39 research outputs found

    The Relativistic Hopfield network: rigorous results

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    The relativistic Hopfield model constitutes a generalization of the standard Hopfield model that is derived by the formal analogy between the statistical-mechanic framework embedding neural networks and the Lagrangian mechanics describing a fictitious single-particle motion in the space of the tuneable parameters of the network itself. In this analogy the cost-function of the Hopfield model plays as the standard kinetic-energy term and its related Mattis overlap (naturally bounded by one) plays as the velocity. The Hamiltonian of the relativisitc model, once Taylor-expanded, results in a P-spin series with alternate signs: the attractive contributions enhance the information-storage capabilities of the network, while the repulsive contributions allow for an easier unlearning of spurious states, conferring overall more robustness to the system as a whole. Here we do not deepen the information processing skills of this generalized Hopfield network, rather we focus on its statistical mechanical foundation. In particular, relying on Guerra's interpolation techniques, we prove the existence of the infinite volume limit for the model free-energy and we give its explicit expression in terms of the Mattis overlaps. By extremizing the free energy over the latter we get the generalized self-consistent equations for these overlaps, as well as a picture of criticality that is further corroborated by a fluctuation analysis. These findings are in full agreement with the available previous results.Comment: 11 pages, 1 figur

    Structure of the silicon vacancy in 6H-SiC after annealing identified as the carbon vacancy–carbon antisite pair

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    We investigated radiation-induced defects in neutron-irradiated and subsequently annealed 6H-silicon carbide (SiC) with electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR), the magnetic circular dichroism of the absorption (MCDA), and MCDA-detected EPR (MCDA-EPR). In samples annealed beyond the annealing temperature of the isolated silicon vacancy we observed photoinduced EPR spectra of spin S=1 centers that occur in orientations expected for nearest neighbor pair defects. EPR spectra of the defect on the three inequivalent lattice sites were resolved and attributed to optical transitions between photon energies of 999 and 1075 meV by MCDA-EPR. The resolved hyperfine structure indicates the presence of one single carbon nucleus and several silicon ligand nuclei. These experimental findings are interpreted with help of total energy and spin density data obtained from the standard local-spin density approximation of the density-functional theory, using relaxed defect geometries obtained from the self-consistent charge density-functional theory based tight binding scheme. We have checked several defect models of which only the photoexcited spin triplet state of the carbon antisite–carbon vacancy pair (CSi-VC) in the doubly positive charge state can explain all experimental findings. We propose that the (CSi-VC) defect is formed from the isolated silicon vacancy as an annealing product by the movement of a carbon neighbor into the vacancy

    Coverage, Continuity and Visual Cortical Architecture

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    The primary visual cortex of many mammals contains a continuous representation of visual space, with a roughly repetitive aperiodic map of orientation preferences superimposed. It was recently found that orientation preference maps (OPMs) obey statistical laws which are apparently invariant among species widely separated in eutherian evolution. Here, we examine whether one of the most prominent models for the optimization of cortical maps, the elastic net (EN) model, can reproduce this common design. The EN model generates representations which optimally trade of stimulus space coverage and map continuity. While this model has been used in numerous studies, no analytical results about the precise layout of the predicted OPMs have been obtained so far. We present a mathematical approach to analytically calculate the cortical representations predicted by the EN model for the joint mapping of stimulus position and orientation. We find that in all previously studied regimes, predicted OPM layouts are perfectly periodic. An unbiased search through the EN parameter space identifies a novel regime of aperiodic OPMs with pinwheel densities lower than found in experiments. In an extreme limit, aperiodic OPMs quantitatively resembling experimental observations emerge. Stabilization of these layouts results from strong nonlocal interactions rather than from a coverage-continuity-compromise. Our results demonstrate that optimization models for stimulus representations dominated by nonlocal suppressive interactions are in principle capable of correctly predicting the common OPM design. They question that visual cortical feature representations can be explained by a coverage-continuity-compromise.Comment: 100 pages, including an Appendix, 21 + 7 figure

    Natural Image Coding in V1: How Much Use is Orientation Selectivity?

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    Orientation selectivity is the most striking feature of simple cell coding in V1 which has been shown to emerge from the reduction of higher-order correlations in natural images in a large variety of statistical image models. The most parsimonious one among these models is linear Independent Component Analysis (ICA), whereas second-order decorrelation transformations such as Principal Component Analysis (PCA) do not yield oriented filters. Because of this finding it has been suggested that the emergence of orientation selectivity may be explained by higher-order redundancy reduction. In order to assess the tenability of this hypothesis, it is an important empirical question how much more redundancies can be removed with ICA in comparison to PCA, or other second-order decorrelation methods. This question has not yet been settled, as over the last ten years contradicting results have been reported ranging from less than five to more than hundred percent extra gain for ICA. Here, we aim at resolving this conflict by presenting a very careful and comprehensive analysis using three evaluation criteria related to redundancy reduction: In addition to the multi-information and the average log-loss we compute, for the first time, complete rate-distortion curves for ICA in comparison with PCA. Without exception, we find that the advantage of the ICA filters is surprisingly small. Furthermore, we show that a simple spherically symmetric distribution with only two parameters can fit the data even better than the probabilistic model underlying ICA. Since spherically symmetric models are agnostic with respect to the specific filter shapes, we conlude that orientation selectivity is unlikely to play a critical role for redundancy reduction

