275 research outputs found

    The Effects of Ketogenic Diet on Insulin Sensitivity and Weight Loss, Which Came First: The Chicken or the Egg?

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    The ketogenic diet (KD) is, nowadays, considered an interesting nutritional approach for weight loss and improvement in insulin resistance. Nevertheless, most of the studies available in the literature do not allow a clear distinction between its effects on insulin sensitivity per se, and the effects of weight loss induced by KDs on insulin sensitivity. In this review, we discuss the scientific evidence on the direct and weight loss mediated effects of KDs on glycemic status in humans, describing the KD’s biochemical background and the underlying mechanisms

    Framework for Embedding Process Simulator in GAMS via Kriging Surrogate Model Applied to C3MR Natural Gas Liquefaction Optimization

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    Rigorous black-box simulations are useful to describe complex systems. However, it cannot be directly integrated into mathematical programming models in some algebraic modeling environments because of the lack of symbolic formulation. In the present paper, a framework is proposed to embed the Aspen HYSYS process simulator in GAMS using kriging surrogate models to replace the simulator-dependent, black-box objective, and constraints functions. The approach is applied to the energy-efficient C3MR natural gas liquefaction process simulation optimization using multi-start nonlinear programming and the local solver CONOPT in GAMS. Results were compared with two other meta-heuristic approaches, Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) and Genetic Algorithm (GA), and with the literature. In a small simulation evaluation budget of 20 times the number of decision variables, the proposed optimization approach resulted in 0.2538 kW of compression work per kg of natural gas and surpassed those of the PSO and GA and the previous literature from 2.45 to 15.3 %.The authors acknowledge the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development – CNPq (Brazil), processes 148184/2019-7, 440047/2019-6, 311807/2018-6, 428650/2018-0, and Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel – CAPES (Brazil) for the financial support

    MINLP model for work and heat exchange networks synthesis considering unclassified streams

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    The optimal synthesis of work and heat exchange networks (WHENs) is deeply important to achieve simultaneously high energy efficiency and low costs in chemical processes via work and heat integration of process streams. This paper presents an efficient MINLP model for optimal WHENs synthesis derived from a superstructure that considers unclassified streams. The derived model is solved using BARON global optimization solver. The superstructure considers multi-staged heat integration with isothermal mixing, temperature adjustment with hot or cold utility, and work exchange network for streams that are not classified a priori. The leading advantage of the present optimization model is the capability of defining the temperature and pressure route, i.e. heating up, cooling down, expanding, or compressing, of a process stream entirely during optimization while still being eligible for global optimization. The present approach is tested to a small-scale WHEN problem and the result surpassed the ones from the literature.The authors LFS, CBBC, and MASSR acknowledge the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development – CNPq (Brazil), processes 148184/2019-7, 440047/2019-6, 311807/2018-6, 428650/2018-0, and Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel – CAPES (Brazil) for the financial support. The author JAC acknowledge financial support from the “Generalitat Valenciana” under project PROMETEO 2020/064

    Multi-objective simulation optimization via kriging surrogate models applied to natural gas liquefaction process design

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    A surrogate-based multi-objective optimization framework is employed in the design of natural gas liquefaction processes using reliable, black-box process simulation. The conflicting objectives are minimizing both power consumption and heat exchanger area utilization. The Pareto solutions of the single-mixed refrigerant (SMR) and propane-precooled mixed refrigerant (C3MR) processes are compared to determine the suitability of each process in terms of energy consumption and heat exchanger area. Kriging models and the ɛ-constraint methodology are used to sequentially provide simple surrogate optimization subproblems, whose minimizers are promising feasible and non-dominated solutions to the original black-box problem. The surrogate-based ɛ-constrained optimization subproblems are solved in GAMS using CONOPT. The Pareto Fronts achieved with the surrogate-based framework dominate the results from the NSGA-II, a well-established meta-heuristics of multi-objective optimization. The objective functions of non-dominated solutions go as low as 1045 and 980.3 kJ/kg-LNG and specific UA values of 212.2 and 266.9 kJ/(°C kg-LNG) for SMR and C3MR, respectively. The trade-off solutions that present the minimum sum of relative objectives are analyzed as well as the dominance of C3MR over SMR at low power consumption values and conversely at low heat exchanger area utilization.The authors LFS, CBBC, and MASSR acknowledge the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development–CNPq (Brazil), processes 200305/2020-4, 148184/2019-7, 440047/2019-6, 311807/2018-6, 428650/2018-0, 307958/2021-3 and Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel–CAPES (Brazil) for the financial support. The author JAC acknowledges financial support from the “Generalitat Valenciana” under project PROMETEO 2020/064 and the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación , under project PID2021-124139NB-C21

    What does immunology have to do with brain development and neuropsychiatric disorders?

