181 research outputs found

    Energy-efficiency improvements for optical access

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    This article discusses novel approaches to improve energy efficiency of different optical access technologies, including time division multiplexing passive optical network (TDM-PON), time and wavelength division multiplexing PON (TWDM-PON), point-to-point (PTP) access network, wavelength division multiplexing PON (WDM-PON), and orthogonal frequency division multiple access PON (OFDMA-PON). These approaches include cyclic sleep mode, energy-efficient bit interleaving protocol, power reduction at component level, or frequency band selection. Depending on the target optical access technology, one or a combination of different approaches can be applied

    Development and in vitro evaluation of a novel lipid nanocapsule formulation of etoposide.

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    Small cell lung cancer (SCLC) is the most aggressive carcinoma in thoracic oncology, unfortunately, despite chemotherapy, relapse is constant. The effect of etoposide, a major drug used against SCLC, can potentially be enhanced after its encapsulation in nanocarriers. The aim of this study was to use the technology of lipid nanocapsules (LNCs) to obtain nanocarriers with drug loadings compatible with clinical use and with an industrial process. Solubility studies with different co-solvent were first performed, then several process were developed to obtain LNCs. LNCs were then characterized (size, zeta potential, and drug loading). The best formulation called Ω-LNCs had a size of 54.1±2.0 nm and a zeta potential of -5.8±3.5 mV and a etoposide drug loading of 5.7±0.3mg/g. The characteristics of this formulation were maintained after freeze drying and after a 15× scale-up. Release studies in a media mimicking plasma composition showed that 40% of the drug was released from the LNCs after 48 h. Moreover the activity of etoposide after encapsulation was enhanced on H209 cells, IC50 was 100 μM and 2.5 μM for etoposide and etoposide LNCs respectively. Unfortunately the formulation failed to be more cytotoxic than etoposide alone on H69AR cells that are resistant to etoposide. This study showed that is was possible to obtain a new etoposide nanocarrier without the use of organic solvent, that the process is suitable for scale-up and freeze drying and finally that etoposide activity is maintained which is very promising for future treatment of SCLC

    Intra-arterial vasodilators infusion for management of reversible cerebral vasoconstriction syndrome in a 12-year-old girl: A case report.

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    Reversible cerebral vasoconstriction syndrome (RCVS) is a vascular disease characterized by diffuse transient vasoconstriction and vasodilatation of the cerebral arteries. It is commonly associated with recurrent severe acute headaches with or without focal neurological deficits due to hemorrhages, infarcts, and even posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome. The optimal management of acute neurologic deficits caused by RCVS is still uncertain. Calcium channel blockers (CCBs) such as nimodipine or verapamil have been reported to be effective in adult series. Intra-arterial injection of nimodipine, verapamil, and milrinone has recently been demonstrated to be safe and effective for treating severe segmental vasoconstriction in adults. CCBs are the most used treatment in the available pediatric literature. Intra-arterial vasodilators have been reported in some rare pediatric reports with more severe diseases, but their utility is still under investigation. We report a case of a 12-year-old girl who underwent a severe course of RCVS complicated by multiple cerebral infarcts, treated by several sessions of intra-arterial vasodilators infusion

    Procedural Complications During Early Versus Late Endovascular Treatment in Acute Stroke: Frequency and Clinical Impact

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    BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Endovascular treatment (EVT) in acute ischemic stroke is effective in the late time window in selected patients. However, the frequency and clinical impact of procedural complications in the early versus late time window has received little attention. METHODS: We retrospectively studied all acute ischemic strokes from 2015 to 2019 receiving EVT in the Acute Stroke Registry and Analysis of Lausanne. We compared the procedural EVT complications in the early (<6 hours) versus late (6-24 hours) window and correlated them with short-term clinical outcome. RESULTS: Among 695 acute ischemic strokes receiving EVT (of which 202 were in the late window), 113 (16.3%) had at least one procedural complication. The frequency of each single, and for overall procedural complications was similar for early versus late EVT (16.2% versus 16.3%, Padj=0.90). Procedural complications lead to a significantly less favorable short-term outcome, reflected by the absence of National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale improvement in late EVT (delta-National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale-24 hours, -2.5 versus 2, Padj=0.01). CONCLUSIONS: In this retrospective analysis of consecutive EVT, the frequency of procedural complications was similar for early and late EVT patients but very short-term outcome seemed less favorable in late EVT patients with complications

