2,323 research outputs found

    Non-equilibrium chemistry and dust formation in AGB stars as probed by SiO line emission

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    We have performed high spatial resolution observations of SiO line emission for a sample of 11 AGB stars using the ATCA, VLA and SMA interferometers. Detailed radiative transfer modelling suggests that there are steep chemical gradients of SiO in their circumstellar envelopes. The emerging picture is one where the radial SiO abundance distribution starts at an initial high abundance, in the case of M-stars consistent with LTE chemistry, that drastically decreases at a radius of ~1E15 cm. This is consistent with a scenario where SiO freezes out onto dust grains. The region of the wind with low abundance is much more extended, typically ~1E16 cm, and limited by photodissociation. The surpisingly high SiO abundances found in carbon stars requires non-equilibrium chemical processes.Comment: 2 pages, 1 figure. To be published in the proceedings of the conference "Why Galaxies Care about AGB Stars", held in Vienna, August 7-11, 2006; F. Kerschbaum, C. Charbonnel, B. Wing eds, ASP Conf.Ser. in pres

    Preliminary results on SiO v=3 J=1-0 maser emission from AGB stars

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    We present the results of SiO maser observations at 43GHz toward two AGB stars using the VLBA. Our preliminary results on the relative positions of the different J=1-0 SiO masers (v=1,2 and 3) indicate that the current ideas on SiO maser pumping could be wrong at some fundamental level. A deep revision of the SiO pumping models could be necessary.Comment: poster, 2 pages, 2 figures, Proc. IAU Symp. 287 "Cosmic Masers: from OH to H0", R.S. Booth, E.M.L. Humphreys and W.H.T. Vlemmings, ed

    SiO masers from AGB stars in the vibrationally excited v=1,v=2, and v=3 states

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    The v=1 and v=2 J=1-0 (43 GHz), and v=1 J=2-1 (86 GHz) SiO masers are intense in AGB stars and have been mapped using VLBI showing ring-like distributions. Those of the v=1, v=2 J=1-0 masers are similar, but the spots are rarely coincident, while the v=1 J=2-1 maser arises from a well separated region farther out. These relative locations can be explained by models tools that include the overlap of two IR lines of SiO and H2O. The v=3 J=1-0 line is not directly affected by any line overlap and its spot structure and position, relative to the other lines, is a good test to the standard pumping models. We present single-dish and simultaneous VLBI observations of the v=1, v=2, and v=3 J=1-0 maser transitions of 28SiO in several AGB stars. The spatial distribution of the SiO maser emission in the v=3 J=1-0 transition from AGB stars is systematically composed of a series of spots that occupy a ring-like structure. The overall ring structure is extremely similar to that found in the other 43 GHz transitions and is very different from the structure of the v=1 J=2-1 maser. The positions of the individual spots of the different 43 GHz lines are, however, very rarely coincident, which in general is separated by about 0.3 AU (between 1 and 5 mas). These results are very difficult to reconcile with standard pumping models, which predict that the masers of rotational transitions within a given vibrational state require very similar excitation conditions, while the transitions of different vibrational states should appear in different positions. However, models including line overlap tend to predict v=1, v=2, v=3 J=1-0 population inversion to occur under very similar conditions, while the requirements for v=1 J=2-1 appear clearly different, and are compatible with the observational results.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figures accepted by A&

    The abundance of HCN in circumstellar envelopes of AGB stars of different chemical types

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    A multi-transition survey of HCN (sub-) millimeter line emission from a large sample of AGB stars of different chemical type is presented. The data are analysed and circumstellar HCN abundances are estimated. The sample stars span a large range of properties such as mass-loss rate and photospheric C/O-ratio. The analysis of the new data allows for more accurate estimates of the circumstellar HCN abundances and puts new constraints on chemical models. In order to constrain the circumstellar HCN abundance distribution a detailed non-LTE excitation analysis, based on the Monte Carlo method, is performed. Effects of line overlaps and radiative excitation from dust grains are included. The median values for the derived abundances of HCN (with respect to H2) are 3x10-5, 7x10-7 and 10-7 for carbon stars (25 stars), S-type AGB stars (19 stars) and M-type AGB stars (25 stars), respectively. The estimated sizes of the HCN envelopes are similar to those obtained in the case of SiO for the same sample of sources and agree well with previous results from interferometric observations, when these are available. We find that there is a clear dependence of the derived circumstellar HCN abundance on the C/O-ratio of the star, in that carbon stars have about two orders of magnitude higher abundances than M-type AGB stars, on average. The derived HCN abundances of the S-type AGB stars have a larger spread and typically fall in between those of the two other types, however, slightly closer to the values for the M-type AGB stars. For the M-type stars, the estimated abundances are much higher than what would be expected if HCN is formed in thermal equilibrium. However, the results are also in contrast to predictions from recent non-LTE chemical models, where very little difference is expected in the HCN abundances between the various types of AGB stars.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&

