171 research outputs found

    Stochastic series expansion method for quantum Ising models with arbitrary interactions

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    A quantum Monte Carlo algorithm for the transverse Ising model with arbitrary short- or long-range interactions is presented. The algorithm is based on sampling the diagonal matrix elements of the power series expansion of the density matrix (stochastic series expansion), and avoids the interaction summations necessary in conventional methods. In the case of long-range interactions, the scaling of the computation time with the system size N is therefore reduced from N^2 to Nln(N). The method is tested on a one-dimensional ferromagnet in a transverse field, with interactions decaying as 1/r^2.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figure

    Evolutionary history and species delimitations: a case study of the hazel dormouse, Muscardinus avellanarius

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    Robust identification of species and significant evolutionary units (ESUs) is essential to implement appropriate conservation strategies for endangered species. However, definitions of species or ESUs are numerous and sometimes controversial, which might lead to biased conclusions, with serious consequences for the management of endangered species. The hazel dormouse, an arboreal rodent of conservation concern throughout Europe is an ideal model species to investigate the relevance of species identification for conservation purposes. This species is a member of the Gliridae family, which is protected in Europe and seriously threatened in the northern part of its range. We assessed the extent of genetic subdivision in the hazel dormouse by sequencing one mitochondrial gene (cytb) and two nuclear genes (BFIBR, APOB) and genotyping 10 autosomal microsatellites. These data were analysed using a combination of phylogenetic analyses and species delimitation methods. Multilocus analyses revealed the presence of two genetically distinct lineages (approximately 11 % cytb genetic divergence, no nuclear alleles shared) for the hazel dormouse in Europe, which presumably diverged during the Late Miocene. The phylogenetic patterns suggests that Muscardinus avellanarius populations could be split into two cryptic species respectively distributed in western and central-eastern Europe and Anatolia. However, the comparison of several species definitions and methods estimated the number of species between 1 and 10. Our results revealed the difficulty in choosing and applying an appropriate criterion and markers to identify species and highlight the fact that consensus guidelines are essential for species delimitation in the future. In addition, this study contributes to a better knowledge about the evolutionary history of the species

    Inter-subunit coupling enables fast CO2-fixation by reductive carboxylases

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    Enoyl-CoA carboxylases/reductases (ECRs) are some of the most efficient CO2-fixing enzymes described to date. However, the molecular mechanisms underlying the extraordinary catalytic activity of ECRs on the level of the protein assembly remain elusive. Here we used a combination of ambient-temperature X-ray free electron laser (XFEL) and cryogenic synchrotron experiments to study the structural organization of the ECR from Kitasatospora setae. The K. setae ECR is a homotetramer that differentiates into a pair of dimers of open- and closed-form subunits in the catalytically active state. Using molecular dynamics simulations and structure-based mutagenesis, we show that catalysis is synchronized in the K. setae ECR across the pair of dimers. This conformational coupling of catalytic domains is conferred by individual amino acids to achieve high CO2-fixation rates. Our results provide unprecedented insights into the dynamic organization and synchronized inter- and intrasubunit communications of this remarkably efficient CO2-fixing enzyme during catalysis.

    Mitochondrial simple sequenze repeats and 12s – rRNA gene reveal two distinct lineages of Crocidura russula (Mammalia, Sorcidae)

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    A short segment (135 bp) of the control region and a partial sequence (394 bp) of the 12S-rRNA gene in the mitochondrial DNA of Crocidura russula were analyzed in order to test a previous hypothesis regarding the presence of a gene flow disruption in northern Africa. This breakpoint would have separated northeast-African C. russula populations from the European (plus the northwest-African) populations. The analysis was carried out on specimens from Tunisia (C. r. cf agilis), Sardinia (C. r. ichnusae), and Pantelleria (C. r. cossyrensis), and on C. r. russula from Spain and Belgium. Two C. russula lineages were identified; they both shared R2 tandem repeated motifs of the same length (12 bp), but not the same primary structure. These simple sequence repeats were present in 12–23 copies in the right domain of the control region. Within the northeast-African populations, a polymorphism of repeat variants, not yet found in Europe, was recorded. A neighbor-join tree, which was built by sequences of the conserved 12S-rRNA gene, separated the two sister groups; it permitted us to date a divergence time of 0.5Myr. Our data discriminated two different mitochondrial lineages in accordance with the previous morphological and karyological data. Ecoclimatic barriers formed during the Middle Pleistocene broke the range of ancestral species in the Eastern Algeria (Kabile Mountains), leading to two genetically separate and modern lineages. The northeast-African lineage can today be located in Tunisia, Pantelleria, and Sardinia. The northwest- African lineage (Morocco and West Algeria), reaching Spain by anthropogenic introduction, spread over north Europe in modern times. The Palaearctic C. russula species is monophyletic, but a taxonomical revision (ie, to provide a full species rank for the northeast taxa and to put in synonymy some insular taxa) is required

