2,351 research outputs found

    Finite ma corrections for sea quark matrix elements

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    We discuss the finite mama corrections associated with the computation of sea quark matrix elements. We find them to differ from the standard normalization used for valence quarks and to depend strongly on the Lorentz structure of the current under consideration. Phenomenological implications of these results are briefly discussed in two examples. We also mention how the magnitude of the correction factors can be reduced by using a 2-link improved action.Comment: 3 pages, contribution to LATTICE'94, uuencoded compressed tar file (square root removed in equation (1)

    Flavor-Symmetry Restoration and Symanzik Improvement for Staggered Quarks

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    We resolve contradictions in the literature concerning the origins and size of unphysical flavor-changing strong interactions generated by the staggered-quark discretization of QCD. We show that the leading contributions are tree-level in \order(a^2) and that they can be removed by adding three correction terms to the link operator in the standard action. These corrections are part of the systematic Symanzik improvement of the staggered-quark action. We present a new improved action for staggered quarks that is accurate up to errors of \order(a^4,a^2\alpha_s) --- more accurate than most, if not all, other discretizations of light-quark dynamics.Comment: 7 page

    The Quenched Continuum Limit

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    We show that all current formalisms for quarks in lattice QCD are consistent in the quenched continuum limit, as they should be. We improve on previous extrapolations to this limit, and the understanding of lattice systematic errors there, by using a constrained fit including both leading and sub-leading dependence on a.Comment: Poster presented at Lattice2004(spectrum), Fermilab, June 21-26, 200

    Meson Decay Constants from the Valence Approximation to Lattice QCD

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    We evaluate fπ/mρf_{\pi}/ m_{\rho}, fK/mρf_K/ m_{\rho}, 1/fρ1/f_{\rho}, and mϕ/(fϕmρ) m_{\phi}/(f_{\phi} m_{\rho}), extrapolated to physical quark mass, zero lattice spacing and infinite volume, for lattice QCD with Wilson quarks in the valence (quenched) approximation. The predicted ratios differ from experiment by amounts ranging from 12\% to 17\% equivalent to between 0.9 and 2.8 times the corresponding statistical uncertainties.Comment: uufiles encoded copy of 40 page Latex article, including 14 figures in Postscript. The long version of hep-lat/9302012, IBM/HET 93-

    String Tension and Thermodynamics with Tree Level and Tadpole Improved Actions

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    We calculate the string tension, deconfinement transition temperature and bulk thermodynamic quantities of the SU(3) gauge theory using tree level and tadpole improved actions. Finite temperature calculations have been performed on lattices with temporal extent N_tau = 3 and 4. Compared to calculations with the standard Wilson action on this size lattices we observe a drastic reduction of the cut-off dependence of bulk thermodynamic observables at high temperatures. In order to test the influence of improvement on long-distance observables at T_c we determine the ratio T_c/sqrt(sigma). For all actions, including the standard Wilson action, we find results which differ only little from each other. We do, however, observe an improved asymptotic scaling behaviour for the tadpole improved action compared to the Wilson and tree level improved actions.Comment: 20 pages, LaTeX2e File, 8 coloured Postscript figures, new analysis added, recent Wilson action string tension results included, figures replace

    Improving the staggered quark action to reduce flavour symmetry violations

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    We investigate a class of actions for lattice QCD with staggered quarks aimed at reducing the flavour symmetry violations associated with using staggered fermions. These actions replace the gauge field link fields in the quark action with covariantly smeared fields. As such they are an extension of actions considered by the MILC collaboration. We show that such actions systematically reduce flavour symmetry violations in the weak coupling limit. Using the mass splitting between Goldstone and non-Goldstone pions as a measure of flavour symmetry violations we find that these actions have considerably less flavour symmetry violations than the standard staggered action, and represent an improvement on what can be achieved with the MILC action, on quenched configurations with β=5.7\beta=5.7.Comment: 3 pages, Latex using espcrc2.sty. 1 coloured postscript figure included with epsffile. Talk presented by D.K.Sinclair at LATTICE'97, Edinburgh, Scotlan

    Perturbative expansions from Monte Carlo simulations at weak coupling: Wilson loops and the static-quark self-energy

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    Perturbative coefficients for Wilson loops and the static-quark self-energy are extracted from Monte Carlo simulations at weak coupling. The lattice volumes and couplings are chosen to ensure that the lattice momenta are all perturbative. Twisted boundary conditions are used to eliminate the effects of lattice zero modes and to suppress nonperturbative finite-volume effects due to Z(3) phases. Simulations of the Wilson gluon action are done with both periodic and twisted boundary conditions, and over a wide range of lattice volumes (from 343^4 to 16416^4) and couplings (from β9\beta \approx 9 to β60\beta \approx 60). A high precision comparison is made between the simulation data and results from finite-volume lattice perturbation theory. The Monte Carlo results are shown to be in excellent agreement with perturbation theory through second order. New results for third-order coefficients for a number of Wilson loops and the static-quark self-energy are reported.Comment: 36 pages, 15 figures, REVTEX documen

    On the Size of Hadrons

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    The form factor and the mean-square radius of the pion are calculated analytically from a parametrized form of a qqˉq\bar q wave function. The numerical wave function was obtained previously by solving numerically an eigenvalue equation for the pion in a particular model. The analytical formulas are of more general interest than just be valid for the pion and can be generalized to the case with unequal quark masses. Two different parametrizations are investigated. Because of the highly relativistic problem, noticable deviations from a non-relativistic formula are obtained.Comment: 14 pages, minor typos corrected, several points clarified, results unchange

    Search for Lambda^2/p^2 corrections to the QCD running coupling

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    We investigate the occurrence of power terms (Lambda2/p2(Lambda^2/p^2 in the running QCD coupling by analysing non-perturbative measurements of αs(p)\alpha_s(p) at quite low momenta obtained from the lattice three-gluon vertex. Our study provides some evidence for such a contribution. The phenomenological implications of such a presence are reviewed.Comment: 3 pages, 1 figure, LaTeX, LATTICE98(Confinement