    Probing the inner wind of AGB stars: Interferometric observations of SiO millimetre line emission from the oxygen-rich stars R Dor and L2 Pup

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    High angular resolution Australia Telescope Compact Array (ATCA) observations of SiO `thermal' millimetre line emission towards the two oxygen-rich, low mass loss rate AGB stars R Dor and L2 Pup are presented. In both cases the emission is resolved with an overall spherical symmetry. Detailed radiative transfer modelling of the SiO line emission has been performed, and the comparison between observations and models are conducted in the visibility plane, maximizing the sensitivity. The excitation analysis suggests that the abundance of SiO is as high as 4E-5 in the inner part of the wind, close to the predicted values from stellar atmosphere models. Beyond a radius of ~ 1E15 cm the SiO abundance is significantly lower, about 3E-6, until it decreases strongly at a radius of about 3E15 cm. This is consistent with a scenario where SiO first freezes out onto dust grains, and then eventually becomes photodissociated by the interstellar UV-radiation field. In these low expansion velocity sources the turbulent broadening of the lines plays an important role in the line formation. Micro-turbulent velocity widths in the range 1.1-1.5 km/s result in a very good reproduction of the observed line shapes even if the gas expansion velocity is kept constant. This, combined with the fact that the SiO and CO lines are well fitted using the same gas expansion velocity (to within 5-10%), suggest that the envelope acceleration occurs close to the stellar photosphere, within 20-30 stellar radii.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&A, 14 pages, 14 figure

    The abundance of SiS in circumstellar envelopes around AGB stars

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    New SiS multi-transition (sub-)millimetre line observations of a sample of AGB stars with varying photospheric C/O-ratios and mass-loss rates are presented. A combination of low- and high-energy lines are important in constraining the circumstellar distribution of SiS molecules. A detailed radiative transfer modelling of the observed SiS line emission is performed, including the effect of thermal dust grains in the excitation analysis. We find that the circumstellar fractional abundance of SiS in these environments has a strong dependence on the photospheric C/O-ratio as expected from chemical models. The carbon stars (C/O>1) have a mean fractional abundance of 3.1E-6, about an order of magnitude higher than found for the M-type AGB stars (C/O<1) where the mean value is 2.7E-7. These numbers are in reasonable agreement with photospheric LTE chemical models. SiS appears to behave similar to SiO in terms of photodissociation in the outer part of the circumstellar envelope. In contrast to previous results for the related molecule SiO, there is no strong correlation of the fractional abundance with density in the CSE, as would be the case if freeze-out onto dust grains were important. However, possible time-variability of the line emission in the lower J transitions and the sensitivity of the line emission to abundance gradients in the inner part of the CSE may mask a correlation with the density of the wind. There are indications that the SiS fractional abundance could be significantly higher closer to the star which, at least in the case of M-type AGB stars, would require non-equilibrium chemical processes.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&A (14 pages, 7 figures

    ALMA observations of the variable 12CO/13CO ratio around the asymptotic giant branch star R Sculptoris

