419 research outputs found

    JAK2 V617F Analysis in Indonesian Myeloproliferative Neoplasms Patients

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    Background : Three subtypes of myeloproliferative neoplasms (MPNs): Polycythemia vera (PV), essential thrombocythemia (ET), and primary myelofibrosis (PMF) showed overlapping phenotype. There has been no specific cytogenetic marker identified in these subtypes. JAK2 V617F mutation prevalence in Caucasian MPNs was first reported as 97% in PV, 57% in ET, and 50% in PMF.Objective: This study was done to define the prevalence of JAK2 V617F mutation and to identify cytogenetic markers in MPNs.Methods : The study design was cross-sectional. Patients who were admitted to Dr. Kariadi Hospital with clinical diagnosis of MPNs were referred for bone marrow cytogenetic analysis in Telogorejo Hospital. JAK2 V617F mutation was tested for using Amplification Refractory Mutation System Polymerase Chain Reaction (ARMS-PCR) from peripheral blood vein. Clinical data were secondary data retrieved from hospital medical records.Results : There was no cytogenetic abnormality found in all MPNs patients. The prevalence of JAK2 V617F mutation in MPNs patients was 73,68%. Mutation prevalence distribution in each subtypes were 100% in PV, 63,6% in ET and 100% in PMF. Conclusion : Chromosomal abnormality was not found using conventional cytogenetic analysis. More sensitive methods might elucidate submicroscopic chromosomal abnormalities in these patients. The prevalence of JAK2 V617F mutation was comparable with studies in Caucasian. It is recommended that JAK2 V617F testing should be incorporated in the management therapy of MPNs in Indonesia

    Trends in Amputation

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    Pendugaan Parameter Demografi dan Pola Penyebaran Spasial Walabi Lincah (Macropus Agilis Papuanus) di Kawasan Taman Nasional Wasur Studi Kasus di Savana Campuran Udi-udi Seksi Pengelolaan III Wasur, Papua

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    The aim of the study was to know the population condition in savannah invaded by plant of Melaleuca sp and Eucalyptus sp specially disavan of mixture Ud-Udi. Useful research as reference data in nimble population walabi management in Wasur National Park. Method used of strip transect and plot the swampy forest animal. Perception conducted at three band that is band ecoton, savana band which abut the ecoton and band of mixture savana. This research is executed by during one month that is from april until may 2008. From result invetarisation obtained by that average of density the nimble walabi at Udi-Udi mixture savana is 0,67 tail per hectare. Highest density that is at band ecoton with the density 1,67 tail per hectare. From this result is known that by the nimble walabi prefer to be at the band ecoton compared to by band of mixture savannah which abut the forest of mixture and band of mixture savana. This density is compared to by smaller of density of savana ukra (pure savana not yet invasion). Structure old age the nimble walabi with the adult composition 17 tail (77,27%), 2 tail (9,09%) and child 3 tail ( 13,64%). Sex-ratio of reproduction at nimble walabi is sex-ratio at adult walabi, adult female and adult masculine comparison is 1 1. Totalizeing child individual is 3 adult female individual amount and tail is 9, is hence obtained by a harsh birth value of nimble walabi in Udi - Udi of mixture savana of equal to 33%. Nimble walabi mortality in Udi - Udi of mixture savana difficult to be known. From perception activity in field is not found by a dead individual. Pursuant to result analyse the test of chi square , obtained by pattern of nimble spreading spasial walabi in Udi - Udi savana is group in band ecoton by ID = 3,52 (more than 1 group d= 12,36; d > 1,96 group)


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    Sebelum adanya serat optik, media transmisi masih menggunakan kabel tembaga. Seiring berkembangnya zaman, kabel tembaga digantikan dengan serat optik. Serat optik mentransmisikan data (informasi) menggunakan media cahaya. Serat optic dapat menyalurkan data dengan kecepatan pengiriman data yang lebih cepat dan juga dengan jarak yang lebih jauh. Dengan memiliki bandwidth yang lebih besar, ukuran yang kecil, mudah dalam menambahkan kapasitas, performa yang baik, serta jaringan transport yang mudah sudah pasti efektif dalam menggantikan kabel tembaga. Serat optik pun memiliki kelemahan yaitu lebih rapuh dan lebih mudah putus dibandingkan kabel tembaga, dan juga terdapat beberapa redaman yang dapat disebabkan oleh kualitas kabel fiber optik itu sendiri, kualitas penyambungan, ataupun kualitas konektor di setiap ujungnya. Adapun alat untuk pengecekan kualitas kabel optik yaitu Optical Time Domain Reflector (OTDR) dan juga alat sambung fiber optik yang disebut Fusion Splicer. Dalam penelitian ini, penulis dapat mempelajari tentang serat optik lebih dalam, serta dapat melakukan pengecekan kualitas kabel fiber optik dengan OTDR dan dapat melakukan penyambungan dengan Fusion Splice

