9,663 research outputs found

    Evaluating Effects of Tax Preferences on Health Care Spending and Federal Revenues

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    In this paper, we calculate the consequences for health spending and federal revenues of an above-the-line deduction for out-of-pocket health spending. We show how the response of spending to this expansion in the tax preference can be specified as a function of a small number of behavioral parameters that have been estimated in the existing literature. We compare our estimates to those from other researchers. And, we use our analysis to derive some implications for tax policy toward HSAs.

    Signatures of Dark Matter Scattering Inelastically Off Nuclei

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    Direct dark matter detection focuses on elastic scattering of dark matter particles off nuclei. In this study, we explore inelastic scattering where the nucleus is excited to a low-lying state of 10-100 keV, with subsequent prompt de-excitation. We calculate the inelastic structure factors for the odd-mass xenon isotopes based on state-of-the-art large-scale shell-model calculations with chiral effective field theory WIMP-nucleon currents. For these cases, we find that the inelastic channel is comparable to or can dominate the elastic channel for momentum transfers around 150 MeV. We calculate the inelastic recoil spectra in the standard halo model, compare these to the elastic case, and discuss the expected signatures in a xenon detector, along with implications for existing and future experiments. The combined information from elastic and inelastic scattering will allow to determine the dominant interaction channel within one experiment. In addition, the two channels probe different regions of the dark matter velocity distribution and can provide insight into the dark halo structure. The allowed recoil energy domain and the recoil energy at which the integrated inelastic rates start to dominate the elastic channel depend on the mass of the dark matter particle, thus providing a potential handle to constrain its mass.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figures. Matches resubmitted version to Phys. Rev. D. One figure added; supplemental material (fits to the structure functions) added as an Appendi

    Precision Measurement of the 29Si, 33S, and 36Cl Binding Energies

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    The binding energies of 29Si, 33S, and 36Cl have been measured with a relative uncertainty <0.59×106< 0.59 \times 10^{-6} using a flat-crystal spectrometer. The unique features of these measurements are 1) nearly perfect crystals whose lattice spacing is known in meters, 2) a highly precise angle scale that is derived from first principles, and 3) a gamma-ray measurement facility that is coupled to a high flux reactor with near-core source capability. The binding energy is obtained by measuring all gamma-rays in a cascade scheme connecting the capture and ground states. The measurements require the extension of precision flat-crystal diffraction techniques to the 5 to 6 MeV energy region, a significant precision measurement challenge. The binding energies determined from these gamma-ray measurements are consistent with recent highly accurate atomic mass measurements within a relative uncertainty of 4.3×1074.3 \times 10^{-7}. The gamma-ray measurement uncertainties are the dominant contributors to the uncertainty of this consistency test. The measured gamma-ray energies are in agreement with earlier precision gamma-ray measurements.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figure

    Two-finger selection theory in the Saffman-Taylor problem

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    We find that solvability theory selects a set of stationary solutions of the Saffman-Taylor problem with coexistence of two \it unequal \rm fingers advancing with the same velocity but with different relative widths λ1\lambda_1 and λ2\lambda_2 and different tip positions. For vanishingly small dimensionless surface tension d0d_0, an infinite discrete set of values of the total filling fraction λ=λ1+λ2\lambda = \lambda_1 + \lambda_2 and of the relative individual finger width p=λ1/λ2p=\lambda_1/\lambda_2 are selected out of a two-parameter continuous degeneracy. They scale as λ1/2d02/3\lambda-1/2 \sim d_0^{2/3} and p1/2d01/3|p-1/2| \sim d_0^{1/3}. The selected values of λ\lambda differ from those of the single finger case. Explicit approximate expressions for both spectra are given.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Monte Carlo direct simulation technique user's manual

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    User manual for Monte Carlo direct simulation techniqu

    Detection of Far-Infrared Water Vapor, Hydroxyl, and Carbon Monoxide Emissions from the Supernova Remnant 3C 391

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    We report the detection of shock-excited far-infrared emission of H2O, OH, and CO from the supernova remnant 3C 391, using the ISO Long-Wavelength Spectrometer. This is the first detection of thermal H2O and OH emission from a supernova remnant. For two other remnants, W~28 and W~44, CO emission was detected but OH was only detected in absorption. The observed H2O and OH emission lines arise from levels within ~400 K of the ground state, consistent with collisional excitation in warm, dense gas created after the passage of the shock front through the dense clumps in the pre-shock cloud. The post-shock gas we observe has a density ~2x10^5 cm^{-3} and temperature 100-1000 K, and the relative abundances of CO:OH:H2O in the emitting region are 100:1:7 for a temperature of 200 K. The presence of a significant column of warm H2O suggests that the chemistry has been significantly changed by the shock. The existence of significant column densities of both OH and H2O, which is at odds with models for non-dissociative shocks into dense gas, could be due to photodissociation of H2O or a mix of fast and slow shocks through regions with different pre-shock density.Comment: AASTeX manuscript and 4 postscript figure

    Trame écologique agropastorale du Massif central : de l’approche cartographique globale par grands types de milieux à une approche cartographique affinée des végétations agropastorales.

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    Les milieux ouverts herbacés représentent sur l’ensemble du Massif central une composante majeure et une richesse en terme de biodiversité. Ces milieux sont hérités d’une longue pratique agropastorale à laquelle ils doivent leur maintien. L’évolution récente et rapide de cette pratique, se traduit par une perte massive de diversité végétale. L’objet de cette étude est de mettre au point une méthode d’inventaire et de suivi de ces milieux à l’aide d’images optiques THR et de données Lidar, applicable à de larges superficies. Cette recherche est portée par la fédération des parcs naturels du Massif central (IPAMAC). Trois territoires expérimentaux (zones de 3000 ha) et représentatifs de la diversité du Massif central ont été définis : les Monts du Forez (secteur cristallin), le Massif du Sancy et du Cézallier (secteur volcanique) et le Causse noir (secteur calcaire). Dans chacun de ces territoires, une cartographie de terrain des végétations a été menée par les conservatoires botaniques sur des zones-tests de 300 ha environ. Cette cartographie rassemble des informations phytosociologiques, physionomiques, environnementales et sur les pratiques agropastorales, afin de prendre en compte les nombreux facteurs impactant l’information spectrale. Le choix des données image répond aux objectifs suivants : explorer les potentialités de la très haute résolution pour restituer le plus finement possible la diversité du tapis végétal et, suivre le développement phénologique des végétations à des dates différentes de la saison végétative. Trois types d’images aériennes et satellites (visible et proche infrarouge) ont été acquises sur chaque territoire sur la période végétative entre 2010 et 2013