314 research outputs found

    The geometric paradigm in computational elasto-plasticity

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    Computational methods, for large displacements of continua in the elastoplastic range, rely on the mathematical modeling of the nonlinear constitutive behavior. In last decades an increasing favor has been deserved to nonlinear models based on a chain decomposition of the deformation gradient. The troubles involved in a structural analysis based on this model are well-known and have not been overcome although many efforts devoted to this end. Our investigation towards a more satisfactory model starts from the new analysis of the rate elastic behavior performed in [1, 2] since the difficulties faced by previous formulations were the very motivation for the discard of rate constitutive models in elasto-plasticity [3]. The new definition of hypo-elasticity, the detection of simple integrability conditions and a new formulation of conservativeness, lead to a definition of rate elasticity suitable for an effective modeling of rate elasto-plastic constitutive behaviors [4]. The treatment is based on a geometric definition of spatial and material fields and on the statement of a geometric paradigm assessing the rules for comparison of material fields naturally provided by push-pull according to the relevant transformation. The rates involved in constitutive relations are Lie-derivatives of stress field and constitutive parameters. Geometric compatibility requires that elastic and plastic stretchings additively give the Lie-derivative of metric field. No privileged reference configuration is involved and no consequent multiplicative decomposition of deformation gradient is assumed. Computational methods are shown to be based on the pull-back of constitutive relations to a straightened out trajectory segment which plays the role of computation chamber wherein linear operations of differentiation and integration may be performed. Accordingly, finite elastic and plastic stretches are considered as purely computational tools with no physical interpretation in constitutive relations. Both 3-D and lower dimensional structural models, such as wires and membranes, may be analysed by a direct application of the theory. The outcome is a significant improvement of physical insight and computational effectiveness with respect to previous treatments of finite elasto-plasticity

    Analytical Solutions of Viscoelastic Nonlocal Timoshenko Beams

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    A consistent nonlocal viscoelastic beam model is proposed in this paper. Specifically, a Timoshenko bending problem, where size-and time-dependent effects cannot be neglected, is investigated. In order to inspect scale phenomena, a stress-driven nonlocal formulation is used, whereas to simulate time-dependent effects, fractional linear viscoelasticity is considered. These two approaches are adopted to develop a new Timoshenko bending model. Analytical solutions and application samples of the proposed formulation are presented. Moreover, in order to show influences of viscoelastic and size effects on mechanical response, parametric analyses are provided. The contributed results can be useful for the design and optimization of small-scale devices exhibiting flexural behaviour

    Thiourea Derivative of 2-[(1 R)-1-Aminoethyl]phenol: A Flexible Pocket-like Chiral Solvating Agent (CSA) for the Enantiodifferentiation of Amino Acid Derivatives by NMR Spectroscopy

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    Thiourea derivatives of 2-[(1R)-1-aminoethyl]phenol, (1S,2R)-1-amino-2,3-dihydro-1H-inden-2-ol, (1R,2R)-(1S,2R)-1-amino-2,3-dihydro-1H-inden-2-ol, and (R)-1-phenylethanamine have been compared as chiral solvating agents (CSAs) for the enantiodiscrimination of derivatized amino acids using nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy. Thiourea derivative, prepared by reacting 2-[(1R)-1-aminoethyl]phenol with benzoyl isothiocyanate, constitutes an effective CSA for the enantiodiscrimination of N-3,5-dinitrobenzoyl (DNB) derivatives of amino acids with free or derivatized carboxyl functions. A base additive 1,4-diazabicyclo[2.2.2]octane(DABCO)/N,N-dimethylpyridin-4-amine (DMAP)/NBu4OH) is required both to solubilize amino acid derivatives with free carboxyl groups in CDCl3 and to mediate their interaction with the chiral auxiliary to attain efficient differentiation of the NMR signals of enantiomeric substrates. For ternary systems CSA/substrate/DABCO, the chiral discrimination mechanism has been ascertained through the NMR determination of complexation stoichiometry, association constants, and stereochemical features of the diastereomeric solvates

    Renewable Resources for Enantiodiscrimination: Chiral Solvating Agents for NMR Spectroscopy from Isomannide and Isosorbide

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    A new family of chiral selectors was synthesized in a single synthetic step with yields up to 84% starting from isomannide and isosorbide. Mono- or disubstituted carbamate derivatives were obtained by reacting the isohexides with electron-donating arylisocyanate (3,5-dimethylphenyl- or 3,5-dimethoxyphenyl-) and electron-withdrawing arylisocyanate (3,5-bis(trifluoromethyl)phenyl-) groups to test opposite electronic effects on enantiodifferentiation. Deeper chiral pockets and derivatives with more acidic protons were obtained by derivatization with 1-naphthylisocyanate and p-toluenesulfonylisocyanate, respectively. All compounds were tested as chiral solvating agents (CSAs) in H-1 NMR experiments with rac-N-3,5-dinitrobenzoylphenylglycine methyl ester in order to determine the influence of different structural features on the enantiodiscrimination capabilities. Some selected compounds were tested with other racemic analytes, still leading to enantiodiscrimination. The enantiodiscrimination conditions were then optimized for the best CSA/analyte couple. Finally, a 2D- and 1D-NMR study was performed employing the best performing CSA with the two enantiomers of the selected analyte, aiming to determine the enantiodiscrimination mechanism, the stoichiometry of interaction, and the complexation constant

    2-Methyl-β-cyclodextrin grafted ammonium chitosan: synergistic effects of cyclodextrin host and polymer backbone in the interaction with amphiphilic prednisolone phosphate salt as revealed by NMR spectroscopy

