5,829 research outputs found

    Construction optimization of fire sheet of exhaust boilers

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    В работе представлены результаты натурного эксперимента и численных расчетов по оценке влияния качества сварного соединения на температурный режим огневого листа, используемого в качестве поверхностей нагрева в котлах утилизаторах. Разработанная и верифицированная по результатам эксперимента модель позволяет рассчитать температурное поле при любых размерах и сочетаниях материалов элементов конструкции. Проведено сравнение полученных максимальных температур в огневом листе и в экранах из стандартных плавниковых труб при аналогичных граничных условиях.The work presents results of experiment and numerical simulations of a weld quality influence on fire sheet temperature regime, which used as a heating surface in exhaust boilers. The model designed and verified by the results of experiments allows to calculate the temperature field of fire sheet of any sizes and combinations of construction elements materials. A comparison of the maximum temperature in the firing sheet and heating surfaces of standard fin tubes under similar boundary conditions presented

    Vegetation of the supralittoral and upper sublittoral zones of the Western German Baltic Sea coast: a phytosociological study

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    Supralittoral and shallow water seaweed communities are particularly exposed to impacts such as climate change and disturbance by humans. Therefore, their classification, the study of composition, and the monitoring of their structural changes are particularly important. A phytosociological survey of the supralittoral and upper sublittoral vegetation of the South West Baltic Sea revealed eight phytobenthos communities with two variants comprising 35 taxa of macrophytes (18 taxa of Chlorophyta, 13 taxa of Rhodophyta and four taxa of Phaeophyceae, Ochrophyta). Five of the eight communities were dominated by Ulvales (Ulva intestinalis, Kornmannia leptoderma, and three Blidingia species), the other three by Fucus vesiculosus. Most Fucus vesiculosus-dominated communities contained U. intestinalis and U. linza as subdominants. Only one of the communities had until now been described as an association ( Ulvetum intestinalis Feldman 1937). The syntaxonomic composition of the investigated vegetation includes both phytocenoses with the domination of green algae ( Ulvetum intestinalis Feldman 1937 and communities of Blidingia marginata, unidentified Blidingia spp. and Kornmannia leptoderma), as well as a number of communities dominated by Fucus vesiculosus. Mainly boreal Atlantic species and cosmopolitans make up the bulk of the species in these associations

    Nanoparticles based on gadolinium(iii) and europium(iii) complexes for biovisualization

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    © 2016, Springer Science+Business Media New York.Complexes Ln(TTA)3 and [Ln(TTA)3·1] (Ln = Eu, Gd; ТТА is thenoyltrifluoroacetyl-acetonate; 1 is 2-(5-chlorophenylene-2-hydroxy)-2-phenylethylene-bis(2-methoxy)phosphine oxide) in individual form, and as a part of a core of the polyelectrolyte stabilized colloids have been studied by Mössbauer spectroscopy and X-ray powder diffraction. The photophysical and colloidal characteristics of the solutions of polyelectrolyte nanoparticles were studied in water, artificial cerebrospinal fluid solution, solution of bovine serum albumin, and human blood serum. A stability of a luminescent response of the nanoparticles in solutions of bovine serum albumin and human blood serum at 37 °С for 2 hours has been revealed. This is a prerequisite for the potential application of studied nanoparticles for biovisualization

    MSSM Higgs bosons associated with high-pT jets at hadron colliders

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    The cross section for the production of the lightest neutral Higgs boson in association with a high-pT hadronic jet, calculated in the framework of the minimal supersymmetric standard model (MSSM), is presented. The expectations for the hadronic cross section at the Large Hadron Collider are discussed using reasonable kinematical cuts. In particular the contributions from superpartner loops to the cross section and their dependence on the parameters of the MSSM are investigated and found to be significant. Comparisons show that the production rate for h0 + jet in the MSSM can differ widely from the corresponding standard-model prediction.Comment: 20 page

    Detecting a light Higgs boson at the Fermilab Tevatron through enhanced decays to photon pairs

