11,297 research outputs found

    Sharp ellipticity conditions for ballistic behavior of random walks in random environment

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    We sharpen ellipticity criteria for random walks in i.i.d. random environments introduced by Campos and Ram\'{\i}rez which ensure ballistic behavior. Furthermore, we construct new examples of random environments for which the walk satisfies the polynomial ballisticity criteria of Berger, Drewitz and Ram\'{\i}rez. As a corollary, we can exhibit a new range of values for the parameters of Dirichlet random environments in dimension d=2d=2 under which the corresponding random walk is ballistic.Comment: Published at http://dx.doi.org/10.3150/14-BEJ683 in the Bernoulli (http://isi.cbs.nl/bernoulli/) by the International Statistical Institute/Bernoulli Society (http://isi.cbs.nl/BS/bshome.htm

    On uniform closeness of local times of Markov chains and i.i.d. sequences

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    In this paper we consider the field of local times of a discrete-time Markov chain on a general state space, and obtain uniform (in time) upper bounds on the total variation distance between this field and the one of a sequence of nn i.i.d. random variables with law given by the invariant measure of that Markov chain. The proof of this result uses a refinement of the soft local time method of [11].Comment: 42 pages, 2 figures, coupling construction of Section 4 corrected, results unchange

    First CMB Constraints on the Inflationary Reheating Temperature

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    We present the first Bayesian constraints on the single field inflationary reheating era obtained from Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) data. After demonstrating that this epoch can be fully characterized by the so-called reheating parameter, we show that it is constrained by the seven years Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropies Probe (WMAP7) data for all large and small field models. An interesting feature of our approach is that it yields lower bounds on the reheating temperature which can be combined with the upper bounds associated with gravitinos production. For large field models, we find the energy scale of reheating to be higher than those probed at the Large Hadron Collider, Ereh > 17.3 TeV at 95% of confidence. For small field models, we obtain the two-sigma lower limits Ereh > 890 TeV for a mean equation of state during reheating = -0.3 and Ereh > 390 GeV for = -0.2. The physical origin of these constraints is pedagogically explained by means of the slow-roll approximation. Finally, when marginalizing over all possible reheating history, the WMAP7 data push massive inflation under pressure (p < 2.2 at 95% of confidence where p is the power index of the large field potentials) while they slightly favor super-Planckian field expectation values in the small field models.Comment: 18 pages, 15 figures, uses RevTeX. References added, matches published versio

    Trinification, the Hierarchy Problem and Inverse Seesaw Neutrino Masses

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    In minimal trinification models light neutrino masses can be generated via a radiative see-saw mechanism, where the masses of the right-handed neutrinos originate from loops involving Higgs and fermion fields at the unification scale. This mechanism is absent in models aiming at solving or ameliorating the hierarchy problem, such as low-energy supersymmetry, since the large seesaw-scale disappears. In this case, neutrino masses need to be generated via a TeV-scale mechanism. In this paper, we investigate an inverse seesaw mechanism and discuss some phenomenological consequences.Comment: 10 pages, 11 figure

    Identification of a strong contamination source for graphene in vacuum systems

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    To minimize parasitic doping effects caused by uncontrolled material adsorption, graphene is often investigated under vacuum. Here we report an entirely unexpected phenomenon occurring in vacuum systems, namely strong n-doping of graphene due to chemical species generated by common ion high-vacuum gauges. The effect --reversible upon exposing graphene to air-- is significant, as doping rates can largely exceed 10^{12} cm^{-2}/hour, depending on pressure and the relative position of the gauge and the graphene device. It is important to be aware of the phenomenon, as its basic manifestation can be mistakenly interpreted as vacuum-induced desorption of p-dopants.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figure

    Photon Antibunching in the Photoluminescence Spectra of a Single Carbon Nanotube

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    We report the first observation of photon antibunching in the photoluminescence from single carbon nanotubes. The emergence of a fast luminescence decay component under strong optical excitation indicates that Auger processes are partially responsible for inhibiting two-photon generation. Additionally, the presence of exciton localization at low temperatures ensures that nanotubes emit photons predominantly one by one. The fact that multiphoton emission probability can be smaller than 5% suggests that carbon nanotubes could be used as a source of single photons for applications in quantum cryptography.Comment: content as publishe

    Hunting Down the Best Model of Inflation with Bayesian Evidence

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    We present the first calculation of the Bayesian evidence for different prototypical single field inflationary scenarios, including representative classes of small field and large field models. This approach allows us to compare inflationary models in a well-defined statistical way and to determine the current "best model of inflation". The calculation is performed numerically by interfacing the inflationary code FieldInf with MultiNest. We find that small field models are currently preferred, while large field models having a self-interacting potential of power p>4 are strongly disfavoured. The class of small field models as a whole has posterior odds of approximately 3:1 when compared with the large field class. The methodology and results presented in this article are an additional step toward the construction of a full numerical pipeline to constrain the physics of the early Universe with astrophysical observations. More accurate data (such as the Planck data) and the techniques introduced here should allow us to identify conclusively the best inflationary model.Comment: 12 pages, 2 figures, uses RevTeX. Misprint corrected, references added. Matches published versio
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