions for the relevant physical properties of these black holes are given. The gyromagnetic ratio g, in particular, is explicitly shown to be non-constant in higher order, and thus to deviate from its lowest order value, g=3. Comparison of the perturbative analytical solutions with their non-perturbative numerical counterparts shows remarkable agreement.Comment: RevTeX style, 4 pages, 5 figure

    Caged Black Holes: Black Holes in Compactified Spacetimes I -- Theory

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    In backgrounds with compact dimensions there may exist several phases of black objects including the black-hole and the black-string. The phase transition between them raises puzzles and touches fundamental issues such as topology change, uniqueness and Cosmic Censorship. No analytic solution is known for the black hole, and moreover, one can expect approximate solutions only for very small black holes, while the phase transition physics happens when the black hole is large. Hence we turn to numerical solutions. Here some theoretical background to the numerical analysis is given, while the results will appear in a forthcoming paper. Goals for a numerical analysis are set. The scalar charge and tension along the compact dimension are defined and used as improved order parameters which put both the black hole and the black string at finite values on the phase diagram. Predictions for small black holes are presented. The differential and the integrated forms of the first law are derived, and the latter (Smarr's formula) can be used to estimate the ``overall numerical error''. Field asymptotics and expressions for physical quantities in terms of the numerical ones are supplied. Techniques include ``method of equivalent charges'', free energy, dimensional reduction, and analytic perturbation for small black holes.Comment: 23 pages. v3: version to be published in PRD, 3 references adde

    Classification of Higher Dimensional Spacetimes

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    We algebraically classify some higher dimensional spacetimes, including a number of vacuum solutions of the Einstein field equations which can represent higher dimensional black holes. We discuss some consequences of this work.Comment: 16 pages, 1 Tabl

    Black strings in asymptotically plane wave geometries

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    We present a class of black string spacetimes which asymptote to maximally symmetric plane wave geometries. Our construction will rely on a solution generating technique, the null Melvin twist, which deforms an asymptotically flat black string spacetime to an asymptotically plane wave black string spacetime while preserving the event horizon.Comment: 15 pages; references adde

    Shape and blocking effects on odd-even mass differences and rotational motion of nuclei

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    Nuclear shapes and odd-nucleon blockings strongly influence the odd-even differences of nuclear masses. When such effects are taken into account, the determination of the pairing strength is modified resulting in larger pair gaps. The modified pairing strength leads to an improved self-consistent description of moments of inertia and backbending frequencies, with no additional parameters.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures, subm to PR

    Late-Time Tails of Wave Propagation in Higher Dimensional Spacetimes

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    We study the late-time tails appearing in the propagation of massless fields (scalar, electromagnetic and gravitational) in the vicinities of a D-dimensional Schwarzschild black hole. We find that at late times the fields always exhibit a power-law falloff, but the power-law is highly sensitive to the dimensionality of the spacetime. Accordingly, for odd D>3 we find that the field behaves as t^[-(2l+D-2)] at late times, where l is the angular index determining the angular dependence of the field. This behavior is entirely due to D being odd, it does not depend on the presence of a black hole in the spacetime. Indeed this tails is already present in the flat space Green's function. On the other hand, for even D>4 the field decays as t^[-(2l+3D-8)], and this time there is no contribution from the flat background. This power-law is entirely due to the presence of the black hole. The D=4 case is special and exhibits, as is well known, the t^[-(2l+3)] behavior. In the extra dimensional scenario for our Universe, our results are strictly correct if the extra dimensions are infinite, but also give a good description of the late time behaviour of any field if the large extra dimensions are large enough.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures, RevTeX4. Version to appear in Rapid Communications of Physical Review

    Five Dimensional Rotating Black Hole in a Uniform Magnetic Field. The Gyromagnetic Ratio

