592 research outputs found

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    In dit themanummer aandacht voor hele kleine dingen met grote gevolgen: nanodeeltjes. Nu de levenswetenschappen ook in de ban zijn geraakt van de kracht van het kleine en bionanotechnologische toepassingen binnen handbereik komen, groeit de aandacht voor de maatschappelijke implicaties. Aan de orde komen de veiligheid van nanodeeltjes (pagina 3), de mogelijkheden van nanotechnologie voor de voedingsindustrie(pagina 5), Henk Lommers (projectleider nanotechnologie bij LNV) legt uit wat het ministerie wil met het Actieplan Nanotechnologie (pagina 6), onderzoeksinstituut RIKILT verdiept zich in methoden om nanocomponenten in voeding op te kunnen sporen (pagina 7), een door gist geproduceerde gel biedt, dankzij nanotechnieken, mogelijk kansen in het herstel van beschadigd weefsel (pagina 8), door de ontwikkeling van een bionische neus hoopt Plant Research International geur- en smaakbeleving beter te kunnen begrijpen (pagina 9), en ten slotte betoogt hoogleraar Voedselveiligheid en consumentengedrag Lynn Frewer dat het nog maar de vraag is of consumenten bionanotechnologie uiteindelijk zullen omarmen (pagina 12

    New theoretical approaches for correlated systems in nonequilibrium

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    Abstract.: We review recent developments in the theory of interacting quantum many-particle systems that are not in equilibrium. We focus mainly on the nonequilibrium generalizations of the flow equation approach and of dynamical mean-field theory (DMFT). In the nonequilibrium flow equation approach one first diagonalizes the Hamiltonian iteratively, performs the time evolution in this diagonal basis, and then transforms back to the original basis, thereby avoiding a direct perturbation expansion with errors that grow linearly in time. In nonequilibrium DMFT, on the other hand, the Hubbard model can be mapped onto a time-dependent self-consistent single-site problem. We discuss results from the flow equation approach for nonlinear transport in the Kondo model, and further applications of this method to the relaxation behavior in the ferromagnetic Kondo model and the Hubbard model after an interaction quench. For the interaction quench in the Hubbard model, we have also obtained numerical DMFT results using quantum Monte Carlo simulations. In agreement with the flow equation approach they show that for weak coupling the system relaxes to a "prethermalized” intermediate state instead of rapid thermalization. We discuss the description of nonthermal steady states with generalized Gibbs ensemble

    Production and decay of the Standard Model Higgs Bososn at LEP200

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    We collect and update theoretical predictions for the production rate and decay branching fractions of the Standard Model Higgs boson that will be relevant for the Higgs search at LEP200. We make full use of the present knowledge of radiative corrections. We estimate the systematics arising from theoretical and experimental uncertainties.Comment: 27 page

    The Seven-sphere and its Kac-Moody Algebra

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    We investigate the seven-sphere as a group-like manifold and its extension to a Kac-Moody-like algebra. Covariance properties and tensorial composition of spinors under S7S^7 are defined. The relation to Malcev algebras is established. The consequences for octonionic projective spaces are examined. Current algebras are formulated and their anomalies are derived, and shown to be unique (even regarding numerical coefficients) up to redefinitions of the currents. Nilpotency of the BRST operator is consistent with one particular expression in the class of (field-dependent) anomalies. A Sugawara construction is given.Comment: 22 pages. Macropackages used: phyzzx, epsf. Three epsf figure files appende

    Coherent multiple light scattering in Faraday active materials

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    Wave propagation in multiple scattering media shows various kinds of coherent phenomena such as coherent backscattering [1, 2] or Anderson localization [3], both of which are intimately connected to the concept of reciprocity. Manipulating reciprocity in such media is a powerful tool to study these phenomena in experiments [4]. Here we discuss the manipulation of reciprocity in reflection and transmission geometry for the case of light propagation in magneto-optical media. We show new experiments on coherent backscattering and speckle correlations in strongly scattering samples containing Faraday active materials (CeF3) with transport mean free path in the μm range, at low temperatures (T < 10 K) and high fields (B = 18 T). Under such conditions we observe the effect of a Faraday rotation saturation in multiple scattering measurements.publishe

    A Phenomenological Analysis of Gluon Mass Effects in Inclusive Radiative Decays of the J/ψ\rm{J/\psi} and $\Upsilon

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    The shapes of the inclusive photon spectra in the processes \Jp \to \gamma X and \Up \to \gamma X have been analysed using all available experimental data. Relativistic, higher order QCD and gluon mass corrections were taken into account in the fitted functions. Only on including the gluon mass corrections, were consistent and acceptable fits obtained. Values of 0.7210.068+0.0160.721^{+0.016}_{-0.068} GeV and 1.180.29+0.091.18^{+0.09}_{-0.29} GeV were found for the effective gluon masses (corresponding to Born level diagrams) for the \Jp and \Up respectively. The width ratios \Gamma(V \to {\rm hadrons})/\Gamma(V \to \gamma+ {\rm hadrons}) V=\Jp, \Up were used to determine αs(1.5GeV)\alpha_s(1.5 {\rm GeV}) and αs(4.9GeV)\alpha_s(4.9 {\rm GeV}). Values consistent with the current world average αs\alpha_s were obtained only when gluon mass correction factors, calculated using the fitted values of the effective gluon mass, were applied. A gluon mass 1\simeq 1 GeV, as suggested with these results, is consistent with previous analytical theoretical calculations and independent phenomenological estimates, as well as with a recent, more accurate, lattice calculation of the gluon propagator in the infra-red region.Comment: 50 pages, 11 figures, 15 table

    PYTHIA 6.4 Physics and Manual

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    The PYTHIA program can be used to generate high-energy-physics `events', i.e. sets of outgoing particles produced in the interactions between two incoming particles. The objective is to provide as accurate as possible a representation of event properties in a wide range of reactions, within and beyond the Standard Model, with emphasis on those where strong interactions play a role, directly or indirectly, and therefore multihadronic final states are produced. The physics is then not understood well enough to give an exact description; instead the program has to be based on a combination of analytical results and various QCD-based models. This physics input is summarized here, for areas such as hard subprocesses, initial- and final-state parton showers, underlying events and beam remnants, fragmentation and decays, and much more. Furthermore, extensive information is provided on all program elements: subroutines and functions, switches and parameters, and particle and process data. This should allow the user to tailor the generation task to the topics of interest.Comment: 576 pages, no figures, uses JHEP3.cls. The code and further information may be found on the PYTHIA web page: http://www.thep.lu.se/~torbjorn/Pythia.html Changes in version 2: Mistakenly deleted section heading for "Physics Processes" reinserted, affecting section numbering. Minor updates to take into account referee comments and new colour reconnection option