15 research outputs found

    Morphometric study of Acipenser nuccurii (Bonaparte, 1836) in fish farm individuals

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    The main objective of this study was to analyse differences and similarities in morphometric characteristics among specimens of the same year class of Acipenser naccarii (Bonaparte, 1836), comparing fish raised either in Italy or Spain. All specimens were F1 of captive broodstock in Italy. Fifteen biometric variables were measured, and three derived indices were calculated, on 30 individuals of 3+ year class from Lombardy (Italy) and 90 individuals of I+, 2+ and 3+ year class from Riofrio (Granada, Spain). A stepwise discriminate analysis (SDA) was carried out, and the results were contrasted using a non-hierarchical cluster analysis. The two groups proved to be similar, so a principal component analysis and a simple regression analysis were performed on all individuals, taking total length (TI) as the independent variable and all the biometric variables as dependent. The study revealed that although the Soljan index (i.e. ratio of mouth width to snout length) is related to TI, and is a valid taxonomic characteristic, the CA index (i.e. relative position of the barbels) and FB index (i.e. ratio of snout length to width) are also valid characteristics for individuals longer than 57 cm, being independent of TI

    Brazilian Multicentre Study Of Common Mental Disorders In Primary Care: Rates And Related Social And Demographic Factors [estudo Multicêntrico Brasileiro Sobre Transtornos Mentais Comuns Na Atenção Primária: Prevalência E Fatores Sociodemográficos Relacionados]

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    Mental health problems are common in primary health care, particularly anxiety and depression. This study aims to estimate the prevalence of common mental disorders and their associations with socio-demographic characteristics in primary care in Brazil (Family Health Strategy). It involved a multicenter cross-sectional study with patients from Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo, Fortaleza (Ceará State) and Porto Alegre (Rio Grande do Sul State), assessed using the General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-12) and the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HAD). The rate of mental disorders in patients from Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo, Fortaleza and Porto Alegre were found to be, respectively, 51.9%, 53.3%, 64.3% and 57.7% with significant differences between Porto Alegre and Fortaleza compared to Rio de Janeiro after adjusting for confounders. Prevalence proportions of mental problems were especially common for females, the unemployed, those with less education and those with lower incomes. In the context of the Brazilian government's moves towards developing primary health care and reorganizing mental health policies it is relevant to consider common mental disorders as a priority alongside other chronic health conditions.303623632Kessler, R.C., Aguilar-Gaxiola, S., Alonso, J., Chatterji, S., Lee, S., Ormel, J., The global burden of mental disorders: An update from the WHO World Mental Health (WMH) surveys (2009) Epidemiol Psichiatr Soc, 18, pp. 23-33Druss, B.G., Hwang, I., Petukhova, M., Sampson, N.A., Wang, P.S., Kessler, R.C., Impairment in role functioning in mental and chronic medical disorders in the United States: Results from the National Comorbidity Survey Replication (2009) Mol Psychiatry, 14, pp. 728-737Eaton, W.W., Martins, S.S., Nestadt, G., Bienvenu, O.J., Clarke, D., Alexandre, P., The burden of mental disorders (2008) Epidemiol Rev, 30, pp. 1-14Scott, K.M., Von Korff, M., Alonso, J., Angermeyer, M.C., Bromet, E., Fayyad, J., Mental-physical co-morbidity and its relationship with disability: Results from the World Mental Health Surveys (2009) Psychol Med, 39, pp. 33-43Patten, S.B., Williams, J.V.A., Lavorato, D.H., Modgill, G., Jette, N., Eliasziw, M., Major depression as a risk factor for chronic disease incidence: Longitudinal analyses in a general population cohort (2008) Gen Hosp Psychiatry, 30, pp. 407-413Bijl, D., van Marwijk, H.W.J., de Haan, M., van Tilburg, W., Beekman, A.-J.T.F., Effectiveness of disease management programmes for recognition, diagnosis and treatment of depression in primary care (2004) Eur J Gen Pract, 10, pp. 6-12Kohn, R., Saxena, S., Levav, I., Saraceno, B., The treatment gap in mental health care (2004) Bull World Health Organ, 82, pp. 858-866Prince, M., Patel, V., Saxena, S., Maj, M., Maselko, J., Phillips, M.R., No health without mental health (2007) Lancet, 370, pp. 859-877(2008) Mental health gap action programme: Scaling up care for mental, neurological, and substance use disorders, , World Health Organization, Geneva: World Health Organization(2010) World health statistics 2010, , World Health Organization, Geneva: World Health OrganizationSchramm, J.A., Oliveira, A.F., Leite, I.C., Valente, J.G., Gadelha, A.J., Portela, M.C., Transição epidemiológica e o estudo de carga de doença no Brasil (2004) Ciênc Saúde Coletiva, 9, pp. 897-908Andrade, L.H., Wang, Y.-P., Andreoni, S., Silveira, C.M., Alexandrino-Silva, C., Siu, E.R., Mental disorders in megacities: Findings from the São Paulo megacity mental health survey, Brazil (2012) PLoS One, 7, pp. e31879Harris, M., Haines, A., Brazil's Family Health Programme (2010) BMJ, 341, pp. c4945(2008) Integrating mental health into primary health care a global perspective, , World Health Organization, Geneva: World Health OrganizationÜstürn, T.B., Sartorius, N., Villano, L.B., (1995) Mental illness in general health care an international study, , Chichester: Wiley & SonsGonçalves, D.M., Kapczinski, F., Prevalência de transtornos mentais em indivíduos de uma unidade de referência para Programa Saúde da Família em Santa Cruz do Sul, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil (2008) Cad Saúde Pública, 24, pp. 2043-2053Azevedo-Marques, J.M., Zuardi, A.W., COOP/WONCA charts as a screen for mental disorders in primary care (2011) Ann Fam Med, 9, pp. 359-365Busnello, E.D., Lima, B.R., Bertolote, J.M., Aspectos interculturais de classificação e diagnóstico (1983) J Bras Psiquiatr, 32, pp. 207-210Mari, J.J., Psychiatric morbidity in three primary medical care clinics in the city of Sao Paulo. 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Lopes, C.S., Villano, L.A.B., Campos, M.R., Goncalves, D.A., Mari, J.J., Common mental disorders in Petropolis-RJ: A challenge to integrate mental health into primary care strategies (2011) Rev Bras Psiquiatr, 33, pp. 150-156Foy, R., Hempel, S., Rubenstein, L., Suttorp, M., Seelig, M., Shanman, R., Meta-analysis: Effect of interactive communication between collaborating primary care physicians and specialists (2010) Ann Intern Med, 152, pp. 247-258Kates, N., McPherson-Doe, C., George, L., Integrating mental health services within primary care settings: The Hamilton Family Health Team (2008) J Ambul Care Manage, 34, pp. 174-18

