77 research outputs found

    Self-Assembly Behavior of Amphiphilic Janus Dendrimers in Water: A Combined Experimental and Coarse-Grained Molecular Dynamics Simulation Approach

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    Indexación: Scopus.Acknowledgments: M.E.E.G. thank the Ph. D. scholarship (251115) from CONACyT. The authors would like to thank: Luis Elizalde-Herrera (CIQA) for his help running the NMR spectra; Gloria Macedo-Raygoza and Miguel J. Beltrán-García (UAG), for their help in the measuring of MALDI-TOF mass spectra; and Maricela Rodríguez-Nieto and Jorge Luis Menchaca (UANL), for their help with the AFM measurements. FDGN thanks to the USA Air Force Office of Scientific Research Awards.Amphiphilic Janus dendrimers (JDs) are repetitively branched molecules with hydrophilic and hydrophobic components that self-assemble in water to form a variety of morphologies, including vesicles analogous to liposomes with potential pharmaceutical and medical application. To date, the self-assembly of JDs has not been fully investigated thus it is important to gain insight into its mechanism and dependence on JDs’ molecular structure. In this study, the aggregation behavior in water of a second-generation bis-MPA JD was evaluated using experimental and computational methods. Dispersions of JDs in water were carried out using the thin-film hydration and ethanol injection methods. Resulting assemblies were characterized by dynamic light scattering, confocal microscopy, and atomic force microscopy. Furthermore, a coarse-grained molecular dynamics (CG-MD) simulation was performed to study the mechanism of JDs aggregation. The obtaining of assemblies in water with no interdigitated bilayers was confirmed by the experimental characterization and CG-MD simulation. Assemblies with dendrimersome characteristics were obtained using the ethanol injection method. The results of this study establish a relationship between the molecular structure of the JD and the properties of its aggregates in water. Thus, our findings could be relevant for the design of novel JDs with tailored assemblies suitable for drug delivery systems. © 2018 by the authors.https://www.mdpi.com/1420-3049/23/4/96

    Structure and application of antifreeze proteins from Antarctic bacteria

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    Indexación: Web of Science; Scopus.Background: Antifreeze proteins (AFPs) production is a survival strategy of psychrophiles in ice. These proteins have potential in frozen food industry avoiding the damage in the structure of animal or vegetal foods. Moreover, there is not much information regarding the interaction of Antarctic bacterial AFPs with ice, and new determinations are needed to understand the behaviour of these proteins at the water/ice interface. Results: Different Antarctic places were screened for antifreeze activity and microorganisms were selected for the presence of thermal hysteresis in their crude extracts. Isolates GU1.7.1, GU3.1.1, and AFP5.1 showed higher thermal hysteresis and were characterized using a polyphasic approach. Studies using cucumber and zucchini samples showed cellular protection when samples were treated with partially purified AFPs or a commercial AFP as was determined using toluidine blue O and neutral red staining. Additionally, genome analysis of these isolates revealed the presence of genes that encode for putative AFPs. Deduced amino acids sequences from GU3.1.1 (gu3A and gu3B) and AFP5.1 (afp5A) showed high similarity to reported AFPs which crystal structures are solved, allowing then generating homology models. Modelled proteins showed a triangular prism form similar to β-helix AFPs with a linear distribution of threonine residues at one side of the prism that could correspond to the putative ice binding side. The statistically best models were used to build a protein-water system. Molecular dynamics simulations were then performed to compare the antifreezing behaviour of these AFPs at the ice/water interface. Docking and molecular dynamics simulations revealed that gu3B could have the most efficient antifreezing behavior, but gu3A could have a higher affinity for ice. Conclusions: AFPs from Antarctic microorganisms GU1.7.1, GU3.1.1 and AFP5.1 protect cellular structures of frozen food showing a potential for frozen food industry. Modeled proteins possess a β-helix structure, and molecular docking analysis revealed the AFP gu3B could be the most efficient AFPs in order to avoid the formation of ice crystals, even when gu3A has a higher affinity for ice. By determining the interaction of AFPs at the ice/water interface, it will be possible to understand the process of adaptation of psychrophilic bacteria to Antarctic ice.https://microbialcellfactories.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12934-017-0737-

    Overexpression of miRNA-25-3p inhibits Notch1 signaling and TGF-β-induced collagen expression in hepatic stellate cells

