88 research outputs found

    Updating Standard Solar Models

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    We present an updated version of our standard solar model (SSM) where helium and heavy elements diffusion is included and the improved OPAL equation of state (Rogers 1994, Rogers Swenson \& Iglesias 1996) is used. In such a way the EOS is consistent with the adopted opacity tables, from the same Livermore group, an occurrence which should further enhance the reliability of the model. The results for the physical characteristics and the neutrino production of our SSM are discussed and compared with previous works on the matter.Comment: compress uuencoded postscript file of 8 pages and two figures; for any problem please write to [email protected]

    The Cosmic-Ray Proton and Helium Spectra measured with the CAPRICE98 balloon experiment

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    A new measurement of the primary cosmic-ray proton and helium fluxes from 3 to 350 GeV was carried out by the balloon-borne CAPRICE experiment in 1998. This experimental setup combines different detector techniques and has excellent particle discrimination capabilities allowing clear particle identification. Our experiment has the capability to determine accurately detector selection efficiencies and systematic errors associated with them. Furthermore, it can check for the first time the energy determined by the magnet spectrometer by using the Cherenkov angle measured by the RICH detector well above 20 GeV/n. The analysis of the primary proton and helium components is described here and the results are compared with other recent measurements using other magnet spectrometers. The observed energy spectra at the top of the atmosphere can be represented by (1.27+-0.09)x10^4 E^(-2.75+-0.02) particles (m^2 GeV sr s)^-1, where E is the kinetic energy, for protons between 20 and 350 GeV and (4.8+-0.8)x10^2 E^(-2.67+-0.06) particles (m^2 GeV nucleon^-1 sr s)^-1, where E is the kinetic energy per nucleon, for helium nuclei between 15 and 150 GeV nucleon^-1.Comment: To be published on Astroparticle Physics (44 pages, 13 figures, 5 tables

    Tracing mixing in stars: new beryllium observations of the open clusters NGC 2516, Hyades, and M67

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    Determinations of beryllium abundance in stars, together with lithium, provide a key tool to investigate the so far poorly understood extra-mixing processes at work in stellar interiors. We measured Be in three open clusters,complementing existing Be surveys, and aiming at gathering a more complete empirical scenario of the evolution of Be as a function of stellar age and temperature. Specifically, we analyzed VLT/UVES spectra of members of NGC 2516, the Hyades, and M 67 to determine their Be and Li abundances. In the first two clusters we focused on stars cooler than 5400 K, while the M 67 sample includes stars warmer than 6150 K, as well as two subgiants and two blue stragglers. We also computed the evolution of Be for a 0.9 Mo star based on standard evolutionary models. We find different emprical behaviours for stars in different temperature bins and ages. Stars warmer than 6150 K show Be depletion and follow a Be vs. Li correlation while Be is undepleted in stars in the ~6150-5600 K range. NGC 2516 members cooler than 5400 K have not depleted any Be, but older Hyades of similar temperature do show some depletion. Be is severely depleted in the subgiants and blue stragglers. The results for warm stars are in agreement with previous studies, supporting the hypothesis that mixing in this temperature regime is driven by rotation. The same holds for the two subgiants that have evolved from the "Li gap". This mechanism is instead not the dominant one for solar-type stars. We show that Be depletion of cool Hyades cannot simply be explained by the effect of increasing depth of the convective zone. Finally, the different Be content of the two blue stragglers suggests that they have formed by two different processes (i.e., collisions vs. binary merging).Comment: 19 pages, 10 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysic

    Extreme Energy Cosmic Rays (EECR) Observation Capabilities of an "Airwatch from Space'' Mission

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    The longitudinal development and other characteristics of the EECR induced atmospheric showers can be studied from space by detecting the fluorescence light induced in the atmospheric nitrogen. According to the Airwatch concept a single fast detector can be used for measuring both intensity and time development of the streak of fluorescence light produced by the atmospheric shower induced by an EECR. In the present communication the detection capabilities for the EECR observation from space are discussed.Comment: 3 pages (LaTeX). To appear in the Proceedings of TAUP'9

    Does Solar Physics Provide Constraints to Weakly Interacting Massive Particles?

