889 research outputs found

    Violencia de género y cultura

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    [Resumo]Neste estudo preséntase unha breve descrición do problema que se investigou: ata que punto as variables culturais mediatizan o comportamento de malos tratos; nel tratouse o problema dos malos tratos ás mulleres, que xera gravísimas consecuencias para a súa saúde e o seu benestar e as dimensións culturais. O concepto Cultura da Honra ten gran importancia como variable que pode explicar ou incidir na violencia contra as mulleres; esta Cultura da honra xustificaría e empregaría a violencia como forma de defender a honra e dominar a relación. As dimensións culturais, están asociadas a variables ecolóxicas, económicas e sociodemográficas, así como a indicadores macrosociais; nas variables socioeconómicas, o índice de desenvolvemento humano (IDH), combina 3 compoñentes básicos: lonxevidade, educación e nivel de vida; o IDH, é a mellor medida de desenvolvemento. As sociedades con menor desenvolvemento económico, menor educación, menor esperanza de vida e menores ingresos, menos urbanizadas e con grandes diferenzas sociais entre ricos e pobres, comparten valores máis xerárquicos e autoritarios. Neste estudo participaron 100 mulleres, vítimas de violencia de xénero, procedentes de distintas localidades de Galicia, que completaron un cuestionario no que se mediu a cultura da honra, o sexismo, a violencia, as dimensións culturais e o nivel de estudos. A metodoloxía foi fundamentalmente descritiva. O material que se empregou, foi un cuestionario, ao cal, as mulleres respondían de forma individual, que contiña as seguintes escalas: Entrevista Semiestructurada, Escala da Cultura da Honra (Lòpez-Zafra, 2007a), Escala de Ideoloxía do Rol (Moya e Expósito, 2000), Cuestionario Internacional VSM-94 (Hofstede, 1994) e Escala de Individualismo/Colectivismo Horizontal e Vertical (Singelis e Triandis, 1995). O procedemento, é un estudo transversal, aplicouse nunha soa ocasión, anónimo e sín dar seguimento á enquisa. A observación do fenómeno que se considera a causa, serían as variables independentes: distancia do poder, masculinidade-feminidade; individualismo-colectivismo; tolerancia á incertidumbre; orientación a longo/corto prazo; sexismo e aspectos legais da Cultura da honra, e as variables dependentes serían: maltrato físico e maltrato psicolóxico. Fíxose a análise dos datos: fíxose a corrección do cuestionario das 100 participantes e introducíronse todos os ítems nunha folla de cálculo de Excell. Transformáronse os datos co software de análise estatística e de tratamento de datos SPSS. 16.0 e analizáronse os datos. Asi, estudáronse as circunstancias de malos tratos sufridas e en función da magnitude das variables analizáronse as relacións entre as diferentes circunstancias de malos tratos nas mulleres da mostra. Buscouse atopar unha relación significativa entre os malos tratos, as dimensións culturais, o sexismo e a percepción que se ten da cultura da honra, na poboación obxecto de estudo. A cultura é o predictor máis importante da conduta agresiva.[Resumen] En este estudio se presenta una breve descripción del problema que se ha investigado: hasta que punto las variables culturales mediatizan el comportamiento de maltrato; en él se ha tratado el problema de los malos tratos a las mujeres, que genera gravísimas consecuencias para su salud y su bienestar y las dimensiones culturales. El concepto Cultura del Honor tiene gran importancia como variable que puede explicar o incidir en la violencia contra las mujeres; esta Cultura del honor justificaría y emplearía la violencia como forma de defender el honor y dominar la relación. Las dimensiones culturales, están asociadas a variables ecológicas, económicas y sociodemográficas, así como a indicadores macrosociales; en las variables socioeconómicas, el índice de desarrollo humano (IDH), combina 3 componentes básicos: longevidad, educación y nivel de vida; el IDH, es la mejor medida de desarrollo. Las sociedades con menor desarrollo económico, menor educación, menor esperanza de vida y menores ingresos, menos urbanizadas y con grandes diferencias sociales entre ricos y pobres, comparten valores más jerarquicos y autoritarios. En este estudio han participado 100 mujeres, víctimas de violencia de género, procedentes de distintas localidades de Galicia, que han completado un cuestionario en el que se ha medido la cultura del honor, el sexismo, la violencia, las dimensiones culturales y el nivel de estudios. La