1,110 research outputs found

    Ground-state fidelity of the spin-1 Heisenberg chain with single ion anisotropy: quantum renormalization group and exact diagonalization approaches

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    We study the phase diagram of the anisotropic spin-1 Heisenberg chain with single ion anisotropy (D) using a ground-state fidelity approach. The ground-state fidelity and its corresponding susceptibility are calculated within the quantum renormalization group scheme where we obtained the renormalization of fidelity preventing to calculate the ground state. Using this approach, the phase boundaries between the antiferromagnetic N\'{e}el, Haldane and large-D phases are obtained for the whole phase diagram, which justifies the application of quantum renormalization group to trace the symmetery protected topological phases. In addition, we present numerical exact diagonalization (Lanczos) results in, which we employ a recently introduced non-local order parameter to locate the transition from Haldane to large-D phase accurately.Comment: 9 pages, 11 figures, 1 table, to appear in JPC

    Classical correlations of defects in lattices with geometrical frustration in the motion of a particle

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    We map certain highly correlated electron systems on lattices with geometrical frustration in the motion of added particles or holes to the spatial defect-defect correlations of dimer models in different geometries. These models are studied analytically and numerically. We consider different coverings for four different lattices: square, honeycomb, triangular, and diamond. In the case of hard-core dimer covering, we verify the existed results for the square and triangular lattice and obtain new ones for the honeycomb and the diamond lattices while in the case of loop covering we obtain new numerical results for all the lattices and use the existing analytical Liouville field theory for the case of square lattice.The results show power-law correlations for the square and honeycomb lattice, while exponential decay with distance is found for the triangular and exponential decay with the inverse distance on the diamond lattice. We relate this fact with the lack of bipartiteness of the triangular lattice and in the latter case with the three-dimensionality of the diamond. The connection of our findings to the problem of fractionalized charge in such lattices is pointed out.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figures, 1 tabl

    Kinetic ferromagnetism on a kagome lattice

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    We study strongly correlated electrons on a kagome lattice at 1/6 and 1/3 filling. They are described by an extended Hubbard Hamiltonian. We are concerned with the limit |t|<<V<<U with hopping amplitude t, nearest-neighbor repulsion V and on-site repulsion U. We derive an effective Hamiltonian and show, with the help of the Perron-Frobenius theorem, that the system is ferromagnetic at low temperatures. The robustness of ferromagnetism is discussed and extensions to other lattices are indicated.Comment: 4 pages, 2 color eps figures; updated version published in Phys. Rev. Lett.; one reference adde

    Charge degrees in the quarter-filled checkerboard lattice

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    For a systematic study of charge degrees of freedom in lattices with geometric frustration, we consider spinless fermions on the checkerboard lattice with nearest-neighbor hopping tt and nearest-neighbor repulsion VV at quarter-filling. An effective Hamiltonian for the limit ∣t∣≪V|t|\ll V is given to lowest non-vanishing order by the ring exchange (∼t3/V2\sim t^{3}/V^{2}). We show that the system can equivalently be described by hard-core bosons and map the model to a confining U(1) lattice gauge theory.Comment: Proceedings of ICM200

    Extended supersolid phase of frustrated hard-core bosons on a triangular lattice

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    We study a model of hard-core bosons with frustrated nearest-neighbor hopping (tt) and repulsion (VV) on the triangular lattice. We argue for a supersolid ground state in the large repulsion (V≫∣t∣V\gg|t|) limit where a dimer representation applies, by constructing a unitary mapping to the well understood unfrustrated hopping case. This generalized 'Marshall sign rule' allows us to establish the precise nature of the supersolid order by utilizing a recently proposed dimer variational wavefunction, whose correlations can be efficiently calculated using the Grassman approach. By continuity, a supersolid is predicted over the wide parameter range, V>−2t>0V>-2t>0. This also establishes a simple phase diagram for the triangular lattice spin 1/2 XXZ antiferromagnet.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Strongly correlated fermions on a kagome lattice

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    We study a model of strongly correlated spinless fermions on a kagome lattice at 1/3 filling, with interactions described by an extended Hubbard Hamiltonian. An effective Hamiltonian in the desired strong correlation regime is derived, from which the spectral functions are calculated by means of exact diagonalization techniques. We present our numerical results with a view to discussion of possible signatures of confinement/deconfinement of fractional charges.Comment: 10 pages, 10 figure

    Spectral functions and optical conductivity of spinless fermions on a checkerboard lattice

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    We study the dynamical properties of spinless fermions on the checkerboard lattice. Our main interest is the limit of large nearest-neighbor repulsion VV as compared with hopping ∣t∣|t|. The spectral functions show broad low-energy excitation which are due to the dynamics of fractionally charged excitations. Furthermore, it is shown that the fractional charges contribute to the electrical current density.Comment: 9 Pages, 9 Figure

    On confined fractional charges: a simple model

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    We address the question whether features known from quantum chromodynamics (QCD) can possibly also show up in solid-state physics. It is shown that spinless fermions of charge ee on a checkerboard lattice with nearest-neighbor repulsion provide for a simple model of confined fractional charges. After defining a proper vacuum the system supports excitations with charges ±e/2\pm e/2 attached to the ends of strings. There is a constant confining force acting between the fractional charges. It results from a reduction of vacuum fluctuations and a polarization of the vacuum in the vicinity of the connecting strings.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Fibonacci anyons and charge density order in the 12/5 and 13/5 plateaus

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    The ν=12/5\nu=12/5 fractional quantum Hall plateau observed in GaAs wells is a suspect in the search for non-Abelian Fibonacci anyons. Using the infinite density matrix renormalization group, we find clear evidence that---in the absence of Landau level mixing---fillings ν=12/5\nu = 12/5 and ν=13/5\nu=13/5 are in the k=3k = 3 Read-Rezayi phase. The lowest energy charged excitation is a non-Abelian Fibonacci anyon which can be trapped by a one-body potential. We point out extremely close energetic competition between the Read-Rezayi phase and a charge-density ordered phase, which suggests that even small particle-hole symmetry breaking perturbations can explain the experimentally observed asymmetry between ν=12/5\nu = 12/5 and 13/513/5. Reducing the thickness of the quantum well drives a transition from the homogeneous Read-Rezayi phase to the charge-density ordered phase, providing a plausible explanation for the absence of a ν=12/5\nu=12/5 plateau in narrow GaAs wells
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