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    During chronic liver injury hepatic stellate cells (HSCs), the principal source of extracellular matrix in the fibrotic liver, transdifferentiate into pro-fibrotic myofibroblast-like cells - a process potentially regulated by microRNAs (miRNAs). Recently, we found serum miRNA-25-3p (miR-25) levels were upregulated in children with Cystic Fibrosis (CF) without liver disease, compared to children with CF-associated liver disease and healthy individuals. Here we examine the role of miR-25 in HSC biology. MiR-25 was detected in the human HSC cell line LX-2 and in primary murine HSCs, and increased with culture-induced activation. Transient overexpression of miR-25 inhibited TGF-β and its type 1 receptor (TGFBR1) mRNA expression, TGF-β-induced Smad2 phosphorylation and subsequent collagen1α1 induction in LX-2 cells. Pull-down experiments with biotinylated miR-25 revealed Notch signaling (co-)activators ADAM-17 and FKBP14 as miR-25 targets in HSCs. NanoString analysis confirmed miR-25 regulation of Notch- and Wnt-signaling pathways. Expression of Notch signaling pathway components and endogenous Notch1 signaling was downregulated in miR-25 overexpressing LX-2 cells, as were components of Wnt signaling such as Wnt5a. We propose that miR-25 acts as a negative feedback anti-fibrotic control during HSC activation by reducing the reactivity of HSCs to TGF-β-induced collagen expression and modulating the cross-talk between Notch, Wnt and TGF-β signaling

    Influence of methyl jasmonate during white mustard sprouting

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    [SPA] En los últimos años se ha experimentado un notable interés en los germinados de semillas por ser productos muy nutritivos y saludables, siendo incluso más ricos en compuestos beneficiosos para la salud que la planta desarrollada como es el caso de las crucíferas. El presente trabajo estudia el efecto del metil jasmonato (MJ), como elicitor químico, durante la germinación de brotes de mostaza en condiciones de ciclo de luz normal y oscuridad. Los germinados CTRL presentaron la mayor longitud de hipocótilo tanto bajo condiciones de luz (6,31 cm) como de oscuridad (9,51 cm), mientras que las diferentes concentraciones de MJ supusieron una disminución, siendo mayores bajo la condición de luz. El porcentaje de germinación en el CTRL fue del 97,3% tanto en condiciones de luz y oscuridad mientras que con MJ disminuyeron hasta valores de 93,5-95% en condición de oscuridad. Mientras, que en condiciones de luz se mantuvo constante. Según estos datos preliminares, el MJ no influyó significativamente en la productividad, siendo por tanto muy interesante su estudio como estrés abiótico para potenciar los compuestos bioactivos en futuros ensayos. [ENG] In recent years there has been a notable interest in sprouts for being very nutritious and healthy products. The sprouts are richer in bioactive compounds than the developed plant. The propose of this work was to study the effect of methyl jasmonate (MJ), as a chemical elicitor, during the germination of mustard seeds under the normal light and dark conditions. The CTRL sprouts had the longest hypocotyl length under both light (6.31) and dark (9.51 cm) conditions, while the different concentrations of MJ resulted in a decrease of the hypocotyl length, being greater under the light condition. The percentage of germination in the CTRL was 97.3% in both light and dark conditions while with MJ they tended to decrease to values of 93.5-95% in dark condition. However, the germination percentage remained constant in light conditions. According to these preliminary data, MJ did not significantly influence in the productivity, being therefore very interesting its study as abiotic stress to enhance bioactive compounds in future trials.Se agradece la financiación a la Comunidad Autónoma de la Región de Murcia a través del Programa Regional de Fomento de la Investigación Científica y Técnica de la Fundación Séneca-Agencia de Ciencia y Tecnología de la Región de Murcia (Proyecto Ref 20849/PI/18). Se agradece igualmente al Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad la concesión de un contrato predoctoral a Noelia Castillejo (FPU/04763)

    The spectrum of neutralizing and non-neutralizing anti-FVIII antibodies in a nationwide cohort of 788 persons with hemophilia A