metodología ha sido fundamentalmente descriptiva. El material que se ha empleado, ha sido un cuestionario, al cual, las mujeres respondían de forma individual, que contenía las siguientes escalas: Entrevista Semiestructurada, Escala de la Cultura del Honor (Lòpez–Zafra, 2007a), Escala de Ideología del Rol (Moya y Expósito, 2000), Cuestionario Internacional VSM 94 (Hofstede, 1994) y Escala de Individualismo/Colectivismo Horizontal y Vertical (Singelis y Triandis, 1995). El procedimiento, es un estudio transversal, se ha aplicado en una sola ocasión, anónimo y sín dar seguimiento a la encuesta. La observación del fenómeno que se considera la causa, serían las variables independientes: distancia del poder; masculinidad-feminidad; individualismo-colectivismo; tolerancia a la incertidumbre; orientación a largo/corto plazo; sexismo y aspectos legales de la Cultura del honor y las variables dependientes serían: maltrato físico y maltrato psicológico. Se ha hecho el análisis de los datos: se hizo la corrección del cuestionario de las 100 participantes y se introdujeron todos los ítems en una hoja de cálculo de Excell. Se transformaron los datos con el software de análisis estadístico y de tratamiento de datos SPSS. 16.0 y se analizaron los datos. Asi, se han estudiado las circunstancias de maltrato sufridas y en función de la magnitud de las variables se analizaron las relaciones entre las diferentes circunstancias de maltrato en las mujeres de la muestra. Se ha buscado encontrar una relación significativa entre los malos tratos, las dimensiones culturales, el sexismo y la percepción que se tiene de la cultura del honor, en la población objeto de estudio. La cultura es el predictor más importante de la conducta agresiva.[Abstract] This study presents a brief description of the problem has been investigated: the extent to which cultural variables mediate the abusive behavior, it has addressed the problem of ill-treatment of women, which creates serious consequences for their health and welfare and cultural dimensions. Culture of Honor The concept is of great importance as a variable that can explain or influence the violence against women is justified and Culture of honor would use violence to defend the honor and dominate the relationship. The cultural dimensions are associated with ecological variables, economic and demographic, as well as macro-indicators, in the socioeconomic, human development index (HDI) combines 3 basic components: longevity, education and standard of living, the HDI is the best measure of development. Companies with less developed, less education, lower life expectancy and lower income, less urbanized and social gaps between rich and poor, shared values hierarchical and authoritarian. This study involved 100 women victims of violence, from different localities of Galicia, who completed a questionnaire that has medidola culture of honor, sexism, la violencia, cultural dimensions and el nivel studies. The methodology has sido fundamentalmente descriptive. El material that has been used, has side UN questionnaire, to which women responded individually, which contained the following scales: semi-structured interview scale Culture of Honor (Lopez-Zafra, 2007a), Role Ideology Scale (Moya and Expósito, 2000), International Survey VSM 94 (Hofstede, 1994) and Scale of Individualism /Collectivism Horizontal and. Vertical (Singelis and Triandis, 1995). The procedure is a cross sectional study was applied only once, anonymous and without giving up the survey. The observation of the phenomenon that is considered the cause would be the independent variables: power distance, masculinity-femininity, individualism-collectivism, tolerance to uncertainty; orientation long/short time sexism and legal aspects of the culture of honor and the variables dependents are: physical abuse and psychological abuse. It has been the analysis of data: correction was made in the questionnaire of the 100 participants and entered all items in a worksheet in Excel. Data were transformed with the statistical analysis software and SPSS data processing 16.0 and analyzed the data. Thus, we have studied the circumstances of abuse suffered and depending on the magnitude of the variables we examined the relationships between the various circumstances of abuse on women in the sample. It has sought to find a significant relationship between abuse, the cultural, sexism and perceptions about the culture of honor, in the study population. Culture is the most important predictor of aggressive behavio

