230 research outputs found

    Large Tg Shift in Hybrid Bragg Stacks through Interfacial Slowdown

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    Performance tests of an AGIPD 0.4 assembly at the beamline P10 of PETRA III

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    The Adaptive Gain Integrating Pixel Detector (AGIPD) is a novel detector system, currently under development by a collaboration of DESY, the Paul Scherrer Institute in Switzerland, the University of Hamburg and the University of Bonn, and is primarily designed for use at the European XFEL. To verify key features of this detector, an AGIPD 0.4 test chip assembly was tested at the P10 beamline of the PETRA III synchrotron at DESY. The test chip successfully imaged both the direct synchrotron beam and single 7.05 keV photons at the same time, demonstrating the large dynamic range required for XFEL experiments. X-ray scattering measurements from a test sample agree with standard measurements and show the chip's capability of observing dynamics at the microsecond time scale.Comment: revised version after peer revie

    Direct observation of nanoscale interface phase in the superconducting chalcogenide Kx_{x}Fe2y_{2-y}Se2_2 with intrinsic phase separation

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    We have used scanning micro x-ray diffraction to characterize different phases in superconducting Kx_{x}Fe2y_{2-y}Se2_2 as a function of temperature, unveiling the thermal evolution across the superconducting transition temperature (Tc_c\sim32 K), phase separation temperature (Tps_{ps}\sim520 K) and iron-vacancy order temperature (Tvo_{vo}\sim580 K). In addition to the iron-vacancy ordered tetragonal magnetic phase and orthorhombic metallic minority filamentary phase, we have found a clear evidence of the interface phase with tetragonal symmetry. The metallic phase is surrounded by this interface phase below \sim300 K, and is embedded in the insulating texture. The spatial distribution of coexisting phases as a function of temperature provides a clear evidence of the formation of protected metallic percolative paths in the majority texture with large magnetic moment, required for the electronic coherence for the superconductivity. Furthermore, a clear reorganization of iron-vacancy order around the Tps_{ps} and Tc_c is found with the interface phase being mostly associated with a different iron-vacancy configuration, that may be important for protecting the percolative superconductivity in Kx_{x}Fe2y_{2-y}Se2_2.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure

    New records and observations of macroalgae and associated pathogens from the Falkland Islands, Patagonia and Tierra del Fuego

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    Subantarctic and Antarctic regions remain little explored with regards to their seaweed diversity. This study is based upon collections in the early 1970s and 2007–2013. It is supported by sequencing COI (mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase I) and reports new records for four species of brown algae Hincksia granulosa, Hincksia sandriana, Myriotrichia clavaeformis, Syringoderma australe), four red algae (Erythrotrichia carnea, Paraglossum salicifolium, Phycodrys antarctica, Plumariopsis eatonii), one green alga (Chaetomorpha aerea) and of the oomycete Anisolpidium ectocarpii. A further four brown algae are reported at genus level and discussed (Cladostephus sp., Colpomenia sp., Dictyota sp., Punctaria sp.). Observations of the biology of three brown algal taxa (Cladothele decaisnei, Geminocarpus geminatus, Halopteris obovata) from the region are also reported here

    Morphological, genotypic and metabolomic signatures confirm interfamilial hybridization between the ubiquitous kelps Macrocystis (Arthrothamnaceae) and Lessonia (Lessoniaceae)

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    We thank the support from G. Millne (UoA), M. Rateb (UoA) and D. Zagal (UACh) in the histological preparations, mass spectrometry set-up and the cultivation of the hybrid progeny, respectively. PM and LM developed part of this work with BecasChile (Fondecyt) funding, specifically grants No. 72130422 (PM) and No. 73140389 (LM). We would like to acknowledge the British Council Newton Fund Institutional Links, project No. 261781172 for funding SS a postdoctoral research fellow. We are also grateful to the UK Natural Environment Research Council for their support to FCK (program Oceans 2025–WP 4.5 and grants NE/D521522/1 and NE/ J023094/1). This work also received support from the Marine Alliance for Science and Technology for Scotland pooling initiative. MASTS is funded by the Scottish Funding Council (grant reference HR09011) and contributing institutions. RW thanks financial support from Gobierno Regional de Los Lagos (grants FIC 2012 E7259-2 and FIC 2013 BIP30234872-0) and Fondef, Conicyt (HUAM AQ12I0010), which allows the sampling expeditions at Chiloe Island by PM, LM, DJP.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Wave vector dependence of the dynamics in supercooled metallic liquids

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    We present a detailed investigation of the wave vector dependence of collective atomic motion in Au49Cu26.9Si16.3Ag5.5Pd2.3 and Pd42.5Cu27Ni9.5P21 supercooled liquids close to the glass transition temperature. Using x-ray photon correlation spectroscopy in a precedent uncovered spatial range of only few interatomic distances, we show that the microscopic structural relaxation process follows in phase the structure with a marked slowing down at the main average inter-particle distance. This behavior is accompanied by dramatic changes in the shape of the intermediate scattering functions which suggest the presence of large dynamical heterogeneities at length-scales corresponding to few particle diameters. A ballistic-like mechanism of particle motion seems to govern the structural relaxation of the two systems in the highly viscous phase, likely associated to hopping of caged particles in agreement with theoretical studies

    Benchmarking homogenization algorithms for monthly data

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    The COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology) Action ES0601: Advances in homogenization methods of climate series: an integrated approach (HOME) has executed a blind intercomparison and validation study for monthly homogenization algorithms. Time series of monthly temperature and precipitation were evaluated because of their importance for climate studies. The algorithms were validated against a realistic benchmark dataset. Participants provided 25 separate homogenized contributions as part of the blind study as well as 22 additional solutions submitted after the details of the imposed inhomogeneities were revealed. These homogenized datasets were assessed by a number of performance metrics including i) the centered root mean square error relative to the true homogeneous values at various averaging scales, ii) the error in linear trend estimates and iii) traditional contingency skill scores. The metrics were computed both using the individual station series as well as the network average regional series. The performance of the contributions depends significantly on the error metric considered. Although relative homogenization algorithms typically improve the homogeneity of temperature data, only the best ones improve precipitation data. Moreover, state-of-the-art relative homogenization algorithms developed to work with an inhomogeneous reference are shown to perform best. The study showed that currently automatic algorithms can perform as well as manual ones