30 research outputs found

    Identification of a novel a-L-arabinofuranosidase gene associated with mealiness in apple.

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    In order to investigate the genetic bases of the physiological syndrome mealiness that causes abnormal fruit softening and juice loss in apples, an integrative approach was devised, consisting of sensory, instrumental, biochemical, genetic, and genomic methods. High levels of activity of a-L-arabinofuranosidase (a-AFase), a hydrolase acting on the pectic component of the cell walls, were found in individuals exhibiting the mealiness phenotype in a segregating population. The expression levels of the previously uncharacterized apple AF gene MdAF3 are higher in fruits from plants consistently showing mealiness symptons and high a-AFase activity. The transcription of MdAF3 is differentially regulated in distinct genomic contexts and appears to be independent of ethylene. Thus, it is likely to be controlled by endogenous developmental mechanisms associated with fruit ripening. The use of integrative approaches has allowed the identification of a novel contributor to the mealiness phenotype in apple and it has been possible to overcome the problems posed by the unavailability of near-isogenic lines to dissect the genetic bases of a complex physiological trait in woody perennial species

    Identification of a novel α-L-arabinofuranosidase gene associated with mealiness in apple

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    In order to investigate the genetic bases of the physiological syndrome mealiness that causes abnormal fruit softening and juice loss in apples, an integrative approach was devised, consisting of sensory, instrumental, biochemical, genetic, and genomic methods. High levels of activity of α-L-arabinofuranosidase (α-AFase), a hydrolase acting on the pectic component of the cell walls, were found in individuals exhibiting the mealiness phenotype in a segregating population. The expression levels of the previously uncharacterized apple AF gene MdAF3 are higher in fruits from plants consistently showing mealiness symptons and high α-AFase activity. The transcription of MdAF3 is differentially regulated in distinct genomic contexts and appears to be independent of ethylene. Thus, it is likely to be controlled by endogenous developmental mechanisms associated with fruit ripening. The use of integrative approaches has allowed the identification of a novel contributor to the mealiness phenotype in apple and it has been possible to overcome the problems posed by the unavailability of near-isogenic lines to dissect the genetic bases of a complex physiological trait in woody perennial species

    Neurobiological degeneracy and affordance perception support functional intra-individual variability of inter-limb coordination during ice climbing

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    This study investigated the functional intra-individual movement variability of ice climbers differing in skill level to understand how icefall properties were used by participants as affordances to adapt inter-limb coordination patterns during performance. Seven expert climbers and seven beginners were observed as they climbed a 30 m icefall. Movement and positioning of the left and right hand ice tools, crampons and the climber's pelvis over the first 20 m of the climb were recorded and digitized using video footage from a camera (25 Hz) located perpendicular to the plane of the icefall. Inter-limb coordination, frequency and types of action and vertical axis pelvis displacement exhibited by each climber were analysed for the first five minutes of ascent. Participant perception of climbing affordances was assessed through: (i) calculating the ratio between exploratory movements and performed actions, and (ii), identifying, by self-confrontation interviews, the perceptual variables of environmental properties, which were significant to climbers for their actions. Data revealed that experts used a wider range of upper and lower limb coordination patterns, resulting in the emergence of different types of action and fewer exploratory movements, suggesting that effective holes in the icefall provided affordances to regulate performance. In contrast, beginners displayed lower levels of functional intra-individual variability of motor organization, due to repetitive swinging of ice tools and kicking of crampons to achieve and maintain a deep anchorage, suggesting lack of perceptual attunement and calibration to environmental properties to support climbing performanc

    Diversification of Genes Encoding Granule-Bound Starch Synthase in Monocots and Dicots Is Marked by Multiple Genome-Wide Duplication Events

