513 research outputs found

    Plagiarism Detection in Texts Obfuscated with Homoglyphs

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    Homoglyphs can be used for disguising plagiarized text by replacing letters in source texts with visually identical letters from other scripts. Most current plagiarism detection systems are not able to detect plagiarism when text has been obfuscated using homoglyphs. In this work, we present two alternative approaches for detecting plagiarism in homoglyph obfuscated texts. The first approach utilizes the Unicode list of confusables to replace homoglyphs with visually identical letters, while the second approach uses a similarity score computed using normalized hamming distance to match homoglyph obfuscated words with source words. Empirical testing on datasets from PAN-2015 shows that both approaches perform equally well for plagiarism detection in homoglyph obfuscated texts

    Analisis Kepuasan Pelanggan (Customer Satisfaction) terhadap Layanan Hypermart Pekanbaru

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    This paper investigated the customer ratings of importance of several attributesassociated with supermarket shopping. Then reviewed the satisfaction ratings of theattributes. The aim was to rank the factors and to relate the importance rankings tocustomer satisfaction. The findings have implications in that a retailer is able toassess how well they meet their customers needs on important attributes. The resultssuggested that since retail formats have become very standardized, corporatereputation is rated high and may be a source of sustainable competitive advantage

    Mathematical simulation of graphene with modified c-c bond length and transfer energy

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    In nanotechnology research, allotropes of carbon like Graphene, Fullerene (Buckyball) and Carbon nanotubes are widely used due to their remarkable properties. Electrical and mechanical properties of those allotropes vary with their molecular geometry. This paper is specially based on modeling and simulation of graphene in order to calculate energy band structure in k space with varying the C-C bond length and C-C transfer energy. Significant changes have been observed in the energy band structure of graphene due to variation in C-C bond length and C-C transfer energy. In particular, this paper focuses over the electronic structure of graphene within the frame work of tight binding approximation. It has been reported that conduction and valence states in graphene only meet at two points in k-space and that dispersion around these special points is conical. When you are citing the document, use the following link http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/2305

    Pengaruh Kejenuhan Kerja, Beban Kerja, dan Konflik Kerja terhadap Motivasi Kerja Perawat RSUD Dr. Rm. Pratomo Bagan Siapiapi Kabupaten Rokan Hilir

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    Dr. RM. Pratomo Bagan Siapiapi District Rokan Hilir Hospital located at Jl. Pahlawan, No.131 Bagan Siapi-Api sub district Bangko is an organization engaged of health care. The process of development in the hospital as an organization health care advanced rapidly. Therefore, ones of the factors that must be considered of the hospital development were the human resource. The highly pressure of work as a nurse due to working conditions which are in pressure can affect the work motivation of nurses. In addition, the external and internal factors such as burnout, workload and work conflict perceived nurses also can affect the work motivation of nurses. The purpose of this study was to determine and analyze the effect of burnout, workload and work conflict toward nurses work motivation of Dr. RM. Pratomo Bagan Siapi-Api District Rokan Hilir Hospital by simultaneously and partially. The collecting data used questionnaires, amounting to 5 items for work motivation variable, 5 items for burnout variable, 4 item for workload variable and 4 items for work conflict variable which distributed into 113 nurses of Dr. RM. Pratomo Bagan Siapi-Api District Rokan Hilir Hospital and the data were analyzed by using multiple regression analysis techniques. Based on the results of data processing, it can be concluded that; 1) Burnout, workload and work conflict affected nurses work motivation simultaneously. 2) Burnout affected nurses work motivation partially. 3) Workload doesn't affected nurses work motivation partially. 4) Work conflict affected nurses work motivation partially


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    ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­Objective: To develop and validate a simple, precise, and rapid liquid chromatographic-tandem mass spectrometric (LC-MS/MS) method for quantification of amlodipine in human plasma.Methods: Chromatographic analysis was performed on Atlantis dC18 column (2.1 x 100 mm, 3 µm) with a mobile phase consisting of acetonitrile and 10 mM formic acid (80:20, v: v) that was delivered at a flow rate of 0.3 ml/min. The eluents were monitored using electrospray ionization in the positive ion mode set at transition 409 → 238.4 and 254.3 → 43.9 for amlodipine and tizanidine hydrochloride (IS), respectively. The method was validated for linearity, accuracy, precision, and recovery as per US-FDA guidelines.Results: The retention times of amlodipine and tizanidine (IS) were 1.26 and 1.22 respectively. The relationship between amlodipine concentration and peak height ratio of amlodipine to the IS was linear (R2³ 0.9868) in the range of 0.2–20 ng/ml, and the intra-and inter-day coefficient of variations and bias were ≤14.4% and ≤13.6% and ≤13.7% and ≤11.2%, respectively.Conclusion: The proposed method is simple, precise, and accurate for rapid measurement of amlodipine level using 0.5 ml human plasma. Further, the assay was successfully applied to determine amlodipine level in human plasma samples obtained from a healthy volunteer

    Analisis Yuridis Peran Polri Dalam Penanggulangan Tindak Pidana Pemalsuan Mata Uang Terkait Dengan Undang-undang Nomor 7 Tahun 2011 Tentang Mata Uang

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    The role of Indonesian Police in coping with the criminal act of counterfeiting currency was repressively performed through the enforcement of criminal law which is the action of eradication and the same time crushing the crime by the law enforces in criminal justice system. Coping with the crime through repressive action began from the Police Department assigned its members as investigators. Law on currency has formulated the expansion of the investigators activities within the framework of proving such as the investigator has the right/authority to open the access or to check and make copies of the electronic data saved in the computer file, internet networking, optical media, as well as all others forms of electronic data storage. The investigators may seize the evidence from the owner and provider of electronic services. Besides the repressive action, pre emtive and preventive actions are also needed through the socialization and inter-sectoral coordination wuth the holders of authorities in the field of currency

    Radiation reaction and the self-force for a point mass in general relativity

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    A point particle of mass m moving on a geodesic creates a perturbation h, of the spacetime metric g, that diverges at the particle. Simple expressions are given for the singular m/r part of h and its quadrupole distortion caused by the spacetime. Subtracting these from h leaves a remainder h^R that is C^1. The self-force on the particle from its own gravitational field corrects the worldline at O(m) to be a geodesic of g+h^R. For the case that the particle is a small non-rotating black hole, an approximate solution to the Einstein equations is given with error of O(m^2) as m approaches 0.Comment: 4 pages, RevTe

    Paraphrase type identification for plagiarism detection using contexts and word embeddings

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    Paraphrase types have been proposed by researchers as the paraphrasing mechanisms underlying acts of plagiarism. Synonymous substitution, word reordering and insertion/deletion have been identified as some of the common paraphrasing strategies used by plagiarists. However, similarity reports generated by most plagiarism detection systems provide a similarity score and produce matching sections of text with their possible sources. In this research we propose methods to identify two important paraphrase types – synonymous substitution and word reordering in paraphrased, plagiarised sentence pairs. We propose a three staged approach that uses context matching and pretrained word embeddings for identifying synonymous substitution and word reordering. Our proposed approach indicates that the use of Smith Waterman Algorithm for Plagiarism Detection and ConceptNet Numberbatch pretrained word embeddings produces the best performance in terms of F1 scores. This research can be used to complement similarity reports generated by currently available plagiarism detection systems by incorporating methods to identify paraphrase types for plagiarism detection