161 research outputs found

    Combination of theoretical analysis and FTIR to study the photocurrent oscillation of Silicon in fluoride media

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    To deepening our knowledge of the behaviour of the silicon/electrolyte interface, a study of photocurrent oscillations on silicon in fluoride concentration c F =0.033 M is realized, and as a confirmation of the result the investigation is extrapolated to a variety of electrolyte compositions. The etch rates of anodic oxides in diluted fluoride solutions have been determined by using a new approach of the analysis of anodic current oscillations. The time dependent thickness of the anodic oxide has been measured by in-situ FTIR and can be simulated considering only the time dependent current and the etch rate.To deepening our knowledge of the behaviour of the silicon/electrolyte interface, a study of photocurrent oscillations on silicon in fluoride concentration c F =0.033 M is realized, and as a confirmation of the result the investigation is extrapolated to a variety of electrolyte compositions. The etch rates of anodic oxides in diluted fluoride solutions have been determined by using a new approach of the analysis of anodic current oscillations. The time dependent thickness of the anodic oxide has been measured by in-situ FTIR and can be simulated considering only the time dependent current and the etch rate

    Dynamic management of UDDI registries in a wireless environment of web services

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    This paper presents mechanisms for managing the content of several Universal Description, Discovery, and Integration (UDDI) registries. These mechanisms are deployed in a wireless environment of Web services. By content, it is meant the announcements of Web services that providers submit to an UDDI registry. Unlike other initiatives in Web services field that consider a single UDDI registry and a wired communication infrastructure, this paper is concerned with the following aspects: several UDDI registries are deployed, there is no wired communication infrastructure between the UDDI registries, and absence of a centralized component that coordinates the UDDI registries. The solution presented integrates users and software agents into what we call messenger. Initially, software agents reside in users\u27 mobile devices and cache a description of the Web services that satisfy their users\u27 needs. Each time a user is in the vicinity of an UDDI registry, her software agent interacts with that registry so the details stored on Web services are submitted. © Springer-Verlag 2004

    First report on tan spot disease (Pyrenophora tritici-repentis) of wheat in Syria

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    During the annual pest survey in 2001 severe leaf spotting was observed in two fields in the Efrin and Akhtarin regions of northwestern Syria, where durum wheat cultivation has recently been introduced. The spots observed were typical of tan spot disease. The causal agent was isolated and identified as Pyrenophora tritici-repentis (anamorph Dreshlera tritici-repentis). To our knowledge this is the first report on this disease in Syria

    Two highly divergent alcohol dehydrogenases of melon exhibit fruit ripening-specific expression and distinct biochemical characteristics

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    Alcohol dehydrogenases (ADH) participate in the biosynthetic pathway of aroma volatiles in fruit by interconverting aldehydes to alcohols and providing substrates for the formation of esters. Two highly divergent ADH genes (15% identity at the amino acid level) of Cantaloupe Charentais melon (Cucumis melo var. Cantalupensis) have been isolated. Cm-ADH1 belongs to the medium-chain zinc-binding type of ADHs and is highly similar to all ADH genes expressed in fruit isolated so far. Cm-ADH2 belongs to the short-chain type of ADHs. The two encoded proteins are enzymatically active upon expression in yeast. Cm-ADH1 has strong preference for NAPDH as a co-factor, whereas Cm-ADH2 preferentially uses NADH. Both Cm-ADH proteins are much more active as reductases with Kms 10–20 times lower for the conversion of aldehydes to alcohols than for the dehydrogenation of alcohols to aldehydes. They both show strong preference for aliphatic aldehydes but Cm-ADH1 is capable of reducing branched aldehydes such as 3-methylbutyraldehyde, whereas Cm-ADH2 cannot. Both Cm-ADH genes are expressed specifically in fruit and up-regulated during ripening. Gene expression as well as total ADH activity are strongly inhibited in antisense ACC oxidase melons and in melon fruit treated with the ethylene antagonist 1-methylcyclopropene (1-MCP), indicating a positive regulation by ethylene. These data suggest that each of the Cm-ADH protein plays a specific role in the regulation of aroma biosynthesis in melon fruit

    Experimental and modeling study of the autoignition of 1-hexene/iso-octane mixtures at low temperatures