    Traitement chirurgical par plaque à compression des fractures de Galeazzi chez l’adulte: À propos de 28 cas

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    La fracture de Galeazzi associe une fracture diaphysaire du radius ou des deux os de l'avant bras à une luxation de l'articulation radio ulnairedistale. Décrite en 1934, sa fréquence varie chez l'adulte entre 2,7% et 6,8% de l'ensemble des fractures de l'avant bras. Le traitement admis defaçon consensuel chez l'adulte est chirurgical reposant sur une ostéosynthèse stable par une plaque vissée de compression dynamique associée ou non à un embrochage de la radio ulnaire distale. Nous rapportons dans notre étude les résultats cliniques de 28 patients colligés au service de traumatologie et orthopédie A du CHU Hassan II de Fès sur une période de 06 ans. L'âge moyen de nos patients était de 30 ans avecprédominance masculine de 90%; tous nos patients ont présenté un traumatisme de poignet lors d'un accident de sport. Le côté droit était atteint dans 75 % des cas. Le bilan radiologique objectiva une fracture diaphysaire du raduis associée à une luxation radio ulnaire distale; nous avons adopté la classification de de Mansat. Le traitement a consisté en une synthèse par une plaque vissée dynamique associée à un   embrochage transversal chez six patients qui ont présenté une instabilité de la radio ulnaire distale. L'immobilisation par attelle plâtrée postérieure BABP était de mise. Après un recul de 36 mois, nos résultats ont été très satisfaisants suivant le score de Mestdagh, avec bonne récupération de la mobilité du poignet et reprise de toute activité sportive

    Early-versus-Late Endovascular Stroke Treatment: Similar Frequencies of Nonrevascularization and Postprocedural Cerebrovascular Complications in a Large Single-Center Cohort Study.

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    Endovascular treatment of acute ischemic stroke is now performed more frequently in the late window in radiologically selected patients. However, little is known about whether the frequency and clinical impact of incomplete recanalization and postprocedural cerebrovascular complications differ between early and late windows in the real world. We retrospectively reviewed all patients with acute ischemic stroke receiving endovascular treatment within 24 hours from 2015 to 2019 and included in the Acute STroke Registry and Analysis of Lausanne. We compared rates of incomplete recanalization and postprocedural cerebrovascular complications (parenchymal hematoma, ischemic mass effect, and 24-hour re-occlusion) in the early (&lt;6 hours) versus late window (6-24 hours, including patients with unknown onset) populations and correlated them with the 3-month clinical outcome. Among 701 patients with acute ischemic stroke receiving endovascular treatment, 29.2% had late endovascular treatment. Overall, incomplete recanalization occurred in 56 patients (8%), and 126 patients (18%) had at least 1 postprocedural cerebrovascular complication. The frequency of incomplete recanalization was similar in early and late endovascular treatment (7.5% versus 9.3%, adjusted P =.66), as was the occurrence of any postprocedural cerebrovascular complication (16.9% versus 20.5%, adjusted P = .36). When analyzing single postprocedural cerebrovascular complications, rates of parenchymal hematoma and ischemic mass effect were similar (adjusted P = .71, adjusted P = .79, respectively), but 24-hour re-occlusion seemed somewhat more frequent in late endovascular treatment (4% versus 8.3%, unadjusted P = .02, adjusted P = .40). The adjusted 3-month clinical outcome in patients with incomplete recanalization or postprocedural cerebrovascular complications was comparable between early and late groups (adjusted P = .67, adjusted P = .23, respectively). The frequency of incomplete recanalization and of cerebrovascular complications occurring after endovascular treatment is similar in early and well-selected late patients receiving endovascular treatment. Our results demonstrate the technical success and safety of endovascular treatment in well-selected late patients with acute ischemic stroke

