6,919 research outputs found

    Optimal control theory based design of elasto-magnetic metamaterial

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    A method to design a new type of metamaterial is presented. A two-step strategy to define an optimal long-range force distribution embedded in an elastic support to control wave propagation is considered. The first step uses a linear quadratic regulator (LQR) to produce an optimal set of long-range interactions. In the second step, a least square passive approximation of the LQR optimal gains is determined. The paper investigates numerical solutions obtained by the previously described procedure. Finally, we discuss physical and engineering implications and practical use of the present study

    A new wavelength calibration for echelle spectrographs using Fabry-Perot etalons

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    The study of Earth-mass extrasolar planets via the radial-velocity technique and the measurement of the potential cosmological variability of fundamental constants call for very-high-precision spectroscopy at the level of \updelta\lambda/\lambda<10^{-9}. Wavelength accuracy is obtained by providing two fundamental ingredients: 1) an absolute and information-rich wavelength source and 2) the ability of the spectrograph and its data reduction of transferring the reference scale (wavelengths) to a measurement scale (detector pixels) in a repeatable manner. The goal of this work is to improve the wavelength calibration accuracy of the HARPS spectrograph by combining the absolute spectral reference provided by the emission lines of a thorium-argon hollow-cathode lamp (HCL) with the spectrally rich and precise spectral information of a Fabry-P\'erot-based calibration source. On the basis of calibration frames acquired each night since the Fabry-P\'erot etalon was installed on HARPS in 2011, we construct a combined wavelength solution which fits simultaneously the thorium emission lines and the Fabry-P\'erot lines. The combined fit is anchored to the absolute thorium wavelengths, which provide the `zero-point' of the spectrograph, while the Fabry-P\'erot lines are used to improve the (spectrally) local precision. The obtained wavelength solution is verified for auto-consistency and tested against a solution obtained using the HARPS Laser-Frequency Comb (LFC). The combined thorium+Fabry-P\'erot wavelength solution shows significantly better performances compared to the thorium-only calibration. The presented techniques will therefore be used in the new HARPS and HARPS-N pipeline, and will be exported to the ESPRESSO spectrograph.Comment: 15 pages, 8 figure

    Deriving High-Precision Radial Velocities

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    This chapter describes briefly the key aspects behind the derivation of precise radial velocities. I start by defining radial velocity precision in the context of astrophysics in general and exoplanet searches in particular. Next I discuss the different basic elements that constitute a spectrograph, and how these elements and overall technical choices impact on the derived radial velocity precision. Then I go on to discuss the different wavelength calibration and radial velocity calculation techniques, and how these are intimately related to the spectrograph's properties. I conclude by presenting some interesting examples of planets detected through radial velocity, and some of the new-generation instruments that will push the precision limit further.Comment: Lecture presented at the IVth Azores International Advanced School in Space Sciences on "Asteroseismology and Exoplanets: Listening to the Stars and Searching for New Worlds" (arXiv:1709.00645), which took place in Horta, Azores Islands, Portugal in July 201

    Extrasolar planets and brown dwarfs around A-F type stars. II. A planet found with ELODIE around the F6V star HD 33564

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    We present here the detection of a planet orbiting around the F6V star HD 33564. The radial velocity measurements, obtained with the ELODIE echelle spectrograph at the Haute-Provence Observatory, show a variation with a period of 388 days. Assuming a primary mass of 1.25 Mo, the best Keplerian fit to the data leads to a minimum mass of 9.1 MJup for the companion.Comment: 5 pages. Final version, accepted for publication (A&A). Some Spitzer results on HD33564 (taken this year; not yet published), finally show that the detection of IR excess around this star (by IRAS) is spuriou

    Prospects for the Characterization and Confirmation of Transiting Exoplanets via the Rossiter-McLaughlin Effect

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    The Rossiter-McLaughlin (RM) effect is the distortion of stellar spectral lines that occurs during eclipses or transits, due to stellar rotation. We assess the future prospects for using the RM effect to measure the alignment of planetary orbits with the spin axes of their parent stars, and to confirm exoplanetary transits. We compute the achievable accuracy for the parameters of interest, in general and for the 5 known cases of transiting exoplanets with bright host stars. We determine the requirements for detecting the effects of differential rotation. For transiting planets with small masses or long periods (as will be detected by forthcoming satellite missions), the velocity anomaly produced by the RM effect can be much larger than the orbital velocity of the star. For a terrestrial planet in the habitable zone of a Sun-like star found by the Kepler mission, it will be difficult to use the RM effect to confirm transits with current instruments, but it still may be easier than measuring the spectroscopic orbit.Comment: 18 pages, 8 figures, one table. Minor changes. Accepted to ApJ, to appear in the Jan 20, 2007 issue (v655

