35 research outputs found

    Genome size and plastid trnK-matK markers give new insights into the evolutionary history of the genus Lavandula L.

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    The genus Lavandula L. consists of 39 species distributed from the North Atlantic Islands, across the Mediterranean Basin to India. We analysed 36 taxa of the genus Lavandula representing two of the three subgenera and six of the eight sections according to the most recent classification (Upson & Andrews 2004). We achieved a phylogenetic reconstruction from partial sequences from plastid trnK and matK genes; the genome size was estimated by flow cytometer measurements. The primary aim was to track phylogenetic patterns through the maternal inherited marker at the sectional level and identify possible genome duplications. The cpDNA tree shows the phylogenetic relationships between subgenus, sections and also elucidates for the first time the relationships between the endemic species of Macaronesia, Morocco and Arabia. The ancestral split between the two subgenera could be explained by dispersal followed by an early vicariance event. The C-value shows genome up-sizing within several phylogenetic clades and geographical areas. An ancestral genome-up sizing is characterized at the node of section Dentatae and Lavandula. The cpDNA tree suggests that the taxa L. angustifolia subsp. pyrenaica (DC.) Guinea and L. stoechas subsp. luiseiri are best treated as a distinct species

    Lack of Difference between the Reduced Dose and Full-Dose of Antiretroviral Therapy in Terms of the Decrease in Immune Activation

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    Virological and immunological effectiveness of reduced doses of antiretrovirals has been shown in two randomized trials and smaller studies. We have now evaluated immune activation in patients on reduced doses of antiretroviral therapy (ART) using HLA-DR+CD8+ lymphocytes as a marker of activation. In an observational, retrospective study we assessed 113 HIV-infected patients who switched from standard combined ART (cART) to reduced dose combinations (cohort 1), while maintaining virological suppression (&lt;20 copies/mL). After a mean time of 36 months on reduced dose therapy, the mean increase in CD4+ lymphocyte numbers was 100 cell/”L (p&lt;0.01) and the mean reduction of HLA-DR+ lymphocytes was 103 cells/”L (p&lt;0.01). We also compared cohort 1 with a cohort of 113 virologically suppressed patients on standard cART (cohort 2). We found no significant differences in the number of CD4+ lymphocytes or in immune activation (mean values of HLA-DR+ absolute number and percentage of total CD8+ lymphocytes). The results of this retrospective study did not identify any immunological differences between reduced antiretroviral dose regimens and standard cART and suggest that reduced dose regimens can progressively reduce immune activation similarly to standard cART.</p

    Étude des facteurs sensoriels intervenant dans le choix de plantes et dans le comportement alimentaire des adultes de Hyalesthes obsoletus (Echostol).

