261 research outputs found

    Phenological indicators extraction from dense time-series of Landsat data

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    Time series of remotely sensed vegetation indices are valuable data sets in various Earth science fields. In particular, they have been successfully used to map vegetation phenology. This information can be used into physically-based hydrological models to estimate crop water requirements (e.g. P\uf4\ue7as et al., 2015; Consoli & Vanella, 2014; Er-Raki et al., 2007). Most of the phenology detection studies aimed to capture single seasonal crop growth cycles per year. However, the phenological variability in agriculture, especially connected with winter crops interposed to summer crops, demonstrates the necessity of deriving more than one crop cycle per year (e.g. Patel & Oza, 2014; Li et al., 2014). Moreover, remote sensing of phenology has been largely applied using MODIS normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) data with a spatial resolution of 250 m, which is often not sufficient to resolve highly fragmented agricultural land surfaces. The opportunities for deriving phenological indicators at high spatial resolution improved radically in 2008 when the Landsat program opened its archive (Woodcock et al. 2008). In this study, we present an approach to detect phenological indicators aimed to characterize vegetation dynamics in agricultural land surfaces. The proposed algorithm was applied to time series of bi-weekly smoothed and gapfilled Landsat Surface Reflectance Climate Data Record (CDR) data from 2012 to 2014 for a pilot area in the Marchfeld region, Lower Austria. The analytic procedure can be summarized in the following steps. First, the surface reflectance of Landsat CDR data is smoothed and gap-filled using a state-of-the art Whittaker algorithm to create a time series of 24 images per year, regularly spaced in time (Vuolo et al., in preparation). NDVI and fAPAR (fraction of Absorbed Photosynthetically Active Radiation) are then derived and used as input to calculate phenology. Using a moving window approach, the multi-temporal time series are analysed to extract local maxima and minima for each pixel. The resulting values are automatically screened to identify the absolute maxima and minima for each crop cycle. Finally, the algorithm estimates the timing of key phenological periods (i.e. green-up, maximum and senescence) for each pixel. Accuracy assessment is carried out through the visual interpretation of several crop growth curves and using a land cover/land use dataset to analyse the results. The results show that the method can successfully extract phenological indicators from dense smoothed and gapfilled time series, both for summer and winter crops. In addition, the comparison between phenologies extracted from each vegetation indices (NDVI and fAPAR) shows a good agreement (R2 = 0.70). Future effort will be dedicated to apply the proposed approach to Landsat time series for other areas of interest. Furthermore, the method will be improved by calibrating and validating the results for the pilot study based on ground truth data. The phenological indicators will be then assimilated into a hydrological model to estimate crop water requirements at basin scale

    Stress distribution in orthodontic mini-implants

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a distribuição de tensões na resina em contato com os filetes de roscas de mini-implantes cilíndricos e cônicos, submetidos à carga lateral e torção de inserção. Um modelo fotoelástico foi confeccionado com gelatina transparente, para simular o osso alveolar. O modelo foi observado com um polariscópio plano e fotografado antes e após a ativação dos mini-implantes com força lateral e de inserção. A aplicação de cargas laterais provocou momentos fletores nos mini-implantes, aparecimento de franjas isocromáticas ao longo dos filetes do corpo dos mini-implantes e no ápice. Quando foi aplicado o torque de inserção, verificou-se a concentração de tensões próxima ao ápice. Concluiu-se que: (1) o mini-implante cilíndrico apresentou maior concentração de tensões no ápice, e (2) o mini-implante cônico apresentou maior concentração de tensões nos filetes de rosca apicais.The objective of this study was to evaluate the stress distribution in the resin in contact with the spirals of cylindrical and conical mini-implants, when submitted to lateral load and insertion torsion. A photoelastic model was fabricated using transparent gelatin to simulate the alveolar bone. The model was observed with a plane polariscope and photographically recorded before and after activation of the two screws with a lateral force and torsion. The lateral force application caused bending moments on both mini-implants, with the uprising of fringes or isochromatics, characteristics of stresses, along the threads of the mini-implants and in the apex. When the torsion was exerted in the mini-implants, a great concentration of stress upraised close to the apex. The conclusion was that, comparing conical with cylindrical mini-implants under lateral load, the stresses were similar on the traction sides. The differences appear (1) on the apex, where the cylindrical mini-implant showed a greater concentration of stress, and (2) along the spirals, in the compression side, where the conical mini-implant showed a greater concentration of stress. The greater part of the stress produced by both mini-implants, after torsion load in insertion, were concentrated on the apex. With the cylindrical mini-implant, the greater concentration of tension was close to the apex, while with the conical one, the stresses were distributed along a greater amount of apical threads

