2,513 research outputs found

    Conflicto y convivencia: profesores y alumnos en el proceso de enseñanza en un aula de secundaria

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    Esta investigación analiza las relaciones complejas entre un profesor de educación secundaria y sus alumnos en la clase de Ciencias sociales. Se examinan las posibilidades de una práctica docente más reflexiva como estrategia de superación del enfrentamiento entre la cultura de los estudiantes y la cultura escolar, representada por el profesor. A través de la experimentación de un proyecto curricular sobre el conflicto y la convivencia y utilizando una metodología cualitativa, se obtuvieron evidencias en relación con el progreso del desarrollo profesional del docente en tres dimensiones: la concepción de los contenidos escolares, la utilización de una metodología didáctica activa y la reformulación de la identidad profesional en función de un nuevo tipo de relaciones en el aula.This research analyzes the complex relations between a secondary school teacher and his students in a social science class. An examination is made of a more reflective teaching practice as a strategy to overcome confrontation between student culture and school culture, which is represented by the teacher. By experimenting with a curriculum project on conflict and interaction and using qualitative methodology, evidence was obtained in relation to the progress of teachers’ professional development in three dimensions: the conception of scholastic content, the use of active teaching methodology, and the reformulation of professional identity as a function of a new type of relationships in the classroo

    Ciudadanía e identidad en el territorio. Una experiencia educativa en un barrio de Sevilla

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    Se expone un proceso de experimentación curricular en la enseñanza de las Ciencias Sociales con alumnado de 4º curso de la Educación Secundaria Obligatoria (16 años de edad) en un centro educativo de un barrio (Torreblanca) del extrarradio de Sevilla. Esta propuesta educativa trabaja sobre la historia de dicho barrio, formado por los familiares y descendientes de los presos políticos del franquismo condenados a trabajos forzados en la construcción del Canal del Bajo Guadalquivir. Con este trabajo se pretende recuperar la memoria histórica y contribuir a la construcción de una identidad positiva de barrio, que sirva de soporte para promover una ciudadanía emancipada y socialmente comprometida, frente a la idea de identidad dependiente, que daría lugar a una ciudadanía asistida. La experimentación se incluye en un proyecto de enseñanza de las Ciencias Sociales estructurado en torno a problemas sociales relevantes, tratados en distintas escalas y con diferentes niveles de profundidad. De esta forma, el conocimiento de la problemática del espacio vivido y la sensibilización y compromiso con los problemas próximos constituirían un punto de partida para abordar problemas sociales más globales y complejos.We describe a process of curricular experimentation in the teaching of the Social Sciences with 4th year students of Secondary Education (16 years old) in a school in a neighborhood (Torreblanca) on the outskirts of Seville. This educational proposal works on the history of this district, consisting of families and descendants of Franco's political prisoners sentenced to hard labor in the construction of the Lower Guadalquivir Canal. This work seeks to recover the historical memory and contribute to building a local positive identity that serves as support to promote an emancipated and socially committed citizenship, facing to the idea of dependent identity, which would lead to an assisted citizenship. Experimentation is included in a project of Social Sciences teaching structured around relevant social problems, treated at different scales and with different levels of depth. Thus the knowledge of the problems of living space and awareness and commitment with proximity problems would constitute a starting point to address more global and complex social problems

