8,535 research outputs found

    High-density magnetomyography is superior to high-density surface electromyography for motor unit decomposition: a simulation study

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    Objective. Studying motor units is essential for understanding motor control, the detection of neuromuscular disorders and the control of human-machine interfaces. Individual motor unit firings are currently identified in vivo by decomposing electromyographic (EMG) signals. Due to our body’s properties and anatomy, individual motor units can only be separated to a limited extent with surface EMG. Unlike electrical signals, magnetic fields do not interact with human tissues. This physical property and the emerging technology of quantum sensors make magnetomyography (MMG) a highly promising methodology. However, the full potential of MMG to study neuromuscular physiology has not yet been explored. Approach. In this work, we perform in silico trials that combine a biophysical model of EMG and MMG with state-of-the-art algorithms for the decomposition of motor units. This allows the prediction of an upper-bound for the motor unit decomposition accuracy. Main results. It is shown that non-invasive high-density MMG data is superior over comparable high-density surface EMG data for the robust identification of the discharge patterns of individual motor units. Decomposing MMG instead of EMG increased the number of identifiable motor units by 76%. Notably, MMG exhibits a less pronounced bias to detect superficial motor units. Significance. The presented simulations provide insights into methods to study the neuromuscular system non-invasively and in vivo that would not be easily feasible by other means. Hence, this study provides guidance for the development of novel biomedical technologies

    Effect of periodic parametric excitation on an ensemble of force-coupled self-oscillators

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    We report the synchronization behavior in a one-dimensional chain of identical limit cycle oscillators coupled to a mass-spring load via a force relation. We consider the effect of periodic parametric modulation on the final synchronization states of the system. Two types of external parametric excitations are investigated numerically: periodic modulation of the stiffness of the inertial oscillator and periodic excitation of the frequency of the self-oscillatory element. We show that the synchronization scenarios are ruled not only by the choice of parameters of the excitation force but depend on the initial collective state in the ensemble. We give detailed analysis of entrainment behavior for initially homogeneous and inhomogeneous states. Among other results, we describe a regime of partial synchronization. This regime is characterized by the frequency of collective oscillation being entrained to the stimulation frequency but different from the average individual oscillators frequency.Comment: Comments and suggestions are welcom

    A quantitative analysis of measures of quality in science

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    Condensing the work of any academic scientist into a one-dimensional measure of scientific quality is a difficult problem. Here, we employ Bayesian statistics to analyze several different measures of quality. Specifically, we determine each measure's ability to discriminate between scientific authors. Using scaling arguments, we demonstrate that the best of these measures require approximately 50 papers to draw conclusions regarding long term scientific performance with usefully small statistical uncertainties. Further, the approach described here permits the value-free (i.e., statistical) comparison of scientists working in distinct areas of science.Comment: 11 pages, 8 figures, 4 table

    Deterministic Partial Differential Equation Model for Dose Calculation in Electron Radiotherapy

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    Treatment with high energy ionizing radiation is one of the main methods in modern cancer therapy that is in clinical use. During the last decades, two main approaches to dose calculation were used, Monte Carlo simulations and semi-empirical models based on Fermi-Eyges theory. A third way to dose calculation has only recently attracted attention in the medical physics community. This approach is based on the deterministic kinetic equations of radiative transfer. Starting from these, we derive a macroscopic partial differential equation model for electron transport in tissue. This model involves an angular closure in the phase space. It is exact for the free-streaming and the isotropic regime. We solve it numerically by a newly developed HLLC scheme based on [BerCharDub], that exactly preserves key properties of the analytical solution on the discrete level. Several numerical results for test cases from the medical physics literature are presented.Comment: 20 pages, 7 figure

    Almost-Hermitian Random Matrices: Crossover from Wigner-Dyson to Ginibre eigenvalue statistics

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    By using the method of orthogonal polynomials we analyze the statistical properties of complex eigenvalues of random matrices describing a crossover from Hermitian matrices characterized by the Wigner- Dyson statistics of real eigenvalues to strongly non-Hermitian ones whose complex eigenvalues were studied by Ginibre. Two-point statistical measures (as e.g. spectral form factor, number variance and small distance behavior of the nearest neighbor distance distribution p(s)p(s)) are studied in more detail. In particular, we found that the latter function may exhibit unusual behavior p(s)s5/2p(s)\propto s^{5/2} for some parameter values.Comment: 4 pages, RevTE

    Measurement of Spin Correlation Parameters ANN_{NN}, ASS_{SS}, and A_SL{SL} at 2.1 GeV in Proton-Proton Elastic Scattering