    Data Service Platform for Sentinel-2 Surface Reflectance and Value-Added Products: System Use and Examples

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    This technical note presents the first Sentinel-2 data service platform for obtaining atmospherically-corrected images and generating the corresponding value-added products for any land surface on Earth. Using the European Space Agency’s (ESA) Sen2Cor algorithm, the platform processes ESA’s Level-1C top-of-atmosphere reflectance to atmospherically-corrected bottom-of-atmosphere (BoA) reflectance (Level-2A). The processing runs on-demand, with a global coverage, on the Earth Observation Data Centre (EODC), which is a public-private collaborative IT infrastructure in Vienna (Austria) for archiving, processing, and distributing Earth observation (EO) data. Using the data service platform, users can submit processing requests and access the results via a user-friendly web page or using a dedicated application programming interface (API). Building on the processed Level-2A data, the platform also creates value-added products with a particular focus on agricultural vegetation monitoring, such as leaf area index (LAI) and broadband hemispherical-directional reflectance factor (HDRF). An analysis of the performance of the data service platform, along with processing capacity, is presented. Some preliminary consistency checks of the algorithm implementation are included to demonstrate the expected product quality. In particular, Sentinel-2 data were compared to atmospherically-corrected Landsat-8 data for six test sites achieving a R2 = 0.90 and Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) = 0.031. LAI was validated for one test site using ground estimations. Results show a very good agreement (R2 = 0.83) and a RMSE of 0.32 m2/m2 (12% of mean value)

    Effects of the antioxidant crocin on frozen-thawed buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) sperm

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    This work aimed to evaluate the effect of crocin on frozen-thawed sperm quality in buffalo. Spermatozoa were incubated in Tyrode’s Albumin Lactate Pyruvate medium supplemented with 0, 0.5, 1, and 2 mM crocin for 2 h. Sperm motility was evaluated by phase-contrast microscopy, viability and acrosome integrity by Trypan blue Giemsa staining, and membrane functional integrity by the hypoosmotic swelling test. The DNA fragmentation was evaluated by Tunel and ROS levels by spectrofluorometric analysis. The treatment with 2 mM of crocin increased (P <.05) sperm membrane functional integrity compared to the control group (59.1 ± 1.6 vs 53.3 ± 1.5) and reduced sperm DNA fragmentation, compared to the other groups (11.3 ± 1.1, 13.3 ± 1.2, 13.6 ± 1.2 and 6.0 ± 0.7, respectively in 0, 0.5, 1 and 2 mM crocin; P <.01). Finally, a dose-dependent decrease (P <.01) in superoxide anion production in the presence of crocin was observed, as indicated by Dihydroethidium values (922.6 ± 13.0, 596.8 ± 7.4, 498.9 ± 5.3 and 421.4 ± 5.0 a.u., respectively in 0, 0.5, 1 and 2 mM crocin; P <.01). The results of this study demonstrated a positive effect of 2 mM crocin on frozen-thawed buffalo sperm, as indicated by the improvement of sperm membrane integrity and the reduction of DNA fragmentation and ROS levels.Highlights Crocin improves buffalo sperm quality. Crocin improves sperm membrane integrity and reduces DNA fragmentation. Crocin decreases oxidative stress in buffalo sperm

    Clinical and prognostic implications of the genetic diagnosis of hereditary NET syndromes in asymptomatic patients