    On the Origin of the Functional Architecture of the Cortex

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    The basic structure of receptive fields and functional maps in primary visual cortex is established without exposure to normal sensory experience and before the onset of the critical period. How the brain wires these circuits in the early stages of development remains unknown. Possible explanations include activity-dependent mechanisms driven by spontaneous activity in the retina and thalamus, and molecular guidance orchestrating thalamo-cortical connections on a fine spatial scale. Here I propose an alternative hypothesis: the blueprint for receptive fields, feature maps, and their inter-relationships may reside in the layout of the retinal ganglion cell mosaics along with a simple statistical connectivity scheme dictating the wiring between thalamus and cortex. The model is shown to account for a number of experimental findings, including the relationship between retinotopy, orientation maps, spatial frequency maps and cytochrome oxidase patches. The theory's simplicity, explanatory and predictive power makes it a serious candidate for the origin of the functional architecture of primary visual cortex

    Refinement and Pattern Formation in Neural Circuits by the Interaction of Traveling Waves with Spike-Timing Dependent Plasticity

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    Traveling waves in the developing brain are a prominent source of highly correlated spiking activity that may instruct the refinement of neural circuits. A candidate mechanism for mediating such refinement is spike-timing dependent plasticity (STDP), which translates correlated activity patterns into changes in synaptic strength. To assess the potential of these phenomena to build useful structure in developing neural circuits, we examined the interaction of wave activity with STDP rules in simple, biologically plausible models of spiking neurons. We derive an expression for the synaptic strength dynamics showing that, by mapping the time dependence of STDP into spatial interactions, traveling waves can build periodic synaptic connectivity patterns into feedforward circuits with a broad class of experimentally observed STDP rules. The spatial scale of the connectivity patterns increases with wave speed and STDP time constants. We verify these results with simulations and demonstrate their robustness to likely sources of noise. We show how this pattern formation ability, which is analogous to solutions of reaction-diffusion systems that have been widely applied to biological pattern formation, can be harnessed to instruct the refinement of postsynaptic receptive fields. Our results hold for rich, complex wave patterns in two dimensions and over several orders of magnitude in wave speeds and STDP time constants, and they provide predictions that can be tested under existing experimental paradigms. Our model generalizes across brain areas and STDP rules, allowing broad application to the ubiquitous occurrence of traveling waves and to wave-like activity patterns induced by moving stimuli

    De-rendering 3D objects in the wild

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    With increasing focus on augmented and virtual reality (XR) applications comes the demand for algorithms that can lift objects from images into representations that are suitable for a wide variety of related 3D tasks. Large-scale deployment of XR devices and applications means that we cannot solely rely on supervised learning, as collecting and annotating data for the unlimited variety of objects in the real world is infeasible. We present a weakly supervised method that is able to decompose a single image of an object into shape (depth and normals), material (albedo, reflectivity and shininess) and global lighting parameters. For training, the method only relies on a rough initial shape estimate of the training objects to bootstrap the learning process. This shape supervision can come for example from a pretrained depth network or—more generically—from a traditional structure-from-motion pipeline. In our experiments, we show that the method can successfully de-render 2D images into a decomposed 3D representation and generalizes to unseen object categories. Since in-the-wild evaluation is difficult due to the lack of ground truth data, we also introduce a photo-realistic synthetic test set that allows for quantitative evaluation. Please find our project page at: https://github.com/Brummi/derender3

    De-rendering 3D objects in the wild

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    With increasing focus on augmented and virtual reality (XR) applications comes the demand for algorithms that can lift objects from images into representations that are suitable for a wide variety of related 3D tasks. Large-scale deployment of XR devices and applications means that we cannot solely rely on supervised learning, as collecting and annotating data for the unlimited variety of objects in the real world is infeasible. We present a weakly supervised method that is able to decompose a single image of an object into shape (depth and normals), material (albedo, reflectivity and shininess) and global lighting parameters. For training, the method only relies on a rough initial shape estimate of the training objects to bootstrap the learning process. This shape supervision can come for example from a pretrained depth network or—more generically—from a traditional structure-from-motion pipeline. In our experiments, we show that the method can successfully de-render 2D images into a decomposed 3D representation and generalizes to unseen object categories. Since in-the-wild evaluation is difficult due to the lack of ground truth data, we also introduce a photo-realistic synthetic test set that allows for quantitative evaluation. Please find our project page at: https://github.com/Brummi/derender3