    On subreducts of subresiduated lattices and logic

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    Subresiduated lattices were introduced during the decade of 1970 by Epstein and Horn as an algebraic counterpart of some logics with strong implication previously studied by Lewy and Hacking. These logics are examples of subuintuitionistic logics, i.e., logics in the language of intuitionistic logic that are defined semantically by using Kripke models, in the same way as intuitionistic logic is defined, but without requiring of the models some of the properties required in the intuitionistic case. Also in relation with the study of subintuitionistic logics, Celani and Jansana get these algebras as the elements of a subvariety of that of weak Heyting algebras. Here, we study both the implicative and the implicative-infimum subreducts of subresiduated lattices. Besides, we propose a calculus whose algebraic semantics is given by these classes of algebras. Several expansions of this calculi are also studied together to some interesting properties of them

    A Geochemical and Geophysical Characterization of Sulfide Mine Ponds at the Iberian Pyrite Belt (Spain)

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    This work presents the results of a geochemical and geophysical characterization of the Monte Romero and La Naya mine ponds, belonging to the Cueva de la Mora and Riotinto mine districts, respectively, based on mineralogical, geochemical and geophysical techniques. In order to obtain a representative environmental characterization, two deposits showing different mineralogies, physico-chemical parameters, chemical compositions of tailings and pond conditions were selected. Monte Romero mine tailings showed an upper level mainly composed of silicates and a deeper level mainly composed of sulfides and barite. The toxic metal content was different in both levels but high enough to exceed the regional legal concentration limits for agricultural soils. An electrical resistivity tomography survey revealed a homogeneous upper unit (3 m thickness), which displayed low resistivity values, corresponding to water-saturated silt and clay materials with an abundance of sulfides which was interpreted as the pond infilling. The La Naya mine pond presented a homogeneous mineralogical composition made up of quartz as the main mineral and chlorite-smectite and jarosite as accessory phases. The absence of sulfide phases and the low contents of metal elements are directly related to the reworking processes of the sludge dumped in this pond. The geophysical survey revealed that the pond infilling did not have a constant thickness, but ranged between 15 and 20 m. An inner groundwater flow in the infilling was recognized. The low resistivity values allowed the presence of acid waters and related subsurface flows to be identified in both mine ponds, but no acid water drainage occurred across their vessels. When compared to the Aznalcóllar tailings spill, the La Naya pond is large enough to release a similar amount of sludge, but of a very low metal content. The Monte Romero sludge displays a similar, potentially toxic metal content to the Aznalcóllar sludge, but its size is significantly smaller

    A Geochemical and Geophysical Characterization of Sulfide Mine Ponds at the Iberian Pyrite Belt (Spain)

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    (The original publication is available at www.springerlink.com)This work presents the results of a geochemical and geophysical characterization of the Monte Romero and La Naya mine ponds, belonging to the Cueva de la Mora and Riotinto mine districts, respectively, based on mineralogical, geochemical and geophysical techniques. In order to obtain a representative environmental characterization, two deposits showing different mineralogies, physico-chemical parameters, chemical compositions of tailings and pond conditions were selected. Monte Romero mine tailings showed an upper level mainly composed of silicates and a deeper level mainly composed of sulfides and barite. The toxic metal content was different in both levels but high enough to exceed the regional legal concentration limits for agricultural soils. An electrical resistivity tomography survey revealed a homogeneous upper unit (3 m thickness), which displayed low resistivity values, corresponding to water-saturated silt and clay materials with an abundance of sulfides which was interpreted as the pond infilling. The La Naya mine pond presented a homogeneous mineralogical composition made up of quartz as the main mineral and chlorite-smectite and jarosite as accessory phases. The absence of sulfide phases and the low contents of metal elements are directly related to the reworking processes of the sludge dumped in this pond. The geophysical survey revealed that the pond infilling did not have a constant thickness, but ranged between 15 and 20 m. An inner groundwater flow in the infilling was recognized. The low resistivity values allowed the presence of acid waters and related subsurface flows to be identified in both mine ponds, but no acid water drainage occurred across their vessels. When compared to the Aznalcóllar tailings spill, the La Naya pond is large enough to release a similar amount of sludge, but of a very low metal content. The Monte Romero sludge displays a similar, potentially toxic metal content to the Aznalcóllar sludge, but its size is significantly smaller.Depto. de Mineralogía y PetrologíaFac. de Ciencias GeológicasTRUEpu

