1,557 research outputs found

    Radiation induced force between two planar waveguides

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    We study the electromagnetic force exerted on a pair of parallel slab waveguides by the light propagating through them. We have calculated the dependence of the force on the slab separation by means of the Maxwell--Stress tensor formalism and we have discussed its main features for the different propagation modes: spatially symmetric (antisymmetric) modes give rise to an attractive (repulsive) interaction. We have derived the asymptotic behaviors of the force at small and large separation and we have quantitatively estimated the mechanical deflection induced on a realistic air-bridge structure.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figure

    Expansion of pinched hypersurfaces of the Euclidean and hyperbolic space by high powers of curvature

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    We prove convergence results for expanding curvature flows in the Euclidean and hyperbolic space. The flow speeds have the form F−pF^{-p}, where p>1p>1 and FF is a positive, strictly monotone and 1-homogeneous curvature function. In particular this class includes the mean curvature F=HF=H. We prove that a certain initial pinching condition is preserved and the properly rescaled hypersurfaces converge smoothly to the unit sphere. We show that an example due to Andrews-McCoy-Zheng can be used to construct strictly convex initial hypersurfaces, for which the inverse mean curvature flow to the power p>1p>1 loses convexity, justifying the necessity to impose a certain pinching condition on the initial hypersurface.Comment: 18 pages. We included an example for the loss of convexity and pinching. In the third version we dropped the concavity assumption on F. Comments are welcom

    The Sagnac effect in Coupled-Resonator Slow-Light Waveguide Structures

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    We study the effect of rotation on the propagation of electromagnetic waves in slow-light waveguide structures consisting of coupled micro-ring resonators. We show that such configurations exhibit new a type of the Sagnac effect which can be used for the realization of highly-compact integrated rotation sensors and gyroscopes

    Fast and slow light in zig-zag microring resonator chains

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    We analyze fast and slow light transmission in a zig-zag microring resonator chain. This novel device permits the operation in both regimes. In the superluminal case, a new ubiquitous light transmission effect is found whereby the input optical pulse is reproduced in an almost simultaneous manner at the various system outputs. When the input carrier is tuned to a different frequency, the system permits to slow down the propagating optical signal. Between these two extreme cases, the relative delay can be tuned within a broad range

    Statistical Estimation Procedures for the ''burn-in'' Process

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    Statistical estimation procedures for identifying and eliminating poor quality or defective item

    A Fluctuation Analysis of the Bolocam 1.1mm Lockman Hole Survey

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    We perform a fluctuation analysis of the 1.1mm Bolocam Lockman Hole Survey, which covers 324 square arcmin to a very uniform point source-filtered RMS noise level of 1.4 mJy/beam. The fluctuation analysis has the significant advantage of utilizing all of the available data. We constrain the number counts in the 1-10 mJy range, and derive significantly tighter constraints than in previous work: the power-law index is 2.7 (+0.18, -0.15), while the amplitude is equal to 1595 (+85,-238) sources per mJy per square degree, or N(>1 mJy) = 940 (+50,-140) sources/square degree (95% confidence). Our results agree extremely well with those derived from the extracted source number counts by Laurent et al (2005). Our derived normalization is about 2.5 times smaller than determined by MAMBO at 1.2mm by Greve et al (2004). However, the uncertainty in the normalization for both data sets is dominated by the systematic (i.e., absolute flux calibration) rather than statistical errors; within these uncertainties, our results are in agreement. We estimate that about 7% of the 1.1mm background has been resolved at 1 mJy.Comment: To appear in the Astrophysical Journal; 22 pages, 9 figure

    Radio Continuum Jet in NGC 7479

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    The barred galaxy NGC 7479 hosts a remarkable jet-like radio continuum feature: bright, 12-kpc long in projection, and hosting an aligned magnetic field. The degree of polarization is 6%-8% along the jet, and remarkably constant, which is consistent with helical field models. The radio brightness of the jet suggests strong interaction with the ISM and hence a location near the disk plane. We observed NGC 7479 at four wavelengths with the VLA and Effelsberg radio telescopes. The equipartition strength is 35-40 micro-G for the total and >10 micro-G for the ordered magnetic field in the jet. The jet acts as a bright, polarized background. Faraday rotation between 3.5 and 6 cm and depolarization between 6 and 22 cm can be explained by magneto-ionic gas in front of the jet, with thermal electron densities of ~0.06 cm**(-3) in the bar and ~0.03 cm**(-3) outside the bar. The regular magnetic field along the bar points toward the nucleus on both sides. The regular field in the disk reveals multiple reversals, probably consisting of field loops stretched by a shearing gas flow in the bar. The projection of the jet bending in the sky plane is in the sense opposite to that of the underlying stellar and gaseous spiral structure. The bending in 3-D is most easily explained as a precessing jet, with an age less than 10**6 years. Our observations are consistent with very recent triggering, possibly by a minor merger. NGC 7479 provides a unique opportunity to study interaction-triggered 15-kpc scale radio jets within a spiral galaxy.Comment: 18 pages, 21 figures, accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa
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