139 research outputs found
Agronomic benefits of long-term trials
Long-term trials are established in order to explore and observe plant and soil interrelationships in situ. Long-term trials can be described as live instruments providing ceteris paribus conditions in temporal sequences.
This review provides an introduction to major long-term trials in Hungary and in other parts of the world. It gives a brief summary of the origins of plant nutritional research, beginning with some data from Homer and the willow tree experiment of van Helmont, as well as the discovery of physiological processes by von Liebig, Lawes and Boussingault. The most profound long-term trials, like the Orto Botanico in Padova, the Linné Garden in Uppsala and the Broadbalk in Rothamsted are presented in the paper.
The agronomic, educational and scientific benefits of the major Hungarian long-term trials are also discussed, from Westsik (1929) to Martonvásár and the National Plant Nutrition Trials (OMTK) set up in 1963. There is a list of experimental sites giving information on the most important recent long-term trial locations and their activities
Event-by-event fluctuations of the kaon to pion ratio in central Pb+Pb collisions at 158 GeV per Nucleon
We present the first measurement of fluctuations from event to event in the
production of strange particles in collisions of heavy nuclei. The ratio of
charged kaons to charged pions is determined for individual central Pb+Pb
collisions. After accounting for the fluctuations due to detector resolution
and finite number statistics we derive an upper limit on genuine
non-statistical fluctuations, perhaps related to a first or second order QCD
phase transition. Such fluctuations are shown to be very small.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure
Strangeness from 20 AGeV to 158 AGeV
New results from the energy scan programme of NA49, in particular kaon
production at 30 AGeV and phi production at 40 and 80 AGeV are presented. The
K+/pi+ ratio shows a pronounced maximum at 30 AGeV; the kaon slope parameters
are constant at SPS energies. Both findings support the scenario of a phase
transition at about 30 AGeV beam energy. The phi/pi ratio increases smoothly
with beam energy, showing an energy dependence similar to K-/pi-. The measured
particle yields can be reproduced by a hadron gas model, with chemical
freeze-out parameters on a smooth curve in the T-muB plane. The transverse
spectra can be understood as resulting from a rapidly expanding, locally
equilibrated source. No evidence for an earlier kinetic decoupling of heavy
hyperons is found.Comment: Contribution to the proceedings of "Strangeness in Quark Matter 2003"
(March 2003, Atlantic Beach NC, USA), to be published in Journal of Physics
G. 11 pages, 14 figure
Omega and Antiomega production in central Pb+Pb collisions at 40 and 158 AGeV
Results are presented on Omega production in central Pb+Pb collisions at 40
and 158 AGeV beam energy. Given are transverse-mass spectra, rapidity
distributions, and total yields for the sum Omega+Antiomega at 40 AGeV and for
Omega and Antiomega separately at 158 AGeV. The yields are strongly
under-predicted by the string-hadronic UrQMD model and are in better agreement
with predictions from a hadron gas models.Comment: 5 papes, 4 figures, 1 table, updated figure 4 and table 1. Final
version, including some editorial changes, as published in PR
NA49 results on hadron production: indications of the onset of deconfinement ?
The NA49 experiment at the CERN SPS measured the energy and system size
dependence of particle production in A+A collisions. A change of the energy
dependence of several hadron production properties at low SPS energies is
observed which suggests a scenario requiring the onset of deconfinement.Comment: XXXV International Symposium on Multiparticle Dynamics 200
Energy dependence of particle ratio fluctuations in central Pb+Pb collisions from ~6.3 to 17.3 GeV
We present measurements of the energy dependence of event-by-event
fluctuations in the K/pi and (p + \bar{p})/pi multiplicity ratios in heavy ion
collisions at the CERN SPS. The particle ratio fluctuations were obtained for
central Pb+Pb collisions at five collision energies, \sqrt{s_{_{NN}}}, between
6.3 and 17.3 GeV. After accounting for the effects of finite-number statistics
and detector resolution, we extract the strength of non-statistical
fluctuations at each energy. For the K/pi ratio, larger fluctuations than
expected for independent particle production are found at all collision
energies. The fluctuations in the (p + \bar{p})/pi ratio are smaller than
expectations from independent particle production, indicating correlated pion
and proton production from resonance decays. For both ratios, the deviation
from purely statistical fluctuations shows an increase towards lower collision
energies. The results are compared to transport model calculations, which fail
to describe the energy dependence of the K/pi ratio fluctuations.Comment: 11 pages, 10 figures, update to published versio
Upper Limit of D0 Production in Central Pb-Pb Collisions at 158A GeV
Results are presented from a search for the decays D0 -> Kmin piplus and
D0bar -> Kplus pimin in a sample of 3.8x10^6 central Pb-Pb events collected
with a beam energy of 158A GeV by NA49 at the CERN SPS. No signal is observed.
An upper limit on D0 production is derived and compared to predictions from
several models.Comment: REVTEX 5 pages, 4 figure
Results on correlations and fluctuations from NA49
The large acceptance and high momentum resolution as well as the significant
particle identification capabilities of the NA49 experiment at the CERN SPS
allow for a broad study of fluctuations and correlations in hadronic
interactions. In the first part recent results on event-by-event charge and p_t
fluctuations are presented. Charge fluctuations in central Pb+Pb reactions are
investigated at three different beam energies (40, 80, and 158 AGeV), while for
the p_t fluctuations the focus is put on the system size dependence at 158
AGeV. In the second part recent results on Bose Einstein correlations of h-h-
pairs in minimum bias Pb+Pb reactions at 40 and 158 AGeV, as well as of K+K+
and K-K- pairs in central Pb+Pb collisions at 158 AGeV are shown. Additionally,
other types of two particle correlations, namely pi p, Lambda p, and Lambda
Lambda correlations, have been measured by the NA49 experiment. Finally,
results on the energy and system size dependence of deuteron coalescence are
discussed.Comment: 10 pages, 12 figures, Presented at Quark Matter 2002, Nantes, France,
Corrected error in Eq.
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