751 research outputs found

    34. Grip strength across Europe –North/ South and East/West divides

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    Effectiveness of the introduction of Proprioceptive Training in the exercise programs for Knee Osteoarthritis

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    Trabalho apresentado em EULAR Annual European Congress of Rheumatology, 11-14 de junho 2014, Paris, FrançaN/

    In a community-based setting spondyloarthritis patients report higher levels of physical disability than chronic low back pain patients-results from EpiReuma.pt

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    Publisher Copyright: © 2023, Sociedade Portuguesa de Reumatologia. All rights reserved.Objectives: Chronic low back pain (CLBP) is a common health problem and in most patients it is not possible to identify a specific cause (non-specific CLBP). Spondyloarthritis is a musculoskeletal disorder characterized by (often inflammatory) back pain and spinal stiffness. The impact of CLBP and spondyloarthritis on patients’ physical function may be different. This study aims to compare physical disability in patients with spondyloarthritis and CLBP, in a population-based setting. Furthermore, we aim to identify modifiable risk factors for physical disability among these two populations. Methods: Data from EpiReumaPt, a national health cohort with 10 661 individuals, conducted from September 2011 to December 2013, was used. Physical function was accessed by the Health Assessment Questionnaire Disability Index (HAQ-DI) and by the physical function dimension of the 36-Item Short Form Survey (SF-36). Univariable and multivariable linear regression analyses were used to assess the differences between groups. Factors associated with physical disability were explored for both diseases. Results: We evaluated 92 patients with spondyloarthritis, 1376 patients with CLBP and 679 subjects without rheumatic and musculoskeletal diseases (RMDs). Spondyloarthritis and CLBP patients reported significantly higher levels of disability in HAQ-DI (b=0.33; p<0.001 and b=0.20; p<0.001, respectively) than subjects without RMDs. In comparison to CLBP patients, spondyloarthritis patients reported higher disability (b=0.14; p=0.03). The physical domains of SF-36, bodily pain and general health, where more affected in spondyloarthritis patients than in CLBP patients (b=-6.61; p=0.02 and b=-5.94; p=0.001, respectively). Spondyloarthritis and CLBP patients had a worse physical summary score (PCS) than mental summary score (MCS), and only PCS was significantly worse in comparison to subjects without RMDs. Factors associated with physical disability in CLBP were low back pain intensity, older age, obesity, multimorbidity, and retirement. Similarly, in spondyloarthritis physical disability was associated with retirement and multimorbidity. Factors associated with lower disability were alcohol consumption and male gender in CLBP, and regular physical exercise was associated with lower disability in both disorders. Conclusions: In this nationwide cohort, spondyloarthritis and CLBP patients reported significant physical disability. Regular physical exercise was associated with lower disability in both diseases.publishersversionpublishe

    Association of Fusarium and Phomopsis with peroba rosa seeds

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    Peroba rosa (Aspidosperma polyneuron) is a native forest species endangered due to intense predatory exploitation. The objective of this study was to evaluate the association and fungi transmission in peroba rosa seeds from four regions of Paraná. Germination and vigor were evaluated using the paper roll method. Sanitary analysis consisted of the detection of endophytic and epiphytic fungi using potato-dextrose-agar medium and Fusarium selective medium. For transmission, non-disinfested seeds were sown in vermiculite and kept in greenhouse. Germination ranged from 9.3% to 60%. Fusarium sp. and Phomopsis sp. were found as epiphytic and also as endophytic. There was transmission of Fusarium sp. and Phomopsis sp. from seeds to seedlings, causing malformation and necrosis on roots and cotyledons

    Seleção in vitro de fungos endofíticos para o controle biológico de Botrytis cinera em Eucalyptus benthamii.

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    O Eucalyptus benthamii é uma das principais espécies de eucalipto plantadas na região Sul do Brasil, por sua resistência a geadas e por seu uso na produção florestal de madeira para fins energéticos. Na produção de mudas, uma das principais doenças ocorrentes em viveiros é o mofo-cinzento, causado pelo fungo Botrytis cinerea. Uma das alternativas para o controle dessa doença é o controle biológico com fungos endofíticos, os quais podem competir com os patógenos foliares de mudas de eucalipto. O objetivo deste trabalho foi isolar os fungos endofíticos provenientes de mudas de E. benthamii, identificá-los e selecioná-los para o controle de B. cinerea. Eles foram isolados do interior de tecidos vegetais desinfectados, identificados de acordo com critérios macro e micromorfológicos e classificados a partir de testes de controle biológico in vitro. Os resultados evidenciaram o potencial antagonista dos fungos Aspergillus sp., Penicillium sp. e Trichoderma sp. Nenhum desses fungos causou lesões em mudas de E. benthamii