    Descriptive Epidemiology Of Sports Injuries [epidemiologia Descritiva Das Lesões Desportivas]

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    Literature seems to be well consolidated on how increasing the amount of physical activity provides increasing of related damages. Researchers emphasize the lack of standardization in Sport Injuries; a complex caused by numerous predisponent factors. The investigations, searching to atomize the macro and microanalytical aspects, decompose the facts. For the register of these injuries, it's usually used the troublesome related morbid inquiry; however, new solutions are been added viewing, mainly, to strengthen studies and methodologies in this field of Sport Sciences and Public Health. © Copyright Moreira Jr. Editora.6911323327Roiz, J., (2004) Esporte Mata!, , São Paulo: Casa AmarelaGonçalves, A., (1997) Saúde Coletiva e Urgências em Educação Física e Esportes, , Campinas: PapirusBahr, R., Holme, I., Risk factors for sports injuries - A methodological approach (2003) British Journal of Sports Medicine, 37 (5), pp. 384-392. , DOI 10.1136/bjsm.37.5.384(2002) Baby Boomer Sports Injuries, , USA. Consumer Product Safety Commission. Washington(2003) Sports Injuries Report, , MEDIBANK. Melbourne: Medibank PrivateRequa, R.K., Garrick, J.G., Adult recreational fitness (1996) Epidemiology of Sports Injuries, pp. 14-28. , Caine DJ, Caine CG, Lindner KJ. Champaign: Human KineticsFinch, C., Mahoney, M., Townsend, M., Zazryn, T., Rural sports and recreational injuries in Australia: What do we know? (2003) Australian Journal of Rural Health, 11 (3), pp. 151-158. , DOI 10.1046/j.1440-1584.2003.00500.xPhillips, L.H., Sports injury incidence (2000) British Journal of Sports Medicine, 34 (2), pp. 133-136. , DOI 10.1136/bjsm.34.2.133Radelet, M.A., Lephart, S.M., Rubinstein, E.N., Myers, J.B., Survey of the injury rate for children in community sports (2002) Pediatrics, 110, pp. 1-11Knapik, J.J., Sharp, M.A., Canham-Chervak, M., Hauret, K., Patton, J.F., Jones, B.H., Risk factors for training-related injuries among men and women in basic combat training (2001) Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 33 (6), pp. 946-954Conte, M., Mattielo Jr., E., Chalita, L.V.S., Gonçalves, A., Exploração de fatores de risco de lesões desportivas entre universitários, em Socoraba, sp. (2002) Rev. Bras. Med. 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Rio de Janeiro: Nova FronteiraDonaldson, A., Forero, R., Finch, C.F., Hill, T., A comparison of the sports safety policies and practices of community sports clubs during training and competition in northern Sydney, Australia (2004) British Journal of Sports Medicine, 38 (1), pp. 60-63. , DOI 10.1136/bjsm.2002.003806Zazryn, T.R., Finch, C.F., McCrory, P., A 16 year study of injuries to professional kickboxers in the state of Victoria, Australia (2003) British Journal of Sports Medicine, 37 (5), pp. 448-451. , DOI 10.1136/bjsm.37.5.448Ireland, M.L., Anterior cruciate ligament injury in female athletes: Epidemiology (1999) J Athletic Training, 34, pp. 150-154Burke, D.T., Barfoot, K., Bryant, S., Schneider, J.C., Kim, H.J., Levin, G., Effect of implementation of safety measures in tae kwon do competition (2003) British Journal of Sports Medicine, 37 (5), pp. 401-404. , DOI 10.1136/bjsm.37.5.40

