16 research outputs found

    The Effect of Entrepreneurial Mindset, Digital Training and Supervision on the Competitiveness of Small and Medium Enterprises (SME) for Women

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    The Cikal Incubator Business has been preparing and developing many communities Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) for years. The SMEs under Cikal were trained and supervised periodically in order to allow them to reach a better level of competitiveness in the market. This research aimed to assess the aspects of mindset, strategies, and competitiveness in the women’s SMEs under Cikal Universitas Sumatera Utara. A total of 42 SMEs participated in this research. The data collection techniques included questionnaires and interviews focused on the implementation of SMEs. Descriptive analysis was used to evaluate our findings. The results of this research have a satisfying result. Most of the women-owned SMEs under the Cikal Incubator Business have been developing a good mindset towards business, especially their business control and the ability to learn from the business obstacles encountered. For the strategic aspects, most of our participants were able to evaluate the internal and external, as well as market, forces to help their business. As for competitiveness, this research showed that under self-assessment, all of our SMEs were ready for a competitive market. This shows that the mindset related to the desire to succeed should involve the SMEs having mature and structured strategies that are planned by the actors of the SMEs to allow them to be able to create competitiveness in the SMEs in the market. Thus, the Cikal Business Incubator helped the SMEs to be successful


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    This study aims to identify and analyze the influence of recruitment, training, and placement on the employees’ performance of PT. Astra International Tbk, Toyota AUTO 2000 SM. Raja Medan. Data collection in this study was conducted through a survey approach by distributing questionnaires. The population of this research is permanent employees of PT. Astra International Tbk, Toyota AUTO 2000 SM. Raja Medan of as many as 145 people with the number of samples to be studied was 59 people. Methods of data analysis employed descriptive analysis. Data analysis techniques using multiple linear regression analysis aimed to calculate the effect of variables in order to show the influence of recruitment, training, and placement on employee performance. Hypothesis testing used simultaneous test (F-Test) and partial influence test (t-test). Results showed simultaneously that the recruitment, training and placement gave positive and significant impact on employee performance. Partially, variable of recruitment, training, placement have positive and significant influence, with variable of training affects the performance of employees more dominantly at PT. Astra International Tbk, Toyota AUTO 2000 SM. Raja of Medan.   Article visualizations

    Leadership And Creativity Development of the Children’s Forum of Nelayan Seberang Village, Medan Belawan District

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    This service activity aims to realize the 11th SDG regarding sustainable cities and communities through a children's forum. The Children’s Forum of Nelayan Seberang Village, Medan Belawan District, Medan City is an organization acting as a forum for leadership and creativity participation for children in development planning. The forum should implement 2P, namely Pelopor (Pioneer) and Pelapor (Informer). This activity was attended by 12 members of the Children Forum of Nelayan Seberang Village. This service was carried out using the FGD method, training, and mentoring. The FGD results show that the children need to know themselves and increase their confidence to lead and develop themselves. The training results imply that religious and artistic activities are needed to improve the characters and devotions of the members. Leadership development was carried out so they have the awareness to lead themselves, understand the common environmental obstacles, and strive to focus on goals. In addition, creativity development was done to enable them to do new things and motivate themselves to never give up. It is hoped that with the training and mentoring activities, the members of the Children’s Forum of Nelayan Seberang Village can express their aspirations and be involved in making decisions for village development planning


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    This study examines the job satisfaction of temporary (non-medical) employees in the administration services at the North Sumatra University Hospital, Medan. This study aims to determine and analyze the influence of organizational learning, achievement motivation on job satisfaction, and whether the work environment can moderate the relationship between organizational learning and achievement motivation towards work satisfaction of temporary (non-medical) employees in the administration services at the North Sumatra University Hospital Medan. Quantitative descriptive was employed as data analysis method. The population of this study was 82 temporary (non-medical) employees in the administrative division of North Sumatra University Hospital who have worked for at least one year and have participated in several trainings at the North Sumatra University Hospital. The technique of determining the sample used is the census method. Methods of collecting data with questionnaires The results of this study show partially (t test) shows that organizational learning and achievement motivation have a positive and significant effect on job satisfaction, simultaneously (F-test) learning organization and achievement motivation have a positive and significant effect on job satisfaction. Moderation testing with a residual test approach, the work environment is not able to moderate (strengthen) the relationship between learning organizations to job satisfaction.  Article visualizations

