1,800 research outputs found

    Pengelolaan Kesiapan Belajar Anak Masuk Sekolah Dasar

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    Readiness of children to enter school is something that is very important that every child must have because the readiness to attend school is the first capital to follow the process of learning activities in school. The greater the readiness of the child, the greater the child has the ability to follow the poses of learning activities at school. Conversely, the smaller the readiness of children's learning, the smaller the children have the ability to follow the poses of learning activities at school. The problem is that many children do not have readiness to learn well because parents have not manage the readiness to learn children enter school well. In the readiness of learning children enter primary school can not come suddenly in the child because everything must be well prepared, including that of elementary school age, cognitive, affective, and psychomotor ability of children and others needed by children. The role of parents and teachers in "pre-school" institutions / education at an early age is very important in managing preparing children for elementary school. Having the readiness to learn elementary school entrance well then the child can enjoy the process of learning activities and the opportunity / opportunity to deliver to achieve the best achievement in learning

    Analisis Pemasaran dan Sikap Kosumen terhadap Pembelian Ikan Patin Salai UMKM Binaan Inkubator Agribisnis Ur

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    The fisheries sector(which is madeup of capturefisheries and aquaculture) is one of the most important household economics in Kabupaten Kampar, both from economic and social standpoints. The fisheries, particularly catfish, have also significant role in supplying community's consumption for animal protein in the area, increasing fishermen revenue, and providing employment opportunities. Given the nature of the fishery products as a perishable product, the most common method to preserve the fish is by smoking the fish. The smoked fisheries industry further supports almost 12 % of households (directly and indirectly), and contributes to the livelihood, employment, and household food security, especially forcommunities live along the Kampar's Delta. Currently, several fisheries small-holder's enterprises were assisted by The Agribusiness Incubator, University of Riau, in terms of processing, packaging, and marketing techniques. This research was aimed to study marketing and behavioural analysis of smoked catfish produced by the enterprises. Most of the respondents are at productive age (15-54 years), with a high school education or equivalent level, and the average amount of revenue per month ranged between Rp. 2,600,000 to Rp. 5,000,000. The respondent's family members are in the category of small (2-3 people). The respondents mostly purchase the smoked catfish directly to the Wholesale/Dealer/Collector. The respondent's purchasing decision is mostly affected by the following product attributes: packaging, point of sale location, and service offered by the seller. Plotting the product's attributes in the Cartessian diagram shows that the first quadrant is filled by the following attributes: product's aroma, brand, price, and smoked fish color. The second quadrant is described by hygienic properties, weight per pack, taste, and saltiness property. Meanwhile, for the third quadrant is positioned by the products's nutrition information and labeling; as well as for the fourth quadrant is the location of sales, service sales, and forms of packaging. Based on the analysis of Fishbein's Multiatributes, the respondent's attitude is considered as fairly-good on the multiattributes categorical approach

    Konsentrasi Nitrat Dan Bahan Organik Total Pada Saat Pasang Dan Surut Di Muara Sungai Demaan Jepara

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    Muara Sungai Demaan adalah salah satu muara sungai yang digunakan oleh masyarakat untuk mencari ikan dan sebagai tempat berlabuh kapal nelayan. Aktivitas di sekitar muara sungai dan buangan limbah yang berasal dari daratan mengakibatkan Perubahan kualitas perairan muara sungai Demaan. Hal ini dapat ditinjau pada Perubahan konsentrasi nitrat dan bahan organik pada saat pasang dan surut yang berkaitan dengan faktor fisika kimia perairan, yaitu suhu, DO, salinitas dan pH. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tingkat konsentrasi dan pola sebaran nitrat dan bahan organik pada saat pasang dan surut di muara Sungai Demaan. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada bulan Maret 2014, dengan menggunakan metode deskriptif. Metode pemilihan lokasi dengan purposive sampling yang dilakukan di 6 stasiun dengan pertimbangan dapat mewakili wilayah sungai, muara sungai dan laut. Data yang diamati adalah konsentrasi nitrat, konsentrasi bahan organik, suhu, Salinitas, DO dan pH sebagai data primer. Permodelan arus laut menggunakan SMS 8.1 sebagai data sekunder. Pengolahan data menggunakan software ArcGIS 10.0 dan Surfer 11 untuk menganalisis model persebaran. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan, ketika surut konsentrasi nitrat berkisar <0,001 – 0,344 mg/l dan bahan organik berkisar 103,41 – 132,13 mg/l, pada saat pasang konsentrasi nitrat berkisar 0,056 – 0,154 mg/l dan konsentrasi bahan organik berkisar 99,48 – 134,6 mg/l

