1,924 research outputs found

    Efficient solution of optimal multimarket electricity bid models

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    Short-term electricity market is made up of a sequence of markets, that is, it is a multimarket enviroment. In the case of the Iberian Energy Market the sequence of major short-term electricity markets are the day-ahead market, the ancillary service market or secondary reserve market (henceforth reserve market), and a set of six intraday markets. Generation Companies (GenCos) that participate in the electricity market could increase their benefits by jointly optimizing their participation in this sequence of electricity markets. This work proposes a stochastic programming model that gives the GenCo the optimal bidding strategy for the day-ahead market (DAM), which considers the benefits and costs of participating in the subsequent markets and which includes both physical futures contracts and bilateral contracts.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Sujetos y territorios en el estudio de las migraciones desde la antropología en España

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    El texto hace una aproximación a la incorporación de las migraciones como temática de estudio en la Antropología en España y en qué medida la Antropología Social realizada encuentra en el inmigrante la otredad; una forma de antropologizar su estudio sin salir de casa. Se hace una breve descripción de cómo se está construyendo el campo de estudio de las migraciones a partir de la observación de las tesis doctorales que se han leído en los departamentos de Antropología Social de las universidades del Estado español en los últimos años, qué temáticas han tratado y proponiendo una agrupación organizativa del conjunto de estas investigaciones. A partir de ello analiza cómo son representados los sujetos de dichas investigaciones en los objetivos que se marcan en cada una de las tesis doctorales analizadas y los énfasis que ponen en los lugares geográficos en los que se han desarrollado las investigaciones. Palabras clave: migraciones, antropología en España, inmigrantes, tesis doctorales, territorios Abstract This article examines the incorporation into Spanish anthropology of migration as a field of study, exploring the extent to which Spanish social anthropology locates Otherness in the immigrant: a way of anthropologizing a study without leaving home. A brief description of how anthropological research in Spain constructs migration as a field of study through an overview of doctoral theses defended in the social anthropology departments of Spanish universities in recent years shows the topics studied, grouping them thematically. They are then analyzed according to how the subjects of these studies are represented (and sometimes turned into objects of study) in the stated aims of the theses analyzed, and the emphasis placed on the geographic locations in which the studies were carried out. Key words: migration, methodology, research, anthropology, doctoral theses, Spai

    Composite biomaterials as long-lasting scaffolds for 3D bioprinting of highly aligned muscle tissue

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    New biocompatible materials have enabled the direct 3D printing of complex functional living tissues, such as skeletal and cardiac muscle. Gelatinmethacryloyl (GelMA) is a photopolymerizable hydrogel composed of natural gelatin functionalized with methacrylic anhydride. However, it is difficult to obtain a single hydrogel that meets all the desirable properties for tissue engineering. In particular, GelMA hydrogels lack versatility in their mechanical properties and lasting 3D structures. In this work, a library of composite biomaterials to obtain versatile, lasting, and mechanically tunable scaffolds are presented. Two polysaccharides, alginate and carboxymethyl cellulose chemically functionalized with methacrylic anhydride, and a synthetic material, such as poly(ethylene glycol) diacrylate are combined with GelMA to obtain photopolymerizable hydrogel blends. Physical properties of the obtained composite hydrogels are screened and optimized for the growth and development of skeletal muscle fibers from C2C12 murine cells, and compared with pristine GelMA. All these composites show high resistance to degradation maintaining the 3D structure with high fidelity over several weeks. Altogether, in this study a library of biocompatible novel and totally versatile composite biomaterials are developed and characterized, with tunable mechanical properties that give structure and support myotube formation and alignment