    Compensation, employee performance, and mediating role of retention : a study of differential semantic scales

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    Compensation has a high effect on employee retention within a company because with satisfactory compensation, employees will feel that the company is caring about employee needs. This study examines the effect of compensation on employee performance. The study was conducted in the hospitality industry in Medan City, North Sumatra, Indonesia. A total of 200 employees from 5 hotels in Medan City were taken as sample. Data were analyzed by using SMART PLS program. The results show that compensation has a significant positive effect on performance; compensation has a significant positive effect on retention; retention has a significant positive effect on performance; retention mediates the effect of compensation on performance. The result of the research is expected to give different perspective and novelty to the improvement of hotel employee performance in Medan City, North Sumatera.peer-reviewe

    Modelling Concept: Human Resources Professional Transformation in Manufacturing Company

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    This concept aims to meet the theoretical needs in answering the problem for the roles of the human resource management function in a manufacturing company which involve the HR Division Line Manager. The proposed update is an evolutionary concept of work in human resource management called “Human Resource Professional Transformation”. Specifically, this concept discusses the ability of the HR division line managers to make adaptive changes to the company’s business-oriented functional divisions with managerial competence, commitment, innovation capability, and readiness for changes. This concept was born by synthesizing various search related scientific literature. Based on the theoretical study, it can be concluded that the concept of human resources professional transformation has the potential to improve the performance of line managers in the HR division. Besides this, human resources professional transformation answers the role of the human resource function which integrates the theoretical basis of Human Resource Analytics, Human Resources Professional and Human Resource Transformation as a competitive advantage strategy in facing competition and promoting company success. Keywords: Managerial Competence, Commitment, Innovation Capability, Readines


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    Bureaucratic reform is a strategic phase to build the state apparatus to become more efficient and effective in carrying out the general tasks of government and national development. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of work skills and employee’s job involvement through job satisfaction. This type of research is causal with a quantitative approach. The population in this study was 62 employees and the sample in this study was the entire population and utilized the saturated sample method. Data was collected by distributing questionnaires to all respondents in this study. The results of the first sub-structural research indicate that work skills affect job satisfaction and job involvement influences job satisfaction. The results of the second sub-structural research indicate that work skills influence employee performance. Job involvement influences employee performance and job satisfaction affects employee performance. The path analysis shows that job satisfaction is not able to mediate between work skills, job involvement and employee performance.  Article visualizations

    Family empowerment in protecting children from the influence of addictive substances during COVID-19 pandemic in village of Bandar Labuhan district of Tanjung Morawa regency of Deli Serdang

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    The Covid-19 pandemic that occurred shows the increasingly important role of families in caring and educating children. Amount of children spend time at home because studying online, it means that they spend a lot of time outside with friends. This allows children to consume addictive substances. From the initial survey conducted in village of Bandar Labuhan district of Tanjung Morawa regency of Deli Serdang, it was found that children secretly consume addictive substances which are harmful to their own health, such as smoking. The method of implementing community service activities is carried out in three stages, including the stages of preparation, implementation and guidance. Addictive substances are substances that cause addiction or dependence and are harmful. From the results of the dedication, it was found that most of the abuse of addictive substances in children in village of Bandar Labuhan district of Tanjung Morawa was cigarettes, glue and gasoline. Most of the factors that influence addictive substance abuse in children are curiosity. Empowerment of families in protecting children from addictive substance abuse is very necessary for children avoid addictive substances. This is in accordance with the mandate of Law No. 35 of 2014 concerning Amendments to Law No. 23 of 2002 concerning Child Protection and North Sumatra Regional Regulation No. 1 of 2019 concerning Facilitation for the Prevention of Abuse of Narcotics, Psychotropics and Other Addictive Substances

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