    Clinical and Non-Clinical Aspects of Distal Radioulnar Joint Instability

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    Untreated distal radioulnar joint (DRUJ) injuries can give rise to long lasting complaints. Although common, diagnosis and treatment of DRUJ injuries remains a challenge. The articulating anatomy of the distal radius and ulna, among others, enables an extensive range of forearm pronosupination movements. Stabilization of this joint is provided by both intrinsic and extrinsic stabilizers and the joint capsule. These structures transmit the load and prevent the DRUJ from luxation during movement. Several clinical tests have been suggested to determine static or dynamic DRUJ stability, but their predictive value is unclear. Radiologic evaluation of DRUJ instability begins with conventional radiographs in anterioposterior and true lateral view. If not conclusive, CT-scan seems to be the best additional modality to evaluate the osseous structures. MRI has proven to be more sensitive and specific for TFCC tears, potentially causing DRUJ instability. DRUJ instability may remain asymptomatic. Symptomatic DRUJ injuries treatment can be conservative or operative. Operative treatment should consist of restoration of osseous and ligamenteous anatomy. If not successful, salvage procedures can be performed to regain stability

    Do serum biomarkers really measure breast cancer?

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    Background Because screening mammography for breast cancer is less effective for premenopausal women, we investigated the feasibility of a diagnostic blood test using serum proteins. Methods This study used a set of 98 serum proteins and chose diagnostically relevant subsets via various feature-selection techniques. Because of significant noise in the data set, we applied iterated Bayesian model averaging to account for model selection uncertainty and to improve generalization performance. We assessed generalization performance using leave-one-out cross-validation (LOOCV) and receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve analysis. Results The classifiers were able to distinguish normal tissue from breast cancer with a classification performance of AUC = 0.82 ± 0.04 with the proteins MIF, MMP-9, and MPO. The classifiers distinguished normal tissue from benign lesions similarly at AUC = 0.80 ± 0.05. However, the serum proteins of benign and malignant lesions were indistinguishable (AUC = 0.55 ± 0.06). The classification tasks of normal vs. cancer and normal vs. benign selected the same top feature: MIF, which suggests that the biomarkers indicated inflammatory response rather than cancer. Conclusion Overall, the selected serum proteins showed moderate ability for detecting lesions. However, they are probably more indicative of secondary effects such as inflammation rather than specific for malignancy.United States. Dept. of Defense. Breast Cancer Research Program (Grant No. W81XWH-05-1-0292)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (R01 CA-112437-01)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (NIH CA 84955

    Diverse aging rates in ectothermic tetrapods provide insights for the evolution of aging and longevity

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    Comparative studies of mortality in the wild are necessary to understand the evolution of aging; yet, ectothermic tetrapods are underrepresented in this comparative landscape, despite their suitability for testing evolutionary hypotheses. We present a study of aging rates and longevity across wild tetrapod ectotherms, using data from 107 populations (77 species) of nonavian reptiles and amphibians. We test hypotheses of how thermoregulatory mode, environmental temperature, protective phenotypes, and pace of life history contribute to demographic aging. Controlling for phylogeny and body size, ectotherms display a higher diversity of aging rates compared with endotherms and include phylogenetically widespread evidence of negligible aging. Protective phenotypes and life-history strategies further explain macroevolutionary patterns of aging. Analyzing ectothermic tetrapods in a comparative context enhances our understanding of the evolution of aging.Animal science

    Données préliminaires sur l’écologie du Mulot sylvestre Apodemus sylvaticus Linné, 1758, dans la région de Tala-Guilef, Parc national du Djurdjura, Algérie

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    Wood mice (n = 166) were sampled in 1989-1990 by line trapping in the Djurdjura National Park, Algeria. Most were observed in forests of sclerophyllous oaks (Quercus ilex, Quercus suber ) and in mountain grasslands. The species was scarcer in cedar forests. Most (70 %) of the captured individuals were adults with a large number of males. Furthermore, most of the individuals were captured in spring (ca. 52 %).Cent soixante-six mulots ont été capturés durant l’année 1989-1990 par la méthode du piégeage en ligne au sein du Parc National du Djurdjura (région de Tala-Guilef, Algérie). C’est dans les formations de chênes sclérophylles (Quercus ilex et Quercus suber) et dans les pelouses sommitales que l’abondance du Mulot sylvestre a été maximale. Par contre elle demeure relativement faible dans la cédraie. Les adultes constituent la quasi-totalité des individus capturés (70 %) avec une prédominance des mâles. Au cours de l’année, le pic des effectifs se situe au printemps (soit près de 52 %).Poitevin F., Hamdine W. Données préliminaires sur l’écologie du Mulot sylvestre Apodemus sylvaticus Linné, 1758, dans la région de Tala-Guilef, Parc national du Djurdjura, Algérie. In: Revue d'Écologie (La Terre et La Vie), tome 49, n°2, 1994. pp. 181-186