889 research outputs found

    Die ossäre Metastasierung des Prostatakarzinoms

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    Zusammenfassung: Die ossäre Metastasierung korreliert neben der Morbidität auch mit der Mortalität des Prostatakarzinoms. Somit kommt der Therapie zur Verhinderung oder Verzögerung des Auftretens ossärer Metastasen eine zentrale Rolle in der Tumorbehandlung zu. Das wachsende Verständnis des physiologischen und pathologisch veränderten Knochenstoffwechsels führt zu neuen experimentellen und präklinischen Therapieansätzen mit Substanzen wie Endothelin-Rezeptorantagonisten, MET- und VEGFR-2-Inhibitoren oder 223Radium. Etablierte klinische Therapien mit Bisphosphonaten erreichen über eine direkte Hemmung der Osteoklasten eine Reduktion skelettbedingter Ereignisse. Denosumab, ein humaner monoklonaler IgG-RANKL-Antikörper, erscheint im direkten Vergleich der derzeitigen Standardtherapie überlegen und hat darüber hinaus einen Vorteil auf das skelettmetastasenfreie Überleben der Patienten. Da Denosumab subkutan verabreicht werden kann und keiner Dosisanpassung an die Nierenfunktion bedarf, erscheint es als vielversprechende Alternative. Limitierend sind jedoch, trotz vergleichbarem Nebenwirkungsprofil mit Bisphosphonaten, die fehlenden Langzeitbeobachtunge

    Phase Diagram of a Classical Fluid in a Quenched Random Potential

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    We consider the phase diagram of a classical fluid in the presence of a random pinning potential of arbitrary strength. Introducing replicas for averaging over the quenched disorder, we use the hypernetted chain approximation to calculate the correlations in the replicated liquid. The freezing transition of the liquid into a nearly crystalline state is studied using a density functional approach, and the liquid-to-glass transition is studied using a phenomenological replica symmetry breaking approach introduced by Mezard and Parisi. The first-order liquid-to-crystal transition is found to change to a continuous liquid-to-glass transition as the strength of the disorder is increased above a threshold value.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures, to appear in EuroPhysics Letter

    MusicLynx: Exploring Music Through Artist Similarity Graphs.

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    Grateful Live: Mixing Multiple Recordings of a Dead Performance into an Immersive Experience

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    date-added: 2016-08-23 17:17:44 +0000 date-modified: 2016-08-23 17:22:38 +0000date-added: 2016-08-23 17:17:44 +0000 date-modified: 2016-08-23 17:22:38 +0000date-added: 2016-08-23 17:17:44 +0000 date-modified: 2016-08-23 17:22:38 +0000date-added: 2016-08-23 17:17:44 +0000 date-modified: 2016-08-23 17:22:38 +000

    Spatially Rendering Decomposed Recordings - Integrating Score-Informed Source Separation and Semantic Playback Technologies

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    In this contribution, we present a system for creating novel renderings of a given music recording that aurally highlight certain musical aspects or semantics using spatial localiza-tions. The system decomposes a monaural audio recording into separate events using score-informed source separa-tion techniques and prepares them for an interactive mobile player that renders audio based on semantic information. We demonstrate the capabilities of the system by means of an example using an immersive chroma helix model which the listener can navigate in realtime using mobile sensor controls. 1

    Geolocation Adaptive Music Player

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    date-added: 2017-12-22 20:02:39 +0000 date-modified: 2017-12-22 20:05:50 +0000 keywords: adaptive music, intelligent music player, semantic audio, feature extraction bdsk-url-1: https://smartech.gatech.edu/bitstream/handle/1853/54586/WAC2016-47.pdfdate-added: 2017-12-22 20:02:39 +0000 date-modified: 2017-12-22 20:05:50 +0000 keywords: adaptive music, intelligent music player, semantic audio, feature extraction bdsk-url-1: https://smartech.gatech.edu/bitstream/handle/1853/54586/WAC2016-47.pdfWe present a web-based cross-platform adaptive music player that combines music information retrieval (MIR) and audio processing technologies with the interaction capabilities offered by GPS-equipped mobile devices. The application plays back a list of music tracks, which are linked to geographic paths in a map. The music player has two main enhanced features that adjust to the location of the user, namely, adaptable length of the songs and automatic transitions between tracks. Music tracks are represented as data packages containing audio and metadata (descriptive and behavioral) that builds on the concept of Digital Music Object (DMO). This representation, in line with nextgeneration web technologies, allows for exible production and consumption of novel musical experiences. A content provider assembles a data pack with music, descriptive analysis and action parameters that users can experience and control within the restrictions and templates defined by the provider

    Immunohistochemical determination of p53 overexpression: An easy and readily available method to identify progression in superficial bladder cancer?

