570 research outputs found

    Analisis Pola Konsumsi Daging Sapi Pada Masyarakat Pesisir Di Kabupaten Tanjung Jabung Timur

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    The meat consumption pattern of costal community in the regency of Esat Tanjung Jabung was chicken, beef, fish, anchovy, wet shrimp ,, freshwater fish and salted fish. The beef consumption was around 8.03 g percapita perday. Family habit in consuming beef, family taste in consuming beef, the family in-come percapita and the meat availaibity simultaniously affects on meat consumption in this area. However in partial family income is the only factor affecting the meat consumption on costal community in the regency od East Tanjung Jabung

    Recurrence Tracking Microscope

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    In order to probe nanostructures on a surface we present a microscope based on the quantum recurrence phenomena. A cloud of atoms bounces off an atomic mirror connected to a cantilever and exhibits quantum recurrences. The times at which the recurrences occur depend on the initial height of the bouncing atoms above the atomic mirror, and vary following the structures on the surface under investigation. The microscope has inherent advantages over existing techniques of scanning tunneling microscope and atomic force microscope. Presently available experimental technology makes it possible to develop the device in the laboratory

    Financial Stability of Islamic Versus Conventional Banks in Pakistan

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    This study aims to analyze and compare the financial stability of Pakistani banks covering a timeframe of 5 years from 2012 to 2016. This study employs the financial soundness indicators of the International Monetary Funds and State Bank of Pakistan and the z-score index. The comparative analysis through average scores is performed using 3 indicators of financial stability namely Z-Score, Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR) and Equity to Total Assets Ratio. The findings of the research reveal that (i) conventional banks are more financially stable than Islamic banks; (ii) large conventional banks are more financially stable than large Islamic banks; (iii) small Islamic banks are less stable than small conventional bank. The implication of this paper is that conventional banks have the potential of absorbing financial stability shock as compare to Islamic banks on the basis of stated financial soundness indicators and Z-Score specifically.DOI: 10.15408/aiq.v10i2.650

    Assessing the Impact of Service Quality on Consumers Satisfaction: a Comparative Study of Commercial Vs Islamic Banks in Pakistan

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    This study aims to show the path that Islamic banking follows of Sharia' h while on the other hand commercial banks obeys commercial regulations and rules for the purpose of banking. The main objective of the Islamic banking is to offer interest free services and products which obeys the path of Sharia' h and Islamic banking system makes transaction on the foundation of profit and loss, while on the other hand commercial banks are business oriented banks. The sampling method used in this research was convenience sampling with a sample size of 200 which were the customers of the banks and the research design of the questionnaire used was exploratory The questionnaire was distributed in 4 banks 2 commercial and 2 Islamic banks respectively. Dependent variables are ‘customer expectation and perception' while on the other hand independent variable that are used this research are ‘reliability, assurance, tangibles, empathy and responsiveness. The results which are derived from this research shows a negative or less impact of two service quality dimensions on both banks which are Assurance and Empathy. The highest perceived service dimension is “Reliability,” that refers to the reliability of their products and promise to provide the best service quality to their customers. While the lowest perceived service was observed towards “Empathy,” the other two dimension with highest value are tangibility and responsiveness which means that customers' of both commercial and Islamic banks like tangible service and the quick responsiveness towards providing them the best service

    Imaging magnetic vortex configurations in ferromagnetic nanotubes

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    We image the remnant magnetization configurations of CoFeB and permalloy nanotubes (NTs) using x-ray magnetic circular dichroism photo-emission electron microscopy. The images provide direct evidence for flux-closure configurations, including a global vortex state, in which magnetization points circumferentially around the NT axis. Furthermore, micromagnetic simulations predict and measurements confirm that vortex states can be programmed as the equilibrium remnant magnetization configurations by reducing the NT aspect ratio.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figures, link to supplementary informatio

    Numerical Investigation of Heat Transfer Enhancement in a Circular Tube with Rectangular Opened Rings

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    Turbulent forced convection of coolant air flow (10 m/s velocity) in a steel tube of 50 cm long having outside diameter of 60 mm and inside diameter of 30 mm with constant outside surface temperature of 1000, 1200 and 1400 Ko is numerically analyzed. The renormalization group k-ε model is used to simulate turbulence in ANSYS - FLUENT 14.5. An opened ring of rectangular cross section (5x7 mm) is fitted in the tube and separated by 8cm pitch. Results of temperature and velocity distribution along the tube center line for the case of tube with internal ribs were compared with that of plain tube , these results show that the use of internal ribs enhance the heat transfer rate and found to possess the highest performance factors for turbulent flow

    Effect of energy spectrum law on clustering patterns for inertial particles subjected to gravity in Kinematic Simulation

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    We study the clustering of inertial particles using a periodic kinematic simulation. Particles clustering is observed for different pairs of Stokes number and Froude number and different spectral power laws (1.4 6 p 6 2.1). The main focus is to identify and then quantify the effect of p on the clustering attractor - by attractor we mean the set of points in the physical space where the particles settle when time tends to infinity. It is observed that spectral power laws can have a dramatic effect on the attractor shape. In particular, we observed a new attractor type which was not present in previous studies for Kolmogorov spectra (p = 5/3)

    Governance of flood disaster management: Malaysian case study

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    Flood is a yearly event in Malaysia but surprisingly there is no law specifically to address it and the related issues. However there are many other laws, rules and regulations that are in force and these can be applied directly and indirectly to address flood issues. The custodian of these laws is not that of one Government department only, but designated to many different departments, each with its own responsibilities and functions. Managing floods therefore requires good inter-agency coordination and cooperation. This is not often easy but the Federal and State administrative culture, traditions and practices have evolved such that there is respect and understanding on the need to approach flood problems in an integrated manner. Flood governance entails the need of a coordinated system in dealing with this natural disaster. A significant lives and properties are lost each year due to increasing magnitude of flood, made worst by extreme climate change. Some of the countries choose decentralized flood governance management including Malaysia. However, it is still unclear whether decentralized or centralized flood management governance is more effective. This review was to compare between countries on governance of flood management. A mini scoping systematic review was done, where five articles with six different country examples were chosen for the review. Four out of six countries opted for decentralized flood governance as being more effective, as it leads to better democracy, local actors have a bigger role to play, more sophisticated technology and better training, privatization of necessities such as water supply helps to ease the central government burden and flood risk maps are built for predictive modelling and preventive action. However, lack of coordination remains an issue in all of the countries that could potentially be tackled using the COBIT framework. Further researches are needed to test the effectiveness of this framework in improving flood governance

    Structural and optical properties Investigation of ZnxCd1-xS thin films

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    CdZnXS1-X thin films with different composition have been deposited on glass substrate by by the spray pyrolysis method at RT using CdCl2 (0.1M),ZnCl2(0.1M)and H2NCSNH2(0.1M)solution and a substrate temperature of ( 400±20°C). X-ray diffraction studies reveal that the films are polycrystalline in nature with hexagonal structure and preferential orientation along (002) . The grain size of the films is found to increase form  (37.397 to 46.902) nm with increasing Zinc concentration while the strain and the dislocation density of the films are found to decrease from (7.15 to 4.54) 10 4 rad and from (3.82 to 1.93) 10 14 lines.m-2 respectively . The  transmittance  spectrums  of  CdZnxS1-x  thin  films  reveal very pronounced interference effects for photon energies below the fundamental absorption edge by exhibiting interference pattern . The optical energy gap for CdZnxS1-x thin films increases and shifts towards the UV region  as the  Zn concentration in the films increased .Â