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    In four dimensional general relativity, the fact that a Killing vector in a vacuum spacetime serves as a vector potential for a test Maxwell field provides one with an elegant way of describing the behaviour of electromagnetic fields near a rotating Kerr black hole immersed in a uniform magnetic field. We use a similar approach to examine the case of a five dimensional rotating black hole placed in a uniform magnetic field of configuration with bi-azimuthal symmetry, that is aligned with the angular momenta of the Myers-Perry spacetime. Assuming that the black hole may also possess a small electric charge we construct the 5-vector potential of the electromagnetic field in the Myers-Perry metric using its three commuting Killing vector fields. We show that, like its four dimensional counterparts, the five dimensional Myers-Perry black hole rotating in a uniform magnetic field produces an inductive potential difference between the event horizon and an infinitely distant surface. This potential difference is determined by a superposition of two independent Coulomb fields consistent with the two angular momenta of the black hole and two nonvanishing components of the magnetic field. We also show that a weakly charged rotating black hole in five dimensions possesses two independent magnetic dipole moments specified in terms of its electric charge, mass, and angular momentum parameters. We prove that a five dimensional weakly charged Myers-Perry black hole must have the value of the gyromagnetic ratio g=3.Comment: 23 pages, REVTEX, v2: Minor changes, v3: Minor change

    Small localized black holes in a braneworld: Formulation and numerical method

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    No realistic black holes localized on a 3-brane in the Randall-Sundrum infinite braneworld have been found so far. The problem of finding a static black hole solution is reduced to a boundary value problem. We solve it by means of a numerical method, and show numerical examples of a localized black hole whose horizon radius is small compared to the bulk curvature scale. The sequence of small localized black holes exhibits a smooth transition from a five-dimensional Schwarzschild black hole, which is a solution in the limit of small horizon radius. The localized black hole tends to flatten as its horizon radius increases. However, it becomes difficult to find black hole solutions as its horizon radius increases.Comment: RevTeX, 13 pages, 6 figures, references corrected, typos corrected; to appear in Phys.Rev.

    A Dialogue of Multipoles: Matched Asymptotic Expansion for Caged Black Holes

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    No analytic solution is known to date for a black hole in a compact dimension. We develop an analytic perturbation theory where the small parameter is the size of the black hole relative to the size of the compact dimension. We set up a general procedure for an arbitrary order in the perturbation series based on an asymptotic matched expansion between two coordinate patches: the near horizon zone and the asymptotic zone. The procedure is ordinary perturbation expansion in each zone, where additionally some boundary data comes from the other zone, and so the procedure alternates between the zones. It can be viewed as a dialogue of multipoles where the black hole changes its shape (mass multipoles) in response to the field (multipoles) created by its periodic "mirrors", and that in turn changes its field and so on. We present the leading correction to the full metric including the first correction to the area-temperature relation, the leading term for black hole eccentricity and the "Archimedes effect". The next order corrections will appear in a sequel. On the way we determine independently the static perturbations of the Schwarzschild black hole in dimension d>=5, where the system of equations can be reduced to "a master equation" - a single ordinary differential equation. The solutions are hypergeometric functions which in some cases reduce to polynomials.Comment: 47 pages, 12 figures, minor corrections described at the end of the introductio

    Nariai, Bertotti-Robinson and anti-Nariai solutions in higher dimensions

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    We find all the higher dimensional solutions of the Einstein-Maxwell theory that are the topological product of two manifolds of constant curvature. These solutions include the higher dimensional Nariai, Bertotti-Robinson and anti-Nariai solutions, and the anti-de Sitter Bertotti-Robinson solutions with toroidal and hyperbolic topology (Plebanski-Hacyan solutions). We give explicit results for any dimension D>3. These solutions are generated from the appropriate extremal limits of the higher dimensional near-extreme black holes in a de Sitter, and anti-de Sitter backgrounds. Thus, we also find the mass and the charge parameters of the higher dimensional extreme black holes as a function of the radius of the degenerate horizon.Comment: 10 pages, 11 figures, RevTeX4. References added. Published versio