    Real-Time DSP-Free 100Gbit/s/λ PAM-4 Fiber Access Link using EML and Direct Detection

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    A 100 Gbit/s/ λ PAM-4 fiber link with an optical budget of 30 dB and 20 km fiber reach is achieved in real time experiments. This is compliant with class A (20 dB) point to point (PtP) applications as mobile fronthaul for example, and with class N1 (29 dB) point to multipoint (PtMP) for residential market. We used an integrated externally modulated laser, an analog pre-equalizer, an optical booster amplifier and/or non-filtered preamplifier and direct detection without any digital signal processing (whether real-time or offline)

    Advances in crop insect modelling methods—Towards a whole system approach

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    A wide range of insects affect crop production and cause considerable yield losses. Difficulties reside on the development and adaptation of adequate strategies to predict insect pests for their timely management to ensure enhanced agricultural production. Several conceptual modelling frameworks have been proposed, and the choice of an approach depends largely on the objective of the model and the availability of data. This paper presents a summary of decades of advances in insect population dynamics, phenology models, distribution and risk mapping. Existing challenges on the modelling of insects are listed; followed by innovations in the field. New approaches include artificial neural networks, cellular automata (CA) coupled with fuzzy logic (FL), fractal, multi-fractal, percolation, synchronization and individual/agent based approaches. A concept for assessing climate change impacts and providing adaptation options for agricultural pest management independently of the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) emission scenarios is suggested. A framework for estimating losses and optimizing yields within crop production system is proposed and a summary on modelling the economic impact of pests control is presented. The assessment shows that the majority of known insect modelling approaches are not holistic; they only concentrate on a single component of the system, i.e. the pest, rather than the whole crop production system. We suggest system thinking as a possible approach for linking crop, pest, and environmental conditions to provide a more comprehensive assessment of agricultural crop production.Peer reviewe

    Clinical Presentation of Patients with Ebola Virus Disease in Conakry, Guinea

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    BACKGROUND: In March 2014, the World Health Organization was notified of an outbreak of Zaire ebolavirus in a remote area of Guinea. The outbreak then spread to the capital, Conakry, and to neighboring countries and has subsequently become the largest epidemic of Ebola virus disease (EVD) to date. METHODS: From March 25 to April 26, 2014, we performed a study of all patients with laboratory-confirmed EVD in Conakry. Mortality was the primary outcome. Secondary outcomes included patient characteristics, complications, treatments, and comparisons between survivors and nonsurvivors. RESULTS: Of 80 patients who presented with symptoms, 37 had laboratory-confirmed EVD. Among confirmed cases, the median age was 38 years (interquartile range, 28 to 46), 24 patients (65%) were men, and 14 (38%) were health care workers; among the health care workers, nosocomial transmission was implicated in 12 patients (32%). Patients with confirmed EVD presented to the hospital a median of 5 days (interquartile range, 3 to 7) after the onset of symptoms, most commonly with fever (in 84% of the patients; mean temperature, 38.6°C), fatigue (in 65%), diarrhea (in 62%), and tachycardia (mean heart rate, \u3e93 beats per minute). Of these patients, 28 (76%) were treated with intravenous fluids and 37 (100%) with antibiotics. Sixteen patients (43%) died, with a median time from symptom onset to death of 8 days (interquartile range, 7 to 11). Patients who were 40 years of age or older, as compared with those under the age of 40 years, had a relative risk of death of 3.49 (95% confidence interval, 1.42 to 8.59; P=0.007). CONCLUSIONS: Patients with EVD presented with evidence of dehydration associated with vomiting and severe diarrhea. Despite attempts at volume repletion, antimicrobial therapy, and limited laboratory services, the rate of death was 43%