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    Introdução: O desenvolvimento neural é um processo extremamente complexo e dinâmico. Tao pronto se inicia o desenvolvimento do cérebro, as "células imunológicas" desempenham um papel fundamental em vários processos, incluindo a formação e aperfeiçoamento de circuitos neurais, bem como a diferenciação sexual. Há um crescente corpo de evidências de que o sistema imunológico também desempenha um papel importante na fidiopatologia de diversos transtornos neurodesenvolvimentais e neuropsiquiátricos. Objetivo: O objetivo deste artigo é revisar os dados atualmente disponíveis sobre o papel do "sistema imunológico" em relação ao desenvolvimento normal do cérebro, bem como a fisiopatogenia dos transtornos de neurodesenvolvimento e neuropsiquiátricos. Metodologia: Foi realizada uma pesquisa bibliográfica tradicional para localizar artigos de revisão relevantes. Resultados: Os processos celulares e moleculares que compõem o nosso "sistema imunológico" são cruciais para o desenvolvimento normal do cérebro e a formação e manutenção de circuitos neurais. É cada vez mais evidente que o sistema imunológico e neuroinflamação desempenham papéis importantes na etiopatogenia de pelo menos um subconjunto de indivíduos com autismo, esquizofrenia, transtorno obsessivo-compulsivo, síndrome de Tourette, depressão e transtornos do humor, bem como distúrbios autoimunes e neurodegenerativos. Evidências emergentes também apontam para a importância do eixo intestino-cerebral e do microbioma de um indivíduo em relação à sua saúde e bem-estar somático e mental. Conclusões: Existem interconexões multidirecionais entre múltiplos sistemas biológicos em nossos cérebros e corpos que são mediados em parte pelo sistema imunológico. No momento, no entanto, a "promessa" desse campo continua sendo maior do que os "resultados finais". O tempo dirá se novas intervenções serão desenvolvidas que farão uma diferença positiva no cuidado de nossos pacientes. Também é possível que surjam biomarcadores válidos que orientarão uma abordagem mais personalizada ao tratamento.Introduction: Neural development is an enormously complex and dynamic process. From very early in brain development ‘immune cells’ play a key role in a number of processes including the formation and refinement of neural circuits, as well as sexual differentiation. There is a growing body of evidence that the immune system also plays an important role in the pathobiology of several neurodevelopmental and neuropsychiatric disorders. Objective: The goal of this article is to review the currently available data concerning the role of the ‘immune system’ in normal brain development, as well as its role in the pathobiology of neurodevelopmental and neuropsychiatric disorders. Methodology: We conducted a traditional literature search using PubMed and recent special issues of journals to locate relevant review articles. Results: The cellular and molecular processes that make up our ‘immune system’ are crucial to normal brain development and the formation and maintenance of neural circuits. It is also increasingly evident that the immune system and neuroinflammation play important roles in the pathobiology of at least a subset of individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), schizophrenia, obsessive-compulsive disorder, Tourette syndrome and mood disorders, such as depression, as well as autoimmune and neurodegenerative disorders. Emerging evidence also points to the importance of the ‘gut-brain axis’ and an individual’s microbiome, which can impact an individual’s somatic and mental well-being. Conclusions: There are multidirectional interconnections across multiple biological systems in our brains and bodies that are mediated in part by the immune system. At present, however, the ‘promise’ of this field remains greater than the ‘deliverables.’ Time will tell whether novel interventions will be developed that will make a positive difference in the care of our patients. It is also possible that valid biomarkers will emerge that will guide a more personalized approach to treatment

    Dinâmica de carbono em um solo cultivado com capim-Bermuda Tifton 85 e irrigado com esgoto tratado.