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    We investigate whether present data on helioseismology and solar neutrino fluxes may constrain WIMP--matter interactions in the range of WIMP parameters under current exploration in WIMP searches. We find that, for a WIMP mass of 30 GeV, once the effect of the presence of WIMPs in the Sun's interior is maximized, the squared isothermal sound speed is modified, with respect to the standard solar model, by at most 0.4% at the Sun's center. The maximal effect on the Boron-8 solar neutrino flux is a reduction of 4.5%. Larger masses lead to smaller effects. These results imply that present sensitivities in the measurements of solar properties, though greatly improved in recent years, do not provide information or constraints on WIMP properties of relevance for dark matter. Furthermore, we show that, when current bounds from direct WIMP searches are taken into account, the effect induced by WIMPs with dominant coherent interactions are drastically reduced as compared to the values quoted above. The case of neutralinos in the minimal supersymmetric standard model is also discussed.Comment: 31 pages, 2 tables and 9 figures, typeset with ReVTeX4. The paper may also be found at http://www.to.infn.it/~fornengo/papers/helio.ps.gz or through http://www.to.infn.it/astropart/index.htm

    Neutrino masses: From fantasy to facts

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    Theory suggests the existence of neutrino masses, but little more. Facts are coming close to reveal our fantasy: solar and atmospheric neutrino data strongly indicate the need for neutrino conversions, while LSND provides an intriguing hint. The simplest ways to reconcile these data in terms of neutrino oscillations invoke a light sterile neutrino in addition to the three active ones. Out of the four neutrinos, two are maximally-mixed and lie at the LSND scale, while the others are at the solar mass scale. These schemes can be distinguished at neutral-current-sensitive solar & atmospheric neutrino experiments. I discuss the simplest theoretical scenarios, where the lightness of the sterile neutrino, the nearly maximal atmospheric neutrino mixing, and the generation of Δm2\Delta {m^2}_\odot & Δm2atm\Delta {m^2}_{atm} all follow naturally from the assumed lepton-number symmetry and its breaking. Although the most likely interpretation of the present data is in terms of neutrino-mass-induced oscillations, one still has room for alternative explanations, such as flavour changing neutrino interactions, with no need for neutrino mass or mixing. Such flavour violating transitions arise in theories with strictly massless neutrinos, and may lead to other sizeable flavour non-conservation effects, such as μe+γ\mu \to e + \gamma, μe\mu-e conversion in nuclei, unaccompanied by neutrino-less double beta decay.Comment: 33 pages, latex, 16 figures. Invited Talk at Ioannina Conference, Symmetries in Intermediate High Energy Physics and its Applications, Oct. 1998, to be published by Springer Tracts in Modern Physics. Festschrift in Honour of John Vergados' 60th Birthda

    The small satellite NINA-MITA to study galactic and solar cosmic rays in low-altitude polar orbit

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    Abstract The satellite MITA, carrying on board the scientific payload NINA-2, was launched on July the 15th, 2000 from the cosmodrome of Plesetsk (Russia) with a Cosmos-3M rocket. The satellite and the payload are currently operating within nominal parameters. NINA-2 is the first scientific payload for the technological flight of the Italian small satellite MITA. The detector used in this mission is identical to the one already flying on the Russian satellite Resurs-O1 n.4 in a 840-km sun-synchronous orbit, but makes use of the extensive computer and telemetry capabilities of MITA bus to improve the active data acquisition time. NINA physics objectives are to study cosmic nuclei from hydrogen to iron in the energy range between 10 MeV/n and 1 GeV/n during the years 2000–2003, that is the solar maximum period. The device is capable of charge identification up to iron with isotope sensitivity up to oxigen. The 87.3 degrees, 460 km altitude polar orbit allows investigations of cosmic rays of solar and galactic origin, so to study long and short term solar transient phenomena, and the study of the trapped radiation at higher geomagnetic cutoff

    Measurements of cosmic-ray electrons and positrons by the Wizard/CAPRICE collaboration

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    Two recent ballon-borne experiments have been performed by the WiZard/CAPRICE collaboration in order to study the electron and positron components in the cosmic radiation. On 1994 August 8–9 the CAPRICE94 experiment flew from norther Canada and on 1998 May 28–29 the CAPRICE98 experiment flew from New Mexico, USA at altitudes corresponding to 3.9 and 5.5 g/cm2 of average residual atmosphere respectively. The apparatus were equipped with a Ring Imaging Cherenkov (RICH) detector, a time-of-flight system, a superconducting magnet spectrometer with a tracking system and a 7-radiation-length silicon-tungsten imaging calorimeter. The RICH used in 1994 had a solid NaF radiator while in 1998 the RICH had a C4F10 gaseous radiator. We report on the electron and positron spectra and positron fraction at the top of the atmosphere from few hundred MeV to 40 GeV measured by these two experiments


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    Abstract In June 1998 the telescope NINA will be launched in space on board of the Russian satellite Resource-01 n.4. The main scientific objective of the mission is the study of the anomalous, galactic and solar components of the cosmic rays in the energy interval 10–200 MeV/n. The core of the instrument is a silicon detector whose performances have been tested with a particle beam at the GSI Laboratory in Germany in 1997; we report here on the results obtained during the beam calibration