    Dermatoglyphics As Biological Markers Of Sports Performance [dermatoglifos Como Indicadores Biológicos Del Rendimiento Deportivo]

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    Influence of genetic potential to improve physical aptitude and manifestation of physical effort has gained space in physical education and sport. Dermatoglyphics is still scarcely explored among biological indicators of performance, although they are becoming more and more known. They consist of dermopapillary palmar-digital impressions, for instance, of the set of dermal papillae of fingers, palms, soles, genetically established and changeless over the life. Preferential frequency distributions are observed in digital patterns (arches, loops, whorls) according to different modalities, as well as varied grade on total ridge count. This trended to be lower in persons involved in cyclic activities in comparison with competitors of strength modalities. Ab line count lessens in progression with sport level, elite athletics show atd angles lower than population values, as well as ulnar and combined indexes. Lastly, multivariate analysis to investigate the relations between dermatoglyphics and sport performance is considered. Thus, it was accomplished the aim of this review of doing a critical analysis of articles referents to dermatoglyphics from frequency distribution of its variables, from the relationship of this variables and sports performance and talent orientation. © 2010 Revista Andaluza de Medicina del Deporte.414452Borin, J.P., Gonçalves, A., Alto nível de rendimento: A problemática do desem-penho esportivo (2004) Rev Bras Cienc Esporte, 26 (1), pp. 9-17Wolfarth, B., Bray, M.S., Hagberg, J.M., Perusse, L., Rauramaa, R., Rivera, M.A., The human gene map for performance and health-related fitness phenoty-pes: The 2004 Update (2005) Med Sci Sports Exerc, 37 (6), pp. 881-903Vona, G., Massidda, M., Cireddu, M.I., Calò, C.M., Genetica e performance sporti-va (2005) Ital J Sport Sci, 12 (2), pp. 105-115Bray, M.S., Hagberg, J.M., Perusse, L., Rankinen, T., Roth, S., Wolfarth, B., The human gene map for performance and health-related fitness phenotypes: The 2006-2007 Update (2009) Med Sci Sports Exerc, 41 (1), pp. 34-72Zakharov, A., Gomes, A.C., (2003) Ciência do treinamento desportivo, , Rio de Janeiro: Grupo PalestraPlatonov, V., (2005) Treinamento Desportivo Para Nadadores De Alto Nível: Manual Para Os Técnicos Do Século XXI, , São Paulo: PhorteThompson, W.R., Binder-Macleod, S.A., Association of genetic factors with selected measures of physical performance (2006) Phys Ther, 86 (4), pp. 585-591Rankinen, T., Bray, M.S., Hagberg, J.M., Perusse, L., Roth, S.M., Wolfarth, B., The human gene map for performance and health-related fitness phenotypes: The 2005 update (2006) Med Sci Sports Exerc, 38 (11), pp. 186318-186388Borin, J.P., Gonçalves, A., Saúde coletiva e atividade física e talento desportivo (2004) Conhecendo E Discutindo Saúde Coletiva E Atividade Física, pp. 61-81. , Gonçalves A (org). 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    Contribution Of Physical Activity On Control Of Mercury Occupational Poisoning [contribuição Da Atividade Física No Controle Da Intoxicação Ocupacional Por Mercúrio]

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    Contamination by metallic mercury in urban industrial environment is one of the most important human biology aggressions that challenges health-disease relation in the collective dimension of the work world; it occurs by inhalation, ingestion or dermic contact. Because of low lipidic solubility, poisoning leads to renal insufficiency and even anuria. Clinically are presented symptoms as ataxia, tremors, hearing loss, visual field constriction, dysarthria, distal sensory loss, emotional and cognitive instability. In this paper, it is tried to explore possible relations between mercury intoxication and physical activity. As consequence, it is expected that this approach may stimulate other pioneer initiatives direct to this population group on the development of aspects as intensity, duration and frequency of specifically oriented kinesthetic programmes, aiming physiologic, neuromotor and psychosocial effects. © Copyright Moreira Jr. Editora. 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    Multicenter, Open Study Of The Use Of Aceclofenac 100 Mg, Twice A Day, In The Treatment Of Muscular-skeletal Traumas [estudo Multicentrico Do Uso De Aceclofenaco No Tratamento De Traumas Musculo-esqueleticos]

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    In 12 centres 120 patients with articular sprain or contusion were treated with aceclofenac, 100 mg b.i.d., orally. After 7 days of treatment 74,60% of the patients with sprains and 80, 70% with contusions were assymptomatic and were discharged. Only 2 patients had no benefit from the treatment and in 10% of the cases adverse effects appeared.551-2636