    Convivencia y disciplina en el espacio escolar : discursos y realidades

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    Los problemas de convivencia en los centros escolares suelen ser tratados como problemas de disciplina escolar, mediante el control de los comportamientos del alumnado. En ese sentido, se ha elaborado una gran cantidad de normas reguladoras y de proyectos para fomentar el ambiente de convivencia en los centros, pero los resultados educativos han sido escasos. Por otra parte, la educación para la paz y para la convivencia ha sido considerada también como un tema transversal que debía ser incorporado al currículum escolar, pero la estructura del currículum escolar, organizado en materias escolares tradicionales, ha dificultado dicha intención. En esta investigación presentamos como alternativa el tratamiento de la convivencia como contenido escolar en la enseñanza de las Ciencias Sociales, en una experimentación curricular llevada a cabo con alumnado de 4º curso de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria en un centro de Sevilla.Living together problems at schools are often treated as discipline problems, just by controlling the behavior of students. In that sense, a lot of regulatory rules and projects to promote the atmosphere of living together at schools have been drawn, but the educational results have been poor. Moreover, education for peace and for living together has also been considered as a crosscutting subject that should be incorporated into the school curriculum, but the structure of the school curriculum, organized in traditional school subjects, has hindered this intention. This research presents an alternative treatment of living together at school as a teaching content of Social Sciences with students of 4th year Secondary School at a school center in Seville

    Music distraction among young drivers: analysis by gender and experience

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    The aim of this study was to quantify the probability of committing a speed infraction by young drivers and to investigate to what extent listening music could affect young drivers’ emotions as well as their driving performances at the wheel. To achieve this aim, employing Bayesian networks, the study analysed different music styles, in which they resulted in sample drivers’ speed infractions. Gender and drivers’ experiences at the wheel were the other factors, which were taken into account when interpreting the study results. Variables taken into account in this study included type of music whilst driving, gender of drivers, and drivers’ driving experiences. These variables further incorporated into the study of other telemetric variables including acceleration, number of revolutions per minute (RPM) of the engine, brake, traffic, and other types of infractions other than speed, which were considered as dependent variables. A driving simulator was used, and different driving simulation studies were carried out with young people aged between 20 and 28 years. Each participant carried out three simulations by listening to different type of music in each journey. The study defined a conceptual model in which the data were analysed and evaluated mathematically through Bayesian networks. A sensitivity analysis was performed to evaluate the influence of music on driving speed. Based on the different variables, the study further analysed the probability of speed infractions committed by drivers and their adequate speed. The range of frequency probabilities varied between 96.32% (which corresponds to experienced male drivers who do not listen to music) and 79.38% (which corresponds to less-experienced female drivers who listen to music), which resulted in their happiness or aggression.FEDER (Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional) for developing Castilla y Le´on´s region. *e title of the project is “Modelizaci´on mediante t´ecnicas de machine learning de la influencia de las distracciones del conductor en la seguridad vial-Modeling the influence of driver´s distractions on road safety through machine learning techniques.” Ref. BU300P1

    Educating for living in urban areas: an innovative approach for initial teacher training

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    Se describe una propuesta para la formación inicial de maestros centrada en la idea de ambientalización e integración del currículo. La ciudad como medio y como cultura en la que nos desenvolvemos nos ofrece múltiples oportunidades de aprendizajes funcionales. Al mismo tiempo nos permite recuperar la perspectiva de las finalidades educativas en cuanto nos pone en contacto con los problemas sociales y ambientales de nuestro mundo y con la necesidad de educar para una ciudadanía democrática y participativaIt describes a proposal for initial teacher training focused on the idea of greening and curriculum integration. The city as a medium and culture in which we live gives us multiple opportunities for learning functional. At the same time allows us to gain perspective of the educational aims as put us in contact with social and environmental problems of our world and the need to educate for democratic citizenship and participatio

    Impact of Social Media on TV Content Consumption: New Market Strategies, Scenarios and Trends

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    The mass adoption of Social Media together with the proliferation and widely usage of multi-connected companion devices have tremendously transformed the TV/video consumption paradigm, opening the door to a new range of possibilities. This Special Issue has aimed at analyzing, from different point of views, the impact of Social Media and social interaction tools on the TV/video consumption area. The targeted topics of this Special Issue and a general overview of the accepted articles are provided in this Guest Editorial

    Living together and discipline in the school environment: discourses and realities

