935 research outputs found

    Stationary states of a spherical Minority Game with ergodicity breaking

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    Using generating functional and replica techniques, respectively, we study the dynamics and statics of a spherical Minority Game (MG), which in contrast with a spherical MG previously presented in J.Phys A: Math. Gen. 36 11159 (2003) displays a phase with broken ergodicity and dependence of the macroscopic stationary state on initial conditions. The model thus bears more similarity with the original MG. Still, all order parameters including the volatility can computed in the ergodic phases without making any approximations. We also study the effects of market impact correction on the phase diagram. Finally we discuss a continuous-time version of the model as well as the differences between on-line and batch update rules. Our analytical results are confirmed convincingly by comparison with numerical simulations. In an appendix we extend the analysis of the earlier spherical MG to a model with general time-step, and compare the dynamics and statics of the two spherical models.Comment: 26 pages, 8 figures; typo correcte

    Numerical modelling of the extreme wave climate in the Belgian harbours: part 3. Marina of Blankenberge

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    The design of water and wave retaining walls and flood risk analyses need hydrodynamic boundary conditions. These boundary conditions are needed during a storm with return period 1000yrs and during the super storms which were defined in the risk analysis study. The modelling of the extreme wave climate is decoupled to the wave penetration and the lacal generation of waves by the extreme wind speed. The wave penetration is modelled with Mike 21 BW as was done for Oostende and Zeebrugge. MILDwave is not used this time because non-linear effects (e.g. long wave generation, wave setup) are too important in this case. Instead another nonlinear model SWASH is applied. The modelling of local generation of waves by wind is still done with the spectral model SWAN.First the bathymetry files are created based on the dredging plan of Blankenberge marina, and all the suitable settings used for the Mike 21 BW and the SWASH are investigated. Since SWASH model does not have so much application examples, Wenduine physical model is used to validate the model. Consequently, a sensitivity analysis is conducted for both models to study which parameter is important for the wave climate inside the marina. The most severe offshore wave direction for the design of the wave retaining walls is decided based on the 1000 year storm. After the calculation of the wave penetration in the case of 1000 year storm and +7.9 mTAW storm, locally generated wind waves are also simulated by SWAN. All extreme wind speeds and directions for the 1000-year storm and the super storms are modelled. Finally, long and short wave energy of the wave penetration models is separated and a superposition of the short wave energy and the SWAN model is done to obtain the total extreme wave climate in the marina of Blankenberge. The maximum surface elevation of the long wave energy and the wave setup provide an increase of the still water level to take into account for design purpose

    General and maladaptive traits in a Five-Factor Framework for DSM-5 in a university student sample

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    The relationships between two measures proposed to describe personality pathology, that is the Revised NEO Personality Inventory (NEO-PI-3) and the Personality Inventory for DSM-5 (PID-5), are examined in an undergraduate sample (N = 240). The NEO inventories are general trait measures, also considered relevant to assess disordered personality, whereas the PID-5 measure is specifically designed to assess pathological personality traits, as conceptualized in the DSM-5 proposal. A structural analysis of the 25 PID-5 traits confirmed the factor structure observed in the U.S. derivation sample, with higher order factors of Negative Affectivity, Detachment, Antagonism, Disinhibition, and Psychoticism. A joint factor analysis of, respectively, the NEO domains and their facets with the PID-5 traits showed that general and maladaptive traits are subsumed under an umbrella of five to six major dimensions that can be interpreted from the perspective of the five-factor model or the Personality Psychopathology Five. Implications for the assessment of personality pathology and the construction of models of psychopathology grounded in personality are discussed

    A Formal Study of the Privacy Concerns in Biometric-Based Remote Authentication Schemes

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    With their increasing popularity in cryptosystems, biometrics have attracted more and more attention from the information security community. However, how to handle the relevant privacy concerns remains to be troublesome. In this paper, we propose a novel security model to formalize the privacy concerns in biometric-based remote authentication schemes. Our security model covers a number of practical privacy concerns such as identity privacy and transaction anonymity, which have not been formally considered in the literature. In addition, we propose a general biometric-based remote authentication scheme and prove its security in our security model

    Переходная зона между шельфом и континентальным склоном северной части Чёрного моря. Ландшафтный подход

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    На основе данных, полученных с применением обитаемых подводных аппаратов, рассмотрена проблема положения бровки шельфа как важной структурно фациальной границы морского бассейна. Описана ландшафтная фациальная зональность в диапазоне глубин 70–220 м в северной части Черного моря. Выявлено, что смена фаций в переходной зоне между шельфом и материковым склоном от бровки шельфа до глубины около 200 м находится в тесной связи с усилением гипоксии до полной аноксии.На основі даних, отриманих із застосуванням підводних апаратів, розглянуто проблему положення бровки шельфу як важливої структурно фаціальної межі морського басейну. Описано ландшафтну фаціальну зональність в діапазоні глибин 70–20 м у північній частині Чорного моря. Виявлено, що зміна фацій у перехідній зоні між шельфом і материковим схилом від бровки шельфу до глибини близько 200 м тісно пов’язана із збільшенням гіпоксії до повної аноксії.The problem of continental shelf break position as an important structural – facial marine basin boundary discussed on the basis of manned submersibles’ data. The range and setting of Northern Black Sea facial zones in the depths interval 70 220m are described. It’s found that the facial changes are related closely with hypoxia increasing to complete anoxia from the shelf break to the depth of about 200 m

    Parallel dynamics of continuous Hopfield model revisited

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    We have applied the generating functional analysis (GFA) to the continuous Hopfield model. We have also confirmed that the GFA predictions in some typical cases exhibit good consistency with computer simulation results. When a retarded self-interaction term is omitted, the GFA result becomes identical to that obtained using the statistical neurodynamics as well as the case of the sequential binary Hopfield model.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Motional sidebands and direct measurement of the cooling rate in the resonance fluorescence of a single trapped ion

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    Resonance fluorescence of a single trapped ion is spectrally analyzed using a heterodyne technique. Motional sidebands due to the oscillation of the ion in the harmonic trap potential are observed in the fluorescence spectrum. From the width of the sidebands the cooling rate is obtained and found to be in agreement with the theoretical prediction.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures. Final version after minor changes, 1 figure replaced; to be published in PRL, July 10, 200

    Workflow Engineering in Materials Design within the BATTERY 2030+Project

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    In recent years, modeling and simulation of materials have become indispensable to complement experiments in materials design. High-throughput simulations increasingly aid researchers in selecting the most promising materials for experimental studies or by providing insights inaccessible by experiment. However, this often requires multiple simulation tools to meet the modeling goal. As a result, methods and tools are needed to enable extensive-scale simulations with streamlined execution of all tasks within a complex simulation protocol, including the transfer and adaptation of data between calculations. These methods should allow rapid prototyping of new protocols and proper documentation of the process. Here an overview of the benefits and challenges of workflow engineering in virtual material design is presented. Furthermore, a selection of prominent scientific workflow frameworks used for the research in the BATTERY 2030+ project is presented. Their strengths and weaknesses as well as a selection of use cases in which workflow frameworks significantly contributed to the respective studies are discussed