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    Ce numĂ©ro comprend les articles correspondant aux prĂ©sentations du Colloque Casdar 2018.Crops of lavender (Lavandula angustifolia), lavandin (Lavandula angustifolia X Lavandula latifolia), grapevine and tobacco have in common that they are severely affected by the phytoplasma of Stolbur, a pathogen transmitted by the insect vector Hyalesthes obsoletus (Hemiptera: cixiide). The resulting symptoms are called "stolbur fading away" for lavender and lavandin, "Black Wood disease" for the vine, and "stolbur" for tobacco. For lavender crops, stolbur fading away disease is the main disease problem for these crops, and leads to a decrease of the yield, early plucking of plots, and a reduction of the cultivated surfaces of lavender which is more sensitive than the lavandin.This disease problem is complex, involving a plant, an insect vector and a micro-organism. The understanding of the interactions between these 3 entities is still lacking and to improve the fight against these phytoplasmoses, Iteipmai has contacted the IFV and ANITTA, to pool the skills of each anddevelop a research program profitable for the three species. With the support of partners from academic research (INRA Bordeaux - UMR SAVE, University Jean Monnet of Saint-Etienne), a research program was built to improve knowledge on plant / insect interactions, notably on the factors involved in the choice of plants and the feeding behavior of the insect. A better knowledge of these elements would constitute a basis for the elaboration of new control techniques (direct or indirect against the insect vector and could open the way to new criteria of selection of plant material more tolerant. This program is complementary to the PlanteStol project, supported by the IFV, and dedicated to the study of vine / Stolbur interactions ("PlanteStol" project). It also complements another Casdar project ("Innovation and Partnership" component) conducted between 2012 and 2014 on agronomic tests, led mainly in the field which aimed at a better understanding of the impact of all the factors that can induce mortalities of lavender and lavender : stolbur, vector insect, climate, cultural itineraries (rooting, rotation,...), in order to improve the sanitary condition of the lavender and lavandin plots.Les cultures de lavande (Lavandula angustifolia), de lavandin (Lavandula angustifolia X Lavandula latifolia), de vigne et de tabac ont en commun d’ĂȘtre gravement affectĂ©es par le phytoplasme du Stolbur, agent pathogĂšne transmis par l’insecte vecteur Hyalesthes obsoletus (HĂ©miptĂšre : cixiide). LessymptĂŽmes engendrĂ©s portent le nom de « dĂ©pĂ©rissement Ă  stolbur » pour la lavande et le lavandin, de « maladie du Bois Noir » pour la vigne, et de « Stolbur » pour le tabac. Pour les cultures de lavande, la maladie du dĂ©pĂ©rissement Ă  Stolbur est le problĂšme sanitaire principal pour ces cultures et conduit Ă  des baisses de rendement, Ă  des arrachages prĂ©coces de parcelles et Ă  un recul des surfaces cultivĂ©es en lavande, espĂšce plus sensible que le lavandin. Ce problĂšme sanitaire est par ailleurs complexe, faisant intervenir une plante, un insecte vecteur et un micro-organisme. Les connaissances des interactions entre ces 3 entitĂ©s sont encore lacunaires c’est pourquoi, dans le but d’amĂ©liorer la lutte contre ces phytoplasmoses, l’Iteipmai s’est rapprochĂ© de l’IFV et de l’ANITTA, pour mutualiser les compĂ©tences de chacun et dĂ©velopper un programme de recherches bĂ©nĂ©ficiant aux trois cultures. Avec l’appui de partenaires de la recherche acadĂ©mique (INRA de Bordeaux – UMR SAVE, UniversitĂ© Jean Monnet de Saint-Etienne), un programme de recherche a Ă©tĂ© construit afin d’amĂ©liorer les connaissances sur les interactions plantes / insecte, notamment au niveau des facteurs intervenant dans le choix des plantes et le comportement alimentaire de l’insecte. Une meilleure connaissance de ces Ă©lĂ©ments constituerait une based’élaboration de nouvelles techniques de lutte (directes ou indirectes) contre l’insecte vecteur et pourrait ouvrir la voie Ă  de nouveaux critĂšres de sĂ©lection de matĂ©riel vĂ©gĂ©tal plus tolĂ©rant. Ce programme est complĂ©mentaire du projet PlanteStol, portĂ© par l’IFV et dĂ©diĂ© Ă  l’étude desinteractions vigne / Stolbur (projet « PlanteStol »). Il s’inscrit Ă©galement en complĂ©ment d’un autre programme Casdar (volet « Innovation et Partenariat ») conduit entre 2012 et 2014 et mettant en Ɠuvre des essais agronomiques appliquĂ©s, conduits essentiellement en plein champ, et destinĂ©s Ă  mieux comprendre l’impact de tous les facteurs pouvant intervenir dans les mortalitĂ©s de lavandes et lavandins : stolbur, insecte vecteur, climat, itinĂ©raires culturaux (enracinement, assolement, ...), afin d’amĂ©liorer l’état sanitaire des lavanderaies

    MSeasy: unsupervised and untargeted GC-MS data processing

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    International audienceMSeasy performs unsupervised data mining on gas chromatography-mass spectrometry data. It detects putative compounds within complex metabolic mixtures through the clustering of mass spectra. Retention times or retention indices are used after clustering, together with other validation criteria, for quality control of putative compounds. The package generates a fingerprinting or profiling matrix compatible with NIST mass spectral search program and ARISTO webtool (Automatic Reduction of Ion Spectra To Ontology) for molecule identification. Most commonly used file formats, NetCDF, mzXML and ASCII, are acceptable. A graphical and user-friendly interface, MSeasyTkGUI, is available for R novices

    DĂ©pĂ©rissement de la lavande et du lavandin : mise en Ɠuvre d’un programme de recherches appliquĂ©es afin d’apporter des solutions de lutte aux producteurs