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    O objetivo desta pesquisa foi avaliar as variações no estoque e composição isotópica do C (?13C) no solo em uma pastagem de capim-Bermuda Tifton 85 (Lins/SP) irrigada com água e efluente secundário de esgoto tratado. O delineamento experimental foi o de blocos completos casualizados com seis tratamentos: SI (controle, sem irrigação e sem fertilização), A100 (água potável + 520 kg de N ha-1 ano-1); E0, E33, E66 e E100 (irrigação com esgoto tratado + 0, 33, 66 e 100% de 520 kg de N ha-1 ano-1). Amostras de efluente/água e solo foram coletadas no período de janeiro de 2004 a outubro de 2007. Os tratamentos receberam entre 420 a 1500 mm de esgoto tratado e água por ano, correspondendo a uma entrada pelo esgoto tratado de 640 a 2300 kg ha-1 ano-1 de C total (29% de C particulado total, 55% de C inorgânico dissolvido, 14% de C orgânico dissolvido). Utilizando como referência o estoque de C de SI, o menor decréscimo ocorreu em E33 (-1,2 Mg ha-1) e o maior em A100 (-7,9 Mg ha-1). As entradas de C orgânico pelo esgoto tratado não afetaram a composição isotópica do C do solo, sendo que o empobrecimento isotópico, de 0,7 a 1,2 ?, observado no solo dos tratamentos irrigados foi provavelmente resultante da desproteção física e mineralização de carbono orgânico, de plantas C3, remanescente no solo

    Ciclagem interna de nitrogênio em solo cultivado com capim Tifton-85 e irrigado com esgoto tratado.

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    O objetivo desta pesquisa foi avaliar o efeito da irrigação com água, efluente secundário de nitrogenada na produção vegetal, na quantidade de liteira depositada e nos conteúdos de matéria orgânica particulada em uma pastagem de capim-Bermuda tifton 85. O delineamento experimental foi composto de quatro blocos ao acaso e seis tratamentos: SI (controle, sem fertilização e sem irrigação); W100, irrigação com água e 100% da dose de fertilizante nitrogenado recomendado; E0, E33, E66 e E100, irrigado com esgoto tratado e adição de 0, 33; 66 e 100% da dose recomendada, respectivamente. Amostras de efluente/água, solo, produção vegetal e liteira foram coletadas no período de abril a outubro de 2007. A maior oferta de N nos tratamentos E66, E100 e A100, através da fertilização, irrigação e ciclagem interna pela Bermuda Tifton 85 em período pós chuvas (abril?junho de 2007). No sistema avaliado, a deposição de liteira foi mais diferentes tratamentos. Maiores conteúdos médios de MOP foram observados no solo dos tratamentos irrigados e fertilizados.1 CD-ROM

    Diffusion of plasticizer in a solid propellant based on hydroxyl-terminated polybutadiene

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    The aim of this work was to determine the dioctyl azelate (DOZ) plasticizer diffusion coefficient (D) for samples containing the interfaces of rubber, liner and solid composite propellant based on hydroxyl-terminated polybutadiene (HTPB). The samples used in the diffusion study were aged up to 31 days after the cure period at 80 °C. A computer program implementing a mathematical model of Fick's second Law of diffusion was developed to calculate the diffusion coefficient based on concentration data obtained from gas chromatographic analyses. The effects of the diffusion phenomenon were also investigated by Shore A hardness and scanning electron microscope (SEM) techniques. These analyses were carried out using samples aged at room temperature and at 80 °C. The hardness results showed an increasing trend for the samples aged at room temperature; however in the tests carried out at 80 °C they showed the opposite trend. The SEM analyses detected meaningful changes in the surface morphology of the propellant for both aging temperatures.241245Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq

    Pandemic and right to university study in prison

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    The article n°34 of the Italian Constitution establishes that the school is open to all, without any reference to the personal conditions of the student that can be deprived of his freedom.This right to education is inviolable.The education is an es- sential element to reach the re-educational function of the sentence.The article n°17 of the Norms for the Penitentiary Sy- stem establishes the important role of the in the external community and of private and public subjects to help in re-educating and re-socializing prisoners. In normal conditions there are often contradictions between the principle and the reality of prison condition so in a condition of crisis such as the covid-19 pandemic there is a high risk to break important achievements in this part. Our article starts from thoughts on the right to study in prison and on the history of Criminology’s attention to the treatment of the offender and from studies on the sector of sentence execution.Then our article presents the results of surveys carried out by the National Conference of Delegates of Rectors for the Prison University Centers at the prison facilities where they are established, during the Coronavirus Pandemic