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    Neuroendocrine tumors (NETs) can be sporadic or they can arise in complex hereditary syndromes. Patients with hereditary NETs can be identified before the development of tumors by performing genetic screenings. The aim of the study was to evaluate the clinical and prognostic impact of a preclinical genetic screening in subjects with hereditary NET syndromes. 46 subjects referred for hereditary NET syndrome [22 MEN1, 12 MEN2, 12 Familial Paragangliomatosis (FPGL)] were enrolled and divided in 2 groups (group A, 20 subjects with clinical appearance of NET before the genetic diagnosis; group B, 26 subjects with genetic diagnosis of hereditary NET syndromes before the clinical appearance of NETs). The main outcome measures were severity of disease, prognosis, and survival. The rate of surgery for MEN1-, MEN2-, FPGL4-related tumors was 90% in group A and 35% in group B (p<0.01). Both symptoms related to tumors and symptoms related to therapies were significantly less frequent in group B than in group A (p<0.05). Tumor stage was locally advanced or metastatic in 50% of group A and in no one of group B (p<0.01). The mortality rate was 25% in group A and 0% in group B (p<0.05). An early genetic screening for hereditary NET syndromes results in an improvement in clinical presentation and morbidity. A potential impact of the genetic screening on the mortality rate of these subjects is suggested and needs to be investigated in further and more appropriate studies

    Climatic zone and soil properties determine the biodiversity of the soil bacterial communities associated to native plants from desert areas of north-central algeria

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    Algeria is the largest country in Africa characterized by semi-arid and arid sites, located in the North, and hypersaline zones in the center and South of the country. Several autochthonous plants are well known as medicinal plants, having in common tolerance to aridity, drought and salinity. In their natural environment, they live with a great amount of microbial species that altogether are indicated as plant microbiota, while the plants are now viewed as a \u201cholobiont\u201d. In this work, the microbiota of the soil associated to the roots of fourteen economically relevant autochthonous plants from Algeria have been characterized by an innovative metagenomic approach with a dual purpose: (i) to deepen the knowledge of the arid and semi-arid environment and (ii) to characterize the composition of bacterial communities associated with indigenous plants with a strong economic/commercial interest, in order to make possible the improvement of their cultivation. The results presented in this work highlighted specific signatures which are mainly determined by climatic zone and soil properties more than by the plant species

    Roles for CEP170 in cilia function and dynein-2 assembly

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    Primary cilia are essential eukaryotic organelles required for signalling and secretion. Dynein-2 is a microtubule-motor protein complex and is required for ciliogenesis via its role in facilitating retrograde intraflagellar transport (IFT) from the cilia tip to the cell body. Dynein-2 must be assembled and loaded onto IFT trains for entry into cilia for this process to occur, but how dynein-2 is assembled and how it is recycled back into a cilium remain poorly understood. Here, we identify centrosomal protein of 170 kDa (CEP170) as a dynein-2-interacting protein in mammalian cells. We show that loss of CEP170 perturbs intraflagellar transport and hedgehog signalling, and alters the stability of dynein-2 holoenzyme complex. Together, our data indicate a role for CEP170 in supporting cilia function and dynein-2 assembly

    Agronomical valorization of eluates from the industrial production of microorganisms: Chemical, microbiological, and ecotoxicological assessment of a novel putative biostimulant

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    Plant Biostimulants (BSs) are a valid supplement to be considered for the integration of conventional fertilization practices. Research in the BS field keeps providing alternative products of various origin, which can be employed in organic and conventional agriculture. In this study, we investigated the biostimulant activity of the eluate obtained as a by-product from the industrial production of lactic acid bacteria on bare agricultural soil. Eluates utilization is in line with the circular economy principle, creating economical value for an industrial waste product. The research focused on the study of physical, chemical, biochemical, and microbiological changes occurring in agricultural soil treated with the biowaste eluate, applied at three different dosages. The final aim was to demonstrate if, and to what extent, the application of the eluate improved soil quality parameters and enhanced the presence of beneficial soil-borne microbial communities. Results indicate that a single application at the two lower dosages does not have a pronounced effect on the soil chemical parameters tested, and neither on the biochemical proprieties. Only the higher dosage applied reported an improvement in the enzymatic activities of β-glucosidase and urease and in the chemical composition, showing a higher content of total, nitric and ammonia N, total K, and higher humification rate. On the other hand, microbial communities were strongly influenced at all dosages, showing a decrease in the bacterial biodiversity and an increase in the fungal biodiversity. Bioinformatic analysis revealed that some Operative Taxonomic Units (OTUs) promoted by the eluate application, belong to known plant growth promoting microbes. Some other OTUs, negatively influenced were attributed to known plant pathogens, mainly Fusarium spp. Finally, the ecotoxicological parameters were also determined and allowed to establish that no toxic effect occurred upon eluate applications onto soil
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