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    [abridged] The 12CO/13CO ratio is often used as a measure of the 12C/13C ratio in the circumstellar environment, carrying important information about the stellar nucleosynthesis. External processes can change the 12CO and 13CO abundances, and spatially resolved studies of the 12CO/13CO ratio are needed to quantify the effect of these processes on the globally determined values. Additionally, such studies provide important information on the conditions in the circumstellar environment. The detached-shell source R Scl, displaying CO emission from recent mass loss, in a binary-induced spiral structure as well as in a clumpy shell produced during a thermal pulse, provides a unique laboratory for studying the differences in CO isotope abundances throughout its recent evolution. We observed both the 12CO(J=3-2) and the 13CO(J=3-2) line using ALMA. We find significant variations in the 12CO/13CO intensity ratios and consequently in the abundance ratios. The average CO isotope abundance ratio is at least a factor three lower in the shell (~19) than that in the present-day (60). Additionally, variations in the ratio of more than an order of magnitude are found in the shell itself. We attribute these variations to the competition between selective dissociation and isotope fractionation in the shell, of which large parts cannot be warmer than ~35 K. However, we also find that the 12CO/13CO ratio in the present-day mass loss is significantly higher than the 12C/13C ratio determined in the stellar photosphere from molecular tracers (~19). The origin of this discrepancy is still unclear, but we speculate that it is due to an embedded source of UV-radiation that is primarily photo-dissociating 13CO. This radiation source could be the hitherto hidden companion. Alternatively, the UV-radiation could originate from an active chromosphere of R Scl itself....Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures, online data available at http://vizier.u-strasbg.fr/viz-bin/VizieR?-source=J/A+A/556/L

    N-Body Simulations of Compact Young Clusters near the Galactic Center

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    We investigate the dynamical evolution of compact young star clusters (CYCs) near the Galactic center (GC) using Aarseth's Nbody6 codes. The relatively small number of stars in the cluster (5,000-20,000) makes real-number N-body simulations for these clusters feasible on current workstations. Using Fokker-Planck (F-P) models, Kim, Morris, & Lee (1999) have made a survey of cluster lifetimes for various initial conditions, and have found that clusters with a mass <~ 2x10^4 Msun evaporate in ~10 Myr. These results were, however, to be confirmed by N-body simulations because some extreme cluster conditions, such as strong tidal forces and a large stellar mass range participating in the dynamical evolution, might violate assumptions made in F-P models. Here we find that, in most cases, the CYC lifetimes of previous F-P calculations are 5-30% shorter than those from the present N-body simulations. The comparison of projected number density profiles and stellar mass functions between N-body simulations and HST/NICMOS observations by Figer et al. (1999) suggests that the current tidal radius of the Arches cluster is ~1.0 pc, and the following parameters for the initial conditions of that cluster: total mass of 2x10^4 Msun and mass function slope for intermediate-to-massive stars of 1.75 (the Salpeter function has 2.35). We also find that the lower stellar mass limit, the presence of primordial binaries, the amount of initial mass segregation, and the choice of initial density profile (King or Plummer models) do not significantly affect the dynamical evolution of CYCs.Comment: 20 pages including 6 figures, To appear in ApJ, Dec 20 issu

    `Thermal' SiO radio line emission towards M-type AGB stars: a probe of circumstellar dust formation and dynamics

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    An extensive radiative transfer analysis of circumstellar SiO `thermal' radio line emission from a large sample of M-type AGB stars has been performed. The sample contains 18 irregulars of type Lb (IRV), 7 and 34 semiregulars of type SRa and SRb (SRV), respectively, and 12 Miras. New observational material, which contains data in several SiO rotational lines in the ground vibrational state, is presented for the IRV/SRVs. The detection rate was about 60%. SiO fractional abundances have been determined through radiative transfer modelling. The abundance distribution of the IRV/SRV sample has a median value of 8E-6. The high mass loss rate Miras have a bimodal abundance distribution, a low abundance group (on average 4E-7) and a high abundance group (on average 7E-6). The derived SiO abundances are in all cases well below the abundance expected from stellar atmosphere chemistry, on average by a factor of ten. In addition, there is a trend of decreasing SiO abundance with increasing mass loss rate. This is interpreted in terms of depletion of SiO molecules by the formation of silicate grains in the circumstellar envelopes, with an efficiency which increases with the mass loss rate. The SiO and CO radio line profiles differ in shape. In general, the dominating part of the SiO profiles are narrower than the CO profiles, but they have low-intensity wings which cover the full velocity range of the CO profile. This is interpreted (as has been done also by others) as due to the influence of gas acceleration in the region which produces a significant fraction of the SiO line emission. Finally, a number of sources which have peculiar CO line profiles are discussed from the point of view of their SiO line properties
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