1,461 research outputs found

    Search for Turbulent Gas through Interstellar Scintillation

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    Stars twinkle because their light propagates through the atmosphere. The same phenomenon is expected when the light of remote stars crosses a Galactic - disk or halo - refractive medium such as a molecular cloud.We present the promising results of a test performed with the ESO-NTT and the perspectives.Comment: Tenth Symposium on Sources and Detection of Dark Matter and Dark Energy in the Universe, Los-Angeles : \'Etats-Unis (2012

    Search for hidden turbulent gas through interstellar scintillation

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    Stars twinkle because their light propagates through the atmosphere. The same phenomenon is expected when the light of remote stars crosses a Galactic - disk or halo - refractive medium such as a molecular cloud. We present the promising results of a test performed with the ESO-NTT and the perspectives of detection.Comment: Structure and dynamics of disk galaxies, Petit Jean Mountain : United States (2013). arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1208.637

    The Use of Videoconferencing for Lactation Consultation: A Cross-Sectional Survey of Acceptance among Independent Samples of Mothers and Infant Fathers/Maternal Partners in the United States

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    Background: Breastfeeding is a health behavior encouraged by Healthy People 2020. However, an important barrier to breastfeeding is limited access to specialized support if needed. The use of videoconferencing technology to increase access to the relatively small number of professionals trained to manage breastfeeding issues may ultimately assist with increasing breastfeeding duration and exclusivity rates. Understanding the perceived acceptability of videoconferencing technology among potential users is a critical first step in developing effective interventions. Objectives: The objectives of this study were 1) to assess the relationship between acceptance of remote lactation consultation using videoconferencing and a) acceptance subscales, b) maternal learning style preferences and c) maternal demographic factors and, 2) to explore the relationship between infant fathers’/maternal partners’ demographic factors and their perception of their wives’/partners’ acceptance remote lactation consultation using videoconferencing. Methods: This was a cross-sectional study design using online survey methodology. Participants included 101 mothers and 80 unrelated infant fathers/maternal partners. Samples were recruited between July 2014 and March 2015, from specific and discrete randomized states. Mothers were English-speaking, ≥ 18 years of age, with an infant of ≤ 4 months of age who had been breast-fed at least once. Results: Mothers’ survey - Factors related to maternal acceptance included ‘perceived ease of use’ (r=0.680, p\u3c0.001), ‘perceived usefulness/extrinsic motivation’ (r=0.774, p\u3c0.001), and ‘intrinsic motivation’ (r=0.689, p\u3c0.001). Learning style preferences and demographics were not significantly related to maternal acceptance. Only ‘perceived usefulness/extrinsic motivation’ and maternal age predicted acceptance in the regression model (R2 [square]=0.616, p\u3c0.001). Infant fathers’/maternal partners’ survey - Factors related to infant fathers’/maternal partners’ perception of their wives’/partners’ acceptance included ‘perceived ease of use’ (r=0.653, p\u3c0.001), ‘perceived usefulness/extrinsic motivation’ (r=0.797, p\u3c0.001), and ‘intrinsic motivation’ (r=0.756, p\u3c0.001). None of the infant fathers’/maternal partners’ demographic factors were significantly different based on their perception of the acceptance of their wives/partners. Only ‘perceived usefulness/extrinsic motivation’ remained predictive in the regression (R2=0.635, p\u3c0.001). Conclusions: In these samples, mothers’ acceptance was slightly positive and infant fathers/maternal partners perceived their wives’/partners’ acceptance to be neutral. In both samples, those perceiving videoconferencing to be useful for lactation consultation showed greater acceptance of its use

    Searching for Galactic Hidden Gas through interstellar scintillation

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    International audienceConsidering the results of baryonic compact massive ob jects searches through microlensing [1], cool molecular hydrogen (H_2 - He) clouds should now be seriously considered as a possible major component of the Galactic hidden matter. It has been suggested that a hierarchical structure of cold H_2 could fill the Galactic thick disk [8] or halo [3], providing a solution for the Galactic hidden matter problem. This gas should form transparent "clumpuscules" of ~ 10 AU size, with a column density of 10^ 24-25 cm^-2 , and a surface filling factor smaller than 1%. The OSER project (Optical Scintillation by Extraterrestrial Refractors) is proposed to search for scintillation of extra-galactic sources through these Galactic - disk or halo - transparent H_2 clouds. This project should allow one to detect (stochastic) transverse gradients of column density in cool Galactic molecular clouds of order of ~ 3 × 10^-5 g/cm^2 /10 000 km. We present the expectations from a complete simulation of the interstellar scintillation process. Test observations have been obtained through known nebulae to probe the concept in a controlled situation; we show preliminary results from their analysis

    Klasifikasi Ruang Terbuka Hijau Berbasis Objek pada Citra Quickbird untuk Mengetahui Akurasi Semantik (di Denggung, Kecamatan Sleman, Kabupaten Sleman Tahun 2017)

