530 research outputs found

    Experimental status of 7Be production and destruction at astrophysical relevant energies

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    The production and destruction of 7Be plays a significant role in the Big Bang Nucleosynthesis as well as in the framework of the solar neutrino. The 3He(α, γ)7Be reaction cross sections has been measured several times in the last decades, but the precision achieved on reaction rate determinations at the relevant astrophysical energies is not yet satisfactory. The experimental status of this reaction will be critically reviewed, and the theoretical descriptions available will be discussed

    The reaction 13C(alpha,n)16O: a background for the observation of geo-neutrinos

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    The absolute cross section of the 13^{13}C(α\alpha,n)16^{16}O reaction has been measured at Eα_{\alpha} = 0.8 to 8.0 MeV with an overall accuracy of 4%. The precision is needed to subtract reliably a background in the observation of geo-neutrinos, e.g. in the KamLAND detector.Comment: LaTex file, 13 pages including 3 ps figures. Any request to [email protected]. Phys. Rev . C, to appea

    Produção de semente genética de soja na Embrapa Trigo em 2013/2014.

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    Study of the 12C+12C fusion reactions near the Gamow energy

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    The fusion reactions 12C(12C,a)20Ne and 12C(12C,p)23Na have been studied from E = 2.10 to 4.75 MeV by gamma-ray spectroscopy using a C target with ultra-low hydrogen contamination. The deduced astrophysical S(E)* factor exhibits new resonances at E <= 3.0 MeV, in particular a strong resonance at E = 2.14 MeV, which lies at the high-energy tail of the Gamow peak. The resonance increases the present non-resonant reaction rate of the alpha channel by a factor of 5 near T = 8x10^8 K. Due to the resonance structure, extrapolation to the Gamow energy E_G = 1.5 MeV is quite uncertain. An experimental approach based on an underground accelerator placed in a salt mine in combination with a high efficiency detection setup could provide data over the full E_G energy range.Comment: 4 Pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. Let

    Produção de semente genética de soja na Embrapa Trigo em 2014/2015.

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    Status of the Standard Solar Model Prediction of Solar Neutrino Fluxes

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    The Standard Solar Model (BP04) predicts a total 8B neutrino flux that is 17.2% larger than measured in the salt phase of the SNO detector (and if it were significant it will indicate oscillation to sterile neutrinos). Hence it is important to examine in details uncertainties (and values) of inputs to the SSM. Currently, the largest fractional uncertainty is due to the new evaluation of the surface composition of the sun. We examine the nuclear input on the formation of solar 8B [S17(0)] and demonstrate that it is still quite uncertain due to ill known slope of the measured astrophysical cross section factor and thus ill defined extrapolation to zero energy. This yields an additional reasonably estimated uncertainty due to extrapolation of +0.0 -3.0 eV-b (+0% -14%). Since a large discrepancy exists among measured as well as among predicted slopes, the value of S17(0) is dependent on the choice of data and theory used to extrapolate S17(0). This situation must be alleviated by new measurement(s). The "world average" is driven by the Seattle result due to the very small quoted uncertainty, which we however demonstrate it to be an over-estimated accuracy. We propose more realistic error bars for the Seattle results based on the published Seattle data.Comment: Fifth International Conferenceon Non-Accelerator New Physics, Dubna, June 20-25, 2005. Work Supported by USDOE Grant No. DE-FG02-94ER4087

    Fusion rate enhancement due to energy spread of colliding nuclei

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    Experimental results for sub-barrier nuclear fusion reactions show cross section enhancements with respect to bare nuclei which are generally larger than those expected according to electron screening calculations. We point out that energy spread of target or projectile nuclei is a mechanism which generally provides fusion enhancement. We present a general formula for calculating the enhancement factor and we provide quantitative estimate for effects due to thermal motion, vibrations inside atomic, molecular or crystal system, and due to finite beam energy width. All these effects are marginal at the energies which are presently measurable, however they have to be considered in future experiments at still lower energies. This study allows to exclude several effects as possible explanation of the observed anomalous fusion enhancements, which remain a mistery.Comment: 17 pages with 3 ps figure included. Revtex styl

    Melhoramento de soja para alimentação humana na Embrapa Trigo - safra agrícola 2013/2014.

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    Feasibility of low energy radiative capture experiments at the LUNA underground accelerator facility

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    The LUNA (Laboratory Underground for Nuclear Astrophysics) facility has been designed to study nuclear reactions of astrophysical interest. It is located deep underground in the Gran Sasso National Laboratory, Italy. Two electrostatic accelerators, with 50 and 400 kV maximum voltage, in combination with solid and gas target setups allowed to measure the total cross sections of the radiative capture reactions 2^2H(p,Îł\gamma)3He and 14^{14}N(p,Îł\gamma)15^{15}O within their relevant Gamow peaks. We report on the gamma background in the Gran Sasso laboratory measured by germanium and bismuth germanate detectors, with and without an incident proton beam. A method to localize the sources of beam induced background using the Doppler shift of emitted gamma rays is presented. The feasibility of radiative capture studies at energies of astrophysical interest is discussed for several experimental scenarios.Comment: Submitted to Eur. Phys. J.
