3,172 research outputs found

    Decoherence and classical predictability of phase space histories

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    We consider the decoherence of phase space histories in a class of quantum Brownian motion models, consisting of a particle moving in a potential V(x)V(x) in interaction with a heat bath at temperature TT and dissipation gamma, in the Markovian regime. The evolution of the density operator for this open system is thus described by a non-unitary master equation. The phase space histories of the system are described by a class of quasiprojectors. Generalizing earlier results of Hagedorn and Omn\`es, we show that a phase space projector onto a phase space cell Γ\Gamma is approximately evolved under the master equation into another phase space projector onto the classical dissipative evolution of Γ\Gamma, and with a certain amount of degradation due to the noise produced by the environment. We thus show that histories of phase space samplings approximately decohere, and that the probabilities for these histories are peaked about classical dissipative evolution, with a width of peaking depending on the size of the noise.Comment: 34 pages, LATEX, revised version to avoid LATEX error

    Spin-orbit coupling and electron spin resonance for interacting electrons in carbon nanotubes

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    We review the theoretical description of spin-orbit scattering and electron spin resonance in carbon nanotubes. Particular emphasis is laid on the effects of electron-electron interactions. The spin-orbit coupling is derived, and the resulting ESR spectrum is analyzed both using the effective low-energy field theory and numerical studies of finite-size Hubbard chains and two-leg Hubbard ladders. For single-wall tubes, the field theoretical description predicts a double peak spectrum linked to the existence of spin-charge separation. The numerical analysis basically confirms this picture, but also predicts additional features in finite-size samples.Comment: 19 pages, 4 figures, invited review article for special issue in J. Phys. Cond. Mat., published versio

    Current-voltage scaling of chiral and gauge-glass models of two-dimensional superconductors

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    The scaling behavior of the current-voltage characteristics of chiral and gauge glass models of disordered superconductors, are studied numerically, in two dimensions. For both models, the linear resistance is nonzero at finite temperatures and the scaling analysis of the nonlinear resistivity is consistent with a phase transition at T=0 temperature characterized by a diverging correlation length ξTνT\xi \propto T^{-\nu_{T}} and thermal critical exponent νT\nu_{T}. The values of νT\nu_{T}, however, are found to be different for the chiral and gauge glass models, suggesting different universality classes, in contrast to the result obtained recently in three dimensions.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures (included), to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Velocity quantization approach of the one-dimensional dissipative harmonic oscillator

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    Given a constant of motion for the one-dimensional harmonic oscillator with linear dissipation in the velocity, the problem to get the Hamiltonian for this system is pointed out, and the quantization up to second order in the perturbation approach is used to determine the modification on the eigenvalues when dissipation is taken into consideration. This quantization is realized using the constant of motion instead of the Hamiltonian.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figure

    Unstable decay and state selection II

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    The decay of unstable states when several metastable states are available for occupation is investigated using path-integral techniques. Specifically, a method is described which allows the probabilities with which the metastable states are occupied to be calculated by finding optimal paths, and fluctuations about them, in the weak noise limit. The method is illustrated on a system described by two coupled Langevin equations, which are found in the study of instabilities in fluid dynamics and superconductivity. The problem involves a subtle interplay between non-linearities and noise, and a naive approximation scheme which does not take this into account is shown to be unsatisfactory. The use of optimal paths is briefly reviewed and then applied to finding the conditional probability of ending up in one of the metastable states, having begun in the unstable state. There are several aspects of the calculation which distinguish it from most others involving optimal paths: (i) the paths do not begin and end on an attractor, and moreover, the final point is to a large extent arbitrary, (ii) the interplay between the fluctuations and the leading order contribution are at the heart of the method, and (iii) the final result involves quantities which are not exponentially small in the noise strength. This final result, which gives the probability of a particular state being selected in terms of the parameters of the dynamics, is remarkably simple and agrees well with the results of numerical simulations. The method should be applicable to similar problems in a number of other areas such as state selection in lasers, activationless chemical reactions and population dynamics in fluctuating environments.Comment: 28 pages, 6 figures. Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Wigner Distribution Function Approach to Dissipative Problems in Quantum Mechanics with emphasis on Decoherence and Measurement Theory

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    We first review the usefulness of the Wigner distribution functions (WDF), associated with Lindblad and pre-master equations, for analyzing a host of problems in Quantum Optics where dissipation plays a major role, an arena where weak coupling and long-time approximations are valid. However, we also show their limitations for the discussion of decoherence, which is generally a short-time phenomenon with decay rates typically much smaller than typical dissipative decay rates. We discuss two approaches to the problem both of which use a quantum Langevin equation (QLE) as a starting-point: (a) use of a reduced WDF but in the context of an exact master equation (b) use of a WDF for the complete system corresponding to entanglement at all times

    Multiple Functionality in Nanotube Transistors

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    Calculations of quantum transport in a carbon nanotube transistor show that such a device offers unique functionality. It can operate as a ballistic field-effect transistor, with excellent characteristics even when scaled to 10 nm dimensions. At larger gate voltages, channel inversion leads to resonant tunneling through an electrostatically defined nanoscale quantum dot. Thus the transistor becomes a gated resonant tunelling device, with negative differential resistance at a tunable threshold. For the dimensions considered here, the device operates in the Coulomb blockade regime, even at room temperature.Comment: To appear in Phys. Rev. Let


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    In this paper we derive exact quantum Langevin equations for stochastic dynamics of large-scale inflation in de~Sitter space. These quantum Langevin equations are the equivalent of the Wigner equation and are described by a system of stochastic differential equations. We present a formula for the calculation of the expectation value of a quantum operator whose Weyl symbol is a function of the large-scale inflation scalar field and its time derivative. The unique solution is obtained for the Cauchy problem for the Wigner equation for large-scale inflation. The stationary solution for the Wigner equation is found for an arbitrary potential. It is shown that the large-scale inflation scalar field in de Sitter space behaves as a quantum one-dimensional dissipative system, which supports the earlier results. But the analogy with a one-dimensional model of the quantum linearly damped anharmonic oscillator is not complete: the difference arises from the new time dependent commutation relation for the large-scale field and its time derivative. It is found that, for the large-scale inflation scalar field the large time asymptotics is equal to the `classical limit'. For the large time limit the quantum Langevin equations are just the classical stochastic Langevin equations (only the stationary state is defined by the quantum field theory).Comment: 21 pages RevTex preprint styl

    Charge Screening Effect in Metallic Carbon Nanotubes

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    Charge screening effect in metallic carbon nanotubes is investigated in a model including the one-dimensional long-range Coulomb interaction. It is pointed out that an external charge which is being fixed spatially is screened by internal electrons so that the resulting object becomes electrically neutral. We found that the screening length is given by about the diameter of a nanotube.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figure