301 research outputs found

    Bell inequalities stronger than the CHSH inequality for 3-level isotropic states

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    We show that some two-party Bell inequalities with two-valued observables are stronger than the CHSH inequality for 3 \otimes 3 isotropic states in the sense that they are violated by some isotropic states in the 3 \otimes 3 system that do not violate the CHSH inequality. These Bell inequalities are obtained by applying triangular elimination to the list of known facet inequalities of the cut polytope on nine points. This gives a partial solution to an open problem posed by Collins and Gisin. The results of numerical optimization suggest that they are candidates for being stronger than the I_3322 Bell inequality for 3 \otimes 3 isotropic states. On the other hand, we found no Bell inequalities stronger than the CHSH inequality for 2 \otimes 2 isotropic states. In addition, we illustrate an inclusion relation among some Bell inequalities derived by triangular elimination.Comment: 9 pages, 1 figure. v2: organization improved; less references to the cut polytope to make the main results clear; references added; typos corrected; typesetting style change

    Structure of Fermionic Density Matrices: Complete N-representability Conditions

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    We present a constructive solution to the N-representability problem---a full characterization of the conditions for constraining the two-electron reduced density matrix (2-RDM) to represent an N-electron density matrix. Previously known conditions, while rigorous, were incomplete. Here we derive a hierarchy of constraints built upon (i) the bipolar theorem and (ii) tensor decompositions of model Hamiltonians. Existing conditions D, Q, G, T1, and T2, known classical conditions, and new conditions appear naturally. Subsets of the conditions are amenable to polynomial-time computations of strongly correlated systems

    Muestreo, instrumentos y aspectos bioéticos de un estudio poblacional en Lima y Callao

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    En relación al artículo publicado en la revista Anales de la Facultad de Medicina, volumen 73 número 2, titulado Violencia basada en género en zonas urbanas y urbano- marginales de Lima y Callao, 2007-2010, se aborda un problema de impacto creciente en nuestra sociedad. La violencia conyugal es un problema de Salud Pública en el Perú por sus graves consecuencias de salud, sociales y económicas. Según el INEI en la Encuesta Demográfica y de Salud Familiar 2010, el 38,4% de las mujeres sufrió violencia física y sexual, cifras que difieren según región geográfica o áreas de residencia(1)

    Bounds on Quantum Correlations in Bell Inequality Experiments

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    Bell inequality violation is one of the most widely known manifestations of entanglement in quantum mechanics; indicating that experiments on physically separated quantum mechanical systems cannot be given a local realistic description. However, despite the importance of Bell inequalities, it is not known in general how to determine whether a given entangled state will violate a Bell inequality. This is because one can choose to make many different measurements on a quantum system to test any given Bell inequality and the optimization over measurements is a high-dimensional variational problem. In order to better understand this problem we present algorithms that provide, for a given quantum state, both a lower bound and an upper bound on the maximal expectation value of a Bell operator. Both bounds apply techniques from convex optimization and the methodology for creating upper bounds allows them to be systematically improved. In many cases these bounds determine measurements that would demonstrate violation of the Bell inequality or provide a bound that rules out the possibility of a violation. Examples are given to illustrate how these algorithms can be used to conclude definitively if some quantum states violate a given Bell inequality.Comment: 13 pages, 1 table, 2 figures. Updated version as published in PR

    The Bregman chord divergence

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    Distances are fundamental primitives whose choice significantly impacts the performances of algorithms in machine learning and signal processing. However selecting the most appropriate distance for a given task is an endeavor. Instead of testing one by one the entries of an ever-expanding dictionary of {\em ad hoc} distances, one rather prefers to consider parametric classes of distances that are exhaustively characterized by axioms derived from first principles. Bregman divergences are such a class. However fine-tuning a Bregman divergence is delicate since it requires to smoothly adjust a functional generator. In this work, we propose an extension of Bregman divergences called the Bregman chord divergences. This new class of distances does not require gradient calculations, uses two scalar parameters that can be easily tailored in applications, and generalizes asymptotically Bregman divergences.Comment: 10 page