    Development and validation of psoriatic arthritis switch quality assessment tool (PASQAL)-an outcomes measurement tool to assess the quality of biologic switch decisions in psoriatic arthritis

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    Background: Switching between biologic therapies is a recommended strategy for Psoriatic Arthritis (PsA) patients that show an insufficient response or adverse events. Although the choice of the subsequent biologic may be dependent on many factors, assessing the quality of the switch decision is of utmost relevance. Objectives: To develop and validate two outcomes measurement tools (for patients with peripheral and axial PsA phenotypes) that address the quality of treatment decisions in PsA regarding the switch of biologic therapies in clinical practice. Methods: A Task Force and an Expert Panel were specifically assembled for this purpose. The Psoriatic Arthritis Switch Quality Assessment tool (PASQAL) de-velopment comprised a modified-Delphi method in a four-step procedure: 1) literature search and experts' opinion collection about quality indicators for PsA management; 2) Delphi design to address the development of the measurement tool; 3) three Delphi questionnaire rounds; 4) final consensus meeting. This phase resulted in the definition of two measurement tools, one to evaluate the quality of biologic switch in peripheral (pPASQAL) and another one in axial PsA (axPASQAL). For the validation of PASQAL, 12 experienced rheumatologists were asked to evaluate and classify the biologic switch of 80 clinical cases (40 with predominant peripheral and 40 with predominant axial PsA). Clinical judgement was defined to be the "gold standard" against which the performance of PASQAL was assessed. The results were used to assess tools' performance (sensitivity/specificity analysis) and the agreement between the tools and the gold standard (Cohen's kappa). Results: PASQAL consists of 6 domains (joint disease activity, dactylitis, enthesis, physical function, quality of life, and skin and nail manifestations), respective instruments and thresholds. The classification of the biologic switch was divided into three quality levels: "Good", based on treat-to-target thresholds; "Mode-rate", based on improvement from baseline; and the remaining as "Insufficient". pPASQAL was found to be highly sensitive (92%) with the "Good" quality level and specific (97%) with the "Insufficient" quality le vel. Whilst axPASQAL showed overall higher sensitivity and specificity for all quality levels, as well as a higher level of agreement between the tool and the gold standard than pPASQAL (k=0.87 vs k=0.71). Conclusion: PASQAL was developed and showed good criterion validity for the evaluation of the quality of switch in both peripheral and axial PsA phenotypes. These tools may be used in research as well as in clinical practice, to support rheumatologists in making more informed therapeutic decisions.publishersversionpublishe

    Micropropagação in vitro de ricinus communis l. utilizando a citocinina 6-bencilaminopurina.

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    A micropropagação é utilizada principalmente nas plantas de difícil propagação, permitindo a obtençãoo de grande número de plantas sadias e geneticamente uniformes, em curto período de tempo. A citocinina 6-bencilaminopurina (BAP) tem sido muito eficaz para promover multiplicação em diversas esp»cies e parece ser a citocinina, por excelência, para multiplicação de partes aéreas e indução de gemas adventícias. Objetivou-se, com este trabalho induzir, in vitro, o superbrotamento da cultivar de mamona BRS Nordestina , através dos explantes gema apical e eixo embrionrio, afim de determinar o melhor meio nutritivo suplementado com BAP. Sementes foram desinfestadas em solução de hipoclorito de sódio a 2,5% de cloro ativo e lavadas quatro vezes em água bidestilada estéril, permanecendo 24h na última água; posteriormente, foram cultivadas em tubos contendo meio MS e em frascos com sais de MS suplementado com vitaminas do meio B5 utilizando-se BAP nas concentrações -10,00; 0,05; 0,10; 0,30 mg.L ; em todos os meios foram adicionados 0,05 -1 mg.L de GA . Utilizaram-se 10 frascos por tratamento, cada um contendo três 3 explantes em delineamento inteiramente casualizado. O tratamento com 0,30 -1 -1mg.L de BAP e 0,05 mg.L de GA favoreceu o melhor superbrotamento de 3 brotos sadios, com uma m»dia de 6,13 brotos por explante. O BAP induz o superbrotamento nesta cultivar de mamona.bitstream/CNPA/19899/1/BOLETIM84.pd