409 research outputs found

    The isoscalar quadrupole strength distribution above 10 MeV in 40Ca

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    From angular correlation measurements of c~ o decay to the 36At ground state, the isoscalar E2 strength distribution between 10 and 16 MeV in 4°Ca has been found to be concentrated in the interval E x = 12.5-15.5 MeV and to exhaust +10 about 12% of the EWSR in the c~ o channel and about (45-15 )% if extrapolated to all channels

    Age and environment affect constitutive immune function in Red Knots (Calidris canutus)

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    We studied subspecies, age and environmental effects on constitutive immune function (natural antibody and complement titres, haptoglobin activity and leukocyte concentrations) in Red Knots (Calidris canutus). We compared C. c. islandica and C. c. canutus in the Wadden Sea and found no difference in immune function between subspecies. However, C. c. canutus on their wintering grounds in Banc d’Arguin had higher natural antibody and lower complement levels than C. c. canutus or C. c. islandica in the Wadden Sea. This suggests that immune function is determined more by the surrounding environment than by subspecies. We also compared age classes in the Wadden Sea and found that first year birds had significantly lower natural antibody levels than adults, but that second year birds no longer differed from adults. Finally, we examined the interaction of age and environment in Banc d’Arguin. We found that first year birds (but not adults) in a low quality habitat had higher leukocyte concentrations than first year birds or adults in a high quality habitat. Differences in available resources and defence needs between environments, and differences among individuals differentially distributed between sites, are likely important contributors to the variation in immune function we report. Future studies, which examine these factors on wild birds, will be important for our understanding of how animals function in their natural environment.

    Disentangling the effects of environmental conditions on wintering and breeding grounds on age-specific survival rates in a trans-Saharan migratory raptor

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    International audienceMigratory species are subject to environmental variability occurring on breeding and wintering grounds. Estimating the relative contribution of environmental factors experienced sequentially during breeding and wintering, and their potential interaction, to the variation of survival is crucial to predict population viability of migratory species. Here we investigated this issue for the Montagu's harrier Circus pygargus, a trans‐Saharan migrant. We analysed capture‐recapture data from a 29‐yr long monitoring of wing‐tagged offspring and adults at two study sites in France (Rochefort‐RO & Maine‐et‐Loire‐ML). The study period covers a climatic shift occurring in the Sahel with increasing rainfall following a period of droughts (Sahel greening). We found that harriers’ adult survival in RO (between 1988 and 2005) varied over time and was sensitive to the interaction between the amount of rainfall in the Sahel and the annual mean breeding success, two proxies of prey availability. The occurrence of adverse conditions on breeding and wintering grounds in the same year decreased survival from 0.70‐0.77 to 0.48 ± 0.05. Juvenile survival in RO was slightly more sensitive to conditions in Europe than in the Sahel. Unexpectedly, lower survival rates were found in years with higher mean breeding success, suggesting compensatory density feedbacks may operate. By contrast, adult survival in ML, monitored between 1999 and 2017, was higher compared to RO (0.76 ± 0.03 vs. 0.66 ± 0.02), remained constant and unaffected by any proxy of prey availability. This difference seems consistent with the fact that harriers in ML experienced better and especially less variable environmental conditions during breeding and wintering seasons compared to RO. Overall, we showed that survival of a migratory bird is sensitive to the level of variability in environmental conditions and that adverse conditions on wintering grounds can amplify the negative effects of conditions during the previous breeding season on birds’ survival

    Population overlap and habitat segregation in wintering Black-tailed Godwits Limosa limosa

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    Distinct breeding populations of migratory species may overlap both spatially and temporally, but differ in patterns of habitat use. This has important implications for population monitoring and conservation. To quantify the extent to which two distinct breeding populations of a migratory shorebird, the Black-tailed Godwit Limosa limosa, overlap spatially, temporally and in their use of different habitats during winter. We use mid-winter counts between 1990 and 2001 to identify the most important sites in Iberia for Black-tailed Godwits. Monthly surveys of estuarine mudflats and rice-fields at one major site, the Tejo estuary in Portugal in 2005-2007, together with detailed tracking of colour-ringed individuals, are used to explore patterns of habitat use and segregation of the Icelandic subspecies L. l. islandica and the nominate continental subspecies L. l. limosa. In the period 1990-2001, over 66 000 Black-tailed Godwits were counted on average in Iberia during mid-winter (January), of which 80% occurred at just four sites: Tejo and Sado lower basins in Portugal, and Coto Dontildeana and Ebro Delta in Spain. Icelandic Black-tailed Godwits are present throughout the winter and forage primarily in estuarine habitats. Continental Black-tailed Godwits are present from December to March and primarily use rice-fields. Iberia supports about 30% of the Icelandic population in winter and most of the continental population during spring passage. While the Icelandic population is currently increasing, the continental population is declining rapidly. Although the estuarine habitats used by Icelandic godwits are largely protected as Natura 2000 sites, the habitat segregation means that conservation actions for the decreasing numbers of continental godwits should focus on protection of rice-fields and re-establishment of freshwater wetlands

    Peripartum Cardiomyopathy: Euro Observational Research Program

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    Peripartum cardiomyopathy is a rare but potentially life-threatening form of heart failure affecting women late in pregnancy or in the first months after delivery. Peripartum cardiomyopathy is difficult to diagnose and its onset and progression are variable between individuals. The pathophysiology remains poorly understood, hence treatment options are limited and possibly harmful to the foetus. Furthermore, geographical incidence varies greatly and little is known about the incidence in Western countries. To gain further understanding of the pathophysiology and incidence of peripartum cardiomyopathy, the European Society of Cardiology initiated a study group to implement a registry. This review provides an overview of current insights into peripartum cardiomyopathy, highlights the need for such a registry and provides information about this Euro Observational Research Program