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    Los problemas de convivencia en los centros escolares suelen ser tratados como problemas de disciplina escolar, mediante el control de los comportamientos del alumnado. En ese sentido, se ha elaborado una gran cantidad de normas reguladoras y de proyectos para fomentar el ambiente de convivencia en los centros, pero los resultados educativos han sido escasos. Por otra parte, la educación para la paz y para la convivencia ha sido considerada también como un tema transversal que debía ser incorporado al currículum escolar, pero la estructura del currículum escolar, organizado en materias escolares tradicionales, ha dificultado dicha intención. En esta investigación presentamos como alternativa el tratamiento de la convivencia como contenido escolar en la enseñanza de las Ciencias Sociales, en una experimentación curricular llevada a cabo con alumnado de 4º curso de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria en un centro de Sevilla.Living together problems at schools are often treated as discipline problems, just by controlling the behavior of students. In that sense, a lot of regulatory rules and projects to promote the atmosphere of living together at schools have been drawn, but the educational results have been poor. Moreover, education for peace and for living together has also been considered as a cross-cutting subject that should be incorporated into the school curriculum, but the structure of the school curriculum, organized in traditional school subjects, has hindered this intention. This research presents an alternative treatment of living together at school as a teaching content of Social Sciences with students of 4th year Secondary School at a school center in Seville

    Osteogenic differentiation of human dental pulp stem cells in decellularised adipose tissue solid foams

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    3D cell culture systems based on biological scaffold materials obtainable from both animal and human tissues constitute very interesting tools for cell therapy and personalised medicine applications. The white adipose tissue (AT) extracellular matrix (ECM) is a very promising biomaterial for tissue engineering due to its easy accessibility, malleability and proven biological activity. In the present study, human dental pulp stem cells (hDPSCs) were combined in vitro with ECM scaffolds from porcine and human decellularised adipose tissues (pDAT, hDAT) processed as 3D solid foams, to investigate their effects on the osteogenic differentiation capacity and bone matrix production of hDPSCs, compared to single-protein-based 3D solid foams of collagen type I and conventional 2D tissue-culture-treated polystyrene plates. pDAT solid foams supported the osteogenic differentiation of hDPSCs to similar levels to collagen type I, as assessed by alkaline phosphatase and alizarin red stainings, reverse transcription quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction (RT-qPCR) and osteocalcin/bone gamma-carboxyglutamate protein (BGLAP) immunostaining. Interestingly, hDAT solid foams showed a markedly lower capacity to sustain hDPSC osteogenic differentiation and matrix calcification and a higher capacity to support adipogenesis, as assessed by RT-qPCR and oil red O staining. White ATs from both human and porcine origins are relatively abundant and available sources of raw material to obtain high quality ECM-derived biomedical products. These biomaterials could have promising applications in tissue engineering and personalised clinical therapy for the healing and regeneration of lesions involving not only a loss of calcified bone but also its associated soft non-calcified tissues.This research was supported by the Basque Government (ELKARTEK program PLAKA KK2019-00093; to NB), MICINN retos I+D+i (PID2019- 104766RB-C21, to JRP) and UPV/EHU (PPGA20/22; to FU, GI). The authors would like to thank the staff members of the SGIKER services of the UPV/EHU: Lipidomic service (Beatriz Abad) and Analytical Microscopy (Ricardo Andrade, Alejandro Díez-Torre and Irene Fernández) for their technical assistance

    Diffusing opinions in bounded confidence processes

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    We study the effects of diffusing opinions on the Deffuant et al. model for continuous opinion dynamics. Individuals are given the opportunity to change their opinion, with a given probability, to a randomly selected opinion inside an interval centered around the present opinion. We show that diffusion induces an order-disorder transition. In the disordered state the opinion distribution tends to be uniform, while for the ordered state a set of well defined opinion clusters are formed, although with some opinion spread inside them. If the diffusion jumps are not large, clusters coalesce, so that weak diffusion favors opinion consensus. A master equation for the process described above is presented. We find that the master equation and the Monte-Carlo simulations do not always agree due to finite-size induced fluctuations. Using a linear stability analysis we can derive approximate conditions for the transition between opinion clusters and the disordered state. The linear stability analysis is compared with Monte Carlo simulations. Novel interesting phenomena are analyzed