3,600 research outputs found

    Pengembangan Model Integrasi Kano-QFD Untuk Mengoptimalkan Kepuasan Konsumen Dengan Mempertimbangkan Keterbatasan Dana Pengembangan

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    . This study develops a model of integration between the application of the concept of Kano in QFD framework and considering the use of product development costs. Kano concept would classify the product attributes into 5 categories: reverse, indifference, one-dimensional, must-be, dan attractive. These attributes are given different weights based on the influence of these attributes on the level of consumer satisfaction. Furthermore, the allocation process of product development by taking into account the contribution of the cost of each technical response. The result of the integration is allocate development funds for must-be attributes and do not allocate to the reverse and indifference attributes. Thus, companies avoid the development of product attributes indifference and reverse that does not give effect to increasing customer satisfaction so that it saves development costs. The results of this model are all the technical response both in the category of must-be, one-dimensional and attractive product development funds be allocated with total costs of 348,30andthevalueofcustomersatisfactionof89,61,whereasthemodelBodeandFung(1998)makethedecisiontorealizealltechnicalresponseincludingtechnicalresponsethatdoesnotaffectsatisfaction(indifference)sothetotalproductdevelopmentcostsbecome 348,30 and the value of customer satisfaction of 89,61, whereas the model Bode and Fung (1998) make the decision to realize all technical response including technical response that does not affect satisfaction (indifference) so the total product development costs become 353,30

    Lightning a Fundamental of Atmospheric Electricity

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    This paper discussed briefly the basic connection between lightning phenomena and atmospheric electricity. Characteristics pertaining to lightning discharges were reviewed in order to elucidate some elementary mystics that are still associated with lightning events in some parts of the world and that lightning strike when and where it will. Various lightning protection principles were discussed. The essence of lightning protection device is to prevent lightning strikes from taking place over or around an installation or structure

    A Pbx1-dependent genetic and transcriptional network regulates spleen ontogeny

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    The genetic control of cell fate specification, morphogenesis and expansion of the spleen, a crucial lymphoid organ, is poorly understood. Recent studies of mutant mice implicate various transcription factors in spleen development, but the hierarchical relationships between these factors have not been explored. In this report, we establish a genetic network that regulates spleen ontogeny, by analyzing asplenic mice mutant for the transcription factors Pbx1, Hox11 (Tlx1), Nkx3.2 (Bapx1) and Pod1 (capsulin, Tcf21). We show that Hox11 and Nkx2.5, among the earliest known markers for splenic progenitor cells, are absent in the splenic anlage of Pbx1 homozygous mutant (-/-) embryos, implicating the TALE homeoprotein Pbx1 in splenic cell specification. Pbx1 and Hox11 genetically interact in spleen formation and loss of either is associated with a similar reduction of progenitor cell proliferation and failed expansion of the splenic anlage. Chromatin immunoprecipitation assays show that Pbx1 binds to the Hox11 promoter in spleen mesenchymal cells, which co-express Pbx1 and Hox11. Furthermore, Hox11 binds its own promoter in vivo and acts synergistically with TALE proteins to activate transcription, supporting its role in an auto-regulatory circuit. These studies establish a Pbx1-Hox11-dependent genetic and transcriptional pathway in spleen ontogeny. Additionally, we demonstrate that while Nkx3.2 and Pod1 control spleen development via separate pathways, Pbx1 genetically regulates key players in both pathways, and thus emerges as a central hierarchical co-regulator in spleen genesis

    Chalk cliff retreat in East Sussex and Kent 1870s to 2001

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    The retreat of chalk cliffs fringing the eastern English Channel contributes shingle to the beaches which helps to protect the cliffs and slow down erosion. Conversely, cliff retreat endangers settlements and infrastructure on the clifftop. Rates of retreat have been calculated by a variety of methods over the past century, but no attempt has been made to provide a complete coverage that allows for a true comparison of retreat rates over the entire coastline. Using historic maps and recent orthophotos, cliff retreat rates have been calculated for consecutive 50 m sections of chalk cliff along the English side of the entire eastern English Channel for a period of 125 years. The chalk cliffs of East Sussex erode at an average rate of 0.25 - 0.3 m y−1 while those in Kent at a rate of 0.1 m y−1

    High-order harmonic generation in Xe, Kr, and Ar driven by a 2.1-\mu m source: high-order harmonic spectroscopy under macroscopic effects

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    We experimentally and numerically study the atomic response and pulse propagation effects of high-order harmonics generated in Xe, Kr, and Ar driven by a 2.1-\mu m infrared femtosecond light source. The light source is an optical parametric chirped-pulse amplifier, and a modified strong-field approximation and 3-dimensional pulse propagation code are used for the numerical simulations. The extended cutoff in the long-wavelength driven high-harmonic generation has revealed the spectral shaping of high-order harmonics due to the atomic structure (or photo-recombination cross-section) and the macroscopic effects, which are the main factors of determining the conversion efficiency besides the driving wavelength. Using precise numerical simulations to determine the macroscopic electron wavepacket, we are able to extract the photo-recombination cross-sections from experimental high-order harmonic spectra in the presence of macroscopic effects. We have experimentally observed that the macroscopic effects shift the observed Cooper minimum of Kr from 80 eV to 60-70 eV and wash out the Cooper minimum of Ar. Measured high-harmonic conversion efficiencies per harmonic near the cutoff are ~10^{-9} for all three gases.Comment: 19 pages, 8 figure

    Resonance absolute quantum reflection at selected energies

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    The possibility of the resonance reflection (100 % at maximum) is revealed. The corresponding exactly solvable models with the controllable numbers of resonances, their positions and widths are presented.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figure

    Magnetic Field Limitations on Advection Dominated Flows

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    Recent papers discussing advection dominated accretion flows (ADAF) as a solution for astrophysical accretion problems should be treated with some caution because of their uncertain physical basis. The suggestions underlying ADAF involve ignoring the magnetic field reconnection in heating of the plasma flow, assuming electron heating due only to binary Coulomb collisions with ions. Here, we analyze the physical processes in optically thin accretion flows at low accretion rates including the influence of an equipartition turbulent magnetic field. For these conditions there is continuous destruction of magnetic flux by reconnection. The reconnection is expected to significantly heat the electrons which can efficiently emit magnetobremstrahlung radiation. Because of this electron emission, the radiative efficiency of the ADAF is not small. We suggest that the small luminosities of nearby galactic black holes is due to outflows rather than ADAF accretion.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures, Submitted to Ap

    Spontaneous emission and lifetime modification caused by an intense electromagnetic field

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    We study the temporal evolution of a three-level system (such as an atom or a molecule), initially prepared in an excited state, bathed in a laser field tuned at the transition frequency of the other level. The features of the spontaneous emission are investigated and the lifetime of the initial state is evaluated: a Fermi "golden rule" still applies, but the on-shell matrix elements depend on the intensity of the laser field. In general, the lifetime is a decreasing function of the laser intensity. The phenomenon we discuss can be viewed as an "inverse" quantum Zeno effect and can be analyzed in terms of dressed states.Comment: 25 pages, 6 figure