    Household Waste Management For The Achievement Of SDGs In Bulak Surabaya

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the conduct or description about household waste management in the district of Bulak Surabaya by using studies EHRA (Environmental Health Risk Assessment) where a study of participation in the District / City to understand the conditions of sanitation facilities and hygiene as well as societal attitudes on a scale house stairs. This research was conducted by field observations and interview. District activities and respondents are randomly assigned study area. Based upon the results of research studies EHRA in District of Bulak Surabaya, there are 200 respondents, only a small proportion of respondents who perform household waste management around 19.5%, while those who are not managing 80.5% achievement SDGs taken from point 6 "Water and sanitation" where trash organic collected in TPS (temporary disposal sites) can be treated with an organic fertilizer made so that the waste that goes to landfill (landfill) was reduced by 40 tons a day

    Characteristics of Household Waste Management in an Effort to the Achievement of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in Krembangan District of Surabaya City

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    Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) is a continuous development program which 17 destinations.This research was conducted in District Krembangan Surabaya, the goal is to determine the level of knowledge, attitudes and behavior of public in waste management activities and the role of government in waste management activities. The determination of the respondents were selected by a procedure in the Study of Environmental Health Risk Assessment (EHRA). The data obtained from interviews and observations will be entered into the software EHRA, then processed using Microsoft Excel. The results of this study include the management of household waste, the frequency and accuracy of transporting waste and waste sorting activities. 89% of respondents are already carrying out waste management by means of collected and discharged intotemporary landfill. Waste hauling was done in a regular frequency, as much as 14% respoden have done sorting waste at home before being dumped intotemporary landfill

    Analisis Persebaran Seismisitas Wilayah Sumatera Selatan Menggunakan Metode Double Difference

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    Sumatera Selatan merupakan salah satu pulau yang sering mengalami bencana gempa bumi. Sebagai upaya mitigasi bencana gempa bumi, diperlukan studi kegempaan untuk menentukan pusat gempa dengan presisi yang tinggi. Salah satu teknik yang digunakan untuk merelokasi gempa bumi adalah algoritma double difference. Prinsip dari metode double difference adalah residual time dari waktu tempuh yang diamati dan hasil perhitungan antara dua event gempa bumi yang berdekatan pada stasiun pencatat yang sama, dengan syarat jarak antar event harus lebih dekat daripada jarak event ke stasiun pencatat. Relokasi gempa bumi di Wilayah Sumatera Selatan dilakukan menggunakan software hypoDD. Data yang diperlukan adalah data stasiun, waktu tiba gelombang P, dan model kecepatan bumi. Jumlah gempa bumi yang digunakan sebanyak 106 event. Stasiun pencatat yang digunakan sebanyak 9 stasiun. Proses relokasi dibagi menjadi dua tahap, tahap pertama menggunakan program ph2dt dan tahap kedua menggunakan program hypoDD. Hasil relokasi memberikan informasi tentang koordinat episenter yang bergeser dari posisi awal sebelum direlokasi. Tidak hanya koordinat episenter yang telah terelokasi dengan baik, didapatkan nilai RMS yang lebih kecil dibandingkan sebelum direlokasi. Pergeseran hiposenter menyebar ke segala arah dan tidak memiliki kecenderungan ke arah tertentu, namun demikian Perubahan hiposenter terbanyak ke arah timur laut. Relokasi menggunakan hypoDD menunjukkan adanya peningkatan kualitas relokasi apabila dilihat dari hasil residual

    Conception Rate pada Sapi Potong di Kecamatan Jati Agung Kabupaten Lampung Selatan

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    The aim of this research was to determine the conception rate and the factors value that affect in beef cattle in the district Jati Agung, South Lampung regency. This study was conducted in April 2014 to 1,410 head of beef cattle belonging to 776 farmers. The research used a survey method with primary and secondary data. Analysis data used regression analysis with SPSS ( Statistic Packet for Social Science) program.The results showed that the conception rate in the district Jati Agung is a great identity for 36.03 ± 1.16. Factors that effect conception rates in beef cattle in the district Jati Agung is distance between the cowshed with house that negatively assosiated with factor value 0.003, number of factor concentrate that negatively assosiated with factor value of 0.027, amount of forage factor that negatively assosiated with factor value 0.003, a large area of the cage that negatively assosiated with factor value 0.020, and amount of beef cows that maintained that negatively assosiated with factor value 0.049 and a positive association was never followed a course that positively assosiated with factor value 0.112. The factors that influence conception rates in beef cattle farm level is great on long weaning period that negatively assosiated with factor value 0.013, mating postpartum that positiively assosiated with factor value 0.376, calving interval that negatively assosiated with factor value 0.412, the age of cattle that positively assosiated with factor value 0.006, the first estrus postpartum artificial insemination that positively assosiated with factor value 0.133 and time to insemination that negatively assosiated with factor value 0,406
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