26,657 research outputs found

    A computer system to analyze showers in nuclear emulsions: Center Director's discretionary fund report

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    A system to rapidly digitize data from showers in nuclear emulsions is described. A TV camera views the emulsions though a microscope. The TV output is superimposed on the monitor of a minicomputer. The operator uses the computer's graphics capability to mark the positions of particle tracks. The coordinates of each track are stored on a disk. The computer then predicts the coordinates of each track through successive layers of emulsion. The operator, guided by the predictions, thus tracks and stores the development of the shower. The system provides a significant improvement over purely manual methods of recording shower development in nuclear emulsion stacks

    Signature extension for sun angle, volume 1

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    The author has identified the following significant results. Within a restricted zenith sun angle range of 35 - 50 degrees, it was empirically observed that canopy reflectance is mainly Lambertian. Reflectance changes with crop stage were simple shifts in scale in the sun angle range. It was noted that sun angle variations depend on canopy characteristics. Effects of the vegetative canopy were most pronounced at the larger solar zenith angles (20 %). The linear sun angle correction coefficients demonstrate a dependency on both crop stage (15-20 %) and crop type (10-20 %). The use of canopy reflectance modeling allowed for the generation of a simulated data set over an extremely broad envelope of sun angles

    Joining techniques for fabrication of composite air-cooled turbine blades and vanes

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    Activated diffusion brazing studies of joining methods for composite air-cooled turbine blade and vane fabricatio

    The Edge of Quantum Chaos

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    We identify a border between regular and chaotic quantum dynamics. The border is characterized by a power law decrease in the overlap between a state evolved under chaotic dynamics and the same state evolved under a slightly perturbed dynamics. For example, the overlap decay for the quantum kicked top is well fitted with [1+(q−1)(t/τ)2]1/(1−q)[1+(q-1) (t/\tau)^2]^{1/(1-q)} (with the nonextensive entropic index qq and τ\tau depending on perturbation strength) in the region preceding the emergence of quantum interference effects. This region corresponds to the edge of chaos for the classical map from which the quantum chaotic dynamics is derived.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, revised version in press PR

    Persistent Currents in Quantum Chaotic Systems

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    The persistent current of ballistic chaotic billiards is considered with the help of the Gutzwiller trace formula. We derive the semiclassical formula of a typical persistent current ItypI^{typ} for a single billiard and an average persistent current for an ensemble of billiards at finite temperature. These formulas are used to show that the persistent current for chaotic billiards is much smaller than that for integrable ones. The persistent currents in the ballistic regime therefore become an experimental tool to search for the quantum signature of classical chaotic and regular dynamics.Comment: 4 pages (RevTex), to appear in Phys. Rev. B, No.59, 12256-12259 (1999

    Aeroheating Measurements of BOLT Aerodynamic Fairings and Transition Module

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    The Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR) has sponsored the Boundary Layer Transition (BOLT) Experiments to investigate hypersonic boundary layer transition on a low-curvature, concave surface with swept leading edges. This paper presents aeroheating measurements on a subscale model of the BOLT Flight Geometry, aerodynamic fairings, and Transition Module (TSM) in the NASA Langley 20-Inch Mach 6 Air Tunnel. The purpose of the test was to investigate and identify any areas of localized heating on the TSM for inclusion in the BOLT Critical Design Review (CDR). Surface heating distributions were measured using global phosphor thermography, and data were obtained for a range of model attitudes and free stream Reynolds numbers. Measurements showed low heating on the fairings and TSM. Additional analysis was completed after the CDR to compare heating on the TSM for the nominal BOLT vehicle reentry angle-of-attack with heating on the TSM for possible reentry angle-of-attack excursions. The results of this analysis were used in conjunction with thermal analyses from Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Lab (JHU/APL) and the Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) to assess the need for thermal protection on the flight vehicle TSM