    Prospective, blind study of the triple stimulation technique in the diagnosis of ALS

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    Abstract Objective: To evaluate the diagnostic yield of magnetic cortical stimulation with the triple stimulation technique (TST) to identify upper motor neuron (UMN) involvement in patients suspected of having ALS. Methods: Fifty-nine patients were recruited to undergo TST in addition to the standard work-up for suspected motor neuron disease. TST combines transcranial magnetic stimulation of the motor cortex with collision studies, which results in a higher sensitivity in detecting UMN involvement. Primary outcome was the number of abnormal TST results in patients with possible ALS. The positivity rate was converted to the number needed to test with TST (NN-TST) for one extra diagnosis of ALS. Results: Fifty patients underwent TST. In the total group (n 059), 18 patients had a motor neuron disorder but did not fulfil criteria for 'probable' or 'definite' ALS. In four of these patients TST was abnormal (NN-TST, 4.5). One TST was erroneously interpreted as abnormal. TST findings were normal in inclusion body myositis and peripheral nerve disorders. Conclusion: This prospective and blind study confirms open studies of TST in the evaluation of ALS. We suggest that TST can be used to arrive at a diagnosis of 'probable' or 'definite' ALS in patients lacking UMN signs in the upper extremities

    Experimental evidence for 56Ni-core breaking from the low-spin structure of the N=Z nucleus 58Cu

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    Low-spin states in the odd-odd N=Z nucleus 58Cu were investigated with the 58Ni(p,n gamma)58Cu fusion evaporation reaction at the FN-tandem accelerator in Cologne. Seventeen low spin states below 3.6 MeV and 17 new transitions were observed. Ten multipole mixing ratios and 17 gamma-branching ratios were determined for the first time. New detailed spectroscopic information on the 2+,2 state, the Isobaric Analogue State (IAS) of the 2+,1,T=1 state of 58Ni, makes 58Cu the heaviest odd-odd N=Z nucleus with known B(E2;2+,T=1 --> 0+,T=1) value. The 4^+ state at 2.751 MeV, observed here for the first time, is identified as the IAS of the 4+,1,T=1 state in 58Ni. The new data are compared to full pf-shell model calculations with the novel GXPF1 residual interaction and to calculations within a pf5/2 configurational space with a residual surface delta interaction. The role of the 56Ni core excitations for the low-spin structure in 58Cu is discussed.Comment: 15 pages, 7 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Distribution of motor unit potential velocities in short static and prolonged dynamic contractions at low forces: use of the within-subject’s skewness and standard deviation variables

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    Behaviour of motor unit potential (MUP) velocities in relation to (low) force and duration was investigated in biceps brachii muscle using a surface electrode array. Short static tests of 3.8 s (41 subjects) and prolonged dynamic tests (prolonged tests) of 4 min (30 subjects) were performed as position tasks, applying forces up to 20% of maximal voluntary contraction (MVC). Four variables, derived from the inter-peak latency technique, were used to describe changes in the surface electromyography signal: the mean muscle fibre conduction velocity (CV), the proportion between slow and fast MUPs expressed as the within-subject skewness of MUP velocities, the within-subject standard deviation of MUP velocities [SD-peak velocity (PV)], and the amount of MUPs per second (peak frequency = PF). In short static tests and the initial phase of prolonged tests, larger forces induced an increase of the CV and PF, accompanied with the shift of MUP velocities towards higher values, whereas the SD-PV did not change. During the first 1.5–2 min of the prolonged lower force levels tests (unloaded, and loaded 5 and 10% MVC) the CV and SD-PV slightly decreased and the MUP velocities shifted towards lower values; then the three variables stabilized. The PF values did not change in these tests. However, during the prolonged higher force (20% MVC) test, the CV decreased and MUP velocities shifted towards lower values without stabilization, while the SD-PV broadened and the PF decreased progressively. It is argued that these combined results reflect changes in both neural regulatory strategies and muscle membrane state

    Unchanged muscle fiber conduction velocity relates to mild acidosis during exhaustive bicycling

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    Muscle fiber conduction velocity (MFCV) has often been shown to decrease during standardized fatiguing isometric contractions. However, several studies have indicated that the MFCV may remain constant during fatiguing dynamic exercise. It was investigated if these observations can be related to the absence of a large decrease in pH and if MFCV can be considered as a good indicator of acidosis, also during dynamic bicycle exercise. High-density surface electromyography (HDsEMG) was combined with read-outs of muscle energetics recorded by in vivo 31P magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS). Measurements were performed during serial exhausting bouts of bicycle exercise at three different workloads. The HDsEMG recordings revealed a small and incoherent variation of MFCV during all high-intensity exercise bouts. 31P MRS spectra revealed a moderate decrease in pH at the end of exercise (~0.3 units down to 6.8) and a rapid ancillary drop to pH 6.5 during recovery 30 s post-exercise. This additional degree of acidification caused a significant decrease in MFCV during cycling immediately after the rest period. From the data a significant correlation between MFCV and [H+] ([H+] = 10−pH) was calculated (p < 0.001, Pearson’s R = −0.87). Our results confirmed the previous observations of MFCV remaining constant during fatiguing dynamic exercise. A constant MFCV is in line with a low degree of acidification, considering the presence of a correlation between pH and MFCV after further increasing acidification