2,127 research outputs found

    Fermion-induced quantum criticality in two-dimensional Dirac semimetals: Non-perturbative flow equations, fixed points and critical exponents

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    We establish a scenario where fluctuations of new degrees of freedom at a quantum phase transition change the nature of a transition beyond the standard Landau-Ginzburg paradigm. To this end we study the quantum phase transition of gapless Dirac fermions coupled to a Z3\mathbb{Z}_3 symmetric order parameter within a Gross-Neveu-Yukawa model in 2+1 dimensions, appropriate for the Kekul\'e transition in honeycomb lattice materials. For this model the standard Landau-Ginzburg approach suggests a first order transition due to the symmetry-allowed cubic terms in the action. At zero temperature, however, quantum fluctuations of the massless Dirac fermions have to be included. We show that they reduce the putative first-order character of the transition and can even render it continuous, depending on the number of Dirac fermions NfN_f. A non-perturbative functional renormalization group approach is employed to investigate the phase transition for a wide range of fermion numbers. For the first time we obtain the critical NfN_f, where the nature of the transition changes. Furthermore, it is shown that for large NfN_f the change from the first to second order of the transition as a function of dimension occurs exactly in the physical 2+1 dimensions. We compute the critical exponents and predict sizable corrections to scaling for Nf=2N_f =2.Comment: 12+5 pages, 5 figure

    Cavitation of Electrons Bubbles in Liquid Helium Below saturation Pressure

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    We have used a Hartree-type electron-helium potential together with a density functional description of liquid 4^4He and 3^3He to study the explosion of electron bubbles submitted to a negative pressure. The critical pressure at which bubbles explode has been determined as a function of temperature. It has been found that this critical pressure is very close to the pressure at which liquid helium becomes globally unstable in the presence of electrons. It is shown that at high temperatures the capillary model overestimates the critical pressures. We have checked that a commonly used and rather simple electron-helium interaction yields results very similar to those obtained using the more accurate Hartree-type interaction. We have estimated that the crossover temperature for thermal to quantum nucleation of electron bubbles is very low, of the order of 6 mK for 4^4He.Comment: 22 pages, 9 figure

    Отказоустойчивый вентильный электро-привод для гибридного транспортного средства

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    Выпускная квалификационная работа содержит 79 страниц, 10 рисунка, 30 таблиц, 24 источников. Ключевые слова: гибридное транспортное средство, отказоустойчивый вентильный электропривод, математическая модель вентильного двигателя, неполнофазный режим работы, обрыв фазы двигателя, отказ ключа преобразователя частоты. Был проведён обзор аккумуляторов, обоснован выбор ёмкости аккумуляторной батареи. Цель работы – разработка отказоустойчивого вентильного электропривода для гибридного транспортного средства, обеспечение алгоритма восстановления работоспособности. Выпускная квалификационная работа выполнена в текстовом редакторе Microsoft Office Word 2010 с использованием пакетов: Microsoft Visio 2010, Matlab Simulink.Final qualifying work consists of 79 pages, 10 figure, 30 tables, 24 sources. Key words: hybrid vehicle, failover the valve actuator, the mathematical model of the brushless DC motor, open-phase mode, output phase loss, failure of a key of the frequency Converter. A review was undertaken of batteries and justifies the choice of battery capacity. The work purpose – development of fault-tolerant brushless drive for a hybrid vehicle, provision of algorithm restore functionality. Final qualifying work is executed in a text editor Microsoft Office Word 2010 packages: Microsoft Visio 2010, Matlab Simulink

    Cell adhesion and cortex contractility determine cell patterning in the Drosophila retina

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    Hayashi and Carthew (Nature 431 [2004], 647) have shown that the packing of cone cells in the Drosophila retina resembles soap bubble packing, and that changing E- and N-cadherin expression can change this packing, as well as cell shape. The analogy with bubbles suggests that cell packing is driven by surface minimization. We find that this assumption is insufficient to model the experimentally observed shapes and packing of the cells based on their cadherin expression. We then consider a model in which adhesion leads to a surface increase, balanced by cell cortex contraction. Using the experimentally observed distributions of E- and N-cadherin, we simulate the packing and cell shapes in the wildtype eye. Furthermore, by changing only the corresponding parameters, this model can describe the mutants with different numbers of cells, or changes in cadherin expression.Comment: revised manuscript; 8 pages, 6 figures; supplementary information not include

    The effect of pressure on statics, dynamics and stability of multielectron bubbles

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    The effect of pressure and negative pressure on the modes of oscillation of a multi-electron bubble in liquid helium is calculated. Already at low pressures of the order of 10-100 mbar, these effects are found to significantly modify the frequencies of oscillation of the bubble. Stabilization of the bubble is shown to occur in the presence of a small negative pressure, which expands the bubble radius. Above a threshold negative pressure, the bubble is unstable.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, accepted for publication in Physical Review Letter

    The accident insurance as a promising direction for insurance in Russia

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    Статья посвящена анализу состояния рынка услуг страхования от несчастных случаев. Актуальность исследования определяется тем, что страхование является неотъемлемым атрибутом цивилизованного общества, позволяющим сохранить обеспеченность доходами при неблагоприятных ситуациях. По статистике в России уровень травматизма и непредвиденных обстоятельств весьма велик. Люди традиционно уделяют мало внимания формированию резервов на случай временной или постоянной нетрудоспособности. Цель работы: рассмотреть систему страхования от несчастных случаев. Методы исследования: метод сопоставления, необходимый для выявления главных тенденций на рынке страховых услуг; аналитический метод, позволяющий понять, какие проблемы характерны для этого вида страхования; статистический метод, выявляющий масштабы страхования от несчастных случаев. Результаты: раскрывается сущность и виды страхования от несчастных случаев.The article is devoted to analysis of service market of accident insurance. The relevant of the study is determined by the fact that insurance is an integral attribute of a civilized society that allows you to save security income in adverse situations. According to statistics, in Russia the level of injury and unforeseen circumstances is very great. People traditionally pay little attention to formation of reserves in case of temporary or permanent incapacity for work. The main aim of the study is to consider the system of the accident insurance. Methods: the matching method required to identify the main trends in the insurance market; the analytical technique which allows understanding the typical problems for this type of insurance; the statistical method allows us to identify the extent of accident insurance. Results. The paper reveals the essence and types of accident insurance and considers the model events when the insurance company indemnifies for the damage. The causes of the demand for this type of insurance in Russia are identified. Based on the statistical data the author has determined the proportion of the accident insured people

    Substellar companions and the formation of hot subdwarf stars

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    "Copyright 2011 American Institute of Physics. This article may be downloaded for personal use only. Any other use requires prior permission of the author and the American Institute of Physics."We give a brief review over the observational evidence for close substellar companions to hot subdwarf stars. The formation of these core helium-burning objects requires huge mass loss of their red giant progenitors. It has been suggested that besides stellar companions substellar objects in close orbits may be able to trigger this mass loss. Such objects can be easily detected around hot subdwarf stars by medium or high resolution spectroscopy with an RV accuracy at the km s(-1)-level. Eclipsing systems of Vir type stick out of transit surveys because of their characteristic light curves. The best evidence that substellar objects in close orbits around sdBs exist and that they are able to trigger the required mass loss is provided by the eclipsing system SDSS J0820+0008, which was found in the course of the MUCHFUSS project. Furthermore, several candidate systems have been discovered.Final Accepted Versio