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    Objectives: Anti-factor VIII (FVIII) antibodies have been reported to exhibit both neutralizing and non-neutralizing characteristics. This is the first study investigating the full spectrum of FVIII-specific antibodies, including non-neutralizing antibodies, very-low titer inhibitors, and inhibitors, in a large nationwide population of persons with hemophilia A of all severities. Methods: All persons with hemophilia A (mild (FVIII &gt; 5–40 IU/dL)/moderate [FVIII 1–5 IU/dL)/severe (FVIII &lt; 1 IU/dL)] with an available plasma sample who participated in the sixth Hemophilia in the Netherlands study between 2018 and 2019 were included. The presence of anti-FVIII antibodies of the immunoglobulin A, M, and G isotypes and IgG subclasses, along with antibody titer levels, were assessed using direct-binding ELISAs. FVIII specificity was assessed using a competition-based ELISA approach. The inhibitor status was determined using the Nijmegen ultra-sensitive Bethesda assay (NusBA) and the Nijmegen Bethesda assay (NBA). Results: In total, 788 persons with hemophilia A (336 (42.6%) mild, 123 (15.6%) moderate, 329 (41.8%) severe hemophilia) were included. The median age was 45 years (IQR 24–60), and the majority (50.9%) had over 150 exposure days to FVIII concentrates. Within our population, 144 (18.3%) individuals had non-neutralizing FVIII-specific antibodies, 10 (1.3%) had very low-titer inhibitors (NusBA positive; NBA negative), and 13 (1.6%) had inhibitors (both NusBA and NBA positive). IgG1 was the most abundant FVIII-specific antibody subclass, and the highest titer levels were found for IgG4. In individuals without a reported history of inhibitor development, no clear differences were observed in antibody patterns between those who were minimally or highly exposed to FVIII concentrates. IgG4 subclass antibodies were only observed in persons with a reported history of FVIII inhibitor or in those with a currently detected (very low-titer) inhibitor. Conclusion: In this cross-sectional study, we identified non-neutralizing antibodies in a relatively large proportion of persons with hemophilia A. In contrast, in our population, consisting of persons highly exposed to FVIII concentrates, (very low-titer) inhibitors were detected only in a small proportion of persons, reflecting a well-tolerized population. Hence, our findings suggest that only a small subpopulation of non-neutralizing FVIII-specific antibodies is associated with clinically relevant inhibitors.</p

    The spectrum of neutralizing and non-neutralizing anti-FVIII antibodies in a nationwide cohort of 788 persons with hemophilia A

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    Objectives: Anti-factor VIII (FVIII) antibodies have been reported to exhibit both neutralizing and non-neutralizing characteristics. This is the first study investigating the full spectrum of FVIII-specific antibodies, including non-neutralizing antibodies, very-low titer inhibitors, and inhibitors, in a large nationwide population of persons with hemophilia A of all severities. Methods: All persons with hemophilia A (mild (FVIII &gt; 5–40 IU/dL)/moderate [FVIII 1–5 IU/dL)/severe (FVIII &lt; 1 IU/dL)] with an available plasma sample who participated in the sixth Hemophilia in the Netherlands study between 2018 and 2019 were included. The presence of anti-FVIII antibodies of the immunoglobulin A, M, and G isotypes and IgG subclasses, along with antibody titer levels, were assessed using direct-binding ELISAs. FVIII specificity was assessed using a competition-based ELISA approach. The inhibitor status was determined using the Nijmegen ultra-sensitive Bethesda assay (NusBA) and the Nijmegen Bethesda assay (NBA). Results: In total, 788 persons with hemophilia A (336 (42.6%) mild, 123 (15.6%) moderate, 329 (41.8%) severe hemophilia) were included. The median age was 45 years (IQR 24–60), and the majority (50.9%) had over 150 exposure days to FVIII concentrates. Within our population, 144 (18.3%) individuals had non-neutralizing FVIII-specific antibodies, 10 (1.3%) had very low-titer inhibitors (NusBA positive; NBA negative), and 13 (1.6%) had inhibitors (both NusBA and NBA positive). IgG1 was the most abundant FVIII-specific antibody subclass, and the highest titer levels were found for IgG4. In individuals without a reported history of inhibitor development, no clear differences were observed in antibody patterns between those who were minimally or highly exposed to FVIII concentrates. IgG4 subclass antibodies were only observed in persons with a reported history of FVIII inhibitor or in those with a currently detected (very low-titer) inhibitor. Conclusion: In this cross-sectional study, we identified non-neutralizing antibodies in a relatively large proportion of persons with hemophilia A. In contrast, in our population, consisting of persons highly exposed to FVIII concentrates, (very low-titer) inhibitors were detected only in a small proportion of persons, reflecting a well-tolerized population. Hence, our findings suggest that only a small subpopulation of non-neutralizing FVIII-specific antibodies is associated with clinically relevant inhibitors.</p

    Transitions of cardio-metabolic risk factors in the Americas between 1980 and 2014

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    Describing the prevalence and trends of cardiometabolic risk factors that are associated with non-communicable diseases (NCDs) is crucial for monitoring progress, planning prevention, and providing evidence to support policy efforts. We aimed to analyse the transition in body-mass index (BMI), obesity, blood pressure, raised blood pressure, and diabetes in the Americas, between 1980 and 2014
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