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    Ruang Terbuka Hijau (RTH) memiliki posisi yang penting, tetapi kondisi adanya pertambahan penduduk menggeser jumlah RTH yang memadai menjadi semakin sedikit, serta implikasi terhadap pengendalian yang buruk menyebabkan konversi lahan dari lahan non-terbangun menjadi lahan terbangun. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: 1) mengetahui pergeseran posisi dari klasifikasi RTH berdasarkan tutupan vegetasi dan fungsi, 2) mengetahui kesesuaian semantik dari klasifikasi RTH berdasarkan tutupan vegetasi dan fungsi, dan 3) mengetahui persentase luasan RTH berdasarkan tutupan dan RTH berdasarkan fungsi dengan menggunakan pengolahan OBIA dan data referensi. Penelitian ini menggunakan citra Quickbird multispektral resolusi 1,99 m. Analisis data dilakukan secara kuantitatif menggunakan metode Object-Based Image Analysis (OBIA). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa jarak pergeseran geometrik rata-rata pada klasifikasi tutupan vegetasi sebesar 6 meter dan 5,17 meter untuk klasifikasi fungsi RTH, dan hasil kesesuaian tematik pada tutupan vegetasi sebesar 66,64% dan 80,14% untuk klasifikasi fungsi RTH, sedangkan persentase luasan yang dihasilkan pada tutupan vegetasi sebesar 66% dan 62% untuk persentase fungsi RTH

    Sebaran Logam Berat Cadmium (Cd) Dan Timbal (Pb) Pada Air Sungai Dan Sumur Di Daerah Sekitar Tempat Pembuangan Akhir (Tpa) Wukirsari Gunung Kidul, YOGYAKARTA

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    Cadmium (Cd) and Lead (Pb) are heavy metal which is very harmful for human being even though in low concentration. Leachate from municipal landfill is one of heavy metals source and its presence often caused environmental contamination in Indonesia and also many countries. Therefore, study on the distribution of Cd and Pb around landfill area is important to be conducted. Based on the distance between location of Wukirsari landfill and sampling points, samples were taken from river and ground water and then analyzed by using atomic absorption spectroscopy (AAS) instrument in order to know the concentration of Cd and Pb ions in water. In order to know the effect of weather, samples from 10 different sampling points were taken during dry and rainy seasons (two times sampling for each season). The concentration of Cd in the river and ground water is in the range of 0.001-0.03 mg/l and 0.01-0.53 mg/l for Pb (higher than the government standard). The concentration of Cd and Pb decreased during rainy season because of dilution from rain water. The results of this study show that treatment of leachate is urgent to minimize the contamination of heavy metals and negative impact to human being. Constructed wetland could be considered as an appropriate treatment for effluent of leachate treatment plant at landfill

    Coastal Agrarian Problem (Case Study of Coastal Communities Dusun Ujung Genteng and Sukabumi)

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    Nelayan adalah profesi utama di Dusun Ujung Genteng, di mana komposisi mata pencaharian nelayan sebesar80% dan sisanya adalah PNS, pedagang, dan pengusaha. Tapi di musim lainnya, profesi mereka dapat berubahbegitu juga dengan nelayan. Tipologi pantai Dusun Ujung Genteng yang berbentuk teluk membuat perairanini memiliki lumpur lebih dari pantai selatan pulau Jawa. Salinitas di perairan ini cenderung rendah danada banyak terumbu karang sehingga Ikan Layur (Trichiurus leputurus) ditemukan di wilayah ini. Layursejenis ikan emas banyak dipancing di Dusun Ujung Genteng. Tingginya permintaan Layur ikan dari Jepangdan Korea juga meningkatkan nilai ekonomi komoditas ini. Ikan Layur mampu terjual dengan harga yanglebih tinggi daripada ikan lainnya. Lingkungan nelayan terkadang menjadi hal yang sering diabaikan.Dusun Ujung Genteng memiliki luas 89 hektare untuk seluruh jangkauan, tetapi semuanya tanah sengketa.Terjadi saling klaim antara pihak Atang Sanjaya Angkatan Udara pangkalan udara, masyarakat setempat,dan calon kebijakan mengenai wilayah pesisir ekowisata. Makalah ini menunjukkan bahwa masalah yangterjadi di masyarakat pesisir tidak hanya terkonsentrasi pada isu-isu kelautan. Wilayah tempat tinggal dankegiatan ekonomi masyarakat yang berada di wilayah pesisir (bukan maritim) juga memiliki gesekan

    3D AMR hydrosimulations of a compact source scenario for the Galactic Centre cloud G2

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    The nature of the gaseous and dusty cloud G2 in the Galactic Centre is still under debate. We present three-dimensional hydrodynamical adaptive mesh refinement (AMR) simulations of G2, modeled as an outflow from a "compact source" moving on the observed orbit. The construction of mock position-velocity (PV) diagrams enables a direct comparison with observations and allow us to conclude that the observational properties of the gaseous component of G2 could be matched by a massive (M˙w=5×10−7  M⊙yr−1\dot{M}_\mathrm{w}=5\times 10^{-7} \;M_{\odot} \mathrm{yr^{-1}}) and slow (50  km  s−150 \;\mathrm{km \;s^{-1}}) outflow, as observed for T Tauri stars. In order for this to be true, only the material at larger (>100  AU>100 \;\mathrm{AU}) distances from the source must be actually emitting, otherwise G2 would appear too compact compared to the observed PV diagrams. On the other hand, the presence of a central dusty source might be able to explain the compactness of G2's dust component. In the present scenario, 5-10 years after pericentre the compact source should decouple from the previously ejected material, due to the hydrodynamic interaction of the latter with the surrounding hot and dense atmosphere. In this case, a new outflow should form, ahead of the previous one, which would be the smoking gun evidence for an outflow scenario.Comment: resubmitted to MNRAS after referee report, 16 pages, 11 figure
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