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    Autoignition delay times have been measured in a rapid compression machine at Lille at temperatures after compression from 630 to 840 K, pressures from 8 to 14 bar, \Phi = 1 and for a iso octane/1 hexene mixture containing 82% iso-octane and 18% 1 hexene. Results have shown that this mixture is strongly more reactive than pure iso-octane, but less reactive than pure 1 hexene. It exhibits a classical low temperature behaviour, with the appearance of cool flame and a negative temperature coefficient region. The composition of the reactive mixture obtained after the cool flame has also been determined. A detailed kinetic model has been obtained by using the system EXGAS, developed in Nancy for the automatic generation of kinetic mechanisms, and an acceptable agreement with the experimental results has been obtained both for autoignition delay times and for the distribution of products. A flow rate analysis reveals that the crossed reactions between species coming from both reactants (like H-abstractions or combinations) are negligible in the main flow consumption of the studied hydrocarbons. The ways of formation of the main primary products observed and the most sensitive rate constants have been identified

    Aspect immuno-pathologique de la maladie hémolytique du nouveau-né liée à une incompatibilité RH1

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    La maladie hémolytique du nouveau né liée à une incompatibilité Rh1 est l’exemple d’allo-immunisation foeto-maternelle anti-érythrocytaire. Les anticorps générés peuvent provoquer par divers mécanismes immunologiques (opsonisation, cytotoxicité anticorps dépendante,..) la lyse des hématies fœtales. Cette hémolyse entraine l’anémie parfois sévère mais surtout la neurotoxicité fœtale causée par les produits de  dégradation de l’hémoglobine. Elle peut aboutir à la mort fœtale  ou à des retards mentaux importants. Le dépistage de cette affection, par des tests immuni-hématologiques simples (groupge étythrocytaire, RAI) est indispensable et fait partie du bilan biologique de surveillance de toute grossesse. Sa prévention par l’administration d’immunoglobulines, n’est malheureusement  pas toujours de mise comme l’atteste cette observation d’issue fatale

    Functional characterization of a melon alcohol acyl-transferase gene family involved in the biosynthesis of ester volatiles. Identification of the crucial role of a threonine residue for enzyme activity

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    Volatile esters, a major class of compounds contributing to the aroma of many fruit, are synthesized by alcohol acyl-transferases (AAT). We demonstrate here that, in Charentais melon (Cucumis melo var. cantalupensis), AAT are encoded by a gene family of at least four members with amino acid identity ranging from 84% (Cm-AAT1/Cm-AAT2) and 58% (Cm-AAT1/Cm-AAT3) to only 22% (Cm-AAT1/Cm-AAT4). All encoded proteins, except Cm-AAT2, were enzymatically active upon expression in yeast and show differential substrate preferences. Cm-AAT1 protein produces a wide range of short and long-chain acyl esters but has strong preference for the formation of E-2-hexenyl acetate and hexyl hexanoate. Cm-AAT3 also accepts a wide range of substrates but with very strong preference for producing benzyl acetate. Cm-AAT4 is almost exclusively devoted to the formation of acetates, with strong preference for cinnamoyl acetate. Site directed mutagenesis demonstrated that the failure of Cm-AAT2 to produce volatile esters is related to the presence of a 268-alanine residue instead of threonine as in all active AAT proteins. Mutating 268-A into 268-T of Cm-AAT2 restored enzyme activity, while mutating 268-T into 268-A abolished activity of Cm-AAT1. Activities of all three proteins measured with the prefered substrates sharply increase during fruit ripening. The expression of all Cm-AAT genes is up-regulated during ripening and inhibited in antisense ACC oxidase melons and in fruit treated with the ethylene antagonist 1-methylcyclopropene (1-MCP), indicating a positive regulation by ethylene. The data presented in this work suggest that the multiplicity of AAT genes accounts for the great diversity of esters formed in melon

    Identification of multiple root disease resistant wheat germplasm against cereal nematodes and dryland root rot and their validation in regions of economic importance

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    História da literatura portuguesa coordenada por Giulia Lanciani - primeiras páginas de um total pp. 7-108)História literária do século XVIII portuguêsGoverno de Portuga