2,628 research outputs found

    Guaranteed emergence of genuine entanglement in 3-qubit evolving systems

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    Multipartite entanglement has been shown to be of particular relevance for a better understanding and exploitation of the dynamics and flow of entanglement in multiparty systems. This calls for analysis aimed at identifying the appropriate processes that guarantee the emergence of multipartite entanglement in a wide range of scenarios. Here we carry on such analysis considering a system of two initially entangled qubits, one of which is let to interact with a third qubit according to an arbitrary unitary evolution. We establish necessary and sufficient conditions on the corresponding Kraus operators, to discern whether the evolved state pertains to either one of the classes of 3-qubit pure states that exhibit some kind of entanglement, namely biseparable, W-, and GHZ- genuine entangled classes. Our results provide a classification of the Kraus operators according to their capacity of producing 3-qubit entanglement, and pave the way for extending the analysis to larger systems and determining the particular interactions that must be implemented in order to create, enhance and distribute entanglement in a specific manner.Comment: Two new subsections included. Accepted for publication in The European Physical Journal

    El léxico de la ‘paura’ en Guido Cavalcanti

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    La memoria y la narración de hechos traumáticos en el mundo actual

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    Women in the Middle Ages literature: the reflection of a misogynist society?

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    El objetivo fundamental del artículo es llevar a cabo un estudio de la mujer en la Edad Media a través de dos parámetros de análisis: concepción medieval de la figura femenina -status de la mujer tanto en la vida familiar como eclesiástica- y la mujer dentro de la institución matrimonial –matrimonio como acto tanto sacramental como público-. Con los daros obtenidos llegamos a la literatura para comprobar si los textos literarios son o no reflejo de esa sociedad misógina previamente analizada. El texto que hemos elegido como modelo para nuestro estudio es Il Novellino.The main goal of this paper is to carry out a study of women in the Middle Ages according to two parameters of analysis: medieval consideration of the female character – the status of women both in family and ecclesiastical life – and women within marriage – in the religious and public sense-. With these data in mind, we will come to literature in order to prove whether literary texts are the reflection of the misogynist sociedad shown above or not. The text selected as a reference for our study is Il Novelino

    La città partenopea nel Filocolo di Giovanni Boccaccio

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    In quest'opera giovanile di Giovanni Boccaccio, la citta di napoli ricopre un ruolo da protagonista non solo perché fu il luogo dove nacque e conobbe la sua musa. Fiammetta, ma soprattutto perché fu il luogo dove avvenne la sua formazione letteraria. Sfogliando le pagine di questo romanzo sia la cittá di Napoli e dintorni, sia gli intellettuali che conobbe Boccaccio appaiono, a volte, descritti e ritratti sotto l'armatura fittizia dei protagonisti. Con questo articolo si intende mettere in risalto il modo in cui la città e i suoi intellettuali si rendono visibili nei momenti cruciali del romanzo

    The Auschwitz Trilogy by Primo Levi: Language as a Form of Survival

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    The three memorial works written by Primo Levi about the experiences lived during his stay at Auschwitz concentration camp and his subsequent memories about it, If This is a Man, The Truce and The Drowned and the Saved, known as Auschwitz Trilogy, have several elements in common. We think that one has not been delved into deeply: the purpose of pragmatic mechanisms of the communication process. The main aim of this article is to investigate this issue in order to prove that the communication process is conceived as a basic element not only of survival (a commonly defended idea) but also – and above all – of a reconstruction of the human entity. To that extent, verbs such as comunicare (communicating) and capire (understanding) achieve a polysemic condition and can be interpreted from a double perspective. On one side, individual communication / understanding, in which verbs act in their straight sense – speaking in order to understand and being understood helps getting out of chaos -. On the other side, choral communication / understanding, in which the reader is put in an alterity perspective and in which communication transcends the pure communicative act to transform the message into a universal discourse

    La teoría del Buon Perfetto en Cavalcanti y Dante

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    El artículo aborda el estudio de la relación que unió a dos poetas del Dolce Stil Novo: Guido Cavalcanti y Dante Alighieri como ejemplo de una intensa amistad y unión humana y poética. Se centra básicamente en dos aspectos: en primer lugar la definición ofrecida por Cavalcanti y Dante sobre la naturaleza del Amor; y en segundo lugar la teorización de dónde reside la perfección del Amor, a través del ánalisis del concepto del buon perfetto, uno de los principales argumentos tanto de la canción doctrinal de Cavalcanti como del Convivio de Dante.This article takes on the study of the relationship that brought together two poets from the Dolce Stil Novo: Guido Cavalcanti and Dante Alighieri as an example of an intense friendship and human and poetic bonds. It is basically centered on two aspects: the first is the definition offered by Cavalcanti and Dante of the nature of love, the second, is a theorization of where the perfection of love resides, through an analysis of the concept of the buon perfetto, one of the main themes in the doctrinal song of Cavalcanti as in the Convivio of Dante