    A Bibliometric Evaluation of the Top 100 Cited Dimethyl Fumarate Articles

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    Estudi bibliomètric; Fumarat de dimetil; Esclerosi múltipleEstudio bibliométrico; Fumarato de dimetilo; Esclerosis múltipleBibliometric study; Dimethyl fumarate; Multiple sclerosisDimethyl fumarate is a cytoprotective and immunomodulatory drug used in the treatment of multiple sclerosis. We performed a bibliometric study examining the characteristics and trends of the top 100 cited articles that include dimethyl fumarate in the title. On 21 September 2020 we carried out an electronic search in the Web of Science (WOS), seeking articles that include the following terms within the title: dimethyl fumarate, BG-12, or Tecfidera. To focus our investigation on original research, we refined the search to include only articles, early access, others, case report, and clinical trials. We obtained a total of 1115 items, which were cited 7169 times, had a citation density of 6.43 citations/item, and an h-index of 40. Around 2010, there was a jump in the number of published articles per year, rising from 5 articles/year up to 12 articles/year. We sorted all the items by the number of citations and selected the top 100 most cited (T100). The T100 had 4164 citations, with a density of 37 citations/year and contained 16 classic research articles. They were published between 1961 and 2018; the years 2010–2018 amassed nearly 80% of the T100. We noted 17 research areas with articles in the T100. Of these, the number one ranking went to neurosciences/neurology with 39 articles, and chemistry ranked second on the T100 list with 14 items. We noticed that the percentage of articles belonging to different journals changed depending on the time period. Chemistry held the highest number of papers during 1961–2000, while pharmacology andneurosciences/neurology led the 2001–2018 interval. A total of 478 authors from 145 institutions and 25 countries were included in the T100 ranking. The paper by Gold R et al. was the most successful with 14 articles, 1.823 citations and a density of 140.23 citations/year. The biotechnological company Biogen led the T100 list with 20 articles. With 59 published articles, the USA was the leading country in publications. We concluded that this study analyzed the use of and research on dimethyl fumarate from a different perspective, which will allow the readership (expert or not) to understand the relevance of classic and recent literature on this topic.Maria F. Galindo´s contract is co-financed by the European Development Fund Regional (Feder). In accordance with the Operational Program of the Region of Castilla-La Mancha for Feder 2014-2020, and for the University of Castilla -La Mancha´s own Research Plan

    Towards Automatic Parallelization of Stream Processing Applications

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    Parallelizing and optimizing codes for recent multi-/many-core processors have been recognized to be a complex task. For this reason, strategies to automatically transform sequential codes into parallel and discover optimization opportunities are crucial to relieve the burden to developers. In this paper, we present a compile-time framework to (semi) automatically find parallel patterns (Pipeline and Farm) and transform sequential streaming applications into parallel using GrPPI, a generic parallel pattern interface. This framework uses a novel pipeline stage-balancing technique which provides the code generator module with the necessary information to produce balanced pipelines. The evaluation, using a synthetic video benchmark and a real-world computer vision application, demonstrates that the presented framework is capable of producing parallel and optimized versions of the application. A comparison study under several thread-core oversubscribed conditions reveals that the framework can bring comparable performance results with respect to the Intel TBB programming framework

    A counterfactual impact evaluation of a bilingual program on students’ grade point average at a spanish university

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    This observational study intends to estimate the causal effects of an English as a Medium of Instruction (EMI) program (as predictor) on students Grade Point Average (GPA) (as outcome) at a particular University in Spain by using a Counterfactual Impact Evaluation (CIE). The need to address the crucial question of causal inferences in EMI programs to produce credible evidences of successful interventions contrasts, however, with the absence of experimental or quasi-experimental research and evaluation designs in the field. CIE approach is emerging as a methodologically viable solution to bridge that gap. The program evaluated here consisted in delivering an EMI program in a Primary Education Teacher Training Degree group. After achieving balance on the observed covariates and recreating a situation that would have been expected in a randomized experiment, three matching approaches such as genetic matching, nearest neighbor matching and Coarsened Exact Matching were used to analyze observational data from a total of 1288 undergraduate students, including both treatment and control group. Results show unfavorable effects of the bilingual group treatment condition. Potential interpretations and recommendations are provided in order to strengthen future causal evidences of bilingual education programs’ effectiveness in Higher Education.This work was supported by the Junta de Andalucía-funded Proyecto de Excelencia: “Análisis y Garantía de Calidad de la Educación Superior Plurilingüe en la Educación Superior de Andalucía [Junta de Andalusia-funded Project of Excelence: Analysis and Warrantee of the Quality of Plurilingual Higher Education in Andalucia] (AGCEPESA; Grant Agreement No. P12-SEJ − 1588)

    Rotational dynamics in the plastic-crystal phase of ethanol: Relevance for understanding the dynamics during the structural glass transition

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    12 págs.; 14 figs.; 1 tab.; 1 apéndiceThe reorientational dynamics within the rotationally disordered cubic plastic phase of solid ethanol is investigated by means of the concurrent use of computer molecular dynamics and quasielastic neutron scattering. Motions involving widely different time scales are shown to take place above the calorimetric >glass transition> which is centered at Tg≈97 K. These correspond to well-defined reorientations belonging to the cubic point group. The dynamics of this solid exhibits features remarkably close to those of the supercooled liquid that can exist at the same temperature. Such similitude of dynamic behavior serves to provide some clues for the understanding of the nature of molecular motions at temperatures close to the canonical liquid→glass transition. ©2000 The American Physical Society.This work was supported in part by Grant No. DGICYTPB95- 0072-C03 (Spain). Work at ANL was supported by the U.S. Department of Energy, BES–Materials Sciences, under Contract No. W-31-109-ENG-38.Peer Reviewe

