362 research outputs found

    Towards AC-induced optimum control of dynamical localization

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    It is shown that optimum control of dynamical localization (quantum suppression of classical diffusion) in the context of ultracold atoms in periodically shaken optical lattices subjected to time-periodic forces having equidistant zeros depends on the \textit{impulse} transmitted by the external force over half-period rather than on the force amplitude. This result provides a useful principle for optimally controlling dynamical localization in general periodic systems, which is capable of experimental realization.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figure

    Reaction rate calculation with time-dependent invariant manifolds

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    The identification of trajectories that contribute to the reaction rate is the crucial dynamical ingredient in any classical chemical reactivity calculation. This problem often requires a full scale numerical simulation of the dynamics, in particular if the reactive system is exposed to the influence of a heat bath. As an efficient alternative, we propose here to compute invariant surfaces in the phase space of the reactive system that separate reactive from nonreactive trajectories. The location of these invariant manifolds depends both on time and on the realization of the driving force exerted by the bath. These manifolds allow the identification of reactive trajectories simply from their initial conditions, without the need of any further simulation. In this paper, we show how these invariant manifolds can be calculated, and used in a formally exact reaction rate calculation based on perturbation theory for any multidimensional potential coupled to a noisy environment

    Unraveling the highly nonlinear dynamics of KCN molecular system using Lagrangian descriptors

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    In this work, we identify the phase-space structures which are responsible for the chaotic dynamics observed in KCN molecular system using the Lagrangian descriptors. We show that the vibrational dynamics of this molecule is strongly determined by the invariant manifolds associated with a particular stretching periodic orbit previously described (Párraga et al., 2018). Likewise, the representation of these invariant manifolds on a Poincaré surface of section is also studied, concluding that the intricate depiction that is observed has its origin in the complex behavior of the manifolds, which is a consequence of the strong anharmonicities in the potential energy surfaceThis work has been partially supported by the Grants PID2021-122711NB-C21 and CEX2019-000904-S funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033, by the People Programme (Marie Curie Actions) of the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Program under Grant No. 734557, and by the Comunidad de Madrid, Spain under the Grant APOYO-JOVENES-4L2UB6-53-29443N (GeoCoSiM) financed within the Plurianual Agreement with the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain in the line to improve the research of young doctor

    Semiclassical basis sets for the computation of molecular vibrational states

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    In this paper, we extend a method recently reported [F. Revuelta et al., Phys. Rev. E 87, 042921 (2013)] for the calculation of the eigenstates of classically highly chaotic systems to cases of mixed dynamics, i.e., those presenting regular and irregular motions at the same energy. The efficiency of the method, which is based on the use of a semiclassical basis set of localized wave functions, is demonstrated by applying it to the determination of the vibrational states of a realistic molecular system, namely, the LiCN moleculeWe acknowledge financial support of the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO) under Contract Nos. MTM2012-39101 and MTM2015-63914-P and ICMAT Severo Ochoa under Contract No. SEV-2015-055

    Using basis sets of scar functions

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    We present a method to efficiently compute the eigenfunctions of classically chaotic systems. The key point is the definition of a modified Gram-Schmidt procedure which selects the most suitable elements from a basis set of scar functions localized along the shortest periodic orbits of the system. In this way, one benefits from the semiclassical dynamical properties of such functions. The performance of the method is assessed by presenting an application to a quartic two-dimensional oscillator whose classical dynamics are highly chaotic. We have been able to compute the eigenfunctions of the system using a small basis set. An estimate of the basis size is obtained from the mean participation ratio. A thorough analysis of the results using different indicators, such as eigenstate reconstruction in the local representation, scar intensities, participation ratios, and error bounds, is also presentedThis work was supported by MINECO (Spain), under projects MTM2009-14621 and ICMAT Severo Ochoa SEV-2011-0087, and by CEAL Banco de Santander–UAM. F.R. is grateful for the support from a doctoral fellowship from UPM and the hospitality of the members of the Departamento de Física in the Laboratorio TANDAR–Comisión Nacional de la Energía Atómica, where part of this work was don