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    Starch is one of the major components of cereals, tubers, and fruits. Genes encoding granule-bound starch synthase (GBSS), which is responsible for amylose synthesis, have been extensively studied in cereals but little is known about them in fruits. Due to their low copy gene number, GBSS genes have been used to study plant phylogenetic and evolutionary relationships. In this study, GBSS genes have been isolated and characterized in three fruit trees, including apple, peach, and orange. Moreover, a comprehensive evolutionary study of GBSS genes has also been conducted between both monocots and eudicots. Results have revealed that genomic structures of GBSS genes in plants are conserved, suggesting they all have evolved from a common ancestor. In addition, the GBSS gene in an ancestral angiosperm must have undergone genome duplication ∼251 million years ago (MYA) to generate two families, GBSSI and GBSSII. Both GBSSI and GBSSII are found in monocots; however, GBSSI is absent in eudicots. The ancestral GBSSII must have undergone further divergence when monocots and eudicots split ∼165 MYA. This is consistent with expression profiles of GBSS genes, wherein these profiles are more similar to those of GBSSII in eudicots than to those of GBSSI genes in monocots. In dicots, GBSSII must have undergone further divergence when rosids and asterids split from each other ∼126 MYA. Taken together, these findings suggest that it is GBSSII rather than GBSSI of monocots that have orthologous relationships with GBSS genes of eudicots. Moreover, diversification of GBSS genes is mainly associated with genome-wide duplication events throughout the evolutionary course of history of monocots and eudicots

    Temporal dynamics of inter-limb coordination in ice climbing revealed through change-point analysis of the geodesic mean of circular data

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    This study examined the temporal dynamics of the inter-limb angles of skilled and less skilled ice climbers to determine how they explored ice fall properties to adapt their coordination patterns during performance. We observed two circular time series corresponding to the upper- and lower-limbs of seven expert and eight inexperienced ice climbers. We analyzed these data through a multiple change-point analysis of the geodesic (or Fréchet) mean on the circle. Guided by the nature of the geodesic mean obtained by an optimization procedure, we extended the filtered derivative method, known to be computationally very cheap and fast, to circular data. Local estimation of the variability was assessed through the number of change-points computed via the filtered derivatives with p-value method for the time series and integrated squared error (ISE). Results of this change-point analysis did not reveal significant differences of the number of change-points between groups but indicated higher ISE that supported the existence of plateaux for beginners. These results emphasized higher local variability of limb angles for experts than for beginners suggesting greater dependence on the properties of the performance environment and adaptive behaviors in the former. Conversely, the lower local variance of limb angles assessed in beginners may reflect their independence of the environmental constraints, as they focused mainly on controlling body equilibrium

    Biochemical characterization of the chlamydomonas reinhardtii alpha-1,4 glucanotransferase supports a direct function in amylopectin biosynthesis

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    Plant alpha-1,4 glucanotransferases (disproportionating enzymes, or D-enzymes) transfer glucan chains among oligosaccharides with the concomitant release of glucose (Glc). Analysis of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii sta11-1 mutants revealed a correlation between a D-enzyme deficiency and specific alterations in amylopectin structure and starch biosynthesis, thereby suggesting previously unknown biosynthetic functions. This study characterized the biochemical activities of the alpha-1,4 glucanotransferase that is deficient in sta11-1 mutants. The enzyme exhibited the glucan transfer and Glc production activities that define D-enzymes. D-enzyme also transferred glucans among the outer chains of amylopectin (using the polysaccharide chains as both donor and acceptor) and from malto-oligosaccharides into the outer chains of either amylopectin or glycogen. In contrast to transfer among oligosaccharides, which occurs readily with maltotriose, transfer into polysaccharide required longer donor molecules. All three enzymatic activities, evolution of Glc from oligosaccharides, glucan transfer from oligosaccharides into polysaccharides, and transfer among polysaccharide outer chains, were evident in a single 62-kD band. Absence of all three activities co-segregated with the sta11-1 mutation, which is known to cause abnormal accumulation of oligosaccharides at the expense of starch. To explain these data we propose that D-enzymes function directly in building the amylopectin structure