    Plant responses to fungal volatiles involve global posttranslational thiol redox proteome changes that affect photosynthesis

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    Microorganisms produce volatile compounds (VCs) that promote plant growth and photosynthesis through complex mechanisms involving cytokinin (CK) and abscisic acid (ABA). We hypothesized that plants' responses to microbial VCs involve posttranslational modifications of the thiol redox proteome through action of plastidial NADPH-dependent thioredoxin reductase C (NTRC), which regulates chloroplast redox status via its functional relationship with 2-Cys peroxiredoxins. To test this hypothesis, we analysed developmental, metabolic, hormonal, genetic, and redox proteomic responses of wild-type (WT) plants and a NTRC knockout mutant (ntrc) to VCs emitted by the phytopathogen Alternaria alternata. Fungal VC-promoted growth, changes in root architecture, shifts in expression of VC-responsive CK- and ABA-regulated genes, and increases in photosynthetic capacity were substantially weaker in ntrc plants than in WT plants. As in WT plants, fungal VCs strongly promoted growth, chlorophyll accumulation, and photosynthesis in ntrc–Δ2cp plants with reduced 2-Cys peroxiredoxin expression. OxiTRAQ-based quantitative and site-specific redox proteomic analyses revealed that VCs promote global reduction of the thiol redox proteome (especially of photosynthesis-related proteins) of WT leaves but its oxidation in ntrc leaves. Our findings show that NTRC is an important mediator of plant responses to microbial VCs through mechanisms involving global thiol redox proteome changes that affect photosynthesis.Comisión Interministerial de Ciencia y Tecnología BIO2013‐ 49125‐C2‐1‐P, BIO2017‐85195‐C2‐1‐P, BIO2016‐78747‐PEuropean Regional Development CZ.02.1.01/0.0/0.0/16_019/0000827Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport of the Czech Republic LO1204Japan Society for the Promotion of Sciences 15H02486Gobierno de Navarra P1004 PROMEBIO, P1044 AGROEST

    Mild and short-term caloric restriction prevents obesity-induced cardiomyopathy in young zucker rats without changing in metabolites and fatty acids cardiac profile

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    Caloric restriction (CR) ameliorates cardiac dysfunction associated with obesity. However, most of the studies have been performed under severe CR (30-65% caloric intake decrease) for several months or even years in aged animals. Here, we investigated whether mild (20% food intake reduction) and short-term (2-weeks) CR prevented the obese cardiomyopathy phenotype and improved the metabolic profile of young (14 weeks of age) genetically obese Zucker fa/fa rats. Heart weight (HW) and HW/tibia length ratio was significantly lower in fa/fa rats after 2 weeks of CR than in counterparts fed ad libitum. Invasive pressure measurements showed that systolic blood pressure, maximal rate of positive left ventricle (LV) pressure, LV systolic pressure and LV end-diastolic pressure were all significantly higher in obese fa/fa rats than in lean counterparts, which were prevented by CR. Magnetic resonance imaging revealed that the increase in LV end-systolic volume, stroke volume and LV wall thickness observed in fa/fa rats was significantly lower in animals on CR diet. Histological analysis also revealed that CR blocked the significant increase in cardiomyocyte diameter in obese fa/fa rats. High resolution magic angle spinning magnetic resonance spectroscopy analysis of the LV revealed a global decrease in metabolites such as taurine, creatine and phosphocreatine, glutamate, glutamine and glutathione, in obese fa/fa rats, whereas lactate concentration was increased. By contrast, fatty acid concentrations in LV tissue were significantly elevated in obese fa/fa rats. CR failed to restore the LV metabolomic profile of obese fa/fa rats. In conclusion, mild and short-term CR prevented an obesity-induced cardiomyopathy phenotype in young obese fa/fa rats independently of the cardiac metabolic profile.This study was supported by grants from Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (BFU2011-25303), Spanish Institute of Health Carlos III (CP15/00129), UCM groups (GR-921641), SESCAMET, Fundación Mutua Madrileña, Fundación Eugenio Rodríguez Pascual and Fondos FEDER.Peer Reviewe