    Las orquídeas de la Reserva de la Biosfera Torres del Paine: La necesidad de implementar monitoreo de especies y planificación ecoturística para la conservación de la biodiversidad

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    The orchid flora of Torres del Paine Biosphere Reserve (TPBR) is described based on botanical surveys, photographicalrecords and herbarium collections carried out by the authors. This list comprises 3 genera and 9 species: Chloraea chica,Chloraea leptopetala, Chloraea magellanica, Codonorchis lessonii, Gavilea araucana, Gavilea gladysiae, Gavilealittoralis, Gavilea lutea and Gavilea supralabellata. G. gladysiae is a new record for this protected area and the firstalbino aberrant phenotype for flowers of Chl. magellanica is reported. A description of the species including key fordetermination, morphology, habitats, local abundances, flowering phenology and photographs is provided. The speciesrichness here reported represents ca. 35% of orchids occurring in the Chilean temperate-austral floristic regions and 75%of the species described for the Magallanes Region, putting the Torres del Paine Biosphere Reserve as one of the mostrepresentative protected areas for this taxonomical group in the region. Based on our results we addressed the need ofestablishing monitoring programs for orchids and promote them as flagship species in ecotourism planning in order toenhance species valuation and encourage biodiversity conservation.  Se describen las orquídeas de la Reserva de la Biosfera Torres del Paine sobre la base de exploraciones botánicas, registrosfotográficos y colecciones de herbario llevadas a cabo por los autores. Esta lista comprende 3 géneros y 9 especies: Chloraeachica, Chloraea leptopetala, Chloraea magellanica, Codonorchis lessonii, Gavilea araucana, Gavilea gladysiae, Gavilealittoralis, Gavilea lutea y Gavilea supralabellata. G. gladysiae es un registro nuevo para esta área protegida y se reporta elprimer fenotipo aberrante de flores albinas de Chl. magellanica. Se provee de una descripción de las especies que incluyemorfología, habitats, abundancias locales, fenología de floración y fotografías. La riqueza de especies aquí reportadarepresenta cerca del 35% de las orquídeas que se distribuyen en las regiones florísticas Templada-Austral y el 75% de lasespecies descritas para la Región de Magallanes, colocando a la Reserva de la Biosfera Torres del Paine como una de lasáreas protegidas más representativas para este grupo taxonómico en Chile. Basados en nuestros resultados recalcamosla necesidad de establecer programas de monitoreo para las orquídeas y promoverlas como especies emblemáticas enplanificación ecoturística para así incrementar la valoración de las especies y reforzar la conservación de la biodiversidad

    Adenovirus core protein V reinforces the capsid and enhances genome release from disrupted particles

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    Out of the three core proteins in human adenovirus, protein V is believed to connect the inner capsid surface to the outer genome layer. Here, we explored mechanical properties and in vitro disassembly of particles lacking protein V (Ad5-ΔV). Ad5-ΔV particles were softer and less brittle than the wild-type ones (Ad5-wt), but they were more prone to release pentons under mechanical fatigue. In Ad5-ΔV, core components did not readily diffuse out of partially disrupted capsids, and the core appeared more condensed than in Ad5-wt. These observations suggest that instead of condensing the genome, protein V antagonizes the condensing action of the other core proteins. Protein V provides mechanical reinforcement and facilitates genome release by keeping DNA connected to capsid fragments that detach during disruption. This scenario is in line with the location of protein V in the virion and its role in Ad5 cell entry

    Gender differences in GPs' strategies for coping with the stress of the COVID-19 pandemic in Catalonia: A cross-sectional study