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    We analyze the prospects of the Tevatron for finding a Higgs boson in the two photon decay mode. We conclude that the Standard Model (SM) Higgs boson will likely not be discovered in this mode. However, we motivate several theories beyond the SM, including the MSSM, that predict a Higgs boson with enhanced branching fractions into photons, and calculate the luminosity needed to discover a general Higgs boson at the Tevatron by a two-photon invariant mass peak at large transverse momentum. We find that a high luminosity Tevatron will play a significant role in discovering or constraining these theories.Comment: 20 pages, latex, 5 figure

    Difficult Scenarios for NMSSM Higgs Discovery at the LHC

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    We identify scenarios not ruled out by LEP data in which NMSSM Higgs detection at the LHC will be particularly challenging. We first review the `no-lose' theorem for Higgs discovery at the LHC that applies if Higgs bosons do not decay to other Higgs bosons - namely, with L=300 fb^-1, there is always one or more `standard' Higgs detection channel with at least a 5 sigma signal. However, we provide examples of no-Higgs-to-Higgs cases for which all the standard signals are no larger than 7 sigma implying that if the available L is smaller or the simulations performed by ATLAS and CMS turn out to be overly optimistic, all standard Higgs signals could fall below 5 sigma even in the no-Higgs-to-Higgs part of NMSSM parameter space. In the vast bulk of NMSSM parameter space, there will be Higgs-to-Higgs decays. We show that when such decays are present it is possible for all the standard detection channels to have very small significance. In most such cases, the only strongly produced Higgs boson is one with fairly SM-like couplings that decays to two lighter Higgs bosons (either a pair of the lightest CP-even Higgs bosons, or, in the largest part of parameter space, a pair of the lightest CP-odd Higgs bosons). A number of representative bench-mark scenarios of this type are delineated in detail and implications for Higgs discovery at various colliders are discussed.Comment: 31 pages, 5 figure

    Summary of the SUSY Working Group of the 1999 Les Houches Workshop

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    The results obtained by the Working Group on Supersymmetry at the 1999 Les Houches Workshop on Collider Physics are summarized. Separate chapters treat "general" supersymmetry, R-parity violation, gauge mediated supersymmetry breaking, and anomaly mediated supersymmetry breaking.Comment: LaTeX, 110 pages with numerous .ps and .eps files. proc.tex is main tex fil

    Hidden SUSY at the LHC: the light higgsino-world scenario and the role of a lepton collider

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    While the SUSY flavor, CP and gravitino problems seem to favor a very heavy spectrum of matter scalars, fine-tuning in the electroweak sector prefers low values of superpotential mass \mu. In the limit of low \mu, the two lightest neutralinos and light chargino are higgsino-like. The light charginos and neutralinos may have large production cross sections at LHC, but since they are nearly mass degenerate, there is only small energy release in three-body sparticle decays. Possible dilepton and trilepton signatures are difficult to observe after mild cuts due to the very soft p_T spectrum of the final state isolated leptons. Thus, the higgsino-world scenario can easily elude standard SUSY searches at the LHC. It should motivate experimental searches to focus on dimuon and trimuon production at the very lowest p_T(\mu) values possible. If the neutralino relic abundance is enhanced via non-standard cosmological dark matter production, then there exist excellent prospects for direct or indirect detection of higgsino-like WIMPs. While the higgsino-world scenario may easily hide from LHC SUSY searches, a linear e^+e^- collider or a muon collider operating in the \sqrt{s}\sim 0.5-1 TeV range would be able to easily access the chargino and neutralino pair production reactions.Comment: 20 pages including 12 .eps figure

    Dark matter and Colliders searches in the MSSM

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    We study the complementarity between dark matter experiments (direct detection and indirect detections) and accelerator facilities (the CERN LHC and a s=1\sqrt{s}= 1 TeV e+ee^+e^- Linear Collider) in the framework of the constrained Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model (MSSM). We show how non--universality in the scalar and gaugino sectors can affect the experimental prospects to discover the supersymmetric particles. The future experiments will cover a large part of the parameter space of the MSSM favored by WMAP constraint on the relic density, but there still exist some regions beyond reach for some extreme (fine tuned) values of the supersymmetric parameters. Whereas the Focus Point region characterized by heavy scalars will be easily probed by experiments searching for dark matter, the regions with heavy gauginos and light sfermions will be accessible more easily by collider experiments. More informations on both supersymmetry and astrophysics parameters can be thus obtained by correlating the different signals.Comment: 25 pages, 10 figures, corrected typos and reference adde