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    Overexpression of p53, as determined by immunohistochemical staining with the murine monoclonal antibody DO7, was determined in specimens of 46 primary superficial transitional cell bladder tumours (14 TaG2, 10 T1G2, 22 T1G3). A colon cancer specimen served as a positive control and normal mesenchymal cells in the specimens served as an internal negative control. An exceptionally high proportion 36/46 (78%) of the specimens were found to stain positively for p53 in over 20% of the cell nuclei. After a median follow-up of 7 years, ten patients developed progressive disease. Of these ten patients nine demonstrated p53 positivity, resulting in a sensitivity of 90%. However, 27 of the overall 36 patients (75%) with p53-positive tumours did not progress to a higher stage or metastatic disease. These findings suggest that p53 overexpression is not of predictive prognostic value in superficial transitional cell carcinoma. With 7 of 14 specimens (50%) of Ta tumours overexpressing p53, the results were suggestive of p53 mutation being an early event in carcinogenesis. When the threshold was set at 50% of the cell nuclei overexpressing p53, 16/46 (35%) classified as p53 positive. Of the 16 tumours staining positively for p53, 7 (46%) progressed and 9 (56%) did not. None of the Ta and 16 (50%) of the T1 tumours classified as positive. This more stringent definition of positivity still does not identify p53 positivity as a single prognostic factor. With 50% of T1 tumours classifying as positive, we still find that p53 mutation may be an early event in carcinogenesis of bladder cance

    Navigating Ontological Structures based on Feature Metadata Using the Semantic Music Player

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    date-added: 2017-12-22 19:18:33 +0000 date-modified: 2017-12-22 19:59:04 +0000 keywords: ontology, mobile applications, mobile audio ontology, web application local-url: http://ismir2015.uma.es/LBD/LBD26.pdf publisher-url: http://ismir2015.uma.es/LBD/LBD19.pdf bdsk-url-1: https://qmro.qmul.ac.uk/xmlui/bitstream/handle/123456789/16154/Thalmann%20Navigating%20Ontological%20Structures%202015%20Published.pdfdate-added: 2017-12-22 19:18:33 +0000 date-modified: 2017-12-22 19:59:04 +0000 keywords: ontology, mobile applications, mobile audio ontology, web application local-url: http://ismir2015.uma.es/LBD/LBD26.pdf publisher-url: http://ismir2015.uma.es/LBD/LBD19.pdf bdsk-url-1: https://qmro.qmul.ac.uk/xmlui/bitstream/handle/123456789/16154/Thalmann%20Navigating%20Ontological%20Structures%202015%20Published.pdfdate-added: 2017-12-22 19:18:33 +0000 date-modified: 2017-12-22 19:59:04 +0000 keywords: ontology, mobile applications, mobile audio ontology, web application local-url: http://ismir2015.uma.es/LBD/LBD26.pdf publisher-url: http://ismir2015.uma.es/LBD/LBD19.pdf bdsk-url-1: https://qmro.qmul.ac.uk/xmlui/bitstream/handle/123456789/16154/Thalmann%20Navigating%20Ontological%20Structures%202015%20Published.pd

    Magnetic Helicity Estimations in Models and Observations of the Solar Magnetic Field. Part III: Twist Number Method

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    We study the writhe, twist and magnetic helicity of different magnetic flux ropes, based on models of the solar coronal magnetic field structure. These include an analytical force-free Titov--D\'emoulin equilibrium solution, non force-free magnetohydrodynamic simulations, and nonlinear force-free magnetic field models. The geometrical boundary of the magnetic flux rope is determined by the quasi-separatrix layer and the bottom surface, and the axis curve of the flux rope is determined by its overall orientation. The twist is computed by the Berger--Prior formula that is suitable for arbitrary geometry and both force-free and non-force-free models. The magnetic helicity is estimated by the twist multiplied by the square of the axial magnetic flux. We compare the obtained values with those derived by a finite volume helicity estimation method. We find that the magnetic helicity obtained with the twist method agrees with the helicity carried by the purely current-carrying part of the field within uncertainties for most test cases. It is also found that the current-carrying part of the model field is relatively significant at the very location of the magnetic flux rope. This qualitatively explains the agreement between the magnetic helicity computed by the twist method and the helicity contributed purely by the current-carrying magnetic field.Comment: To be published in Ap