146 research outputs found

    Pendapatan dan Kesejahteraan Rumah Tangga Nelayan Obor di Kota Bandar Lampung

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    This research aimed to analyze the income, consumption patterns of food and non-food, and (3) household welfare of torch fisherman in the City of Bandar Lampung. The number of samples was 43 people using cencus method. The method used was survey method by interviewing the samples using questionnaire. The data was extracted from the primary and secondary data. The results showed that the average income for a household was Rp30.187.572 per year. The household expenditures for food consumption were 60.09% of the household income, while the non-food consumption was 39,91%. Based on Sajogyo criteria (1997), 9,3% of the fisherman household were poor, 74,42% of them live moderately and the remaining 16,28% live well

    Strategi Pengembangan USAha Budidaya Ikan Lele (Clarias SP.) Pada USAha Perseorangan “Toni Makmur” Dikawasan Agropolitan Desa Kauman Kecamatan Ngoro Kabupaten Jombang, Jawa Timur

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    Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada USAha budidaya ikan lele “Toni Makmur” di Kawasan Agropolitan Desa Kauman Kecamatan Ngoro Kabupaten Jombang, Jawa Timur pada bulan Maret-April 2015. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui profil USAha budidaya, menganalisis penerapan manajemen USAha, mengetahui dan menganalisis faktor internal dan eksternal USAha dan menganalisis strategi pengembangan USAha budidaya ikan lele “Toni Makmur”. Jenis penelitian ini adalah deskriptif. Data dianalisis secara deskriptif kualitatif dan deskriptif kuantitatif. Profil USAha budidaya ikan lele “Toni Makmur” terdiri dari sejarah dan perkembangan USAha. Manajemen USAha yang dijalankan pada USAha ini saling berkaitan mulai dari pra produksi sampai dengan pasca produksi yang dipengaruhi oleh beberapa aspek yaitu aspek teknis, aspek manajemen, aspek sosial ekonomi, aspek hukum, aspek pemasaran, aspek lingkungan, dan aspek finansiil. Hasil analisis IFAS didapatkan nilai sebesar 0,26 dan EFAS didapatkan hasil sebesar 0,36. Hasil analisis SWOT pada USAha ini berada pada kuadran 1, sehingga strategi yang diterapkan adalah strategi SO (Strength-Opportunities). Strategi SO adalah strategi yang memanfaatkan kekutan internal yang dimiliki untuk menangkap peluang yang ada, pada USAha ini strategi SO yang digunakan dalam kategori sedang

    Analisis Pendapatan Usahatani Jagung (Zea Mays L.) pada Lahan Kering Desa Bakti Kecamatan Pulubala Kabupaten Gorontalo

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    The research aimed to analyze the income of maize farming on dryland in Bakti Village, Pulubala district of Gorontalo Regency. The method used was survey and interview on maize farmers. The results showed that the farmers on dryland had increased revenue amount Rp 7.198.748/ ha


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    This research aimed to analyze the income, consumption patterns of food and non-food, and (3) household welfare of torch fisherman in the City of Bandar Lampung. The number of samples was 43 people using cencus method. The method used was survey method by interviewing the samples using questionnaire. The data was extracted from the primary and secondary data. The results showed that the average income for a household was Rp30.187.572 per year. The household expenditures for food consumption were 60.09% of the household income, while the non-food consumption was 39,91%. Based on Sajogyo criteria (1997), 9,3% of the fisherman household were poor, 74,42% of them live moderately and the remaining 16,28% live well. Keywords: income, outcome, torch fisherman, welfar

    Simulation of fuel economy for Malaysian urban driving

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    By understanding the implications of real-world driving conditions, improved fuel economy via a strategy of key technologies can be implemented to assist fuel economy validation during development programs. Vehicles in real-world driving conditions regularly travel at idle, low and medium speeds, particularly for urban driving, and this has a crucial weight in overall vehicle fuel economy, given the residencies at the lower engine speed and load region. This paper presents the validation of the derived engine conditions representing Malaysian actual urban driving in an attempt to formulate representative fuel economy data. The measurements were conducted through on-road urban driving within Kuala Lumpur to establish representative driving conditions. The effectiveness of the proposed conditions was then validated in terms of fuel economy using a simulation. The discrepancy between the fuel economy in the proposed conditions and the real-world measurements has improved, falling to 11.9% compared to 43.1% reported by the NEDC

    The study of the effect of intake valve timing on engine using cylinder deactivation technique via simulation

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    There are many technologies that being developed to increase the efficiency of internal combustion engines as well as reducing their fuel consumption. In this paper, the main area of focus is on cylinder deactivation (CDA) technology. CDA is mostly being applied on multi cylinders engines. CDA has the advantage to improve fuel consumption by reducing pumping losses at part load engine conditions. Here, the application of CDA on 1.6L four cylinders gasoline engine is studied. One-dimensional (1D) engine modeling work is performed to investigate the effect of intake valve strategy on engine performance with CDA. 1D engine model is constructed based on the 1.6L actual engine geometries. The model is simulated at various engine speeds at full load conditions. The simulated results show that the constructed model is well correlated to measured data. This correlated model is then used to investigate the CDA application at part load conditions. Also, the effects on the in-cylinder combustion as well as pumping losses are presented. The study shows that the effect of intake valve strategy is very significant on engine performance. Pumping losses is found to be reduced, thus improve fuel consumption and engine efficiency

    Urgensi Memperkokoh Eksistensi Pendidikan Agama Islam Dalam Fenomena Era Inovasi Disruptif

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji tentang eksistensi pendidikan agama Islam pada era inovasi disruptif. Penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian pustaka atau analisis konten. Adapun hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa inovasi massif dalam tubuh pendidikan Islam dibutuhkan supaya bisa menjawab tuntutan serta tantangan zaman yang senantiasa mengalami perubahan. Terlebih pada saat pendidikan Islam memasuki era inovasi disruptif memberikan berbagai dampak di sejumlah bidang kehidupan, tidak terkecuali di bidang pendidikan. Di era ini memunculkan peristiwa disruption yang mendorong dunia pendidikan Islam supaya bisa melakukan penyesuaian diri. Pada saat ini lulusan pendidikan Islam berhadapan dengan berbagai tuntutan, kebutuhan serta tantangan baru yang sebelumnya belum pernah ditemui. Oleh karenanya perlu dijalankan inovasi, adaptasi serta pembaharuan pada sistem yang integratif, inovasi kurikulum, tata kelola, kompetensi SDM, sarana serta prasarana, etos kerja, budaya serta lain sebagainya. Apabila tidak dijalankan berbagai hal tersebut maka dikhawatirkan pendidikan Islam bakal semakin semakin tertinggal. Oleh karenanya perlu dicari berbagai langkah yang konkret untuk pendidikan Islam supaya bisa bersaing di era ini. Langkah solutifnya ialah dengan ikut mendisrupsikan dirinya dalam perubahan zaman