    Optimal branching structure of fluidic networks with permeable walls

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    Biological and engineering studies of Hess-Murray’s law are focused on assemblies of tubes with impermeable walls. Blood vessels and airways have permeable walls to allow the exchange of fluid and other dissolved substances with tissues. Should Hess-Murray’s law hold for bifurcating systems in which the walls of the vessels are permeable to fluid? This paper investigates the fluid flow in a porous-walled T-shaped assembly of vessels. Fluid flow in this branching flow structure is studied numerically to predict the configuration that provides greater access to the flow. Our findings indicate, among other results, that an asymmetric flow (i.e., breaking the symmetry of the flow distribution) may occur in this symmetrical dichotomous system. To derive expressions for the optimum branching sizes, the hydraulic resistance of the branched system is computed. Here we show the T-shaped assembly of vessels is only conforming to Hess-Murray’s law optimum as long as they have impervious walls. Findings also indicate that the optimum relationship between the sizes of parent and daughter tubes depends on the wall permeability of the assembled tubes. Our results agree with analytical results obtained from a variety of sources and provide new insights into the dynamics within the assembly of vessels

    Variational control approach to energy extraction from a fluid flow

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    Energy harvesting from the environment is an important aspect of many technologies. The scale of energy capturing and storage can involve the power range from mWatt up to MWatt, depending on the used devices and the considered environments (from ambient acoustic and vibration to ocean wave motion, or wind). In this paper, the wind turbine energy harvesting problem is approached as an optimal control problem, where the objective function is the absorption of an amount of energy in a given time interval by a fluid-flow environment, that should be maximized. The interest relies on outlining general control models of fluid-flow-based extraction plants and identifying an optimum strategy for the regulation of an electrical machine to obtain a maximum-efficiency process for the related energy storage. The mathematical tools are found in the light of optimal control theory, where solutions to the fundamental equations are in the frame of Variational Control (the basis of the Pontryagin optimal control theory). A special problem, named Optimally Controlled Betz’s Machine OCBM-optimal control steady wind turbine, is solved in closed form, and it is shown that, in the simpler steady case, it reproduces the maximum efficiency machine developed in Betz’s theory

    Branching in fluidic networks with permeable walls: an extension of Hess-Murray’s law

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    The branching of fluidic networks becomes a subject of great interest due to its importance in understanding the behavior of branching networks in biology (cardiovascular and bronchial systems, river basins, the structure of plants and trees, etc..), as well as for the biomimetic design of engineering systems [1, 2]. The successive division of tubes and their hierarchical structure are distinctive features of tree-shaped networks. As the network progresses, tubes become smaller, both in length and diameter with the successive division of tubes. The design of these networks is generally assumed as being described by the Hess-Murray’s law. This paper addresses a fundamental issue of distributing a fluid flow in a network of vessels with permeable walls

    Otimização de design do duto ramificado em forma de T com escoamento de fluido newtoniano e paredes impermeáveis

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    Este artigo apresenta os resultados de escoamentos em dutos em forma de “T”. O problema consiste em encontrar as resistências ao escoamento em estruturas tridimensionais (3D) cujos sistemas têm diferentes relações homotética entre tamanhos (diâmetros e comprimentos) dos dutos de entrada e saída de fluído. O método utilizado é denominado “Constructal Design” e é fundamentado na “Teoria Constructal”. Este método baseia-se na minimização da resistência global sujeito a restrições geométricas, que no presente estudo são o volume e área ocupada pelos dutos considerados constantes. O escoamento nos dutos é considerado tridimensional, laminar, incompressível, e em regime permanente e com propriedades uniformes e constantes. Os resultados obtidos numericamente em geometrias 3D é validado por comparação com os resultados analíticos bidimensional disponíveis na literatura. A geometria será estudada para diferentes relações D1 / D0 e L1 / L0, para diferentes número de Reynolds