    Economic Geology Models #3. Geological Contributions to Geometallurgy: A Review

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    Geometallurgy is a cross-disciplinary science that addresses the problem of teasing out the features of the rock mass that significantly influence mining and processing. Rocks are complex composite mixtures for which the basic building blocks are grains of minerals. The properties of the minerals, how they are bound together, and many other aspects of rock texture affect the entire mining value chain from exploration, through mining and processing, waste and tailings disposal, to refining and sales. This review presents rock properties (e.g. strength, composition, mineralogy, texture) significant in geometallurgy and examples of test methods available to measure or predict these properties.   Geometallurgical data need to be quantitative and spatially constrained so they can be used in 3D modelling and mine planning. They also need to be obtainable relatively cheaply in order to be abundant enough to provide a statistically valid sample distribution for spatial modelling. Strong communication between different departments along the mining value chain is imperative so that data are produced and transferred in a useable form and duplication is avoided. The ultimate aim is to have 3D models that not only show the grade of valuable elements (or minerals), but also include rock properties that may influence mining and processing, so that decisions concerning mining and processing can be made holistically, i.e. the impacts of rock properties on all the cost centres in the mining process are taken into account. There are significant costs to improving ore deposit knowledge and it is very important to consider the cost-benefit curve when planning the level of geometallurgical effort that is appropriate in individual deposits.RÉSUMÉLa géométallurgie est une science interdisciplinaire qui s’intéresse aux caractéristiques de la masse rocheuse qui influent de manière significative sur l'exploitation minière et le traitement du minerai. Les roches sont des mélanges composites complexes dont les éléments structurant de base sont des grains de minéraux. Les propriétés des minéraux, la façon dont ils sont liés entre eux, et de nombreux autres aspects de la texture des roches déterminent l'ensemble de la chaîne de valeur minière, de l'exploration à l'extraction à la transformation, à l'élimination des déchets et des résidus, jusqu'au raffinage et à la vente. La présente étude passe en revue les propriétés significatives de la roche (par ex. sa cohésion, sa composition, sa minéralogie, sa texture) en géométallurgie ainsi que des exemples de méthodes d'essai disponibles pour mesurer ou prédire ces propriétés.   Les données géométallurgiques doivent être quantitatives et localisées spatialement afin qu'elles puissent être utilisées dans la modélisation 3D et la planification de la mine. Elles doivent également être peu couteuses afin d'être suffisamment nombreuses pour fournir une distribution d'échantillon statistiquement valide pour la modélisation spatiale. Une communication efficace entre les différents segments de la chaîne de valeur minière est impérative pour que les données soient produites et transférées sous une forme utilisable et que les duplications soient évitées. Le but ultime est d'avoir des modèles 3D qui montrent non seulement la qualité des éléments précieux (ou minéraux), mais aussi les propriétés de roche qui déterminent l'exploitation minière et le traitement du minerai, de sorte que les décisions concernant l'exploitation minière et le traitement du minerai peuvent être réalisées de façon holistique, c.-à-d. que l’impact des propriétés de roche sur tous les maillons de la chaîne des coûts du processus minier sont prises en compte. Les coûts d’amélioration des connaissances sur le gisement de minerai étant importants, il faut tenir compte de la courbe coûts-bénéfices lors de la planification du niveau d'investissement géométallurgique approprié pour le gisement considéré

    Nodal domain distributions for quantum maps

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    The statistics of the nodal lines and nodal domains of the eigenfunctions of quantum billiards have recently been observed to be fingerprints of the chaoticity of the underlying classical motion by Blum et al. (Phys. Rev. Lett., Vol. 88 (2002), 114101) and by Bogomolny and Schmit (Phys. Rev. Lett., Vol. 88 (2002), 114102). These statistics were shown to be computable from the random wave model of the eigenfunctions. We here study the analogous problem for chaotic maps whose phase space is the two-torus. We show that the distributions of the numbers of nodal points and nodal domains of the eigenvectors of the corresponding quantum maps can be computed straightforwardly and exactly using random matrix theory. We compare the predictions with the results of numerical computations involving quantum perturbed cat maps.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figures. Second version: minor correction

    Transition from Gaussian-orthogonal to Gaussian-unitary ensemble in a microwave billiard with threefold symmetry

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    Recently it has been shown that time-reversal invariant systems with discrete symmetries may display in certain irreducible subspaces spectral statistics corresponding to the Gaussian unitary ensemble (GUE) rather than to the expected orthogonal one (GOE). A Kramers type degeneracy is predicted in such situations. We present results for a microwave billiard with a threefold rotational symmetry and with the option to display or break a reflection symmetry. This allows us to observe the change from GOE to GUE statistics for one subset of levels. Since it was not possible to separate the three subspectra reliably, the number variances for the superimposed spectra were studied. The experimental results are compared with a theoretical and numerical study considering the effects of level splitting and level loss
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