    Reaction rate calculation with time-dependent invariant manifolds

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    The identification of trajectories that contribute to the reaction rate is the crucial dynamical ingredient in any classical chemical reactivity calculation. This problem often requires a full scale numerical simulation of the dynamics, in particular if the reactive system is exposed to the influence of a heat bath. As an efficient alternative, we propose here to compute invariant surfaces in the phase space of the reactive system that separate reactive from nonreactive trajectories. The location of these invariant manifolds depends both on time and on the realization of the driving force exerted by the bath. These manifolds allow the identification of reactive trajectories simply from their initial conditions, without the need of any further simulation. In this paper, we show how these invariant manifolds can be calculated, and used in a formally exact reaction rate calculation based on perturbation theory for any multidimensional potential coupled to a noisy environment

    Finite-barrier corrections for multidimensional barriers in colored noise

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    The usual identification of reactive trajectories for the calculation of reaction rates requires very timeconsuming simulations, particularly if the environment presents memory effects. In this paper, we develop a method that permits the identification of reactive trajectories in a system under the action of a stochastic colored driving. This method is based on the perturbative computation of the invariant structures that act as separatrices for reactivity. Furthermore, using this perturbative scheme, we have obtained a formally exact expression for the reaction rate in multidimensional systems coupled to colored noisy environments

    The geometry of transition states: How invariant manifolds determine reaction rates

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    Over the last years, a new geometrical perspective on transition state theory has been developed that provides a deeper insight on the reaction mechanisms of chemical systems. This new methodology is based on the identification of the invariant structures that organize the dynamics at the top of the energetic barrier that separates reactants and products. Moreover, it has allowed to solve, or at least circumvent, the recrossing-free problem in rate calculations. In this paper, we will discuss which kind of objects determine the reaction dynamics in the presence of dilute, dense and condensed phase baths

    First report of an olive ridley (Lepidochelys olivacea) inside the Mediterranean Sea

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    We report the first confirmed occurrence of a Lepidochelys olivacea in the Mediterranean Sea based on the study of an individual stranded on a beach, located in the town of Oropesa del Mar (40º05ʹ32ʺN, 0º08ʹ02ʺE), Castellón province, East Spain, in May 2014. Morphological and genetic analyses were used to confirm the identification of the species. The individual had a sequence that matched the 470 bp Lepidochelys olivacea haplotype F (Genbank accession number: AF051773), found in several Atlantic populations. This becomes one of the northernmost known occurrences of olive ridleys in the world and is the first reports of this species in the Mediterranean Sea

    Early hours of treatment in a neonate nine-banded armadillo (dasypus novemcinctus) rescued from illegal trafficking in Ecuador

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    This paper presents the case of a baby nine-banded armadillo (Dasypus novemcinctus), which was rescued from illegal wildlife trafficking in the province of Pastaza (Ecuador) and was delivered to the Center for Wildlife Rescue Flor de la Amazonia Wayra Urku (Km.35 via Arajuno, Puyo-Pastaza, Ecuador). This animal had at the time of rescue, severe hypothermia and dehydration, was treated and later was introduced to a change in diet ideal for raising it. In this review we discuss the different ways to approach the case and the treatment chosen to avoid premature death of the animal. It is believed that proper protocol was chosen to correct the initial unstable state and start hand rearing.En este trabajo se expone el caso de una cría de armadillo de nueve bandas (Dasypus novemcinctus) que fue rescatado del tráfico ilegal de especies en la provincia de Pastaza (Ecuador) y que fue entregado al Centro de Rescate de Fauna Silvestre Flor de la Amazonía Wayra Urku (Km.35 vía Arajuno, Puyo-Pastaza, Ecuador). Dicho animal presentaba en el momento del rescate una severa hipotermia y deshidratación de la que fue tratado y posteriormente se instauró el cambio de dieta ideal para la crianza a biberón del neonato. En este trabajo se discuten las diferentes formas de abordar el caso así como los tratamientos elegidos para evitar la muerte prematura del animal. Se considera que se eligió un correcto protocolo para corregir el estado inestable inicial y comenzar con la crianza a mano de la cría