    Euclidean Distances, soft and spectral Clustering on Weighted Graphs

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    We define a class of Euclidean distances on weighted graphs, enabling to perform thermodynamic soft graph clustering. The class can be constructed form the "raw coordinates" encountered in spectral clustering, and can be extended by means of higher-dimensional embeddings (Schoenberg transformations). Geographical flow data, properly conditioned, illustrate the procedure as well as visualization aspects.Comment: accepted for presentation (and further publication) at the ECML PKDD 2010 conferenc

    An update on the Hirsch conjecture

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    The Hirsch conjecture was posed in 1957 in a letter from Warren M. Hirsch to George Dantzig. It states that the graph of a d-dimensional polytope with n facets cannot have diameter greater than n - d. Despite being one of the most fundamental, basic and old problems in polytope theory, what we know is quite scarce. Most notably, no polynomial upper bound is known for the diameters that are conjectured to be linear. In contrast, very few polytopes are known where the bound ndn-d is attained. This paper collects known results and remarks both on the positive and on the negative side of the conjecture. Some proofs are included, but only those that we hope are accessible to a general mathematical audience without introducing too many technicalities.Comment: 28 pages, 6 figures. Many proofs have been taken out from version 2 and put into the appendix arXiv:0912.423

    Metric trees of generalized roundness one

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    Every finite metric tree has generalized roundness strictly greater than one. On the other hand, some countable metric trees have generalized roundness precisely one. The purpose of this paper is to identify some large classes of countable metric trees that have generalized roundness precisely one. At the outset we consider spherically symmetric trees endowed with the usual combinatorial metric (SSTs). Using a simple geometric argument we show how to determine decent upper bounds on the generalized roundness of finite SSTs that depend only on the downward degree sequence of the tree in question. By considering limits it follows that if the downward degree sequence (d0,d1,d2...)(d_{0}, d_{1}, d_{2}...) of a SST (T,ρ)(T,\rho) satisfies {jdj>1}=0|\{j \, | \, d_{j} > 1 \}| = \aleph_{0}, then (T,ρ)(T,\rho) has generalized roundness one. Included among the trees that satisfy this condition are all complete nn-ary trees of depth \infty (n2n \geq 2), all kk-regular trees (k3k \geq 3) and inductive limits of Cantor trees. The remainder of the paper deals with two classes of countable metric trees of generalized roundness one whose members are not, in general, spherically symmetric. The first such class of trees are merely required to spread out at a sufficient rate (with a restriction on the number of leaves) and the second such class of trees resemble infinite combs.Comment: 14 pages, 2 figures, 2 table

    Universality-class dependence of energy distributions in spin glasses

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    We study the probability distribution function of the ground-state energies of the disordered one-dimensional Ising spin chain with power-law interactions using a combination of parallel tempering Monte Carlo and branch, cut, and price algorithms. By tuning the exponent of the power-law interactions we are able to scan several universality classes. Our results suggest that mean-field models have a non-Gaussian limiting distribution of the ground-state energies, whereas non-mean-field models have a Gaussian limiting distribution. We compare the results of the disordered one-dimensional Ising chain to results for a disordered two-leg ladder, for which large system sizes can be studied, and find a qualitative agreement between the disordered one-dimensional Ising chain in the short-range universality class and the disordered two-leg ladder. We show that the mean and the standard deviation of the ground-state energy distributions scale with a power of the system size. In the mean-field universality class the skewness does not follow a power-law behavior and converges to a nonzero constant value. The data for the Sherrington-Kirkpatrick model seem to be acceptably well fitted by a modified Gumbel distribution. Finally, we discuss the distribution of the internal energy of the Sherrington-Kirkpatrick model at finite temperatures and show that it behaves similar to the ground-state energy of the system if the temperature is smaller than the critical temperature.Comment: 15 pages, 20 figures, 1 tabl