    Penerimaan Panelis dan Analisis USAha Mi Instan Berbasis Pati Sagu dan Ikan Patin

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    The purpose of this research was to analyze the panelist acceptance and business analysis of instant noodles based on sago starch and catfish (Pangasius sp). This research used 20 kilograms sago starch and catfish 3 kilogram. Instant noodles made from sago starch and catfish compared with commercial instant noodle (Indomie Goreng). Testing was conducted by giving an assessment toward taste, flavor, firmness, and texture. The assessment was conducted by 35 panelists. Panelist acceptance was tested for instant noodles before and after cooking. The panelist acceptance was analysed using Cohran\u27s Q-test. Then do the business analysis of sago starch and catfish based-noodles, the code sample given 815 and 428. There were two different treatments (P), they are instant noodles sago starch and catfish-based before cooking, commercial instant noodles before cooking, instant noodles sago starch and catfish-based after cooking, and commercial instant noodles after cooking. Based on T-test for taste, firmness, and texture, there is a significant to instant noodles sago starch and catfish-based and no significant to commercial instant noodles, while the flavor of sago starch and catfish-based showed significantly different with commercial instant noodles. The conclusion of this study stated that the business analysis for instant noodle processing sago starch and catfish deserves to be marketed

    A simple thermodynamical witness showing universality of macroscopic entanglement

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    We show that if the ground state entanglement exceeds the total entropy of a given system, then this system is in an entangled state. This is a universal entanglement witness that applies to any physical system and yields a temperature below which we are certain to find some entanglement. Our witness is then applied to generic bosonic and fermionic many body systems to derive the corresponding "critical" temperatures that have a very broad validity.Comment: 3 pages, Torun conference, June 25-28, 200

    Studi Perbandingan Struktur Selulosa Dengan Pretreatment Larutan Ion Pada Kayu Cempaka (Elmerillia Ovalis)

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan struktur selulosa dari serbuk kayu cempakasebelum dan sesudah pretreatment menggunakan SEM, XRD, dan FTIR. Serbuk kayu cempaka ditreatment menggunakan larutan ion dengan konsentrasi 10%, 20%, dan 27% garam. Hasilnya menunjukan bahwa secara X-ray Diffraction ukuran partikel terkecil terjadi pada treatment dengan konsentrasi 27% garam yaitu 2,8 nm. Secara spktrum inframerah terjadi perubahan yang signifikan  yang ditunjukan pada gugus fungsi O-H streaching dengan bilangan gelombang 3317,56 . Selanjutnya ukuran pori terkecil  terjadi pada konsentrasi yang sama dan tergolong sebagai membran konvonsional filtrasi.This study aims to determine the cellulosic structure of wood powder before and after pretreatment using SEM, XRD, and FTIR. Chestnut wood powder is treated using ion solution with concentration of 10%, 20%, and 27% salt. The results showed that X-ray Diffraction of the smallest particle size occurred in treatment with 27% salt concentration whose the size was  of 2.8 nm. In infrared spktrum there was a significant change shown in the O-H streaching function group with wave number 3317.56 . Furthermore, the smallest pore size occurred at the same concentration the highest precentegc of salt and is classified as conventional filtration membrane

    Analisis Sistem Tataniaga Karet pada Petani Karet Eks Upp Tcsdp di Desa Balam Merah Kecamatan Bunut Kabupaten Pelalawan

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    This research aims to analyze the marketing channel, marketing margin, and marketing efficiency of rubber on smallholder plantation of ex-UPP TCSDP. Research also analyzes the market structure and price transmition elasticity of rubber product (ojol) at Balam Merah Village. This research is using the survey method. Data was collected on 30 smallholders rubber plantation by purposive sampling technique, 6 the village merchant, and 3 the wholesaler by snowball sampling technique. The research results shows there are two rubber marketing channels which are farmers - wholesalers - factory, and farmers - village merchant – wholesaler - factory. The value of marketing margin on the first marketing channel as Rp. 928,21/kg , and is more efficient than the second marketing channel (11,23 percent)

    Analisis Sikap dan Perilaku Petani dalam Menabung di Bank Bri Simpan Pinjam Cabang Ujung Batu