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    Reduced molecular weight chitosan was quaternized with 2-chloro-N,N-diethylethylamine to obtain a water soluble derivative (N+-rCh). Methylated-β-cyclodextrin (MCD), with 0.5 molar substitution, was covalently linked to N+-rCh through 1,6-hexamethylene diisocyanate spacer to give the derivatized ammonium chitosan N+-rCh-MCD. To shed light on the role of the cyclodextrin pendant in guiding binding interactions with amphiphilic active ingredients, corticosteroid prednisolone phosphate salt (PN) was considered. The deep inclusion of PN into cyclodextrin in PN/MCD model system was pointed out by analysis of 1H NMR complexation shifts, 1D ROESY spectra, and diffusion measurements (DOSY). By using proton selective relaxation rates measurements as investigation tool, the superior affinity of N+-rCh-MCD towards PN was demonstrated in comparison with parent ammonium chitosan N+-rCh

    Self-healing capability of large-scale engineered cementitious composites beams

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    YesEngineered Cementitious Composites (ECC) is a material which possesses advanced self-healing properties. Although the self-healing performance of ECC has been revealed in numerous studies, only small-scale, laboratory-size specimens have been used to assess it under fixed laboratory conditions and curing techniques. In order to evaluate the effect of intrinsic self-healing ability of ECC on the properties of structural-size, large-scale reinforced-beam members, specimens with four different shear span to effective depth (a/d) ratios, ranging from 1 to 4, were prepared to evaluate the effects of shear and flexural deformation. To ensure a realistic assessment, beams were cured using wet burlap, similar to on-site curing. Each beam was tested for mechanical properties including load-carrying capacity, deflection capacity, ductility ratio, yield stiffness, energy absorption capacity, and the influence of self-healing, by comparing types of failure and cracking. Self-healed test beams showed higher strength, energy absorption capacity and ductility ratio than damaged test beams. In test beams with an a/d ratio of 4 in which flexural behavior was prominent, self-healing application was highly successful; the strength, energy absorption capacity and ductility ratios of these beams achieved the level of undamaged beams. In addition, flexural cracks healed better, helping recover the properties of beams with predominantly flexural cracks rather than shear cracks.The authors gratefully acknowledge the financial assistance of the Scientific and Technical Research Council (TUBITAK) of Turkey provided under Project: MAG-112M876 and the Turkish Academy of Sciences, Young Scientist Award program. The second author would also like to acknowledge the financial support of TĂśBITAK for the 2219 Scholarship

    Methylammonium-formamidinium reactivity in aged organometal halide perovskite inks

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    Over the past 10 years, organometal halide perovskites have revolutionized the field of optoelectronics, particularly of emerging photovoltaic technologies. Today's best perovskite solar cells use triple-cation compositions containing a mixture of formamidinium, methylammonium, and cesium to enable more reproducible and stable device performance. The common procedure uses as-prepared precursor ink to avoid an undesirable decrease in device performance, attributed recently to a chemical reaction between methylammonium and formamidinium in solution. Here we employ nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy to explore different experimental conditions that can significantly modify these reaction kinetics; in particular, we find that the presence of cesium as the third cation can substantially slow down methylammonium-formamidinium reactivity. Our findings allow us to draw up a protocol for extended overtime perovskite ink stabilization

    Carba-D,L-allal- and -D,L-galactal-derived vinyl N-nosyl aziridines as useful tools for the synthesis of 4-deoxy-4-(N-nosylamino)-2,3-unsaturated-5a-carbasugars

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    The novel carba-D,L-allal- and carba-D,L-galactal-derived vinyl N-nosyl aziridines were prepared and the regio- and stereoselective behavior in opening reactions with O- and N-nucleophiles examined. The carbaglycosylating ability of the novel aziridines, as deduced by the amount of 1,4-addition products (1,4-regioselectivity) obtained in the acid-catalyzed methanolysis taken as a model reaction, is similar or superior to that observed with the corresponding carba-D,L-allal- and -D,L-galactal-derived vinyl epoxides, respectively. In all 1,2- and 1,4-addition products obtained, a –(N-nosylamino) group is regio- and stereoselectively introduced at the C(4) carbon of a 1,2- or 2,3-unsaturated carbasugar, susceptible to further elaborations toward aminocyclitol derivatives. The stereoselective synthesis of the corresponding, enantiomerically pure carba-D,L-allal- and -D,L-galactal-derived vinyl N-acetyl aziridines is also described

    The hidden fragility in the heart of the athletes: A review of genetic biomarkers

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    Sudden cardiac death (SCD) is a devastating event which can also affect people in apparent good health, such as young athletes. It is known that intense and continuous exercise along with a genetic background that predisposes a person to the risk of fatal arrhythmias is a trigger for SCD. Therefore, knowledge of the athlete’s genetic conditions underlying the onset of SCD must be extended, in order to develop new effective prevention and/or therapeutic strategies. Arrhythmic features occur across a broad spectrum of cardiac diseases, sometimes presenting with overlapping phenotypes. The genetic basis of arrhythmogenic disorders has been greatly highlighted in the last 30 years, and has shown marked heterogeneity. The advent of next-generation sequencing has constantly updated our understanding of the genetic basis of arrhythmogenic diseases and is laying the foundation for precision medicine. With the exception of a few clinical cases involving a single athlete showing a highly suspected phenotype for the presence of a heart disease, there are few studies to date that analysed the applicability of genetic testing on cohorts of athletes. This evidence shows that genetic testing can contribute to the diagnosis of up to 13% of athletes; however, the presence of clinical markers is essential. This review aims to provide a reference collection on current knowledge of the genetic basis of sudden cardiac death in athletes and to review updated evidence on the effectiveness of genetic testing in early identification of athletes at risk for SCD
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