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    At the Cooler Synchrotron COSY/J\"ulich spin correlation parameters in elastic proton-proton (pp) scattering have been measured with a 2.11 GeV polarized proton beam and a polarized hydrogen atomic beam target. We report results for ANN_{NN}, ASS_{SS}, and A_SL{SL} for c.m. scattering angles between 30o^o and 90o^o. Our data on ASS_{SS} -- the first measurement of this observable above 800 MeV -- clearly disagrees with predictions of available of pp scattering phase shift solutions while ANN_{NN} and A_SL{SL} are reproduced reasonably well. We show that in the direct reconstruction of the scattering amplitudes from the body of available pp elastic scattering data at 2.1 GeV the number of possible solutions is considerably reduced.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    The effect of insulin on cardiac autonomic balance predicts weight reduction after gastric bypass

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    Aims/hypothesis: The aim of this study was to assess the predictive role of autonomic reactivity in body weight loss induced by gastric bypass. Methods: A group of 22 morbidly obese subjects, who were due to undergo a gastric bypass, were submitted, before surgery, to a euglycaemic-hyperinsulinaemic clamp, during which a continuous recording of the ECG was performed. The effect of insulin on cardiac autonomic balance was evaluated by performing power spectral analysis of heart rate variability. The low-to-high frequency ratio was calculated before and during the clamp and its modifications were expressed as % delta low-to-high frequency ratio (%Δ L: H). Results: Preoperative %Δ L: H showed a significant (p=0.0009, r 2=0.43), positive relationship to the reduction of body weight, measured 1 year after surgery and expressed as % excess weight loss (% EWL). Preoperative BMI was also significantly (p=0.0009, r 2=0.43) negatively related to the 12-month % EWL. In a multiple regression analysis, %Δ L: H remained a significant (p=0.003), independent predictor of body weight loss, even when preoperative BMI or age, % fat mass, insulinaemia and glucose disposal were taken into account. Conclusions/interpretation: The best correction of excess body weight was achieved by those obese subjects who had a preserved capacity to shift their cardiac autonomic balance towards a sympathetic prevalence in response to an euglycaemic-hyperinsulinaemic clamp. Further studies are needed to elucidate the mechanisms through which the autonomic nervous system influences weight reductio

    The barrel DIRC of PANDA

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    Cooled antiproton beams of unprecedented intensities in the momentum range of 1.5-15 GeV/c will be used for the PANDA experiment at FAIR to perform high precision experiments in the charmed quark sector. The PANDA detector will investigate antiproton annihilations with beams in the momentum range of 1.5 GeV/c to 15 GeV/c on a fixed target. An almost 4π acceptance double spectrometer is divided in a forward spectrometer and a target spectrometer. The charged particle identification in the latter is performed by ring imaging Cherenkov counters employing the DIRC principle

    Intersectin associates with synapsin and regulates its nanoscale localization and function.

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    Neurotransmission is mediated by the exocytic release of neurotransmitters from readily releasable synaptic vesicles (SVs) at the active zone. To sustain neurotransmission during periods of elevated activity, release-ready vesicles need to be replenished from the reserve pool of SVs. The SV-associated synapsins are crucial for maintaining this reserve pool and regulate the mobilization of reserve pool SVs. How replenishment of release-ready SVs from the reserve pool is regulated and which other factors cooperate with synapsins in this process is unknown. Here we identify the endocytic multidomain scaffold protein intersectin as an important regulator of SV replenishment at hippocampal synapses. We found that intersectin directly associates with synapsin I through its Src-homology 3 A domain, and this association is regulated by an intramolecular switch within intersectin 1. Deletion of intersectin 1/2 in mice alters the presynaptic nanoscale distribution of synapsin I and causes defects in sustained neurotransmission due to defective SV replenishment. These phenotypes were rescued by wild-type intersectin 1 but not by a locked mutant of intersectin 1. Our data reveal intersectin as an autoinhibited scaffold that serves as a molecular linker between the synapsin-dependent reserve pool and the presynaptic endocytosis machinery

    A prototype liquid Argon Time Projection Chamber for the study of UV laser multi-photonic ionization

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    This paper describes the design, realization and operation of a prototype liquid Argon Time Projection Chamber (LAr TPC) detector dedicated to the development of a novel online monitoring and calibration system exploiting UV laser beams. In particular, the system is intended to measure the lifetime of the primary ionization in LAr, in turn related to the LAr purity level. This technique could be exploited by present and next generation large mass LAr TPCs for which monitoring of the performance and calibration plays an important role. Results from the first measurements are presented together with some considerations and outlook.Comment: 26 pages, 27 figure