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    The purpose of this study was toanalyze attitude and behavior of farmer in saving money in the saving and loan BRI branch stone tip.analyze relationship with the farmer attitude saving behavior in the saving and loans Bank BRI branch of Ujung Batu . The data used primary data and the sampling technique is purposive sampling combined with accidental sampling . Based on the result of this study concluded that. Overall attitude of farmerto save on BRI Ujung Batu categorized quite good . Cognitive attitude of farmer showed that cognitive attitude of farmer had an average of 3,31 by category quite well . Affective attitude of farmer had an average of 3,33 by category quite well . Conative attitude of farmer had an average of 3,32 by category quite well. The behavior of farmer in saving in BRI Ujung Batu categorized quite good . Farmer saving behavior by cultural factor have an average 3,25 by category quite well . based on social factor have on average 3,32 by category quite well . personal factorhad an average of 3,23 by category quite well and psychologi factor have an average of 3,33 by category quite well. The attitude of farmer have a real positive relationship with saving behavior in BRI Ujung Batu . With the value of rs = 0669 . this indicate that this relationship is the category of strong and have a positive relationship real.


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    ABSTRAK KOMUNIKASI DAKWAH PADA SINETRON ANAK LANGIT DI SCTV (TINJAUAN ANALISIS WACANA) Oleh Muhammad Rifai F Komunikasi adalah pengiriman dan penerimaan pesan atau berita antara dua orang atau lebih sehingga pesan yang dimaksud dapat di pahami yang menjadi salah satu modal utama manusia untuk berinteraksi dan bersosialisi sehingga menjadi jembatan bagi hubungan antarmanusia. Dakwah adalah suatu kegiatan ajakan baik dalam bentuk lisan, tulisan, tingkah laku, dan sebagainya dilakukan secara sadar dan berencana dalam usaha mempengaruhi orang lain baik secara individual maupun secara kelompok agar timbul dalam dirinya suatu pengertian, kesadaran, sikap, penghayatan, serta pengalaman terhadap agama sebagai pesan yang disampaikan padanya dengan tanpa ada unsur-unsur pemaksaan. Dalam perkembangannya media massa televisi merupakan media massa yang sangat populer dikalangan semua masyarakat. Pesatnya penggunaan televisi saat ini, mampu mendominasi hampir semua waktu luang masyarakat. Sebagai salah satu karya seni, sinetron tidak hanya digunakan sebagai media hiburan, penyampaian informasi dan propaganda, akan tetapi sinetron juga bisa digunakan sebagai media atau sarana untuk menyampaikan dakwah. Penulis tertarik memilih sinetron Anak Langit karena sinetron ini ditayangkan oleh salah satu stasiun televisi swasta tertua yaitu Surya Citra Televisi (SCTV) yang semenjak penayangan perdana nya mendapatkan rating yang cukup bagus dan sinetron ini banyak mengandung pesan-pesan dakwah. Rumusan masalah dalam skripsi ini adalah bagaimana fungsi komunikasi dakwah yang ditampilkan dalam sinetron Anak Langit dan bagaimana komunikasi dakwah dalam tinjauan analisis wacana dalam sinetron Anak Langit. Penulis menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif yang merupakan penelitian pustaka (library research) dan menggunakan metode analisis wacana model Teun A. Van Dijk. Dari hasil penelitian peneliti menyimpulkan fungsi komunikasi dakwah yang ditampilkan dalam sinetron Anak Langit yaitu fungsi sosial, fungsi ekspresif, fungsi ritual, dan fungsi instrument, dimana terdapat pesan pesan dakwah di masing-masing fungsinya. Dan dalam tinjauan analisis wacana pada sinetron Anak Langit dari segi kognisi dan konteks sosial peneliti menyimpulkan pesan dakwah yang terkandung dalam sinteron Anak Langit ada tiga: 1. Tentang kewajiban melakukan ibadah shalat, dimana masyarakat masih banyak meninggalkan nya demi urusan dunia lainnya. 2. Tentang bersyukur, dimana kita hendaklah bersyukur kepada Allah SWT dalam menyambut bulan ramadhan dan keharusan berpuasa sebulan penuh. 3. Agar kita jangan lupa berbuat kebaikan dan bersedekah kepada orang yang membutuhkan. Kata Kunci: Komunikasi Dakwah, Analisis Wacana, Sinetron