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    The Covid-19 pandemic has increased stress levels in GPs, who have resorted to different coping strategies to deal with this crisis. Gender differences in coping styles may be contributing factors in the development of psychological distress.To identify differences by gender and by stress level in coping strategies of GPs during the Covid-19 pandemic.A cross-sectional, web-based survey conducted with GPs in Catalonia (Spain), in June-July 2021. via the institution's email distribution list, all GPs members of the Catalan Society of Family and Community Medicine were invited to complete a survey assessing sociodemographic, health and work-related characteristics, experienced stress (Stress scale of the Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scales-DASS 21) and the frequency of use of a range of coping strategies (Brief-COPE) classified as problem-focused, emotion-focused and avoidant strategies, some of which are adaptive and others maladaptive. We compared the scores of each strategy by gender and stress level using Student's t-test.Of 4739 members, 522 GPs participated in the study (response rate 11%; 79.1% women; mean age = 46.9?years, SD?=?10.5). Of these, 41.9% reported moderate-severe stress levels. The most common coping strategies were acceptance, active coping, planning, positive reframing and venting. More frequently than men, women resorted to emotional and instrumental support, venting, distraction and self-blame, whereas men used acceptance and humour more commonly than women. Moderate-severe stress levels were associated with non-adaptive coping, with increased use of avoidance strategies, self-blame, religion and venting, and decreased use of positive reframing and acceptance.The most common coping strategies were adaptive and differed by gender. However, highly stressful situations caused maladaptive strategies to emerge

    Adenovirus core protein V reinforces the capsid and enhances genome release from disrupted particles

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    Out of the three core proteins in human adenovirus, protein V is believed to connect the inner capsid surface to the outer genome layer. Here, we explored mechanical properties and in vitro disassembly of particles lacking protein V (Ad5-ΔV). Ad5-ΔV particles were softer and less brittle than the wild-type ones (Ad5-wt), but they were more prone to release pentons under mechanical fatigue. In Ad5-ΔV, core components did not readily diffuse out of partially disrupted capsids, and the core appeared more condensed than in Ad5-wt. These observations suggest that instead of condensing the genome, protein V antagonizes the condensing action of the other core proteins. Protein V provides mechanical reinforcement and facilitates genome release by keeping DNA connected to capsid fragments that detach during disruption. This scenario is in line with the location of protein V in the virion and its role in Ad5 cell entryThis work was supported by grants from the Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness (FIS2017-89549-R; “Maria de Maeztu” Program for Units of Excellence in R&D MDM-2014-0377 and FIS2017-90701-REDT) and from the Human Frontiers Science Program (HFSPO RGP0012/2018) to P.J.d.P., as well as grant PID2019-104098GB-I00/AEI/10.13039/501100011033, cofunded by the Spanish State Research Agency and the European Regional Development Fund to C.S.M. The CNB-CSIC was further supported by a Spanish State Research Agency Severo Ochoa Excellence grant (SEV 2017-0712). C.S.M. is a member of the CSIC funded consortium LifeHub (CSIC grant number: 202120E47). M.H.-P. was a recipient of a Juan de la Cierva postdoctoral contract and currently holds a Ramón y Cajal position (RyC2021-030929-I) funded by the Spanish State Research Agency. M.H.-P. acknowledges funding from Ayudas a Proyectos de I+D para Jóvenes Doctores de la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid 2021, SI3/PJI/2021-00216 supported by the Community of Madrid and the University Autónoma de Madrid, and TED2021-129937B-I00 from Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation. Financial support of the Community of Madrid and the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), financed as part of the Union response to Covid-19 pandemic (VIRMAT-REACT), is also acknowledged. Access to the cryo-EM CNB-CSIC facility was carried out via the CRIOMECORR project (ESFRI-2019-01- CSIC-16). Work in the Greber laboratory was supported by a grant to UFG from Schweizerischer Nationalfonds (Swiss National Science Foundation, 31003A_179256/1). Author contributions: N.M.-G. performed AFM experiments and analyzed the data. M.H.-P. and C.S.M. carried out cryoEM analyses. A.G.-G. and M.B. produced the viral samples and carried out thermostability analyses. U.F.G., C.S.M., and P.J.d.P. designed research. N.M.-G. wrote the manuscript, with input from U.F.G., C.S.M., and P.J.d.P. All authors read and edited the manuscript. Competing interests: The authors declare that they have no competing interests. Data and materials availability: The Ad5-ΔV cryo-EM map is deposited at the Electron Microscopy Data Bank (EMDB; www.ebi.ac.uk/pdbe/emdb) with accession number EMD-15694. All data needed to evaluate the conclusions in the paper are present in the paper and/or the Supplementary Material