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    Ce numĂ©ro comprend les articles correspondant aux prĂ©sentations du Colloque Casdar 2017.Emblematic of south-eastern France and enabling to grow unfavorable arable land, lavender and lavandin cultures are facing a serious health issue: the fading away, whose major responsible cause is the stolbur phytoplasma, carried by an insect Hyalestes obsoletus. The development of strategies to cope with the issue is a priority for professionals, which led to the implementation of a multi-partners program. It aims at both better understanding the phenomenon, notably through a better comprehension of the interactions between the disease carrier and the host plant, and assessing the relevance of direct or indirect pest control method.EmblĂ©matiques du sud-est de la France et valorisant des territoires agronomiquement peu favorables, les cultures de lavande et lavandin sont confrontĂ©es Ă  un problĂšme sanitaire majeur ; le dĂ©pĂ©rissement dont l’agent responsable est le phytoplasme du stoblur, principalement transmis par un insecte vecteur, Hyalestes obsoletus. Le dĂ©veloppement de stratĂ©gies de lutte apparaĂźt aujourd’hui comme une prioritĂ© pour la profession et dans ce cadre un programme pluri-partenarial a Ă©tĂ© mis en Ɠuvre. Il vise Ă  la fois Ă  mieux comprendre ce phĂ©nomĂšne, pour lequel de nombreuses questions subsistent encore, notamment au travers d’une meilleure comprĂ©hension des interactions entre l’agent vecteur et la plante hĂŽte, et Ă  Ă©valuer la pertinence de mĂ©thodes de lutte, directes ou indirectes

    Genome size and plastid trnK-matK markers give new insights into the evolutionary history of the genus <i>Lavandula</i> L.

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    <p>The genus <i>Lavandula</i> L. consists of 39 species distributed from the North Atlantic Islands, across the Mediterranean Basin to India. We analysed 36 taxa of the genus <i>Lavandula</i> representing two of the three subgenera and six of the eight sections according to the most recent classification (Upson & Andrews 2004). We achieved a phylogenetic reconstruction from partial sequences from plastid trnK and matK genes; the genome size was estimated by flow cytometer measurements. The primary aim was to track phylogenetic patterns through the maternal inherited marker at the sectional level and identify possible genome duplications. The cpDNA tree shows the phylogenetic relationships between subgenus, sections and also elucidates for the first time the relationships between the endemic species of Macaronesia, Morocco and Arabia. The ancestral split between the two subgenera could be explained by dispersal followed by an early vicariance event. The <i>C</i>-value shows genome up-sizing within several phylogenetic clades and geographical areas. An ancestral genome-up sizing is characterized at the node of section <i>Dentatae</i> and <i>Lavandula</i>. The cpDNA tree suggests that the taxa <i>L. angustifolia</i> subsp. <i>pyrenaica</i> (DC.) Guinea and <i>L. stoechas</i> subsp. <i>luiseiri</i> are best treated as a distinct species.</p

    No differences in nasal tissue inflammatory cells and adhesion molecules (iCAM-1 and vCAM-1) comparing EGPA with eosinophilic chronic sinusitis with polyposis.

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    Background An example of aggressive eosinophilic polyposis can be found in eosinophilic granulomatosis with polyangiitis (EGPA). Intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (iCAM-1) and vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 (vCAM-1) play a part in mediating the recruitment and adhesion of leukocytes to the vessel wall, and their blood-to-tissue migration under inflammatory conditions. Objective This prospective study compared three groups - patients with a definite diagnosis EGPA, non-EGPA patients with phenotypic features suggestive of EGPA, and patients with non-eosinophilic nasal polyposis (controls) - in terms of nasal tissue histology, iCAM-1 and vCAM-1 expression, and blood inflammatory cells. Methods 58 adults underwent sinus surgery (13 patients with EGPA, 23 suspected of having EGPA, and 22 controls). Results Mean tissue eosinophil counts were significantly higher in EGPA patients and suspected cases of EGPA than in controls, and higher in the suspected EGPA cases than in those with confirmed EGPA. Although iCAM-1 and vCAM-1 were diffusely expressed in sinonasal tissues, they did not differently stain EGPA, eosinophilic-type and non-eosinophilic polyposis. Blood basophil and eosinophil levels were high in both the EGPA and the suspected EGPA groups. Inter-group differences were found for eosinophils, but not for basophils. Conclusions We do not have yet blood or tissue markers able to differentiate the early phase of EGPA from chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps. Further investigations are mandatory considering EGPA patients at their initial diagnosis and before any treatment, in terms of nasal histology and blood inflammatory cells, to identify markers characterizing sinonasal mucosa inflammation and useful for an early diagnosis of EGPA