173 research outputs found

    A Rigorous Approach to the Feynman-Vernon Influence Functional and its Applications. I

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    A rigorous representation of the Feynman-Vernon influence functional used to describe open quantum systems is given, based on the theory of infinite dimensional oscillatory integrals. An application to the case of the density matrices describing the Caldeira-Leggett model of two quantum systems with a quadratic interaction is treated

    Time separation as a hidden variable to the Copenhagen school of quantum mechanics

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    The Bohr radius is a space-like separation between the proton and electron in the hydrogen atom. According to the Copenhagen school of quantum mechanics, the proton is sitting in the absolute Lorentz frame. If this hydrogen atom is observed from a different Lorentz frame, there is a time-like separation linearly mixed with the Bohr radius. Indeed, the time-separation is one of the essential variables in high-energy hadronic physics where the hadron is a bound state of the quarks, while thoroughly hidden in the present form of quantum mechanics. It will be concluded that this variable is hidden in Feynman's rest of the universe. It is noted first that Feynman's Lorentz-invariant differential equation for the bound-state quarks has a set of solutions which describe all essential features of hadronic physics. These solutions explicitly depend on the time separation between the quarks. This set also forms the mathematical basis for two-mode squeezed states in quantum optics, where both photons are observable, but one of them can be treated a variable hidden in the rest of the universe. The physics of this two-mode state can then be translated into the time-separation variable in the quark model. As in the case of the un-observed photon, the hidden time-separation variable manifests itself as an increase in entropy and uncertainty.Comment: LaTex 10 pages with 5 figure. Invited paper presented at the Conference on Advances in Quantum Theory (Vaxjo, Sweden, June 2010), to be published in one of the AIP Conference Proceedings serie

    G-Brownian Motion as Rough Paths and Differential Equations Driven by G-Brownian Motion

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    The present paper is devoted to the study of sample paths of G-Brownian motion and stochastic differential equations (SDEs) driven by G-Brownian motion from the view of rough path theory. As the starting point, we show that quasi-surely, sample paths of G-Brownian motion can be enhanced to the second level in a canonical way so that they become geometric rough paths of roughness 2 < p < 3. This result enables us to introduce the notion of rough differential equations (RDEs) driven by G-Brownian motion in the pathwise sense under the general framework of rough paths. Next we establish the fundamental relation between SDEs and RDEs driven by G-Brownian motion. As an application, we introduce the notion of SDEs on a differentiable manifold driven by GBrownian motion and construct solutions from the RDE point of view by using pathwise localization technique. This is the starting point of introducing G-Brownian motion on a Riemannian manifold, based on the idea of Eells-Elworthy-Malliavin. The last part of this paper is devoted to such construction for a wide and interesting class of G-functions whose invariant group is the orthogonal group. We also develop the Euler-Maruyama approximation for SDEs driven by G-Brownian motion of independent interest

    Brownian bridges to submanifolds

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    We introduce and study Brownian bridges to submanifolds. Our method involves proving a general formula for the integral over a submanifold of the minimal heat kernel on a complete Riemannian manifold. We use the formula to derive lower bounds, an asymptotic relation and derivative estimates. We also see a connection to hypersurface local time. This work is motivated by the desire to extend the analysis of path and loop spaces to measures on paths which terminate on a submanifold

    On arbitrages arising from honest times

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    In the context of a general continuous financial market model, we study whether the additional information associated with an honest time gives rise to arbitrage profits. By relying on the theory of progressive enlargement of filtrations, we explicitly show that no kind of arbitrage profit can ever be realised strictly before an honest time, while classical arbitrage opportunities can be realised exactly at an honest time as well as after an honest time. Moreover, stronger arbitrages of the first kind can only be obtained by trading as soon as an honest time occurs. We carefully study the behavior of local martingale deflators and consider no-arbitrage-type conditions weaker than NFLVR.Comment: 25 pages, revised versio

    Dominant Topologies in Euclidean Quantum Gravity

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    The dominant topologies in the Euclidean path integral for quantum gravity differ sharply according on the sign of the cosmological constant. For Λ>0\Lambda>0, saddle points can occur only for topologies with vanishing first Betti number and finite fundamental group. For Λ<0\Lambda<0, on the other hand, the path integral is dominated by topologies with extremely complicated fundamental groups; while the contribution of each individual manifold is strongly suppressed, the ``density of topologies'' grows fast enough to overwhelm this suppression. The value Λ=0\Lambda=0 is thus a sort of boundary between phases in the sum over topologies. I discuss some implications for the cosmological constant problem and the Hartle-Hawking wave function.Comment: 14 pages, LaTeX. Minor additions (computability, relation to ``minimal volume'' in topology); error in eqn (3.5) corrected; references added. To appear in Class. Quant. Gra

    Gfi1aa and Gfi1b set the pace for primitive erythroblast differentiation from hemangioblasts in the zebrafish embryo

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    The transcriptional repressors G fi 1(a) and G fi 1b are epigenetic regulators with unique and overlapping roles in hematopoiesis. In different contexts, G fi 1 and G fi 1b restrict or promote cell proliferation, prevent apoptosis, in fl uence cell fate decisions, and are essential for terminal differentiation. Here, we show in primitive red blood cells (prRBCs) that they can also set the pace for cellular differentiation. In zebra fi sh, prRBCs express 2 of 3 zebra fi sh G fi 1/ 1bparalogs,G fi 1aaandG fi 1b.Therecentlyidenti fi edzebra fi sh gfi1aa gene trap allele qmc551 drives erythroid green fl uorescent protein (GFP) instead of G fi 1aa expression, yet homozygous carriers have normal prRBCs. prRBCs display a maturation defect only after splice morpholino-mediated knockdown of G fi 1b in gfi1aa qmc551 homozygous embryos. To study the transcriptome of the G fi 1aa/1b double-depleted cells, we performed an RNA-Seq experi- ment on GFP-positive prRBCs sorted from 20-h our-old embryos that were heterozygous or homozygous for gfi1aa qmc551 ,aswellas wt or morphant for gfi1b .Wesubsequentlycon fi rmed and extended these data in whole-mount in situ hybridization experiments on newly generated single- and double-mutant embryos. Combi ned, the data showed that in the absence of G fi 1aa, the synchronously developing prRBCs were delayed in activating late erythr oid differentiation, as they struggled to suppress early erythroid and endothelial transcripti on programs. The latter highlighted the bipotent natu re of the progenitors from which prRBCs arise. In the absence of G fi 1aa, G fi 1b promoted erythroid differentiation as stepwise loss of wt gfi1b copies progressively delayed G fi 1aa-depleted prRBCs even further, showing that G fi 1aa and G fi 1b together set the pace for prRBC diffe rentiation from hemangioblasts

    Functional inequalities on manifolds with non-convex boundary

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    In this article, new curvature conditions are introduced to establish functional inequalities including gradient estimates, Harnack inequalities and transportation-cost inequalities on manifolds with non-convex boundary

    Necessary and sufficient conditions for path-independence of Girsanov transformation for infinite-dimensional stochastic evolution equations

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    Based on a recent result on linking stochastic differential equations on ℝ d to (finite-dimensional) Burger-KPZ type nonlinear parabolic partial differential equations, we utilize Galerkin type finite-dimensional approximations to characterize the path-independence of the density process of Girsanov transformation for the infinite-dimensional stochastic evolution equations. Our result provides a link of infinite-dimensional semi-linear stochastic differential equations to infinite-dimensional Burgers-KPZ type nonlinear parabolic partial differential equations. As an application, this characterization result is applied to stochastic heat equation in one space dimension over the unit interval
